package examples import javafx.application.Application import javafx.scene.Scene import javafx.scene.control.* import javafx.scene.layout.GridPane import javafx.stage.Stage import import javafx.event.EventHandler import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.* import kotlinx.coroutines.javafx.* import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext fun main(args: Array) { Application.launch(, *args) } /** * Adapted from * */ class FxAsFlowApp: Application(), CoroutineScope { private var job = Job() override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = JavaFx + job private val incrementButton = Button("Increment") private val incrementLabel = Label("") private val textInput = TextField() private val flippedTextLabel = Label() private val spinner = Spinner() private val spinnerChangesLabel = Label() public override fun start( primaryStage: Stage) { val gridPane = GridPane() gridPane.apply { hgap = 10.0 vgap = 10.0 add(incrementButton, 0, 0) add(incrementLabel, 1, 0) add(textInput, 0, 1) add(flippedTextLabel, 1, 1) add(spinner, 0, 2) add(spinnerChangesLabel, 1, 2) } val scene = Scene(gridPane) primaryStage.apply { width = 275.0 setScene(scene) show() } } public override fun stop() { super.stop() job.cancel() job = Job() } init { // Initializing the "Increment" button val stringProperty = SimpleStringProperty() var i = 0 incrementButton.onAction = EventHandler { i += 1 stringProperty.set(i.toString()) } launch { stringProperty.asFlow().collect { if (it != null) { stringProperty.set(it) } } } incrementLabel.textProperty().bind(stringProperty) // Initializing the reversed text field val stringProperty2 = SimpleStringProperty() launch { textInput.textProperty().asFlow().collect { if (it != null) { stringProperty2.set(it.reversed()) } } } flippedTextLabel.textProperty().bind(stringProperty2) // Initializing the spinner spinner.valueFactory = SpinnerValueFactory.IntegerSpinnerValueFactory(0, 100) spinner.isEditable = true val stringProperty3 = SimpleStringProperty() launch { spinner.valueProperty().asFlow().collect { if (it != null) { stringProperty3.set("NEW: $it") } } } spinnerChangesLabel.textProperty().bind(stringProperty3) } }