import("//clang/runtimes.gni") import("//llvm/utils/gn/build/symlink_or_copy.gni") declare_args() { # Whether to support libc++ opt-in debug mode via _LIBCPP_DEBUG. libcxx_enable_debug_mode = true # Build libc++ with definitions for operator new/delete. libcxx_enable_new_delete_definitions = true # Build libc++ as a shared library. libcxx_enable_shared = true # Build libc++ as a static library. libcxx_enable_static = true # Build filesystem as part of libc++fs.a. libcxx_enable_filesystem = target_os != "win" # Build libc++experimental.a. libcxx_enable_experimental = true # Use compiler-rt builtins. libcxx_use_compiler_rt = true # Use exceptions. libcxx_enable_exceptions = true # Use run time type information. libcxx_enable_rtti = true # Do not export any symbols from the static library. libcxx_hermetic_static_library = true # Use and install a linker script for the given ABI library. libcxx_enable_abi_linker_script = true } config("cxx_config") { include_dirs = [ "//libcxxabi/include", "//libcxx/include", ] cflags = [ "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-W", "-Wwrite-strings", "-Wno-unused-parameter", "-Wno-long-long", "-Werror=return-type", "-Wextra-semi", "-Wno-user-defined-literals", "-Wno-covered-switch-default", ] cflags_cc = [ "-std=c++17", "-nostdinc++", ] defines = [ "_LIBCPP_BUILDING_LIBRARY" ] if (target_os == "win") { cflags += [ "/Zl" ] defines += [ # Ignore the -MSC_VER mismatch, as we may build # with a different compatibility version. "_ALLOW_MSC_VER_MISMATCH", # Don't check the msvcprt iterator debug levels # as we will define the iterator types; libc++ # uses a different macro to identify the debug # level. "_ALLOW_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL_MISMATCH", # We are building the c++ runtime, don't pull in # msvcprt. "_CRTBLD", # Don't warn on the use of "deprecated" # "insecure" functions which are standards # specified. "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS", # Use the ISO conforming behaviour for conversion # in printf, scanf. "_CRT_STDIO_ISO_WIDE_SPECIFIERS", ] } if (!libcxx_enable_new_delete_definitions) { defines += [ "_LIBCPP_DISABLE_NEW_DELETE_DEFINITIONS" ] } if (libcxx_enable_exceptions) { if (current_os == "win") { cflags_cc += [ "/EHsc" ] } } else { if (current_os == "win") { cflags_cc += [ "/EHs-", "/EHa-", ] } else { cflags_cc += [ "-fno-exceptions" ] } } if (!libcxx_enable_rtti) { if (current_os == "win") { cflags_cc += [ "/GR-" ] } else { cflags_cc += [ "-fno-rtti" ] } } } cxx_sources = [ "algorithm.cpp", "any.cpp", "atomic.cpp", "barrier.cpp", "bind.cpp", "charconv.cpp", "chrono.cpp", "condition_variable.cpp", "condition_variable_destructor.cpp", "exception.cpp", "functional.cpp", "future.cpp", "hash.cpp", "include/apple_availability.h", "include/atomic_support.h", "include/config_elast.h", "include/refstring.h", "ios.cpp", "ios.instantiations.cpp", "iostream.cpp", "locale.cpp", "memory.cpp", "mutex.cpp", "mutex_destructor.cpp", "new.cpp", "optional.cpp", "random.cpp", "random_shuffle.cpp", "regex.cpp", "shared_mutex.cpp", "stdexcept.cpp", "string.cpp", "strstream.cpp", "support/runtime/exception_fallback.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_glibcxx.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_libcxxabi.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_libcxxrt.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_msvc.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_pointer_cxxabi.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_pointer_glibcxx.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_pointer_msvc.ipp", "support/runtime/exception_pointer_unimplemented.ipp", "support/runtime/new_handler_fallback.ipp", "support/runtime/stdexcept_default.ipp", "support/runtime/stdexcept_vcruntime.ipp", "system_error.cpp", "thread.cpp", "typeinfo.cpp", "utility.cpp", "valarray.cpp", "variant.cpp", "vector.cpp", ] if (target_os == "win") { cxx_sources += [ "support/win32/locale_win32.cpp", "support/win32/support.cpp", "support/win32/thread_win32.cpp", ] } if (target_os == "solaris") { cxx_sources += [ "support/solaris/xlocale.cpp" ] } if (libcxx_enable_debug_mode) { cxx_sources += [ "debug.cpp" ] } if (libcxx_enable_filesystem) { cxx_sources += [ "filesystem/directory_iterator.cpp", "filesystem/filesystem_common.h", "filesystem/operations.cpp", ] if (libcxx_use_compiler_rt) { cxx_sources += [ "filesystem/int128_builtins.cpp" ] } } if (libcxx_enable_shared) { shared_library("cxx_shared") { output_dir = runtimes_dir output_name = "c++" if (libcxx_enable_abi_linker_script) { output_extension = "so.0" } if (target_os == "linux" || target_os == "mac") { cflags = [ "-fPIC" ] ldflags = [ "-nostdlib++" ] libs = [ "dl", "pthread", ] } sources = cxx_sources deps = [ "//compiler-rt/lib/builtins", "//libcxxabi/src:cxxabi_shared", "//libunwind/src:unwind_shared", ] configs += [ ":cxx_config" ] configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_exceptions", "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_rtti", ] } symlink_or_copy("cxx_symlink") { deps = [ ":cxx_shared" ] source = "" output = "$runtimes_dir/" } if (libcxx_enable_abi_linker_script) { action("cxx_linker_script") { script = "//llvm/utils/gn/secondary/libcxx/utils/" outputs = [ "$runtimes_dir/" ] args = [ "--input", rebase_path("$runtimes_dir/", root_build_dir), "--output", rebase_path("$runtimes_dir/", root_build_dir), "c++abi", "unwind", ] deps = [ ":cxx_symlink" ] } } } if (libcxx_enable_static) { static_library("cxx_static") { output_dir = runtimes_dir output_name = "c++" complete_static_lib = true configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:thin_archive" ] sources = cxx_sources if (libcxx_hermetic_static_library) { cflags = [ "-fvisibility=hidden" ] if (libcxx_enable_new_delete_definitions) { cflags_cc = [ "-fvisibility-global-new-delete-hidden" ] } defines = [ "_LIBCPP_DISABLE_VISIBILITY_ANNOTATIONS" ] } deps = [ "//compiler-rt/lib/builtins", "//libcxxabi/src:cxxabi_static", "//libunwind/src:unwind_static", ] configs += [ ":cxx_config" ] configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_exceptions", "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_rtti", ] } } if (libcxx_enable_experimental) { static_library("cxx_experimental") { output_dir = runtimes_dir output_name = "c++experimental" sources = [ "experimental/memory_resource.cpp" ] configs += [ ":cxx_config" ] configs -= [ "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_exceptions", "//llvm/utils/gn/build:no_rtti", ] } } group("src") { deps = [] if (libcxx_enable_shared) { if (libcxx_enable_abi_linker_script) { deps += [ ":cxx_linker_script" ] } else { deps += [ ":cxx_shared" ] } } if (libcxx_enable_static) { deps += [ ":cxx_static" ] } if (libcxx_enable_experimental) { deps += [ ":cxx_experimental" ] } }