// RUN: mlir-opt -allow-unregistered-dialect %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics func @loop_for_lb(%arg0: f32, %arg1: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{operand #0 must be index}} "scf.for"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg1) ({}) : (f32, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_for_ub(%arg0: f32, %arg1: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{operand #1 must be index}} "scf.for"(%arg1, %arg0, %arg1) ({}) : (index, f32, index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_for_step(%arg0: f32, %arg1: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{operand #2 must be index}} "scf.for"(%arg1, %arg1, %arg0) ({}) : (index, index, f32) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_for_step_positive(%arg0: index) { // expected-error@+2 {{constant step operand must be positive}} %c0 = constant 0 : index "scf.for"(%arg0, %arg0, %c0) ({ ^bb0(%arg1: index): scf.yield }) : (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_for_one_region(%arg0: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{requires one region}} "scf.for"(%arg0, %arg0, %arg0) ( {scf.yield}, {scf.yield} ) : (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_for_single_block(%arg0: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{expects region #0 to have 0 or 1 blocks}} "scf.for"(%arg0, %arg0, %arg0) ( { ^bb1: scf.yield ^bb2: scf.yield } ) : (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_for_single_index_argument(%arg0: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{op expected body first argument to be an index argument for the induction variable}} "scf.for"(%arg0, %arg0, %arg0) ( { ^bb0(%i0 : f32): scf.yield } ) : (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_if_not_i1(%arg0: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{operand #0 must be 1-bit signless integer}} "scf.if"(%arg0) ({}, {}) : (index) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_if_more_than_2_regions(%arg0: i1) { // expected-error@+1 {{expected 2 regions}} "scf.if"(%arg0) ({}, {}, {}): (i1) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_if_not_one_block_per_region(%arg0: i1) { // expected-error@+1 {{expects region #0 to have 0 or 1 blocks}} "scf.if"(%arg0) ({ ^bb0: scf.yield ^bb1: scf.yield }, {}): (i1) -> () return } // ----- func @loop_if_illegal_block_argument(%arg0: i1) { // expected-error@+1 {{region #0 should have no arguments}} "scf.if"(%arg0) ({ ^bb0(%0 : index): scf.yield }, {}): (i1) -> () return } // ----- func @parallel_arguments_different_tuple_size( %arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{custom op 'scf.parallel' expected 1 operands}} scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg1, %arg2) step () { } return } // ----- func @parallel_body_arguments_wrong_type( %arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{'scf.parallel' op expects arguments for the induction variable to be of index type}} "scf.parallel"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) ({ ^bb0(%i0: f32): scf.yield }) {operand_segment_sizes = dense<[1, 1, 1, 0]>: vector<4xi32>}: (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @parallel_body_wrong_number_of_arguments( %arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{'scf.parallel' op expects the same number of induction variables: 2 as bound and step values: 1}} "scf.parallel"(%arg0, %arg1, %arg2) ({ ^bb0(%i0: index, %i1: index): scf.yield }) {operand_segment_sizes = dense<[1, 1, 1, 0]>: vector<4xi32>}: (index, index, index) -> () return } // ----- func @parallel_no_tuple_elements() { // expected-error@+1 {{'scf.parallel' op needs at least one tuple element for lowerBound, upperBound and step}} scf.parallel () = () to () step () { } return } // ----- func @parallel_step_not_positive( %arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index, %arg3: index) { // expected-error@+3 {{constant step operand must be positive}} %c0 = constant 1 : index %c1 = constant 0 : index scf.parallel (%i0, %i1) = (%arg0, %arg1) to (%arg2, %arg3) step (%c0, %c1) { } return } // ----- func @parallel_fewer_results_than_reduces( %arg0 : index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{expects number of results: 0 to be the same as number of reductions: 1}} scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg1) step (%arg2) { %c0 = constant 1.0 : f32 scf.reduce(%c0) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs: f32, %rhs: f32): scf.reduce.return %lhs : f32 } } return } // ----- func @parallel_more_results_than_reduces( %arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) { // expected-error@+2 {{expects number of results: 1 to be the same as number of reductions: 0}} %zero = constant 1.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg1) step (%arg2) init (%zero) -> f32 { } return } // ----- func @parallel_more_results_than_initial_values( %arg0 : index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { // expected-error@+1 {{expects number of results: 1 to be the same as number of initial values: 0}} %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg1) step (%arg2) -> f32 { scf.reduce(%arg0) : index { ^bb0(%lhs: index, %rhs: index): scf.reduce.return %lhs : index } } } // ----- func @parallel_different_types_of_results_and_reduces( %arg0 : index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { %zero = constant 0.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg1) step (%arg2) init (%zero) -> f32 { // expected-error@+1 {{expects type of reduce: 'index' to be the same as result type: 'f32'}} scf.reduce(%arg0) : index { ^bb0(%lhs: index, %rhs: index): scf.reduce.return %lhs : index } } return } // ----- func @top_level_reduce(%arg0 : f32) { // expected-error@+1 {{expects parent op 'scf.parallel'}} scf.reduce(%arg0) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs : f32, %rhs : f32): scf.reduce.return %lhs : f32 } return } // ----- func @reduce_empty_block(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : f32) { %zero = constant 0.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg0) step (%arg0) init (%zero) -> f32 { // expected-error@+1 {{the block inside reduce should not be empty}} scf.reduce(%arg1) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs : f32, %rhs : f32): } } return } // ----- func @reduce_too_many_args(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : f32) { %zero = constant 0.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg0) step (%arg0) init (%zero) -> f32 { // expected-error@+1 {{expects two arguments to reduce block of type 'f32'}} scf.reduce(%arg1) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs : f32, %rhs : f32, %other : f32): scf.reduce.return %lhs : f32 } } return } // ----- func @reduce_wrong_args(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : f32) { %zero = constant 0.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg0) step (%arg0) init (%zero) -> f32 { // expected-error@+1 {{expects two arguments to reduce block of type 'f32'}} scf.reduce(%arg1) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs : f32, %rhs : i32): scf.reduce.return %lhs : f32 } } return } // ----- func @reduce_wrong_terminator(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : f32) { %zero = constant 0.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg0) step (%arg0) init (%zero) -> f32 { // expected-error@+1 {{the block inside reduce should be terminated with a 'scf.reduce.return' op}} scf.reduce(%arg1) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs : f32, %rhs : f32): scf.yield } } return } // ----- func @reduceReturn_wrong_type(%arg0 : index, %arg1: f32) { %zero = constant 0.0 : f32 %res = scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg0) step (%arg0) init (%zero) -> f32 { scf.reduce(%arg1) : f32 { ^bb0(%lhs : f32, %rhs : f32): %c0 = constant 1 : index // expected-error@+1 {{needs to have type 'f32' (the type of the enclosing ReduceOp)}} scf.reduce.return %c0 : index } } return } // ----- func @reduceReturn_not_inside_reduce(%arg0 : f32) { "foo.region"() ({ // expected-error@+1 {{expects parent op 'scf.reduce'}} scf.reduce.return %arg0 : f32 }): () -> () return } // ----- func @std_if_incorrect_yield(%arg0: i1, %arg1: f32) { // expected-error@+1 {{region control flow edge from Region #0 to parent results: source has 1 operands, but target successor needs 2}} %x, %y = scf.if %arg0 -> (f32, f32) { %0 = addf %arg1, %arg1 : f32 scf.yield %0 : f32 } else { %0 = subf %arg1, %arg1 : f32 scf.yield %0, %0 : f32, f32 } return } // ----- func @std_if_missing_else(%arg0: i1, %arg1: f32) { // expected-error@+1 {{must have an else block if defining values}} %x = scf.if %arg0 -> (f32) { %0 = addf %arg1, %arg1 : f32 scf.yield %0 : f32 } return } // ----- func @std_for_operands_mismatch(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) { %s0 = constant 0.0 : f32 %t0 = constant 1 : i32 // expected-error@+1 {{mismatch in number of loop-carried values and defined values}} %result1:3 = scf.for %i0 = %arg0 to %arg1 step %arg2 iter_args(%si = %s0, %ti = %t0) -> (f32, i32, f32) { %sn = addf %si, %si : f32 %tn = addi %ti, %ti : i32 scf.yield %sn, %tn, %sn : f32, i32, f32 } return } // ----- func @std_for_operands_mismatch_2(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) { %s0 = constant 0.0 : f32 %t0 = constant 1 : i32 %u0 = constant 1.0 : f32 // expected-error@+1 {{mismatch in number of loop-carried values and defined values}} %result1:2 = scf.for %i0 = %arg0 to %arg1 step %arg2 iter_args(%si = %s0, %ti = %t0, %ui = %u0) -> (f32, i32) { %sn = addf %si, %si : f32 %tn = addi %ti, %ti : i32 %un = subf %ui, %ui : f32 scf.yield %sn, %tn, %un : f32, i32, f32 } return } // ----- func @std_for_operands_mismatch_3(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) { // expected-note@+1 {{prior use here}} %s0 = constant 0.0 : f32 %t0 = constant 1.0 : f32 // expected-error@+2 {{expects different type than prior uses: 'i32' vs 'f32'}} %result1:2 = scf.for %i0 = %arg0 to %arg1 step %arg2 iter_args(%si = %s0, %ti = %t0) -> (i32, i32) { %sn = addf %si, %si : i32 %tn = addf %ti, %ti : i32 scf.yield %sn, %tn : i32, i32 } return } // ----- func @std_for_operands_mismatch_4(%arg0 : index, %arg1 : index, %arg2 : index) { %s0 = constant 0.0 : f32 %t0 = constant 1.0 : f32 // expected-error @+1 {{along control flow edge from Region #0 to Region #0: source type #1 'i32' should match input type #1 'f32'}} %result1:2 = scf.for %i0 = %arg0 to %arg1 step %arg2 iter_args(%si = %s0, %ti = %t0) -> (f32, f32) { %sn = addf %si, %si : f32 %ic = constant 1 : i32 scf.yield %sn, %ic : f32, i32 } return } // ----- func @parallel_invalid_yield( %arg0: index, %arg1: index, %arg2: index) { scf.parallel (%i0) = (%arg0) to (%arg1) step (%arg2) { %c0 = constant 1.0 : f32 // expected-error@+1 {{'scf.yield' op not allowed to have operands inside 'scf.parallel'}} scf.yield %c0 : f32 } return } // ----- func @yield_invalid_parent_op() { "my.op"() ({ // expected-error@+1 {{'scf.yield' op expects parent op to be one of 'scf.if, scf.for, scf.parallel, scf.while'}} scf.yield }) : () -> () return } // ----- func @while_parser_type_mismatch() { %true = constant true // expected-error@+1 {{expected as many input types as operands (expected 0 got 1)}} scf.while : (i32) -> () { scf.condition(%true) } do { scf.yield } } // ----- func @while_bad_terminator() { // expected-error@+1 {{expects the 'before' region to terminate with 'scf.condition'}} scf.while : () -> () { // expected-note@+1 {{terminator here}} "some.other_terminator"() : () -> () } do { scf.yield } } // ----- func @while_cross_region_type_mismatch() { %true = constant true // expected-error@+1 {{expects the same number of trailing operands of the 'before' block terminator and 'after' region arguments}} scf.while : () -> () { scf.condition(%true) } do { ^bb0(%arg0: i32): scf.yield } } // ----- func @while_cross_region_type_mismatch() { %true = constant true // expected-error@+2 {{expects the same types for trailing operands of the 'before' block terminator and 'after' region arguments}} // expected-note@+1 {{for argument 0, found 'i1' and 'i32}} scf.while : () -> () { scf.condition(%true) %true : i1 } do { ^bb0(%arg0: i32): scf.yield } } // ----- func @while_result_type_mismatch() { %true = constant true // expected-error@+1 {{expects the same number of trailing operands of the 'before' block terminator and op results}} scf.while : () -> () { scf.condition(%true) %true : i1 } do { ^bb0(%arg0: i1): scf.yield } } // ----- func @while_bad_terminator() { %true = constant true // expected-error@+1 {{expects the 'after' region to terminate with 'scf.yield'}} scf.while : () -> () { scf.condition(%true) } do { // expected-note@+1 {{terminator here}} "some.other_terminator"() : () -> () } }