## Autogenerated by LLVM/Polly configuration. # Do not edit! config.llvm_src_root = "@LLVM_SOURCE_DIR@" config.llvm_obj_root = "@LLVM_BINARY_DIR@" config.llvm_tools_dir = "@LLVM_TOOLS_DIR@" config.llvm_libs_dir = "@LLVM_LIBS_DIR@" config.polly_obj_root = "@POLLY_BINARY_DIR@" config.polly_lib_dir = "@POLLY_LIB_DIR@" config.target_triple = "@TARGET_TRIPLE@" config.enable_gpgpu_codegen = "@GPU_CODEGEN@" config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools = "@LLVM_POLLY_LINK_INTO_TOOLS@" config.targets_to_build = "@TARGETS_TO_BUILD@" config.extra_paths = "@POLLY_TEST_EXTRA_PATHS@".split(";") ## Check the current platform with regex import re EAT_ERR_ON_X86 = ' ' if (re.match(r'^x86_64*', '@TARGET_TRIPLE@') == None) : EAT_ERR_ON_X86 = '|| echo \"error is eaten\"' for arch in config.targets_to_build.split(): config.available_features.add(arch.lower() + '-registered-target') # Support substitution of the tools and libs dirs with user parameters. This is # used when we can't determine the tool dir at configuration time. try: config.llvm_tools_dir = config.llvm_tools_dir % lit_config.params config.llvm_libs_dir = config.llvm_libs_dir % lit_config.params except KeyError: e = sys.exc_info()[1] key, = e.args lit_config.fatal("unable to find %r parameter, use '--param=%s=VALUE'" % (key,key)) # excludes: A list of directories to exclude from the testsuite. The 'Inputs' # subdirectories contain auxiliary inputs for various tests in their parent # directories. config.excludes = ['Inputs'] if config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools == '' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == '0' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == 'n' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == 'no' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == 'off' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == 'false' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == 'notfound' or \ config.llvm_polly_link_into_tools.lower() == 'llvm_polly_link_into_tools-notfound': config.substitutions.append(('%loadPolly', '-load ' + config.polly_lib_dir + '/LLVMPolly@LLVM_SHLIBEXT@' + ' -load-pass-plugin ' + config.polly_lib_dir + '/LLVMPolly@LLVM_SHLIBEXT@' + ' -polly-process-unprofitable ' + ' -polly-remarks-minimal ' + ' -polly-use-llvm-names ' + ' -polly-import-jscop-dir=%S ' + ' -polly-codegen-verify ' )) else: config.substitutions.append(('%loadPolly', '' + ' -polly-process-unprofitable ' + ' -polly-remarks-minimal ' + ' -polly-use-llvm-names ' + ' -polly-import-jscop-dir=%S ' + ' -polly-codegen-verify ' )) if config.enable_gpgpu_codegen == 'TRUE' : config.available_features.add('pollyacc') # Let the main config do the real work. lit_config.load_config(config, "@POLLY_SOURCE_DIR@/test/lit.cfg")