MS-IoT fTPM =========== ## Trusted firmware for Windows based AArch32 (32-bit) ARM SoC's Please see the [build-firmware document]( in the iMX IoT Core repo for additional information on including this TA in an IoT Core image for iMX boards. ## Included TAs ### fTPM TA The fTPM Trusted Application (TA) provides a secure firmware implementation of a TPM using the MS reference implementation. Platform specific code is copied and modified locally in [`optee_ta/fTPM/platform`](./optee_ta/fTPM/platform), while [`/fTPM/reference`](./fTPM/reference) contains files to support WolfSSL, control the fTPM's functionality, and define basic types, which may not be found in OpTEE. See the reference implementation for more details. --- ## Extra Installation Steps The secure firmware utilizes the OP-TEE implementation of the Global Platform specifications. The OP-TEE project is not duplicated in this repository but is obtained directly from the public release. The build of OP-TEE is based on a native Linux build, however the following installation steps allow OP-TEE to be built under Windows using WSL. Only the optee_os repository is relevant for trusted firmware use - the optee_client & optee_linuxdriver repositories are integration components for Linux and can serve as a reference for the Windows equivalent components. Note that optee_linuxdriver is GPL. OpTEE generates a build environment for trusted applications which is based on Make (See TA_DEV_KIT_DIR in the build directions). This build environment places several constraints on how the code is organized, which are explained in the relevant makefiles. See the [optee_os documentation]( for details about how OpTEE build works. #### 1. Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux See instructions [here]( #### 2. Launch Bash Search for "bash" in the start menu, OR press Windows key + 'R', then type bash. Update if needed. In WSL: ```sh sudo apt-get update ``` #### 3. Install the ARM tool chain Install the ARM toolchain to a directory of your choice. ```sh cd ~ wget tar xf gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz rm gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz ``` #### 4. Clone the OpTEE OS source code If you do not already have a version of the OP-TEE OS repo cloned on your machine you may run: ```sh cd ~ git clone ``` #### 5. Build OP-TEE OS for the target platform `TA_CROSS_COMPILE` should point to the ARM toolchain installed in [step 3](#3-install-the-arm-tool-chain). ```sh cd ~/optee_os CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- make PLATFORM=imx-mx6qhmbedge CFG_TEE_CORE_LOG_LEVEL=4 CFG_REE_FS=n CFG_RPMB_FS=y CFG_RPMB_TESTKEY=y CFG_RPMB_WRITE_KEY=y -j20 ``` Additional information on Microsoft IoT fork of OP-TEE OS can be found [here]( #### 6. Clone the ms-tpm-20-ref source code ```sh cd ~ git clone ``` #### 7. Initialize the git submodules ```sh cd ~/ms-tpm-20-ref git submodule init git submodule update ``` --- ## Building the TPM #### 1. Build the Firmware TPM Trusted Application `TA_CROSS_COMPILE` should point to the ARM toolchain installed in [step 3](#3-install-the-arm-tool-chain). `TA_DEV_KIT_DIR` should point to the directory the optee_os TA devkit was compiled to in [step 5](#6-clone-the-ms-tpm-20-ref-source-code ). `-j` increases the parallelism of the build process. ```sh cd ~/ms-tpm-20-ref/Samples/ARM32-FirmwareTPM/optee_ta TA_CPU=cortex-a9 TA_CROSS_COMPILE=~/gcc-linaro-6.4.1-2017.11-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf- TA_DEV_KIT_DIR=~/optee_os/out/arm-plat-imx/export-ta_arm32 CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=2 make -j20 ``` Debugging options you may want to add: `CFG_TEE_TA_LOG_LEVEL=3` 1 is fatal errors only, other values increase debug tracing output. `CFG_TA_DEBUG=y` Turns on debug output from the TAs, and enables extra correctness checks in the fTPM TA.