# Copyright 2018 The PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be # found in the LICENSE file. import("../pdfium.gni") source_set("test_support") { testonly = true sources = [ "fx_string_testhelpers.cpp", "fx_string_testhelpers.h", "invalid_seekable_read_stream.cpp", "invalid_seekable_read_stream.h", "pseudo_retainable.h", "string_write_stream.cpp", "string_write_stream.h", "test_loader.cpp", "test_loader.h", "test_support.cpp", "test_support.h", "utils/bitmap_saver.cpp", "utils/bitmap_saver.h", "utils/file_util.cpp", "utils/file_util.h", "utils/hash.cpp", "utils/hash.h", "utils/path_service.cpp", "utils/path_service.h", ] data = [ "resources/" ] deps = [ "../:pdfium_public_headers", "../core/fdrm", "../core/fxcrt", "../core/fxge", "image_diff", ] configs += [ "../:pdfium_core_config" ] visibility = [ "../*" ] if (pdf_enable_v8) { sources += [ "v8_initializer.cpp", "v8_initializer.h", ] deps += [ "//v8", "//v8:v8_libplatform", ] configs += [ "//v8:external_startup_data" ] } } source_set("unit_test_support") { testonly = true sources = [] deps = [] configs += [ "../:pdfium_core_config" ] visibility = [ "../*" ] if (pdf_enable_xfa) { sources += [ "xfa_unit_test_support.cpp", "xfa_unit_test_support.h", ] deps += [ "../:pdfium", "../core/fxge", "../xfa/fgas", "//testing/gtest", ] } } source_set("embedder_test_support") { testonly = true sources = [ "embedder_test.cpp", "embedder_test.h", "embedder_test_mock_delegate.h", "embedder_test_timer_handling_delegate.h", "fake_file_access.cpp", "fake_file_access.h", "range_set.cpp", "range_set.h", ] deps = [ ":test_support", "../:pdfium_public_headers", "../core/fdrm", "../core/fxcrt", "../third_party:pdfium_base", "//testing/gmock", "//testing/gtest", ] configs += [ "../:pdfium_core_config" ] visibility = [ "../*" ] if (pdf_enable_v8) { sources += [ "js_embedder_test.cpp", "js_embedder_test.h", ] deps += [ "../fxjs" ] if (pdf_enable_xfa) { sources += [ "xfa_js_embedder_test.cpp", "xfa_js_embedder_test.h", ] deps += [ "../fpdfsdk", "../fpdfsdk/fpdfxfa", "../xfa/fxfa", "../xfa/fxfa/parser", ] } } }