// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import * as m from 'mithril'; import {assertExists, assertTrue} from '../base/logging'; import {Actions} from '../common/actions'; import {TRACE_SUFFIX} from '../common/constants'; import {QueryResponse} from '../common/queries'; import {EngineMode, TraceArrayBufferSource} from '../common/state'; import * as version from '../gen/perfetto_version'; import {Animation} from './animation'; import {copyToClipboard} from './clipboard'; import {globals} from './globals'; import {toggleHelp} from './help_modal'; import { isLegacyTrace, openFileWithLegacyTraceViewer, } from './legacy_trace_viewer'; import {showModal} from './modal'; import {isDownloadable, isShareable} from './trace_attrs'; const ALL_PROCESSES_QUERY = 'select name, pid from process order by name;'; const CPU_TIME_FOR_PROCESSES = ` select process.name, sum(dur)/1e9 as cpu_sec from sched join thread using(utid) join process using(upid) group by upid order by cpu_sec desc limit 100;`; const CYCLES_PER_P_STATE_PER_CPU = ` select cpu, freq, dur, sum(dur * freq)/1e6 as mcycles from ( select cpu, value as freq, lead(ts) over (partition by cpu order by ts) - ts as dur from counter inner join cpu_counter_track on counter.track_id = cpu_counter_track.id where name = 'cpufreq' ) group by cpu, freq order by mcycles desc limit 32;`; const CPU_TIME_BY_CPU_BY_PROCESS = ` select process.name as process, thread.name as thread, cpu, sum(dur) / 1e9 as cpu_sec from sched inner join thread using(utid) inner join process using(upid) group by utid, cpu order by cpu_sec desc limit 30;`; const HEAP_GRAPH_BYTES_PER_TYPE = ` select o.upid, o.graph_sample_ts, c.name, sum(o.self_size) as total_self_size from heap_graph_object o join heap_graph_class c on o.type_id = c.id group by o.upid, o.graph_sample_ts, c.name order by total_self_size desc limit 100;`; const SQL_STATS = ` with first as (select started as ts from sqlstats limit 1) select query, round((max(ended - started, 0))/1e6) as runtime_ms, round((max(started - queued, 0))/1e6) as latency_ms, round((started - first.ts)/1e6) as t_start_ms from sqlstats, first order by started desc`; let lastTabTitle = ''; function createCannedQuery(query: string): (_: Event) => void { return (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.executeQuery({ engineId: '0', queryId: 'command', query, })); }; } function showDebugTrack(): (_: Event) => void { return (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.addDebugTrack({ engineId: Object.keys(globals.state.engines)[0], name: 'Debug Slices', })); }; } const EXAMPLE_ANDROID_TRACE_URL = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/perfetto-misc/example_android_trace_15s'; const EXAMPLE_CHROME_TRACE_URL = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/perfetto-misc/example_chrome_trace_4s_1.json'; const SECTIONS = [ { title: 'Navigation', summary: 'Open or record a new trace', expanded: true, items: [ {t: 'Open trace file', a: popupFileSelectionDialog, i: 'folder_open'}, { t: 'Open with legacy UI', a: popupFileSelectionDialogOldUI, i: 'filter_none' }, {t: 'Record new trace', a: navigateRecord, i: 'fiber_smart_record'}, ], }, { title: 'Current Trace', summary: 'Actions on the current trace', expanded: true, hideIfNoTraceLoaded: true, appendOpenedTraceTitle: true, items: [ {t: 'Show timeline', a: navigateViewer, i: 'line_style'}, { t: 'Share', a: shareTrace, i: 'share', internalUserOnly: true, }, { t: 'Download', a: downloadTrace, i: 'file_download', checkDownloadDisabled: true, }, {t: 'Legacy UI', a: openCurrentTraceWithOldUI, i: 'filter_none'}, {t: 'Query (SQL)', a: navigateAnalyze, i: 'control_camera'}, {t: 'Metrics', a: navigateMetrics, i: 'speed'}, {t: 'Info and stats', a: navigateInfo, i: 'info'}, ], }, { title: 'Example Traces', expanded: true, summary: 'Open an example trace', items: [ { t: 'Open Android example', a: openTraceUrl(EXAMPLE_ANDROID_TRACE_URL), i: 'description' }, { t: 'Open Chrome example', a: openTraceUrl(EXAMPLE_CHROME_TRACE_URL), i: 'description' }, ], }, { title: 'Sample queries', summary: 'Compute summary statistics', items: [ { t: 'Show Debug Track', a: showDebugTrack(), i: 'view_day', }, { t: 'All Processes', a: createCannedQuery(ALL_PROCESSES_QUERY), i: 'search', }, { t: 'CPU Time by process', a: createCannedQuery(CPU_TIME_FOR_PROCESSES), i: 'search', }, { t: 'Cycles by p-state by CPU', a: createCannedQuery(CYCLES_PER_P_STATE_PER_CPU), i: 'search', }, { t: 'CPU Time by CPU by process', a: createCannedQuery(CPU_TIME_BY_CPU_BY_PROCESS), i: 'search', }, { t: 'Heap Graph: Bytes per type', a: createCannedQuery(HEAP_GRAPH_BYTES_PER_TYPE), i: 'search', }, { t: 'Debug SQL performance', a: createCannedQuery(SQL_STATS), i: 'bug_report', }, ], }, { title: 'Support', summary: 'Documentation & Bugs', items: [ { t: 'Controls', a: openHelp, i: 'help', }, { t: 'Documentation', a: 'https://perfetto.dev', i: 'find_in_page', }, { t: 'Report a bug', a: 'https://goto.google.com/perfetto-ui-bug', i: 'bug_report', }, ], }, ]; const vidSection = { title: 'Video', summary: 'Open a screen recording', expanded: true, items: [ {t: 'Open video file', a: popupVideoSelectionDialog, i: 'folder_open'}, ], }; function openHelp(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); toggleHelp(); } function getFileElement(): HTMLInputElement { return document.querySelector('input[type=file]')! as HTMLInputElement; } function popupFileSelectionDialog(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); delete getFileElement().dataset['useCatapultLegacyUi']; delete getFileElement().dataset['video']; getFileElement().click(); } function popupFileSelectionDialogOldUI(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); delete getFileElement().dataset['video']; getFileElement().dataset['useCatapultLegacyUi'] = '1'; getFileElement().click(); } function openCurrentTraceWithOldUI(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); console.assert(isTraceLoaded()); globals.logging.logEvent('Trace Actions', 'Open current trace in legacy UI'); if (!isTraceLoaded) return; const engine = Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]; const src = engine.source; if (src.type === 'ARRAY_BUFFER') { openInOldUIWithSizeCheck(new Blob([src.buffer])); } else if (src.type === 'FILE') { openInOldUIWithSizeCheck(src.file); } else if (src.type === 'URL') { m.request({ method: 'GET', url: src.url, // TODO(hjd): Once mithril is updated we can use responseType here rather // than using config and remove the extract below. config: xhr => { xhr.responseType = 'blob'; xhr.onprogress = progress => { const percent = (100 * progress.loaded / progress.total).toFixed(1); globals.dispatch(Actions.updateStatus({ msg: `Downloading trace ${percent}%`, timestamp: Date.now() / 1000, })); }; }, extract: xhr => { return xhr.response; } }).then(result => { openInOldUIWithSizeCheck(result as Blob); }); } else { throw new Error(`Loading to catapult from source with type ${src.type}`); } } function isTraceLoaded(): boolean { const engine = Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]; return engine !== undefined; } function popupVideoSelectionDialog(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); delete getFileElement().dataset['useCatapultLegacyUi']; getFileElement().dataset['video'] = '1'; getFileElement().click(); } function openTraceUrl(url: string): (e: Event) => void { return e => { globals.logging.logEvent('Trace Actions', 'Open example trace'); e.preventDefault(); globals.frontendLocalState.localOnlyMode = false; globals.dispatch(Actions.openTraceFromUrl({url})); }; } function onInputElementFileSelectionChanged(e: Event) { if (!(e.target instanceof HTMLInputElement)) { throw new Error('Not an input element'); } if (!e.target.files) return; const file = e.target.files[0]; // Reset the value so onchange will be fired with the same file. e.target.value = ''; globals.frontendLocalState.localOnlyMode = false; if (e.target.dataset['useCatapultLegacyUi'] === '1') { openWithLegacyUi(file); return; } if (e.target.dataset['video'] === '1') { // TODO(hjd): Update this to use a controller and publish. globals.dispatch(Actions.executeQuery({ engineId: '0', queryId: 'command', query: `select ts from slices where name = 'first_frame' union ` + `select start_ts from trace_bounds`})); setTimeout(() => { const resp = globals.queryResults.get('command') as QueryResponse; // First value is screenrecord trace event timestamp // and second value is trace boundary's start timestamp const offset = (Number(resp.rows[1]['ts'].toString()) - Number(resp.rows[0]['ts'].toString())) / 1e9; globals.queryResults.delete('command'); globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw(); globals.dispatch(Actions.deleteQuery({queryId: 'command'})); globals.dispatch(Actions.setVideoOffset({offset})); }, 1000); globals.dispatch(Actions.openVideoFromFile({file})); return; } globals.logging.logEvent('Trace Actions', 'Open trace from file'); globals.dispatch(Actions.openTraceFromFile({file})); } async function openWithLegacyUi(file: File) { // Switch back to the old catapult UI. globals.logging.logEvent('Trace Actions', 'Open trace in Legacy UI'); if (await isLegacyTrace(file)) { openFileWithLegacyTraceViewer(file); return; } openInOldUIWithSizeCheck(file); } function openInOldUIWithSizeCheck(trace: Blob) { // Perfetto traces smaller than 50mb can be safely opened in the legacy UI. if (trace.size < 1024 * 1024 * 50) { globals.dispatch(Actions.convertTraceToJson({file: trace})); return; } // Give the user the option to truncate larger perfetto traces. const size = Math.round(trace.size / (1024 * 1024)); showModal({ title: 'Legacy UI may fail to open this trace', content: m('div', m('p', `This trace is ${size}mb, opening it in the legacy UI ` + `may fail.`), m('p', 'More options can be found at ', m('a', { href: 'https://goto.google.com/opening-large-traces', target: '_blank' }, 'go/opening-large-traces'), '.')), buttons: [ { text: 'Open full trace (not recommended)', primary: false, id: 'open', action: () => { globals.dispatch(Actions.convertTraceToJson({file: trace})); } }, { text: 'Open beginning of trace', primary: true, id: 'truncate-start', action: () => { globals.dispatch( Actions.convertTraceToJson({file: trace, truncate: 'start'})); } }, { text: 'Open end of trace', primary: true, id: 'truncate-end', action: () => { globals.dispatch( Actions.convertTraceToJson({file: trace, truncate: 'end'})); } } ] }); return; } function navigateRecord(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.navigate({route: '/record'})); } function navigateAnalyze(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.navigate({route: '/query'})); } function navigateMetrics(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.navigate({route: '/metrics'})); } function navigateInfo(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.navigate({route: '/info'})); } function navigateViewer(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); globals.dispatch(Actions.navigate({route: '/viewer'})); } function shareTrace(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); const engine = assertExists(Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]); const traceUrl = (engine.source as (TraceArrayBufferSource)).url || ''; // If the trace is not shareable (has been pushed via postMessage()) but has // a url, create a pseudo-permalink by echoing back the URL. if (!isShareable()) { const msg = [m('p', 'This trace was opened by an external site and as such cannot ' + 'be re-shared preserving the UI state.')]; if (traceUrl) { msg.push(m('p', 'By using the URL below you can open this trace again.')); msg.push(m('p', 'Clicking will copy the URL into the clipboard.')); msg.push(createTraceLink(traceUrl, traceUrl)); } showModal({ title: 'Cannot create permalink from external trace', content: m('div', msg), buttons: [] }); return; } if (!isShareable() || !isTraceLoaded()) return; const result = confirm( `Upload the trace and generate a permalink. ` + `The trace will be accessible by anybody with the permalink.`); if (result) { globals.logging.logEvent('Trace Actions', 'Create permalink'); globals.dispatch(Actions.createPermalink({isRecordingConfig: false})); } } function downloadTrace(e: Event) { e.preventDefault(); if (!isDownloadable() || !isTraceLoaded()) return; globals.logging.logEvent('Trace Actions', 'Download trace'); const engine = Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]; if (!engine) return; let url = ''; let fileName = `trace${TRACE_SUFFIX}`; const src = engine.source; if (src.type === 'URL') { url = src.url; fileName = url.split('/').slice(-1)[0]; } else if (src.type === 'ARRAY_BUFFER') { const blob = new Blob([src.buffer], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); if (src.fileName) { fileName = src.fileName; } url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); } else if (src.type === 'FILE') { const file = src.file; url = URL.createObjectURL(file); fileName = file.name; } else { throw new Error(`Download from ${JSON.stringify(src)} is not supported`); } const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = url; a.download = fileName; a.target = '_blank'; document.body.appendChild(a); a.click(); document.body.removeChild(a); URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } const EngineRPCWidget: m.Component = { view() { let cssClass = ''; let title = 'Number of pending SQL queries'; let label: string; let failed = false; let mode: EngineMode|undefined; // We are assuming we have at most one engine here. const engines = Object.values(globals.state.engines); assertTrue(engines.length <= 1); for (const engine of engines) { mode = engine.mode; if (engine.failed !== undefined) { cssClass += '.red'; title = 'Query engine crashed\n' + engine.failed; failed = true; } } // If we don't have an engine yet, guess what will be the mode that will // be used next time we'll create one. Even if we guess it wrong (somehow // trace_controller.ts takes a different decision later, e.g. because the // RPC server is shut down after we load the UI and cached httpRpcState) // this will eventually become consistent once the engine is created. if (mode === undefined) { if (globals.frontendLocalState.httpRpcState.connected && globals.state.newEngineMode === 'USE_HTTP_RPC_IF_AVAILABLE') { mode = 'HTTP_RPC'; } else { mode = 'WASM'; } } if (mode === 'HTTP_RPC') { cssClass += '.green'; label = 'RPC'; title += '\n(Query engine: native accelerator over HTTP+RPC)'; } else { label = 'WSM'; title += '\n(Query engine: built-in WASM)'; } return m( `.dbg-info-square${cssClass}`, {title}, m('div', label), m('div', `${failed ? 'FAIL' : globals.numQueuedQueries}`)); } }; const ServiceWorkerWidget: m.Component = { view() { let cssClass = ''; let title = 'Service Worker: '; let label = 'N/A'; const ctl = globals.serviceWorkerController; if ((!('serviceWorker' in navigator))) { label = 'N/A'; title += 'not supported by the browser (requires HTTPS)'; } else if (ctl.bypassed) { label = 'OFF'; cssClass = '.red'; title += 'Bypassed, using live network. Double-click to re-enable'; } else if (ctl.installing) { label = 'UPD'; cssClass = '.amber'; title += 'Installing / updating ...'; } else if (!navigator.serviceWorker.controller) { label = 'N/A'; title += 'Not available, using network'; } else { label = 'ON'; cssClass = '.green'; title += 'Serving from cache. Ready for offline use'; } const toggle = async () => { if (globals.serviceWorkerController.bypassed) { globals.serviceWorkerController.setBypass(false); return; } showModal({ title: 'Disable service worker?', content: m( 'div', m('p', `If you continue the service worker will be disabled until manually re-enabled.`), m('p', `All future requests will be served from the network and the UI won't be available offline.`), m('p', `You should do this only if you are debugging the UI or if you are experiencing caching-related problems.`), m('p', `Disabling will cause a refresh of the UI, the current state will be lost.`), ), buttons: [ { text: 'Disable and reload', primary: true, id: 'sw-bypass-enable', action: () => { globals.serviceWorkerController.setBypass(true).then( () => location.reload()); } }, { text: 'Cancel', primary: false, id: 'sw-bypass-cancel', action: () => {} } ] }); }; return m( `.dbg-info-square${cssClass}`, {title, ondblclick: toggle}, m('div', 'SW'), m('div', label)); } }; const SidebarFooter: m.Component = { view() { return m( '.sidebar-footer', m('button', { onclick: () => globals.frontendLocalState.togglePerfDebug(), }, m('i.material-icons', {title: 'Toggle Perf Debug Mode'}, 'assessment')), m(EngineRPCWidget), m(ServiceWorkerWidget), m( '.version', m('a', { href: `https://github.com/google/perfetto/tree/${ version.SCM_REVISION}/ui`, title: `Channel: ${globals.channel}`, target: '_blank', }, `${version.VERSION}`), ), ); } }; export class Sidebar implements m.ClassComponent { private _redrawWhileAnimating = new Animation(() => globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw()); view() { const vdomSections = []; for (const section of SECTIONS) { if (section.hideIfNoTraceLoaded && !isTraceLoaded()) continue; const vdomItems = []; for (const item of section.items) { let css = ''; let attrs = { onclick: typeof item.a === 'function' ? item.a : null, href: typeof item.a === 'string' ? item.a : '#', target: typeof item.a === 'string' ? '_blank' : null, disabled: false, }; if (item.a === openCurrentTraceWithOldUI && globals.state.traceConversionInProgress) { attrs.onclick = e => e.preventDefault(); css = '.pending'; } if ((item as {internalUserOnly: boolean}).internalUserOnly === true) { if (!globals.isInternalUser) continue; } if (!isDownloadable() && item.hasOwnProperty('checkDownloadDisabled')) { attrs = { onclick: e => { e.preventDefault(); alert('Can not download external trace.'); }, href: '#', target: null, disabled: true, }; } vdomItems.push(m( 'li', m(`a${css}`, attrs, m('i.material-icons', item.i), item.t))); } if (section.appendOpenedTraceTitle) { const engines = Object.values(globals.state.engines); if (engines.length === 1) { let traceTitle = ''; let traceUrl = ''; switch (engines[0].source.type) { case 'FILE': // Split on both \ and / (because C:\Windows\paths\are\like\this). traceTitle = engines[0].source.file.name.split(/[/\\]/).pop()!; const fileSizeMB = Math.ceil(engines[0].source.file.size / 1e6); traceTitle += ` (${fileSizeMB} MB)`; break; case 'URL': traceUrl = engines[0].source.url; traceTitle = traceUrl.split('/').pop()!; break; case 'ARRAY_BUFFER': traceTitle = engines[0].source.title; traceUrl = engines[0].source.url || ''; break; case 'HTTP_RPC': traceTitle = 'External trace (RPC)'; break; default: break; } if (traceTitle !== '') { const tabTitle = `${traceTitle} - Perfetto UI`; if (tabTitle !== lastTabTitle) { document.title = lastTabTitle = tabTitle; } vdomItems.unshift(m('li', createTraceLink(traceTitle, traceUrl))); } } } vdomSections.push( m(`section${section.expanded ? '.expanded' : ''}`, m('.section-header', { onclick: () => { section.expanded = !section.expanded; globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw(); } }, m('h1', {title: section.summary}, section.title), m('h2', section.summary)), m('.section-content', m('ul', vdomItems)))); } if (globals.state.videoEnabled) { const videoVdomItems = []; for (const item of vidSection.items) { videoVdomItems.push( m('li', m(`a`, { onclick: typeof item.a === 'function' ? item.a : null, href: typeof item.a === 'string' ? item.a : '#', }, m('i.material-icons', item.i), item.t))); } vdomSections.push( m(`section${vidSection.expanded ? '.expanded' : ''}`, m('.section-header', { onclick: () => { vidSection.expanded = !vidSection.expanded; globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw(); } }, m('h1', vidSection.title), m('h2', vidSection.summary), ), m('.section-content', m('ul', videoVdomItems)))); } return m( 'nav.sidebar', { class: globals.frontendLocalState.sidebarVisible ? 'show-sidebar' : 'hide-sidebar', // 150 here matches --sidebar-timing in the css. ontransitionstart: () => this._redrawWhileAnimating.start(150), ontransitionend: () => this._redrawWhileAnimating.stop(), }, m( `header.${globals.channel}`, m(`img[src=${globals.root}assets/brand.png].brand`), m('button.sidebar-button', { onclick: () => { globals.frontendLocalState.toggleSidebar(); }, }, m('i.material-icons', { title: globals.frontendLocalState.sidebarVisible ? 'Hide menu' : 'Show menu', }, 'menu')), ), m('input[type=file]', {onchange: onInputElementFileSelectionChanged}), m('.sidebar-scroll', m( '.sidebar-scroll-container', ...vdomSections, m(SidebarFooter), )), ); } } function createTraceLink(title: string, url: string) { if (url === '') { return m('a.trace-file-name', title); } const linkProps = { href: url, title: 'Click to copy the URL', target: '_blank', onclick: (e: Event) => { e.preventDefault(); copyToClipboard(url); globals.dispatch(Actions.updateStatus({ msg: 'Link copied into the clipboard', timestamp: Date.now() / 1000, })); }, }; return m('a.trace-file-name', linkProps, title); }