# ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, and obfuscation of Java class files.
# Copyright (c) 2002-2014 Eric Lafortune (eric@graphics.cornell.edu)
# Tab names.
proGuardTab = ProGuard
inputOutputTab = Input/Output
shrinkingTab = Shrinking
obfuscationTab = Obfuscation
optimizationTab = Optimization
informationTab = Information
processTab = Process
reTraceTab = ReTrace
# Splash text.
developed = Developed by Eric Lafortune
shrinking = Shrinking
optimization = Optimization
obfuscation = Obfuscation
preverification = Preverification
# Panel titles.
welcome = Welcome to ProGuard, version 5.1
options = Options
keepAdditional = Keep additional classes and class members
keepNamesAdditional = Keep additional class names and class member names
assumeNoSideEffectsAdditional = Assume no side effects for additional methods
whyAreYouKeeping = Why are you keeping
preverificationAndTargeting = Preverification and targeting
consistencyAndCorrectness = Consistency and correctness
processingConsole = Processing console
reTraceSettings = ReTrace settings
deobfuscatedStackTrace = De-obfuscated stack trace
keepAdditionalTip = \
If required, keep additional classes, fields, and methods as entry points.
keepNamesAdditionalTip = \
If required, keep the names of additional classes, fields, and methods.
assumeNoSideEffectsAdditionalTip = \
Optionally specify additional methods that don't have any side effects.
Only add entries if you know what you're doing!
whyAreYouKeepingTip = \
Ask ProGuard why it is keeping certain classes, fields, or methods.
# Info texts.
proGuardInfo = \
ProGuard is a free class file shrinker, optimizer, obfuscator, and preverifier.\
With this GUI, you can create, load, modify, and save ProGuard configurations.\
You can then process your code right away, or you can run ProGuard from the \
command line using your saved configuration.\
\ With the ReTrace part of this GUI you can de-obfuscate your stack traces.\
\ ProGuard and ReTrace are written and maintained by Eric Lafortune.\
Official site at Sourceforge: \
Professional support by Saikoa: \
Distributed under the GNU General Public License.\
Copyright © 2002-2014.
processingInfo = \
You can now start processing your code, \
or you can run ProGuard from the command line using your saved configuration.
reTraceInfo = \
If you had ProGuard write out a mapping file, \
you can de-obfuscate your obfuscated stack traces with ReTrace!\
You can load an obfuscated stack trace from a file, \
or you can paste it straight into the text area above.
# Titles and labels corresponding to common ProGuard options.
programJars = Program jars, aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, and directories
libraryJars = Library jars, aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, and directories
shrink = Shrink
printUsage = Print usage
optimize = Optimize
allowAccessModification = Allow access modification
mergeInterfacesAggressively = Merge interfaces aggressively
optimizations = Optimizations
optimizationPasses = Optimization passes
obfuscate = Obfuscate
printMapping = Print mapping
applyMapping = Apply mapping
obfuscationDictionary = Obfuscation dictionary
classObfuscationDictionary = Class obfuscation dictionary
packageObfuscationDictionary = Package obfuscation dictionary
overloadAggressively = Overload aggressively
useUniqueClassMemberNames = Use unique class member names
keepPackageNames = Keep package names
flattenPackageHierarchy = Flatten package hierarchy
repackageClasses = Repackage classes
useMixedCaseClassNames = Use mixed-case class names
keepAttributes = Keep attributes
keepParameterNames = Keep parameter names
renameSourceFileAttribute = Rename SourceFile attribute
adaptClassStrings = Adapt class strings
adaptResourceFileNames = Adapt resource file names
adaptResourceFileContents = Adapt resource file contents
preverify = Preverify
microEdition = Micro Edition
verbose = Verbose
note = Note potential mistakes in the configuration
warn = Warn about possibly erroneous input
ignoreWarnings = Ignore warnings about possibly erroneous input
skipNonPublicLibraryClasses = Skip non-public library classes
skipNonPublicLibraryClassMembers = Skip non-public library class members
keepDirectories = Keep directories
forceProcessing = Force processing
target = Target
targets = 1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8
printSeeds = Print seeds
printConfiguration = Print configuration
dump = Print class files
mappingFile = Mapping file
obfuscatedStackTrace = Obfuscated stack trace
programJarsTip = \
The input jars (aars, wars, ears, zips, apks, directories), followed by
their corresponding output jars (wars, ears, zips, apks, directories).
libraryJarsTip = \
The library jars (aars, wars, ears, zips, directories), on which the program jars depend.
The library jars are required for processing, but they are not copied to the output.
shrinkTip = \
Remove unused classes, fields, and methods from the output.
printUsageTip = \
Print out the list of unused classes, fields, and methods.
optimizeTip = \
Optimize the bytecode of the processed classes.
allowAccessModificationTip = \
Allow the optimization step to modify the access modifiers of classes, fields, and methods.
mergeInterfacesAggressivelyTip = \
Allow interfaces to be merged, even if their implementations don't implement all
interface methods. This is not allowed in the Java language, but it is allowed in bytecode.
optimizationsTip = \
Specify the types of optimizations to be performed.
optimizationsFilterTip = \
A filter for the names of the optimizations to be performed.
optimizationsSelectTip = \
Select from the currently available optimizations...
optimizationPassesTip = \
Specify the number of optimization passes to be performed.
obfuscateTip = \
Obfuscate the names of the processed classes, fields, and methods.
printMappingTip = \
Print out the obfuscation mapping of original names to obfuscated names.
applyMappingTip = \
Apply the given mapping of original names to obfuscated names.
obfuscationDictionaryTip = \
Use the words in the given file for obfuscating field names and method names.
classObfuscationDictionaryTip = \
Use the words in the given file for obfuscating class names.
packageObfuscationDictionaryTip = \
Use the words in the given file for obfuscating package names.
overloadAggressivelyTip = \
Allow fields and methods to get the same obfuscated names, even if only their types or
return types differ. This is not allowed in the Java language, but it is allowed in bytecode.
useUniqueClassMemberNamesTip = \
Make sure fields and methods get the same obfuscation mapping across classes, even
if they are unrelated. This is advisable if the output is to be obfuscated incrementally.
keepPackageNamesTip = \
Keep the specified package names from being obfuscated.
packageNamesTip = \
An optional comma-separated list of package names,
e.g. myapplication,mylibrary.**
Possible wildcards:\
for any single character, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
is also supported.
flattenPackageHierarchyTip = \
Move all packages that are renamed into the given parent package.
repackageClassesTip = \
Move all classes that are renamed into the given package.
packageTip = \
The optional package name.
useMixedCaseClassNamesTip = \
Generate mixed-case obfucated class names. This will complicate unpacking*
and the negator !
are allowed.
keepParameterNamesTip = \
Keep parameter names and types in "LocalVariable*Table" attributesmydirectory1/**,mydirectory2/**
for any single character, except the directory separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the directory separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
is also supported.
preverifyTip = \
Preverify the processed classes, for Java Micro Edition or for Java 6.
microEditionTip = \
Target Java Micro Edition.
verboseTip = \
Print out verbose messages while processing.
noteTip = \
Print out notes about special or unusual input.
noteFilterTip = \
A filter matching classes for which no notes should be printed.
warnTip = \
Print out warnings about possibly erroneous input.mydirectory1,mydirectory2/**
for any single character, except the directory separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the directory separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
is also supported.
forceProcessingTip = \
Always process the input, even if the output seems up to date.
targetTip = \
Target the specified version of Java.
printSeedsTip = \
Print out the list of kept classes, fields, and methods.
printConfigurationTip = \
Print out the configuration.
dumpTip = \
Print out the internal structure of the processed class files.
mappingFileTip = \
The file containing the mapping of original names to obfuscated names.
obfuscatedStackTraceTip = \
A stack trace produced by previously obfuscated code.
# Titles and labels corresponding to ProGuard keep options.
keepTitle = Keep
keep = Keep classes and class members
keepClassMembers = Keep class members only
keepClassesWithMembers = Keep classes and class members, if members are present
alsoKeepTitle = Also keep
keepDescriptorClasses = Keep descriptor classes
allowTitle = Allow
allowShrinking = Allow shrinking
allowOptimization = Allow optimization
allowObfuscation = Allow obfuscation
keepTitleTip = Keep the specified classes and/or their fields and methods.
keepTip = \
Keep the specified classes, fields, and methods as entry points.myPackage.MyAnnotation
classMembersTip = \
Optionally keep fields and methods as entry points in the matching class or classes.get*
' methods as entry points.
fieldTypeTip = The field type.
returnTypeTip = The method return type, if any.
nameTip = The name.
argumentTypesTip = The method argument types, if any.
classNameTip = \
The class name, e.g. myPackage.MyClass
for any single character, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
for any single character, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
is also supported.
typeTip = \
The type, e.g. int
, or java.lang.String[]
for any primitive type.\
for any single character, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
(or empty) for any type.\
for any single character.\
for any number of any characters.\
for any single character.\
for any number of any characters.\
for any primitive type.\
for any single character, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters, except the package separator.\
for any number of any characters.\
for any type.\
for any number of any arguments.\