# Description: # TensorFlow C++ inference example for labeling images. load("//tensorflow:tensorflow.bzl", "tf_cc_binary") package( default_visibility = ["//tensorflow:internal"], licenses = ["notice"], # Apache 2.0 ) exports_files(["data/grace_hopper.jpg"]) tf_cc_binary( name = "label_image", srcs = [ "main.cc", ], linkopts = select({ "//tensorflow:android": [ "-pie", "-landroid", "-ljnigraphics", "-llog", "-lm", "-z defs", "-s", "-Wl,--exclude-libs,ALL", ], "//conditions:default": ["-lm"], }), deps = select({ "//tensorflow:android": [ # cc:cc_ops is used to include image ops (for label_image) # Jpg, gif, and png related code won't be included "//tensorflow/cc:cc_ops", "//tensorflow/core:portable_tensorflow_lib", # cc:android_tensorflow_image_op is for including jpeg/gif/png # decoder to enable real-image evaluation on Android "//tensorflow/core/kernels/image:android_tensorflow_image_op", ], "//conditions:default": [ "//tensorflow/cc:cc_ops", "//tensorflow/core:core_cpu", "//tensorflow/core:framework", "//tensorflow/core:framework_internal", "//tensorflow/core:lib", "//tensorflow/core:protos_all_cc", "//tensorflow/core:tensorflow", ], }), ) py_binary( name = "label_image_py", srcs = ["label_image.py"], main = "label_image.py", python_version = "PY3", srcs_version = "PY3", deps = [ "//tensorflow:tensorflow_py", ], )