/* * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.android.systemui.media import android.media.MediaRouter2Manager import android.media.session.MediaController import androidx.annotation.AnyThread import androidx.annotation.MainThread import androidx.annotation.WorkerThread import com.android.settingslib.media.LocalMediaManager import com.android.settingslib.media.MediaDevice import com.android.systemui.Dumpable import com.android.systemui.dagger.qualifiers.Background import com.android.systemui.dagger.qualifiers.Main import com.android.systemui.dump.DumpManager import java.io.FileDescriptor import java.io.PrintWriter import java.util.concurrent.Executor import javax.inject.Inject private const val PLAYBACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0 /** * Provides information about the route (ie. device) where playback is occurring. */ class MediaDeviceManager @Inject constructor( private val controllerFactory: MediaControllerFactory, private val localMediaManagerFactory: LocalMediaManagerFactory, private val mr2manager: MediaRouter2Manager, @Main private val fgExecutor: Executor, @Background private val bgExecutor: Executor, dumpManager: DumpManager ) : MediaDataManager.Listener, Dumpable { private val listeners: MutableSet = mutableSetOf() private val entries: MutableMap = mutableMapOf() init { dumpManager.registerDumpable(javaClass.name, this) } /** * Add a listener for changes to the media route (ie. device). */ fun addListener(listener: Listener) = listeners.add(listener) /** * Remove a listener that has been registered with addListener. */ fun removeListener(listener: Listener) = listeners.remove(listener) override fun onMediaDataLoaded( key: String, oldKey: String?, data: MediaData, immediately: Boolean, isSsReactivated: Boolean ) { if (oldKey != null && oldKey != key) { val oldEntry = entries.remove(oldKey) oldEntry?.stop() } var entry = entries[key] if (entry == null || entry?.token != data.token) { entry?.stop() val controller = data.token?.let { controllerFactory.create(it) } entry = Entry(key, oldKey, controller, localMediaManagerFactory.create(data.packageName)) entries[key] = entry entry.start() } } override fun onMediaDataRemoved(key: String) { val token = entries.remove(key) token?.stop() token?.let { listeners.forEach { it.onKeyRemoved(key) } } } override fun dump(fd: FileDescriptor, pw: PrintWriter, args: Array) { with(pw) { println("MediaDeviceManager state:") entries.forEach { key, entry -> println(" key=$key") entry.dump(fd, pw, args) } } } @MainThread private fun processDevice(key: String, oldKey: String?, device: MediaDevice?) { val enabled = device != null val data = MediaDeviceData(enabled, device?.iconWithoutBackground, device?.name) listeners.forEach { it.onMediaDeviceChanged(key, oldKey, data) } } interface Listener { /** Called when the route has changed for a given notification. */ fun onMediaDeviceChanged(key: String, oldKey: String?, data: MediaDeviceData?) /** Called when the notification was removed. */ fun onKeyRemoved(key: String) } private inner class Entry( val key: String, val oldKey: String?, val controller: MediaController?, val localMediaManager: LocalMediaManager ) : LocalMediaManager.DeviceCallback, MediaController.Callback() { val token get() = controller?.sessionToken private var started = false private var playbackType = PLAYBACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN private var current: MediaDevice? = null set(value) { if (!started || value != field) { field = value fgExecutor.execute { processDevice(key, oldKey, value) } } } @AnyThread fun start() = bgExecutor.execute { localMediaManager.registerCallback(this) localMediaManager.startScan() playbackType = controller?.playbackInfo?.playbackType ?: PLAYBACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN controller?.registerCallback(this) updateCurrent() started = true } @AnyThread fun stop() = bgExecutor.execute { started = false controller?.unregisterCallback(this) localMediaManager.stopScan() localMediaManager.unregisterCallback(this) } fun dump(fd: FileDescriptor, pw: PrintWriter, args: Array) { val routingSession = controller?.let { mr2manager.getRoutingSessionForMediaController(it) } val selectedRoutes = routingSession?.let { mr2manager.getSelectedRoutes(it) } with(pw) { println(" current device is ${current?.name}") val type = controller?.playbackInfo?.playbackType println(" PlaybackType=$type (1 for local, 2 for remote) cached=$playbackType") println(" routingSession=$routingSession") println(" selectedRoutes=$selectedRoutes") } } @WorkerThread override fun onAudioInfoChanged(info: MediaController.PlaybackInfo?) { val newPlaybackType = info?.playbackType ?: PLAYBACK_TYPE_UNKNOWN if (newPlaybackType == playbackType) { return } playbackType = newPlaybackType updateCurrent() } override fun onDeviceListUpdate(devices: List?) = bgExecutor.execute { updateCurrent() } override fun onSelectedDeviceStateChanged(device: MediaDevice, state: Int) { bgExecutor.execute { updateCurrent() } } @WorkerThread private fun updateCurrent() { val device = localMediaManager.getCurrentConnectedDevice() controller?.let { val route = mr2manager.getRoutingSessionForMediaController(it) // If we get a null route, then don't trust the device. Just set to null to disable the // output switcher chip. current = if (route != null) device else null } ?: run { current = device } } } }