syntax = "proto2"; package pts_chre; option java_package = ""; option java_outer_classname = "PtsChreMessages"; // The message types used in PTS test nanoapps. Some of them are H2C // (Host-To-CHRE) and others are C2H (CHRE-To-Host). One message type must be // either H2C or C2H. Each message type can choose to have payload or not. // Payload can be added to a message type with no payload initially. But once // one message type has payload, the payload message should not be changed. enum MessageType { // 0 is reserved to avoid misinterpret corrupted data. UNDEFINED = 0; // H2C: Tells the nanoapp to begin the test. No payload. PTS_TEST_START = 1; // C2H: TestResult message payload. PTS_TEST_RESULT = 2; } // A message sent by the nanoapp to indicate the result of a test, optionally // containing an error message. message TestResult { enum Code { TEST_PASSED = 0; TEST_FAILED = 1; } optional Code code = 1 [default = TEST_FAILED]; optional bytes errorMessage = 2; }