Lines Matching refs:method
18 .method public <init>()V
24 .end method
26 ; dead code after the last reachable instruction in a method
27 .method public test_deadend1()V
30 .end method
32 ; dead code after the last reachable instruction in a method
33 .method public test_deadend2()V
37 .end method
39 ; dead code after the last reachable instruction in a method
40 .method public test_deadend3()V
44 .end method
47 .method public test_dead_exception_handler()V
58 .end method
61 .method public test_dead_goto()V
66 .end method
69 .method public test_dead_ret()V
75 .end method
78 .method public test_dead_tableswitch()V
91 .end method
94 .method public test_dead_lookupswitch()V
102 .end method
105 .method public test_dead_ireturn()V
111 .end method
114 .method public test_dead_lreturn()V
120 .end method
123 .method public test_dead_freturn()V
129 .end method
132 .method public test_dead_dreturn()V
138 .end method
141 .method public test_dead_areturn()V
147 .end method
150 .method public test_dead_return()V
156 .end method
159 .method public test_dead_athrow()V
165 .end method
168 .method public test_dead_wideret()V
174 .end method
177 .method public test_dead_goto_w()V
182 .end method