Lines Matching refs:IOp
6010 IOp, PrevIOp: IInsertBeforeOp;
6027 IOp := Inserts[J] as IInsertBeforeOp;
6028 if (IOp.Index >= ROp.Index) and (IOp.Index <= ROp.LastIndex) then
6031 Rewrites[IOp.InstructionIndex] := nil;
6061 if (not Supports(Op, IInsertBeforeOp, IOp)) then
6069 if (PrevIOp.Index = IOp.Index) then
6074 IOp.Text := CatOpText(IOp.Text, PrevIOp.Text);
6085 if (IOp.Index = ROp.Index) then
6087 ROp.Text := CatOpText(IOp.Text, ROp.Text);
6091 if (IOp.Index >= ROp.Index) and (IOp.Index <= ROp.LastIndex) then
6093 + IOp.ToString + ' within boundaries of previous ' + ROp.ToString);