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Lines Matching refs:Summarize

88 - tools/[biolatency](tools/biolatency.py): Summarize block device I/O latency as a histogram. [Exam…
89 - tools/[biotop](tools/biotop.py): Top for disks: Summarize block device I/O by process. [Examples]…
93 - tools/[btrfsdist](tools/btrfsdist.py): Summarize btrfs operation latency distribution as a histog…
98 - tools/[cpudist](tools/cpudist.py): Summarize on- and off-CPU time per task as a histogram. [Examp…
102 - tools/[dbstat](tools/dbstat.py): Summarize MySQL/PostgreSQL query latency as a histogram. [Exampl…
107 - tools/[ext4dist](tools/ext4dist.py): Summarize ext4 operation latency distribution as a histogram…
119 - tools/[llcstat](tools/llcstat.py): Summarize CPU cache references and misses by process. [Example…
124 - tools/[nfsdist](tools/nfsdist.py): Summarize NFS operation latency distribution as a histogram. […
125 - tools/[offcputime](tools/offcputime.py): Summarize off-CPU time by kernel stack trace. [Examples]…
126 - tools/[offwaketime](tools/offwaketime.py): Summarize blocked time by kernel off-CPU stack and wak…
143 - tools/[syscount](tools/syscount.py): Summarize syscall counts and latencies. [Examples](tools/sys…
151 - tools/[tcpsubnet](tools/tcpsubnet.py): Summarize and aggregate TCP send by subnet. [Examples](too…
152 - tools/[tcptop](tools/tcptop.py): Summarize TCP send/recv throughput by host. Top for TCP. [Exampl…
157 - tools/[ucalls](tools/lib/ucalls.py): Summarize method calls or Linux syscalls in high-level langu…
160 - tools/[uobjnew](tools/lib/uobjnew.py): Summarize object allocation events by object type and numb…
165 - tools/[wakeuptime](tools/wakeuptime.py): Summarize sleep to wakeup time by waker kernel stack. [E…
166 - tools/[xfsdist](tools/xfsdist.py): Summarize XFS operation latency distribution as a histogram. […
168 - tools/[zfsdist](tools/zfsdist.py): Summarize ZFS operation latency distribution as a histogram. […