Lines Matching refs:FeatureLibError
3 from fontTools.feaLib.error import FeatureLibError
170 FeatureLibError, 'Unknown anchor "UnknownName"', self.parse,
206 FeatureLibError, "Expected '} TEST;' to terminate anonymous block",
242 FeatureLibError, 'Expected "name"',
269 FeatureLibError, "Font revision numbers must be positive",
275 with self.assertRaisesRegex(FeatureLibError, "missing from the glyph set: ccc"):
285 FeatureLibError, "must not be longer than 63 characters",
290 FeatureLibError,
326 FeatureLibError,
375 FeatureLibError,
394 FeatureLibError,
398 FeatureLibError, "Bad range: \"A.swash-z.swash\"",
401 FeatureLibError, "Start of range must be smaller than its end",
404 FeatureLibError, "Bad range: \"foo.1234-foo.9876\"",
423 FeatureLibError, "Unknown glyph class @unknown",
488 FeatureLibError,
520 FeatureLibError,
598 FeatureLibError,
644 FeatureLibError, 'Expected "Foo"',
694 FeatureLibError, 'Unknown lookup "Huh"',
777 FeatureLibError,
784 FeatureLibError,
791 FeatureLibError,
835 FeatureLibError,
839 FeatureLibError,
960 FeatureLibError,
986 FeatureLibError,
997 FeatureLibError, "@MARKS is not a markClass", self.parse,
1030 FeatureLibError,
1043 FeatureLibError, "@MARKS is not a markClass", self.parse,
1063 FeatureLibError,
1074 FeatureLibError, "@MARKS is not a markClass", self.parse,
1096 FeatureLibError,
1169 FeatureLibError, "Expected platform id 1 or 3",
1253 FeatureLibError,
1259 FeatureLibError,
1266 FeatureLibError,
1279 FeatureLibError,
1316 FeatureLibError,
1325 FeatureLibError,
1439 FeatureLibError,
1446 FeatureLibError,
1474 FeatureLibError,
1482 FeatureLibError,
1488 FeatureLibError,
1498 FeatureLibError,
1504 FeatureLibError,
1610 FeatureLibError,
1616 FeatureLibError,
1628 FeatureLibError, 'Expected "GDEF"', self.parse,
1640 FeatureLibError, '"table Foo" is not supported', self.parse,
1783 FeatureLibError, "Unknown valueRecordDef \"unknown\"",
1798 FeatureLibError, r"Device value out of valid range \(-128..127\)",
1811 FeatureLibError,
1815 FeatureLibError,
1819 FeatureLibError, "Expected ';'",
1822 FeatureLibError, "longer than 4 characters",
1825 FeatureLibError, "longer than 4 characters",