Lines Matching full:helloworld
88 helloworld.Greeter
102 $ grpc_cli ls localhost:50051 helloworld.Greeter -l
105 `helloworld.Greeter` is full name of the service.
110 filename: helloworld.proto
111 package: helloworld;
113 rpc SayHello(helloworld.HelloRequest) returns (helloworld.HelloReply) {}
126 $ grpc_cli ls localhost:50051 helloworld.Greeter.SayHello -l
129 `helloworld.Greeter.SayHello` is full name of the method.
134 rpc SayHello(helloworld.HelloRequest) returns (helloworld.HelloReply) {}
145 $ grpc_cli type localhost:50051 helloworld.HelloRequest
148 `helloworld.HelloRequest` is the full name of the request type.
162 - Call a unary method Send a rpc to a helloworld server at `localhost:50051`:
182 --protofiles=examples/protos/helloworld.proto
195 $ grpc_cli call localhost:50051 /helloworld.Greeter/SayHello \