Lines Matching refs:Reported
10 * Reported [JACKSON-827]: 2.0.0 was accidentally requiring JDK 1.6
21 * Reported [Issue#48]: Problem with URLs, spaces
28 * Reported #115: JsonGenerator writeRawValue problem with surrogate UTF-8 characters
32 * Reported #116: WriterBasedJsonGenerator produces truncated Unicode escape sequences
36 * Reported #145: NPE at BytesToNameCanonicalizer
40 * Reported #146: Error while parsing negative floats at the end of the input buffer
42 * Reported #148: BytesToNameCanonicalizer can mishandle leading null byte(s).
46 * Reported #173: An exception is thrown for a valid JsonPointer expression
58 * Reported, contributed fix for#182: Inconsistent TextBuffer#getTextBuffer behavior
67 * Reported #207: `ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException` in `ByteQuadsCanonicalizer`
71 * Reported #213: Parser is sometimes wrong when using CANONICALIZE_FIELD_NAMES
75 * Reported #37: JsonParser.getTokenLocation() doesn't update after field names