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Lines Matching refs:Reported

12   * Reported #220: ContainerNode missing 'createNumber(BigInteger)'
19 * Reported #479: NPE on trying to deserialize a `String[]` that contains null
21 * Reported #1411: MapSerializer._orderEntries should check for null keys
33 * Reported [JACKSON-798]: Problem with external type id, creators
37 * Reported [JACKSON-811]: Problems with @JsonIdentityInfo, abstract types
39 * Reported [JACKSON-814]: Parsing RFC822/RFC1123 dates failes on non-US locales
57 * Reported [JACKSON-851]: State corruption with ObjectWriter, DefaultPrettyPrinter
70 * Reported #93 (and suggested fix): bug in `ObjectMapper.setAll(...)'
80 * Reported #157, contributed unit test: NPE when registering same module twice.
84 * Reported issues #166, #167, #170 (regressions from 1.9.x to 2.x)
88 * Reported #214: Problem with LICENSE, NOTICE, Android packaging
92 * Reported #223: Duplicated nulls with @JsonFormat(shape=Shape.ARRAY)
96 * Reported #217: JsonProcessingExceptions not all wrapped as expected
108 * Reported #357: StackOverflowError with contentConverter that returns array type
110 * Reported #358: `IterableSerializer` ignoring annotated content serializer
112 * Reported #359: Converted object not using explicitly annotated serializer
116 * Reported #406: Cannot use external type id + @JsonTypeIdResolver
128 * Reported #353: Problems with polymorphic types, `JsonNode` (related to #88)
146 * Reported #601: ClassCastException for a custom serializer for enum key in `EnumMap`
150 * Reported #1120: String value omitted from weirdStringException
152 * Reported, fixed #1235: `java.nio.file.Path` support incomplete
154 * Reported #1270: Generic type returned from type id resolver seems to be ignored
162 * Reported #580: delegate deserializers choke on a (single) abstract/polymorphic parameter
164 * Reported #844: Using JsonCreator still causes invalid path references in JsonMappingException
168 * Reported #592: Wrong `TokenBuffer` delegate deserialization using `@JsonCreator`
176 * Reported #421: @JsonCreator not used in case of multiple creators with parameter names
202 …* Reported #647: Deserialization fails when @JsonUnwrapped property contains an object with same p…
206 * Reported #594: `@JsonValue` on enum not used when enum value is a Map key
214 * Reported #674: Spring CGLIB proxies not handled as intended
218 * Reported #682: Class<?>-valued Map keys not serialized properly
222 * Reported #691: Jackson 2.5.0. NullSerializer for MapProperty failing
224 * Reported #984: JsonStreamContexts are not build the same way for write.. and convert methods
228 …* Reported #703: Multiple calls to ObjectMapper#canSerialize(Object.class) returns different values
236 * Reported #738: #738: @JsonTypeInfo non-deterministically ignored in 2.5.1 (concurrency
246 * Reported, contributed fix for #761: Builder deserializer: in-compatible type exception
251 * Reported #731, suggested the way to fix it: XmlAdapter result marshaling error in
254 * Reported #1456: `TypeFactory` type resolution broken in 2.7 for generic types
259 * Reported, contributed fix for #745: EnumDeserializer.deserializerForCreator() fails
264 * Reported #771: Annotation bundles ignored when added to Mixin
282 * Reported #878: serializeWithType on BeanSerializer does not setCurrentValue
286 * Reported #696: Copy constructor does not preserve `_injectableValues`
297 * Reported #1088: NPE possibility in SimpleMixinResolver
327 * Reported #889: Configuring an ObjectMapper's DateFormat changes time zone
443 * Reported #1124: JsonAnyGetter ignores JsonSerialize(contentUsing=...)
447 * Reported #1150: Problem with Object id handling, explicit `null` token
451 * Reported #1154: @JsonFormat.pattern on dates is now ignored if shape is not
456 * Reported #1178: `@JsonSerialize(contentAs=superType)` behavior disallowed in 2.7
458 * Reported #1231: `@JsonSerialize(as=superType)` behavior disallowed in 2.7.4
464 * Reported #1208: treeToValue doesn't handle POJONodes that contain exactly
575 * Reported #1384: `@JsonDeserialize(keyUsing = ...)` does not work correctly
584 * Reported #1403: Reference-chain hints use incorrect class-name for inner classes
588 * Reported #1432: Off by 1 bug in PropertyValueBuffer
592 * Reported #1441: Failure with custom Enum key deserializer, polymorphic types
596 * Reported #1451: Type parameter not passed by `ObjectWriter` if serializer pre-fetch disabled
600 * Reported #1505: @JsonEnumDefaultValue should take precedence over FAIL_ON_NUMBERS_FOR_ENUMS
604 * Reported #1543: JsonFormat.Shape.NUMBER_INT does not work when defined on enum type in 2.8
608 * Reported #1573, contributed fix: Missing properties when deserializing using a builder class
621 * Reported #1595: `JsonIgnoreProperties.allowSetters` is not working in Jackson 2.8
629 * Reported #1629 `FromStringDeserializer` ignores registered `DeserializationProblemHandler`
638 * Reported #1647, contributed fix: Missing properties from base class when recursive
643 * Reported #1648: `DateTimeSerializerBase` ignores configured date format when creating contextual
645 * Reported #1651: `StdDateFormat` fails to parse 'zulu' date when TimeZone other than UTC
655 * Reported #1658: Infinite recursion when deserializing a class extending a Map,
658 * Reported #1729: Integer bounds verification when calling `TokenBuffer.getIntValue()`
662 * Reported #1735: Missing type checks when using polymorphic type ids
665 * Reported #2032: Blacklist another serialization gadget (ibatis)
669 * Reported #2109, suggested fix: Canonical string for reference type is built incorrectly
681 * Reported #1035: `@JsonAnySetter` assumes key of `String`, does not consider declared type.
685 * Reported #1406: `ObjectMapper.readTree()` methods do not return `null` on end-of-input
697 * Reported #1544: `EnumMapDeserializer` assumes a pure `EnumMap` and does not support
702 * Reported #403: Make FAIL_ON_NULL_FOR_PRIMITIVES apply to primitive arrays and other
711 * Reported #1440: Wrong `JsonStreamContext` in `DeserializationProblemHandler` when reading
720 * Reported #1637: `ObjectReader.at()` with `JsonPointer` stops after first collection
724 * Reported #1688: Deserialization fails for `java.nio.file.Path` implementations when
729 * Reported, suggested fix for #1705: Non-generic interface method hides type resolution info
739 …* Reported #1793: `java.lang.NullPointerException` in `ObjectArraySerializer.acceptJsonFormatVisit…
744 * Reported #1823: ClassNameIdResolver doesn't handle resolve Collections$SingletonMap,
853 * Reported #1408: Call to `TypeVariable.getBounds()` without synchronization unsafe on
858 * Reported #2197: Illegal reflective access operation warning when using `java.lang.Void`
863 * Reported #2265: Inconsistent handling of Collections$UnmodifiableList vs
872 * Reported #2303: Deserialize null, when java type is "TypeRef of TypeRef of T",
877 * Reported #2324: `StringCollectionDeserializer` fails with custom collection
881 * Reported #2374: `ObjectMapper. getRegisteredModuleIds()` throws NPE if no modules registered
885 * Reported #2395: `NullPointerException` from `ResolvedRecursiveType` (regression due to
890 * Reported, contributed fix for #2404: FAIL_ON_MISSING_EXTERNAL_TYPE_ID_PROPERTY setting
895 * Reported #2449: Block one more gadget type (cve CVE-2019-14540)
899 * Reported #2544: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError Thrown for compact profile1
907 * Reported #2164: `FactoryBasedEnumDeserializer` does not respect
912 * Reported #2189: `TreeTraversingParser` does not check int bounds
916 * Reported #2217: Suboptimal memory allocation in `TextNode.getBinaryValue()`
920 * Reported #2230: `WRITE_BIGDECIMAL_AS_PLAIN` is ignored if `@JsonFormat` is used
924 * Reported, suggested fix for #2309: READ_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING doesn't support null values
966 * Reported, contributed fix for #2442: `ArrayNode.addAll()` adds raw `null` values
971 * Reported #2446: Java 11: Unable to load JDK7 types (annotations, java.nio.file.Path):
976 * Reported #2466: Didn't find class "java.nio.file.Path" below Android api 26
1056 * Reported #2679: `ObjectMapper.readValue("123", Void.TYPE)` throws "should never occur"
1060 * Reported #2787 (partial fix): NPE after add mixin for enum
1064 …* Reported #953: i-I case convertion problem in Turkish locale with case-insensitive deserializati…
1070 * Reported #2486: Builder Deserialization with JsonCreator Value vs Array
1080 * Reported #2049: TreeTraversingParser and UTF8StreamJsonParser create contexts differently
1112 * Reported #2632: Failure to resolve generic type parameters on serialization
1120 * Reported #2725: JsonCreator on static method in Enum and Enum used as key in map
1125 * Reported #2757: "Conflicting setter definitions for property" exception for `Map`
1130 * Reported #2758: Fail to deserialize local Records
1132 * Reported #2760: Jackson doesn't respect `CAN_OVERRIDE_ACCESS_MODIFIERS=false` for