Lines Matching refs:LangSys
4856 …e_context_t::try_set<OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >, int>(OT::Off…
4857 …<function-decl name='try_set<OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u…
4860 … <!-- parameter of type 'OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >*' -->
5566 <!-- bool OT::hb_sanitize_context_t::check_struct<OT::LangSys>(const OT::LangSys*) -->
5567 …<function-decl name='check_struct<OT::LangSys>' filepath='/tmp/legendre/spack-stage/spack-st…
5570 <!-- parameter of type 'const OT::LangSys*' -->
5577 …ext_t::check_struct<OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > >(const OT::Of…
5578 …<function-decl name='check_struct<OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned in…
5581 …<!-- parameter of type 'const OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >*' -->
5588 …uct<OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > >(const OT::ArrayOf…
5589 …<function-decl name='check_struct<OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<…
5592 …<!-- parameter of type 'const OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int,…
5599 …l OT::hb_sanitize_context_t::check_struct<OT::Record<OT::LangSys> >(const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>*…
5600 …<function-decl name='check_struct<OT::Record<OT::LangSys> >' filepath='/tmp/legendre/s…
5603 <!-- parameter of type 'const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>*' -->
6760 <!-- OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
6904 <!-- const OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
6954 <!-- const OT::LangSys* -->
6996 <!-- const OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
7054 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>* -->
7816 <!-- struct OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
7817 …<class-decl name='OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >' size-in…
7821 …<!-- static const unsigned int OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::st…
7825 …<!-- static const unsigned int OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::mi…
7829 …LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::sanitize<const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_c…
7830 …<function-decl name='sanitize<const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t*>' fil…
7831 …<!-- implicit parameter of type 'OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >*'…
7837 <!-- parameter of type 'const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t*' -->
8584 <!-- const OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
8634 <!-- const OT::LangSys -->
8674 <!-- const OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
8732 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys> -->
9497 <!-- struct OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
9498 …<class-decl name='ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u&…
9500 …<!-- OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short un…
9504 …<!-- OT::Record<OT::LangSys> OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, …
9508 …<!-- static const unsigned int OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int…
10123 <!-- struct OT::LangSys -->
10124 …<class-decl name='LangSys' size-in-bits='64' is-struct='yes' visibility='default' filepath='/tmp/l…
10126 <!-- OT::Offset<OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > OT::LangSys::lookupOrderZ -->
10130 <!-- OT::USHORT OT::LangSys::reqFeatureIndex -->
10134 <!-- OT::IndexArray OT::LangSys::featureIndex -->
10138 <!-- static const unsigned int OT::LangSys::min_size -->
10596 <!-- struct OT::Record<OT::LangSys> -->
10597 …<class-decl name='Record<OT::LangSys>' size-in-bits='48' is-struct='yes' visibility='default…
10599 <!-- struct OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t -->
10603 <!-- OT::Tag OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::tag -->
10607 …<!-- OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::offs…
10611 <!-- static const unsigned int OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::static_size -->
10615 <!-- static const unsigned int OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::min_size -->
11004 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t* -->
11214 <!-- Record<OT::LangSys>[1] -->
13039 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t -->
16799 <!-- Record<OT::LangSys>[1] -->
17530 <!-- OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
17532 <!-- OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* const -->
17752 <!-- OT::LangSys& -->
17754 <!-- OT::LangSys* -->
17756 <!-- OT::LangSys* const -->
17946 <!-- OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
17948 <!-- OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* const -->
18104 <!-- OT::Record<OT::LangSys>& -->
18106 <!-- OT::Record<OT::LangSys>* -->
18108 <!-- OT::Record<OT::LangSys>* const -->
18250 <!-- OT::Supplier<OT::Record<OT::LangSys> >& -->
18508 <!-- const OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
18510 <!-- const OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
18512 <!-- const OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* const -->
18820 <!-- const OT::LangSys -->
18822 <!-- const OT::LangSys& -->
18824 <!-- const OT::LangSys* -->
18826 <!-- const OT::LangSys* const -->
19096 <!-- const OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
19098 <!-- const OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
19100 <!-- const OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* const -->
19316 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys> -->
19318 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>& -->
19320 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>* -->
19322 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>* const -->
19324 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t -->
19326 <!-- const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t* -->
19346 <!-- const OT::RecordArrayOf<OT::LangSys> -->
19348 <!-- const OT::RecordArrayOf<OT::LangSys>* -->
19350 <!-- const OT::RecordArrayOf<OT::LangSys>* const -->
19470 <!-- const OT::SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
19472 <!-- const OT::SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >* -->
20980 <!-- struct OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
20981 …<class-decl name='OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >' size-in…
20985 …<!-- static const unsigned int OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::st…
20989 …<!-- static const unsigned int OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::mi…
20993 …LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::sanitize<const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_c…
20994 …<function-decl name='sanitize<const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t*>' fil…
20995 …<!-- implicit parameter of type 'OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >*'…
21001 <!-- parameter of type 'const OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t*' -->
21023 <!-- struct OT::Record<OT::LangSys> -->
21024 …<class-decl name='Record<OT::LangSys>' size-in-bits='48' is-struct='yes' visibility='default…
21026 <!-- struct OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::sanitize_closure_t -->
21030 <!-- OT::Tag OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::tag -->
21034 …<!-- OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::offs…
21038 <!-- static const unsigned int OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::static_size -->
21042 <!-- static const unsigned int OT::Record<OT::LangSys>::min_size -->
25264 <!-- struct OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
25265 …<class-decl name='ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u&…
25267 …<!-- OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short un…
25271 …<!-- OT::Record<OT::LangSys> OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, …
25275 …<!-- static const unsigned int OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int…
25399 … <!-- struct OT::SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
25400 …<class-decl name='SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned in…
25401 <!-- struct OT::ArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
25404 …<!-- int OT::SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> >::bsearch…
25406 …<!-- implicit parameter of type 'const OT::SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<shor…
25415 <!-- struct OT::RecordArrayOf<OT::LangSys> -->
25416 …<class-decl name='RecordArrayOf<OT::LangSys>' size-in-bits='64' is-struct='yes' visibility='…
25417 … <!-- struct OT::SortedArrayOf<OT::Record<OT::LangSys>, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > -->
25479 …<!-- OT::OffsetTo<OT::LangSys, OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > OT::Script::defaultLangSys -->
25483 <!-- OT::RecordArrayOf<OT::LangSys> OT::Script::langSys -->
25549 <!-- struct OT::LangSys -->
25550 …<class-decl name='LangSys' size-in-bits='64' is-struct='yes' visibility='default' filepath='/tmp/l…
25552 <!-- OT::Offset<OT::IntType<short unsigned int, 2u> > OT::LangSys::lookupOrderZ -->
25556 <!-- OT::USHORT OT::LangSys::reqFeatureIndex -->
25560 <!-- OT::IndexArray OT::LangSys::featureIndex -->
25564 <!-- static const unsigned int OT::LangSys::min_size -->
25633 <!-- struct OT::Supplier<OT::Record<OT::LangSys> > -->
25634 …<class-decl name='Supplier<OT::Record<OT::LangSys> >' is-struct='yes' visibility='defa…