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Lines Matching refs:source_location

1620     <!-- typedef source_location location_t -->
1638 <!-- source_location line_map::start_location -->
1650 <!-- typedef unsigned int source_location -->
1651 …<typedef-decl name='source_location' type-id='type-id-13' filepath='../.././gcc/../libcpp/include/…
1733 <!-- source_location* line_map_macro::macro_locations -->
1737 <!-- source_location line_map_macro::expansion -->
1810 <!-- source_location* -->
2732 <!-- source_location cpp_macro::line -->
2848 <!-- source_location cpp_token::src_loc -->
3017 <!-- source_location line_maps::highest_location -->
3021 <!-- source_location line_maps::highest_line -->
4249 <!-- expanded_location expand_location(source_location) -->
4251 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
5353 …<!-- struct {unsigned char* base; unsigned char* limit; unsigned char* cur; source_location first_…
5368 <!-- source_location first_line -->
5390 <!-- source_location cpp_reader::directive_line -->
5422 <!-- source_location cpp_reader::invocation_location -->
5598 …<!-- struct {unsigned char* base; unsigned char* limit; unsigned char* cur; source_location first_…
5630 <!-- source_location* cpp_reader::forced_token_location_p -->
5663 …<!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const unsigned char*, const char*, int, const cpp…
5667 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::define -->
5671 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::undef -->
5675 … <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const cpp_string*)* cpp_callbacks::ident -->
5679 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location)* cpp_callbacks::def_pragma -->
5699 …<!-- bool (cpp_reader*, int, int, typedef source_location, unsigned int, const char*, va_list*)* c…
5703 … <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::used_define -->
5707 … <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::used_undef -->
5715 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::used -->
6224 …<!-- bool (cpp_reader*, int, int, typedef source_location, unsigned int, const char*, va_list*)* -…
6418 <!-- source_location def_pragma_macro::line -->
6533 <!-- source_location op::loc -->
6648 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location)* -->
6650 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const cpp_string*)* -->
6652 …<!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const unsigned char*, const char*, int, const cpp…
6654 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* -->
6701 …<!-- struct {cpp_hashnode* macro_node; source_location* virt_locs; source_location* cur_virt_loc;}…
6708 <!-- source_location* virt_locs -->
6712 <!-- source_location* cur_virt_loc -->
6733 <!-- struct {char* comment; source_location sloc;} -->
6740 <!-- source_location sloc -->
7128 …<!-- bool cpp_error_with_line(cpp_reader*, int, source_location, unsigned int, const char*, ...) -…
7134 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
7144 …<!-- bool cpp_warning_with_line(cpp_reader*, int, source_location, unsigned int, const char*, ...)…
7150 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
7160 …<!-- bool cpp_pedwarning_with_line(cpp_reader*, int, source_location, unsigned int, const char*, .…
7166 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
7176 …<!-- bool cpp_warning_with_line_syshdr(cpp_reader*, int, source_location, unsigned int, const char…
7182 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
7438 <!-- bool cpp_included_before(cpp_reader*, const char*, source_location) -->
7444 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8120 <!-- void cpp_force_token_locations(cpp_reader*, source_location*) -->
8124 <!-- parameter of type 'source_location*' -->
8219 <!-- source_location cpp_token::src_loc -->
8320 <!-- source_location cpp_macro::line -->
8537 …<!-- const line_map* linemap_enter_macro(line_maps*, cpp_hashnode*, source_location, unsigned int)…
8543 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8550 …<!-- source_location linemap_add_macro_token(const line_map*, unsigned int, source_location, sourc…
8556 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8558 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8560 <!-- typedef source_location -->
8563 <!-- source_location linemap_line_start(line_maps*, linenum_type, unsigned int) -->
8571 <!-- typedef source_location -->
8574 <!-- source_location linemap_position_for_column(line_maps*, unsigned int) -->
8580 <!-- typedef source_location -->
8583 …<!-- source_location linemap_position_for_line_and_column(line_map*, linenum_type, unsigned int) -…
8591 <!-- typedef source_location -->
8594 <!-- const line_map* linemap_lookup(line_maps*, source_location) -->
8598 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8610 <!-- int linemap_get_expansion_line(line_maps*, source_location) -->
8614 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8619 <!-- const char* linemap_get_expansion_filename(line_maps*, source_location) -->
8623 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8635 <!-- bool linemap_location_from_macro_expansion_p(line_maps*, source_location) -->
8639 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8644 …<!-- source_location linemap_resolve_location(line_maps*, source_location, location_resolution_kin…
8648 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8654 <!-- typedef source_location -->
8657 <!-- int linemap_compare_locations(line_maps*, source_location, source_location) -->
8661 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8663 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8668 <!-- int linemap_location_in_system_header_p(line_maps*, source_location) -->
8672 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8677 …<!-- source_location linemap_unwind_toward_expansion(line_maps*, source_location, const line_map**…
8681 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8685 <!-- typedef source_location -->
8688 <!-- expanded_location linemap_expand_location(line_maps*, const line_map*, source_location) -->
8694 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8712 <!-- void linemap_dump_location(line_maps*, source_location, FILE*) -->
8716 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
8830 …<!-- struct {unsigned char* base; unsigned char* limit; unsigned char* cur; source_location first_…
8845 <!-- source_location first_line -->
8867 <!-- source_location cpp_reader::directive_line -->
8899 <!-- source_location cpp_reader::invocation_location -->
9075 …<!-- struct {unsigned char* base; unsigned char* limit; unsigned char* cur; source_location first_…
9107 <!-- source_location* cpp_reader::forced_token_location_p -->
9638 <!-- source_location op::loc -->
9738 …<!-- struct {cpp_hashnode* macro_node; source_location* virt_locs; source_location* cur_virt_loc;}…
9745 <!-- source_location* virt_locs -->
9749 <!-- source_location* cur_virt_loc -->
9768 …<!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const unsigned char*, const char*, int, const cpp…
9772 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::define -->
9776 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::undef -->
9780 … <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const cpp_string*)* cpp_callbacks::ident -->
9784 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location)* cpp_callbacks::def_pragma -->
9804 …<!-- bool (cpp_reader*, int, int, typedef source_location, unsigned int, const char*, va_list*)* c…
9808 … <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::used_define -->
9812 … <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::used_undef -->
9820 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* cpp_callbacks::used -->
10001 <!-- struct {char* comment; source_location sloc;} -->
10008 <!-- source_location sloc -->
10027 <!-- source_location def_pragma_macro::line -->
10108 …<!-- bool (cpp_reader*, int, int, typedef source_location, unsigned int, const char*, va_list*)* -…
10214 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location)* -->
10216 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const cpp_string*)* -->
10218 …<!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, const unsigned char*, const char*, int, const cpp…
10220 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, typedef source_location, cpp_hashnode*)* -->
10324 <!-- const cpp_token* cpp_get_token_with_location(cpp_reader*, source_location*) -->
10328 <!-- parameter of type 'source_location*' -->
10590 <!-- bool (cpp_reader*, int, int, source_location, unsigned int, const char*, va_list*) -->
10598 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
10718 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, source_location) -->
10722 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
10727 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, source_location, const cpp_string*) -->
10731 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
10738 …<!-- void (cpp_reader*, source_location, const unsigned char*, const char*, int, const cpp_token**…
10742 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->
10755 <!-- void (cpp_reader*, source_location, cpp_hashnode*) -->
10759 <!-- parameter of type 'typedef source_location' -->