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Lines Matching refs:specifier

38 // expected-note@-1{{use nullability type specifier '_Nonnull' to affect the innermost pointer type…
39 …onflictingMethod1; // expected-error{{nullability specifier 'nonnull' conflicts with existing spec…
40 - (nonnull NSFoo * _Nonnull)redundantMethod1; // expected-warning{{duplicate nullability specifier
44 // expected-note@-1{{use nullability type specifier '_Nullable' to affect the innermost pointer typ…
45 …ingProperty1; // expected-error{{nullability specifier 'null_unspecified' conflicts with existing
46 …Foo * _Nonnull redundantProperty1; // expected-warning{{duplicate nullability specifier 'nonnull'}}
48 …lictingProperty3; // expected-error{{nullability specifier 'nullable' conflicts with existing spec…
49 …lable) NSFoo *redundantProperty3; // expected-warning{{duplicate nullability specifier 'nullable'}}
55 // expected-note@-1{{use nullability type specifier '_Nullable' to affect the innermost pointer typ…
56 …ingProperty2; // expected-error{{nullability specifier 'null_unspecified' conflicts with existing
57 …Foo * _Nonnull redundantProperty2; // expected-warning{{duplicate nullability specifier 'nonnull'}}
102 …fied NSFoo*)foo { // expected-error{{nullability specifier 'nullable' conflicts with existing spec…
103 …// expected-error{{nullability specifier 'null_unspecified' conflicts with existing specifier 'non…
168 …(nonnull id)blah; // expected-error {{nullability specifier 'nonnull' conflicts with existing spec…
277 - (void)nestedBad:(int [2][_Nonnull 2])x; // expected-error {{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' cann…
280 - (void)withTypedefBad:(INTS _Nonnull[2])x; // expected-error{{nullability specifier '_Nonnull' can…
283 …nter type 'void * _Nullable [2]'}} expected-note {{use nullability type specifier '_Nonnull' to af…
296 // Check that we don't propagate the nullability specifier on the receiver to
298 // nullability specifier.