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2 LLVM Security Group
5 The LLVM Security Group has the following goals:
16 The LLVM Security Group is private. It is composed of trusted LLVM contributors. Its discussions re…
22 Security Group Members
46 * Nominees for LLVM Security Group membership should fall in one of these groups:
64 … the following are necessary but not sufficient criteria for membership in the LLVM Security Group:
66 …- If already in the LLVM Security Group, has actively participated in one (if any) security issue …
67 …- If already in the LLVM Security Group, has actively participated in most membership discussions …
68 …- If already in the LLVM Security Group, has actively participated in writing or reviewing a trans…
69 … other entity, the parent entity has no more than three members already in the LLVM Security Group.
71 …- Nominees are trusted by existing Security Group members to keep communications embargoed while s…
76 …emselves, or may be nominated by a third party such as an existing LLVM Security Group member. The…
84Security Group membership is supported by a majority of existing LLVM Security Group members, then…
89Security Group membership is finalized, the successful nominee should accept membership and agree …
94 * At least every six months, the LLVM Security Group applies the above criteria. The membership lis…
95 * Any Security Group member can ask that the criteria be applied within the next five business days.
96 … a member of the LLVM Security Group does not act in accordance with the letter and spirit of this…
97Security Group member who blatantly disregards the LLVM Security Policy may have their membership …
98 * The LLVM Board may remove any member from the LLVM Security Group.
103 Every year, the LLVM Security Group must publish a transparency report. The intent of this report i…
106 Privileges and Responsibilities of LLVM Security Group Members
112 LLVM Security Group members will be subscribed to a private `Discussion Medium`_ (*FUTURE*: see sec…
117 Members of the LLVM Security Group will be expected to treat LLVM security issue information shared…
120 * If the LLVM Security Group agrees, designated members may share issues with vendors of non-LLVM b…
121 * If the LLVM Security Group agrees, key experts can be brought in to help address particular issue…
126 …ollowing the process below, the LLVM Security Group decides on embargo date for public disclosure …
131 Members of the LLVM Security Group are expected to:
146 The medium used to host LLVM Security Group discussions is security-sensitive. It should therefore …
166 * Within two business days, a member of the Security Group is put in charge of driving the issue to…
167 * Members of the Security Group discuss in which circumstances (if any) an issue is relevant to sec…
169Security Group members can recommend that key experts be pulled in to specific issue discussions. …
171 …rom recent versions to old versions cannot always work. It is up to the Security Group to decide i…
172 * The Security Group figures out how the LLVM project’s own releases, as well as individual vendors…
173 * Embargo date can be delayed or pulled forward at the Security Group’s discretion.
182 The LLVM Security Policy may be changed by majority vote of the LLVM Security Group. Such changes a…
188 *FUTURE*: this section will be expanded once the Security Group is formed, and it agrees on an init…
192 …and maintain these security properties over time. In all cases the LLVM Security Group should be c…
194 … for this security process or not, err towards assuming that it is. The Security Group might agree…
215 …vm-dev mailing list`_ asking to get in touch with someone from the LLVM Security Group. **The esca…