Lines Matching full:firstsec
30 FirstSec: .text
36 FirstSec: .data
87 # UNKNOWN-ERR: error: unknown section or fill referenced: '.unknown1' by the 'FirstSec' key of the …
118 FirstSec: [[FIRST=<none>]]
121 ## Check we report an error when the index of the section specified by the "FirstSec" key
129 ## Check that we can't use the "LastSec" key without the "FirstSec" key.
134 # ONLY-LAST-ERR: error: the "LastSec" key can't be used without the "FirstSec" key
136 ## Check that we can't use the "FirstSec" key without the "LastSec" key.
141 # ONLY-FIRST-ERR: error: the "FirstSec" key can't be used without the "LastSec" key
143 ## Check we create an empty segment when neither "FirstSec" nor "LastSec" are specified.
152 ## Check that we include all sections between FirstSec and LastSec in the segment when both keys ar…
160 ## Check that we include fills that are between FirstSec and LastSec in the segment when both keys …