Lines Matching refs:OpenSSH
78 Summary: The OpenSSH implementation of SSH protocol version 2.
87 Source0:{version}.tar.gz
129 Summary: OpenSSH clients.
135 Summary: The OpenSSH server daemon.
144 Summary: A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and X.
150 Summary: A passphrase dialog for OpenSSH, X, and GNOME.
162 OpenSSH is OpenBSD's version of the last free version of SSH, bringing
174 You'll also need to install the openssh package on OpenSSH clients.
177 OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
184 OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
186 an X11 passphrase dialog for OpenSSH.
189 OpenSSH is a free version of SSH (Secure SHell), a program for logging
191 an X11 passphrase dialog for OpenSSH and the GNOME GUI desktop