Lines Matching refs:jank
8 A jank can cause:
13 the source of the jank.
73 Was there a jank observed with this frame? If yes, this shows what type of jank
113 …ametimeline/red.png) | Janky frame. The process the slice belongs to, is the reason for the jank. |
114 …d only by the apps. The frame is janky but app wasn't the reason, SurfaceFlinger caused the jank. |
115 | Blue | ![](/docs/images/frametimeline/blue.png) | Dropped frame. Not related to jank. The frame w…
119 The jank types are defined in
122 internals of the apps and specify what the reason for the jank was. Our goal is
128 All good. No jank with the frame. The ideal state that should be aimed for.
134 The app ran longer than expected causing a jank. The total time taken by the app
142 This is more of a state than a jank. This happens if the app keeps sending new
170 thread ran for longer than that, the jank is then
185 DisplayHAL jank refers to the case where SurfaceFlinger finished its work and
199 drift in prediction will still be classified as jank for tracking purposes.
204 ### Unknown jank
206 As the name suggests, the reason for the jank is unknown in this case. An
209 of such a jank happening is very low but not impossible.