Lines Matching refs:Visual
8 - `VS2005` - Visual Studio 2005 Project (this project has been moved to the contrib directory and w…
9 - `VS2008` - Visual Studio 2008 project
10 - `VS2010` - Visual Studio 2010 project (which also works well with Visual Studio 2012, 2013, 2015)
11 - `VS_scripts` - command line scripts prepared for Visual Studio compilation without IDE
14 #### How to compile zstd with Visual Studio
16 1. Install Visual Studio e.g. VS 2015 Community Edition (it's free).
20 5. Visual Studio will ask about converting VS2010 project to VS2015 and you should agree.
28 The Visual Studio solution file `visual\VS2010\zstd.sln` contains many projects that will be compil…
42 #### Using ZSTD DLL with Microsoft Visual C++ project
46 a project using Visual C++.
49 …be found in Project Properties of Visual Studio IDE in the `C/C++` Property Pages on the `General`…