// // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "allocation_utils.h" cl_command_queue reset_queue(cl_context context, cl_device_id device_id, cl_command_queue *queue, int *error) { log_info("Invalid command queue. Releasing and recreating the command queue.\n"); clReleaseCommandQueue(*queue); *queue = clCreateCommandQueue(context, device_id, 0, error); return *queue; } int check_allocation_error(cl_context context, cl_device_id device_id, int error, cl_command_queue *queue, cl_event *event) { //log_info("check_allocation_error context=%p device_id=%p error=%d *queue=%p\n", context, device_id, error, *queue); if (error == CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST && event != 0) { // check for errors from clWaitForEvents (e.g after clEnqueueWriteBuffer) cl_int eventError; error = clGetEventInfo(*event, CL_EVENT_COMMAND_EXECUTION_STATUS, sizeof(error), &eventError, 0); if (CL_SUCCESS != error) { log_error("Failed to get event execution status: %s\n", IGetErrorString(error)); return FAILED_ABORT; } if (eventError >= 0) { log_error("Non-negative event execution status after CL_EXEC_STATUS_ERROR_FOR_EVENTS_IN_WAIT_LIST: %s\n", IGetErrorString(error)); return FAILED_ABORT; } error = eventError; } if ((error == CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE ) || (error == CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES ) || (error == CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY) || (error == CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE)) { return FAILED_TOO_BIG; } else if (error == CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE) { *queue = reset_queue(context, device_id, queue, &error); if (CL_SUCCESS != error) { log_error("Failed to reset command queue after corrupted queue: %s\n", IGetErrorString(error)); return FAILED_ABORT; } // Try again with smaller resources. return FAILED_TOO_BIG; } else if (error != CL_SUCCESS) { log_error("Allocation failed with %s.\n", IGetErrorString(error)); return FAILED_ABORT; } return SUCCEEDED; } double toMB(cl_ulong size_in) { return (double)size_in/(1024.0*1024.0); } size_t get_actual_allocation_size(cl_mem mem) { int error; cl_mem_object_type type; size_t size, width, height; error = clGetMemObjectInfo(mem, CL_MEM_TYPE, sizeof(type), &type, NULL); if (error) { print_error(error, "clGetMemObjectInfo failed for CL_MEM_TYPE."); return 0; } if (type == CL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER) { error = clGetMemObjectInfo(mem, CL_MEM_SIZE, sizeof(size), &size, NULL); if (error) { print_error(error, "clGetMemObjectInfo failed for CL_MEM_SIZE."); return 0; } return size; } else if (type == CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D) { error = clGetImageInfo(mem, CL_IMAGE_WIDTH, sizeof(width), &width, NULL); if (error) { print_error(error, "clGetMemObjectInfo failed for CL_IMAGE_WIDTH."); return 0; } error = clGetImageInfo(mem, CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT, sizeof(height), &height, NULL); if (error) { print_error(error, "clGetMemObjectInfo failed for CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT."); return 0; } return width*height*4*sizeof(cl_uint); } log_error("Invalid CL_MEM_TYPE: %d\n", type); return 0; }