// // Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // #include "harness/compat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "procs.h" cl_int get_type_size( cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, const char *type, cl_ulong *size, cl_device_id device ) { const char *sizeof_kernel_code[4] = { "", /* optional pragma string */ "__kernel __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(1,1,1))) void test_sizeof(__global uint *dst) \n" "{\n" " dst[0] = (uint) sizeof( ", type, " );\n" "}\n" }; cl_program p; cl_kernel k; cl_mem m; cl_uint temp; if (!strncmp(type, "double", 6)) { sizeof_kernel_code[0] = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable\n"; } else if (!strncmp(type, "half", 4)) { sizeof_kernel_code[0] = "#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp16 : enable\n"; } cl_int err = create_single_kernel_helper_with_build_options( context, &p, &k, 4, sizeof_kernel_code, "test_sizeof", nullptr); if( err ) return err; m = clCreateBuffer( context, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR, sizeof( cl_ulong ), size, &err ); if( NULL == m ) { clReleaseProgram( p ); clReleaseKernel( k ); log_error("\nclCreateBuffer FAILED\n"); return err; } err = clSetKernelArg( k, 0, sizeof( cl_mem ), &m ); if( err ) { clReleaseProgram( p ); clReleaseKernel( k ); clReleaseMemObject( m ); log_error("\nclSetKernelArg FAILED\n"); return err; } err = clEnqueueTask( queue, k, 0, NULL, NULL ); clReleaseProgram( p ); clReleaseKernel( k ); if( err ) { clReleaseMemObject( m ); log_error( "\nclEnqueueTask FAILED\n" ); return err; } err = clEnqueueReadBuffer( queue, m, CL_TRUE, 0, sizeof( cl_uint ), &temp, 0, NULL, NULL ); clReleaseMemObject( m ); if( err ) log_error( "\nclEnqueueReadBuffer FAILED\n" ); *size = (cl_ulong) temp; return err; } typedef struct size_table { const char *name; cl_ulong size; cl_ulong cl_size; }size_table; const size_table scalar_table[] = { // Fixed size entries from table 6.1 { "char", 1, sizeof( cl_char ) }, { "uchar", 1, sizeof( cl_uchar) }, { "unsigned char", 1, sizeof( cl_uchar) }, { "short", 2, sizeof( cl_short) }, { "ushort", 2, sizeof( cl_ushort) }, { "unsigned short", 2, sizeof( cl_ushort) }, { "int", 4, sizeof( cl_int ) }, { "uint", 4, sizeof( cl_uint) }, { "unsigned int", 4, sizeof( cl_uint) }, { "float", 4, sizeof( cl_float) }, { "long", 8, sizeof( cl_long ) }, { "ulong", 8, sizeof( cl_ulong) }, { "unsigned long", 8, sizeof( cl_ulong) } }; const size_table vector_table[] = { // Fixed size entries from table 6.1 { "char", 1, sizeof( cl_char ) }, { "uchar", 1, sizeof( cl_uchar) }, { "short", 2, sizeof( cl_short) }, { "ushort", 2, sizeof( cl_ushort) }, { "int", 4, sizeof( cl_int ) }, { "uint", 4, sizeof( cl_uint) }, { "float", 4, sizeof( cl_float) }, { "long", 8, sizeof( cl_long ) }, { "ulong", 8, sizeof( cl_ulong) } }; const char *ptr_table[] = { "global void*", "size_t", "sizeof(int)", // check return type of sizeof "ptrdiff_t" }; const char *other_types[] = { "event_t", "image2d_t", "image3d_t", "sampler_t" }; static int IsPowerOfTwo( cl_ulong x ){ return 0 == (x & (x-1)); } int test_sizeof(cl_device_id device, cl_context context, cl_command_queue queue, int num_elements) { size_t i, j; cl_ulong test; cl_uint ptr_size = CL_UINT_MAX; cl_int err = CL_SUCCESS; // Check address space size err = clGetDeviceInfo(device, CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS, sizeof(ptr_size), &ptr_size, NULL); if( err || ptr_size > 64) { log_error( "FAILED: Unable to get CL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS for device %p\n", device ); return -1; } log_info( "\tCL_DEVICE_ADDRESS_BITS = %u\n", ptr_size ); ptr_size /= 8; // Test standard scalar sizes for( i = 0; i < sizeof( scalar_table ) / sizeof( scalar_table[0] ); i++ ) { if( ! gHasLong && (0 == strcmp(scalar_table[i].name, "long") || 0 == strcmp(scalar_table[i].name, "ulong") || 0 == strcmp(scalar_table[i].name, "unsigned long"))) { log_info("\nLongs are not supported by this device. Skipping test.\t"); continue; } test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, scalar_table[i].name, &test, device); if( err ) return err; if( test != scalar_table[i].size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: Type %s has size %lld, but expected size %lld!\n", scalar_table[i].name, test, scalar_table[i].size ); return -1; } if( test != scalar_table[i].cl_size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: Type %s has size %lld, but cl_ size is %lld!\n", scalar_table[i].name, test, scalar_table[i].cl_size ); return -2; } log_info( "%16s", scalar_table[i].name ); } log_info( "\n" ); // Test standard vector sizes for( j = 2; j <= 16; j *= 2 ) { // For each vector size, iterate through types for( i = 0; i < sizeof( vector_table ) / sizeof( vector_table[0] ); i++ ) { if( !gHasLong && (0 == strcmp(vector_table[i].name, "long") || 0 == strcmp(vector_table[i].name, "ulong"))) { log_info("\nLongs are not supported by this device. Skipping test.\t"); continue; } char name[32]; sprintf( name, "%s%ld", vector_table[i].name, j ); test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, name, &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test != j * vector_table[i].size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: Type %s has size %lld, but expected size %lld!\n", name, test, j * vector_table[i].size ); return -1; } if( test != j * vector_table[i].cl_size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: Type %s has size %lld, but cl_ size is %lld!\n", name, test, j * vector_table[i].cl_size ); return -2; } log_info( "%16s", name ); } log_info( "\n" ); } //Check that pointer sizes are correct for( i = 0; i < sizeof( ptr_table ) / sizeof( ptr_table[0] ); i++ ) { test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, ptr_table[i], &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test != ptr_size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: Type %s has size %lld, but expected size %u!\n", ptr_table[i], test, ptr_size ); return -1; } log_info( "%16s", ptr_table[i] ); } // Check that intptr_t is large enough test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, "intptr_t", &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test < ptr_size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: intptr_t has size %lld, but must be at least %u!\n", test, ptr_size ); return -1; } if( ! IsPowerOfTwo( test ) ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: sizeof(intptr_t) is %lld, but must be a power of two!\n", test ); return -2; } log_info( "%16s", "intptr_t" ); // Check that uintptr_t is large enough test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, "uintptr_t", &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test < ptr_size ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: uintptr_t has size %lld, but must be at least %u!\n", test, ptr_size ); return -1; } if( ! IsPowerOfTwo( test ) ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: sizeof(uintptr_t) is %lld, but must be a power of two!\n", test ); return -2; } log_info( "%16s\n", "uintptr_t" ); //Check that other types are powers of two for( i = 0; i < sizeof( other_types ) / sizeof( other_types[0] ); i++ ) { if( 0 == strcmp(other_types[i], "image2d_t") && checkForImageSupport( device ) == CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED) { log_info("\nimages are not supported by this device. Skipping test.\t"); continue; } if( gIsEmbedded && 0 == strcmp(other_types[i], "image3d_t") && checkFor3DImageSupport( device ) == CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED) { log_info("\n3D images are not supported by this device. Skipping test.\t"); continue; } if( 0 == strcmp(other_types[i], "sampler_t") && checkForImageSupport( device ) == CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED) { log_info("\nimages are not supported by this device. Skipping test.\t"); continue; } test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, other_types[i], &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( ! IsPowerOfTwo( test ) ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: Type %s has size %lld, which is not a power of two (section 6.1.5)!\n", other_types[i], test ); return -1; } log_info( "%16s", other_types[i] ); } log_info( "\n" ); //Check double if( is_extension_available( device, "cl_khr_fp64" ) ) { log_info( "\tcl_khr_fp64:" ); test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, "double", &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test != 8 ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: double has size %lld, but must be 8!\n", test ); return -1; } log_info( "%16s", "double" ); // Test standard vector sizes for( j = 2; j <= 16; j *= 2 ) { char name[32]; sprintf( name, "double%ld", j ); test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, name, &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test != 8*j ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: %s has size %lld, but must be %ld!\n", name, test, 8 * j); return -1; } log_info( "%16s", name ); } log_info( "\n" ); } //Check half if( is_extension_available( device, "cl_khr_fp16" ) ) { log_info( "\tcl_khr_fp16:" ); test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, "half", &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test != 2 ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: half has size %lld, but must be 2!\n", test ); return -1; } log_info( "%16s", "half" ); // Test standard vector sizes for( j = 2; j <= 16; j *= 2 ) { char name[32]; sprintf( name, "half%ld", j ); test = CL_ULONG_MAX; err = get_type_size( context, queue, name, &test, device ); if( err ) return err; if( test != 2*j ) { log_error( "\nFAILED: %s has size %lld, but must be %ld!\n", name, test, 2 * j); return -1; } log_info( "%16s", name ); } log_info( "\n" ); } return err; }