// // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // #include #include #include "common/system_utils.h" #include "compiler/translator/ImmutableStringBuilder.h" #include "compiler/translator/SymbolTable.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/AstHelpers.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/DebugSink.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/EmitMetal.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/Layout.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/Name.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/ProgramPrelude.h" #include "compiler/translator/TranslatorMetalDirect/RewritePipelines.h" #include "compiler/translator/tree_util/IntermTraverse.h" using namespace sh; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_ASSERTS) using Sink = DebugSink; #else using Sink = TInfoSinkBase; #endif //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace { struct VarDecl { explicit VarDecl(const TVariable &var) : mVariable(&var), mIsField(false) {} explicit VarDecl(const TField &field) : mField(&field), mIsField(true) {} ANGLE_INLINE const TVariable &variable() const { ASSERT(isVariable()); return *mVariable; } ANGLE_INLINE const TField &field() const { ASSERT(isField()); return *mField; } ANGLE_INLINE bool isVariable() const { return !mIsField; } ANGLE_INLINE bool isField() const { return mIsField; } const TType &type() const { return isField() ? *field().type() : variable().getType(); } SymbolType symbolType() const { return isField() ? field().symbolType() : variable().symbolType(); } private: union { const TVariable *mVariable; const TField *mField; }; bool mIsField; }; class GenMetalTraverser : public TIntermTraverser { public: ~GenMetalTraverser() override; GenMetalTraverser(const TCompiler &compiler, Sink &out, IdGen &idGen, const PipelineStructs &pipelineStructs, const Invariants &invariants, SymbolEnv &symbolEnv, TSymbolTable *symbolTable); void visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *) override; void visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *) override; bool visitSwizzle(Visit, TIntermSwizzle *) override; bool visitBinary(Visit, TIntermBinary *) override; bool visitUnary(Visit, TIntermUnary *) override; bool visitTernary(Visit, TIntermTernary *) override; bool visitIfElse(Visit, TIntermIfElse *) override; bool visitSwitch(Visit, TIntermSwitch *) override; bool visitCase(Visit, TIntermCase *) override; void visitFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *) override; bool visitFunctionDefinition(Visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *) override; bool visitAggregate(Visit, TIntermAggregate *) override; bool visitBlock(Visit, TIntermBlock *) override; bool visitGlobalQualifierDeclaration(Visit, TIntermGlobalQualifierDeclaration *) override; bool visitDeclaration(Visit, TIntermDeclaration *) override; bool visitLoop(Visit, TIntermLoop *) override; bool visitForLoop(TIntermLoop *); bool visitWhileLoop(TIntermLoop *); bool visitDoWhileLoop(TIntermLoop *); bool visitBranch(Visit, TIntermBranch *) override; private: using FuncToName = std::map; static FuncToName BuildFuncToName(); struct EmitVariableDeclarationConfig { bool isParameter = false; bool isMainParameter = false; bool emitPostQualifier = false; bool isPacked = false; bool disableStructSpecifier = false; bool isUBO = false; const AddressSpace *isPointer = nullptr; const AddressSpace *isReference = nullptr; }; struct EmitTypeConfig { const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig *evdConfig = nullptr; }; void emitIndentation(); void emitOpeningPointerParen(); void emitClosingPointerParen(); void emitFunctionSignature(const TFunction &func); void emitFunctionReturn(const TFunction &func); void emitFunctionParameter(const TFunction &func, const TVariable ¶m); void emitNameOf(const TField &object); void emitNameOf(const TSymbol &object); void emitNameOf(const VarDecl &object); void emitBareTypeName(const TType &type, const EmitTypeConfig &etConfig); void emitType(const TType &type, const EmitTypeConfig &etConfig); void emitPostQualifier(const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig &evdConfig, const VarDecl &decl, const TQualifier qualifier); struct FieldAnnotationIndices { size_t attribute = 0; size_t color = 0; }; void emitFieldDeclaration(const TField &field, const TStructure &parent, FieldAnnotationIndices &annotationIndices); void emitAttributeDeclaration(const TField &field, FieldAnnotationIndices &annotationIndices); void emitUniformBufferDeclaration(const TField &field, FieldAnnotationIndices &annotationIndices); void emitStructDeclaration(const TType &type); void emitOrdinaryVariableDeclaration(const VarDecl &decl, const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig &evdConfig); void emitVariableDeclaration(const VarDecl &decl, const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig &evdConfig); void emitOpenBrace(); void emitCloseBrace(); void groupedTraverse(TIntermNode &node); const TField &getDirectField(const TFieldListCollection &fieldsNode, const TConstantUnion &index); const TField &getDirectField(const TIntermTyped &fieldsNode, TIntermTyped &indexNode); const TConstantUnion *emitConstantUnionArray(const TConstantUnion *const constUnion, const size_t size); const TConstantUnion *emitConstantUnion(const TType &type, const TConstantUnion *constUnion); void emitSingleConstant(const TConstantUnion *const constUnion); private: Sink &mOut; const TCompiler &mCompiler; const PipelineStructs &mPipelineStructs; const Invariants &mInvariants; SymbolEnv &mSymbolEnv; IdGen &mIdGen; int mIndentLevel = -1; int mLastIndentationPos = -1; int mOpenPointerParenCount = 0; bool mParentIsSwitch = false; bool isTraversingVertexMain = false; bool mTemporarilyDisableSemicolon = false; std::unordered_map mRenamedSymbols; const FuncToName mFuncToName = BuildFuncToName(); size_t mMainTextureIndex = 0; size_t mMainSamplerIndex = 0; size_t mMainUniformBufferIndex = 0; size_t mDriverUniformsBindingIndex = 0; size_t mUBOArgumentBufferBindingIndex = 0; }; } // anonymous namespace GenMetalTraverser::~GenMetalTraverser() { ASSERT(mIndentLevel == -1); ASSERT(!mParentIsSwitch); ASSERT(mOpenPointerParenCount == 0); } GenMetalTraverser::GenMetalTraverser(const TCompiler &compiler, Sink &out, IdGen &idGen, const PipelineStructs &pipelineStructs, const Invariants &invariants, SymbolEnv &symbolEnv, TSymbolTable *symbolTable) : TIntermTraverser(true, false, false), mOut(out), mCompiler(compiler), mPipelineStructs(pipelineStructs), mInvariants(invariants), mSymbolEnv(symbolEnv), mIdGen(idGen), mMainUniformBufferIndex(symbolTable->getDefaultUniformsBindingIndex()), mDriverUniformsBindingIndex(symbolTable->getDriverUniformsBindingIndex()), mUBOArgumentBufferBindingIndex(symbolTable->getUBOArgumentBufferBindingIndex()) {} void GenMetalTraverser::emitIndentation() { ASSERT(mIndentLevel >= 0); if (mLastIndentationPos == mOut.size()) { return; // Line is already indented. } for (int i = 0; i < mIndentLevel; ++i) { mOut << " "; } mLastIndentationPos = mOut.size(); } void GenMetalTraverser::emitOpeningPointerParen() { mOut << "(*"; mOpenPointerParenCount++; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitClosingPointerParen() { if (mOpenPointerParenCount > 0) { mOut << ")"; mOpenPointerParenCount--; } } static const char *GetOperatorString(TOperator op, const TType &resultType, const TType *argType0, const TType *argType1 = nullptr) { switch (op) { case TOperator::EOpComma: return ","; case TOperator::EOpAssign: return "="; case TOperator::EOpInitialize: return "="; case TOperator::EOpAddAssign: return "+="; case TOperator::EOpSubAssign: return "-="; case TOperator::EOpMulAssign: return "*="; case TOperator::EOpDivAssign: return "/="; case TOperator::EOpIModAssign: return "%="; case TOperator::EOpBitShiftLeftAssign: return "<<="; // TODO: Check logical vs arithmetic shifting. case TOperator::EOpBitShiftRightAssign: return ">>="; // TODO: Check logical vs arithmetic shifting. case TOperator::EOpBitwiseAndAssign: return "&="; case TOperator::EOpBitwiseXorAssign: return "^="; case TOperator::EOpBitwiseOrAssign: return "|="; case TOperator::EOpAdd: return "+"; case TOperator::EOpSub: return "-"; case TOperator::EOpMul: return "*"; case TOperator::EOpDiv: return "/"; case TOperator::EOpIMod: return "%"; case TOperator::EOpBitShiftLeft: return "<<"; // TODO: Check logical vs arithmetic shifting. case TOperator::EOpBitShiftRight: return ">>"; // TODO: Check logical vs arithmetic shifting. case TOperator::EOpBitwiseAnd: return "&"; case TOperator::EOpBitwiseXor: return "^"; case TOperator::EOpBitwiseOr: return "|"; case TOperator::EOpLessThan: return "<"; case TOperator::EOpGreaterThan: return ">"; case TOperator::EOpLessThanEqual: return "<="; case TOperator::EOpGreaterThanEqual: return ">="; case TOperator::EOpLessThanComponentWise: return "<"; case TOperator::EOpLessThanEqualComponentWise: return "<="; case TOperator::EOpGreaterThanEqualComponentWise: return ">="; case TOperator::EOpGreaterThanComponentWise: return ">"; case TOperator::EOpLogicalOr: return "||"; case TOperator::EOpLogicalXor: return "!=/*xor*/"; // XXX: This might need to be handled differently for some obtuse // use case. case TOperator::EOpLogicalAnd: return "&&"; case TOperator::EOpNegative: return "-"; case TOperator::EOpPositive: if (argType0->isMatrix()) { return ""; } return "+"; case TOperator::EOpLogicalNot: return "!"; case TOperator::EOpNotComponentWise: return "!"; case TOperator::EOpBitwiseNot: return "~"; case TOperator::EOpPostIncrement: return "++"; case TOperator::EOpPostDecrement: return "--"; case TOperator::EOpPreIncrement: return "++"; case TOperator::EOpPreDecrement: return "--"; case TOperator::EOpVectorTimesScalarAssign: return "*="; case TOperator::EOpVectorTimesMatrixAssign: return "*="; case TOperator::EOpMatrixTimesScalarAssign: return "*="; case TOperator::EOpMatrixTimesMatrixAssign: return "*="; case TOperator::EOpVectorTimesScalar: return "*"; case TOperator::EOpVectorTimesMatrix: return "*"; case TOperator::EOpMatrixTimesVector: return "*"; case TOperator::EOpMatrixTimesScalar: return "*"; case TOperator::EOpMatrixTimesMatrix: return "*"; case TOperator::EOpEqualComponentWise: return "=="; case TOperator::EOpNotEqualComponentWise: return "!="; case TOperator::EOpEqual: if ((argType0->getStruct() && argType1->getStruct()) && (argType0->isArray() && argType1->isArray())) { return "ANGLE_equalStructArray"; } if ((argType0->isVector() && argType1->isVector()) || (argType0->getStruct() && argType1->getStruct()) || (argType0->isArray() && argType1->isArray()) || (argType0->isMatrix() && argType1->isMatrix())) { return "ANGLE_equal"; } return "=="; case TOperator::EOpNotEqual: if ((argType0->getStruct() && argType1->getStruct()) && (argType0->isArray() && argType1->isArray())) { return "ANGLE_notEqualStructArray"; } if ((argType0->isVector() && argType1->isVector()) || (argType0->isArray() && argType1->isArray()) || (argType0->isMatrix() && argType1->isMatrix())) { return "ANGLE_notEqual"; } else if (argType0->getStruct() && argType1->getStruct()) { return "ANGLE_notEqualStruct"; } return "!="; case TOperator::EOpKill: UNIMPLEMENTED(); return "kill"; case TOperator::EOpReturn: return "return"; case TOperator::EOpBreak: return "break"; case TOperator::EOpContinue: return "continue"; case TOperator::EOpRadians: return "ANGLE_radians"; case TOperator::EOpDegrees: return "ANGLE_degrees"; case TOperator::EOpAtan: return "ANGLE_atan"; case TOperator::EOpMod: return "ANGLE_mod"; // differs from metal::mod case TOperator::EOpRefract: return "ANGLE_refract"; case TOperator::EOpDistance: return "ANGLE_distance"; case TOperator::EOpLength: return "ANGLE_length"; case TOperator::EOpDot: return "ANGLE_dot"; case TOperator::EOpNormalize: return "ANGLE_normalize"; case TOperator::EOpFaceforward: return "ANGLE_faceforward"; case TOperator::EOpReflect: return "ANGLE_reflect"; case TOperator::EOpMatrixCompMult: return "ANGLE_componentWiseMultiply"; case TOperator::EOpOuterProduct: return "ANGLE_outerProduct"; case TOperator::EOpSign: return "ANGLE_sign"; case TOperator::EOpAbs: return "metal::abs"; case TOperator::EOpAll: return "metal::all"; case TOperator::EOpAny: return "metal::any"; case TOperator::EOpSin: return "metal::sin"; case TOperator::EOpCos: return "metal::cos"; case TOperator::EOpTan: return "metal::tan"; case TOperator::EOpAsin: return "metal::asin"; case TOperator::EOpAcos: return "metal::acos"; case TOperator::EOpSinh: return "metal::sinh"; case TOperator::EOpCosh: return "metal::cosh"; case TOperator::EOpTanh: return "metal::tanh"; case TOperator::EOpAsinh: return "metal::asinh"; case TOperator::EOpAcosh: return "metal::acosh"; case TOperator::EOpAtanh: return "metal::atanh"; case TOperator::EOpFma: return "metal::fma"; case TOperator::EOpPow: return "metal::pow"; case TOperator::EOpExp: return "metal::exp"; case TOperator::EOpExp2: return "metal::exp2"; case TOperator::EOpLog: return "metal::log"; case TOperator::EOpLog2: return "metal::log2"; case TOperator::EOpSqrt: return "metal::sqrt"; case TOperator::EOpFloor: return "metal::floor"; case TOperator::EOpTrunc: return "metal::trunc"; case TOperator::EOpCeil: return "metal::ceil"; case TOperator::EOpFract: return "metal::fract"; case TOperator::EOpMin: return "metal::min"; case TOperator::EOpMax: return "metal::max"; case TOperator::EOpRound: return "metal::round"; case TOperator::EOpRoundEven: return "metal::rint"; case TOperator::EOpClamp: return "metal::clamp"; // TODO fast vs precise namespace case TOperator::EOpMix: return "metal::mix"; case TOperator::EOpStep: return "metal::step"; case TOperator::EOpSmoothstep: return "metal::smoothstep"; case TOperator::EOpModf: return "metal::modf"; case TOperator::EOpIsnan: return "metal::isnan"; case TOperator::EOpIsinf: return "metal::isinf"; case TOperator::EOpLdexp: return "metal::ldexp"; case TOperator::EOpFrexp: return "metal::frexp"; case TOperator::EOpInversesqrt: return "metal::rsqrt"; case TOperator::EOpCross: return "metal::cross"; case TOperator::EOpDFdx: return "metal::dfdx"; case TOperator::EOpDFdy: return "metal::dfdy"; case TOperator::EOpFwidth: return "metal::fwidth"; case TOperator::EOpTranspose: return "metal::transpose"; case TOperator::EOpDeterminant: return "metal::determinant"; case TOperator::EOpInverse: return "ANGLE_inverse"; case TOperator::EOpFloatBitsToInt: case TOperator::EOpFloatBitsToUint: case TOperator::EOpIntBitsToFloat: case TOperator::EOpUintBitsToFloat: { #define RETURN_AS_TYPE(post) \ do \ switch (resultType.getBasicType()) \ { \ case TBasicType::EbtInt: \ return "as_type"; \ case TBasicType::EbtUInt: \ return "as_type"; \ case TBasicType::EbtFloat: \ return "as_type"; \ default: \ UNIMPLEMENTED(); \ return "TOperator_TODO"; \ } \ while (false) if (resultType.isScalar()) { RETURN_AS_TYPE(""); } else if (resultType.isVector()) { switch (resultType.getNominalSize()) { case 2: RETURN_AS_TYPE("2"); case 3: RETURN_AS_TYPE("3"); case 4: RETURN_AS_TYPE("4"); default: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; } } else { UNIMPLEMENTED(); return "TOperator_TODO"; } #undef RETURN_AS_TYPE } case TOperator::EOpPackUnorm2x16: return "metal::pack_float_to_unorm2x16"; case TOperator::EOpPackSnorm2x16: return "metal::pack_float_to_snorm2x16"; case TOperator::EOpPackUnorm4x8: return "metal::pack_float_to_unorm4x8"; case TOperator::EOpPackSnorm4x8: return "metal::pack_float_to_snorm4x8"; case TOperator::EOpUnpackUnorm2x16: return "metal::unpack_unorm2x16_to_float"; case TOperator::EOpUnpackSnorm2x16: return "metal::unpack_snorm2x16_to_float"; case TOperator::EOpUnpackUnorm4x8: return "metal::unpack_unorm4x8_to_float"; case TOperator::EOpUnpackSnorm4x8: return "metal::unpack_snorm4x8_to_float"; case TOperator::EOpPackHalf2x16: return "ANGLE_pack_half_2x16"; case TOperator::EOpUnpackHalf2x16: return "ANGLE_unpack_half_2x16"; case TOperator::EOpBitfieldExtract: case TOperator::EOpBitfieldInsert: case TOperator::EOpBitfieldReverse: case TOperator::EOpBitCount: case TOperator::EOpFindLSB: case TOperator::EOpFindMSB: case TOperator::EOpUaddCarry: case TOperator::EOpUsubBorrow: case TOperator::EOpUmulExtended: case TOperator::EOpImulExtended: case TOperator::EOpBarrier: case TOperator::EOpMemoryBarrier: case TOperator::EOpMemoryBarrierAtomicCounter: case TOperator::EOpMemoryBarrierBuffer: case TOperator::EOpMemoryBarrierImage: case TOperator::EOpMemoryBarrierShared: case TOperator::EOpGroupMemoryBarrier: case TOperator::EOpAtomicAdd: case TOperator::EOpAtomicMin: case TOperator::EOpAtomicMax: case TOperator::EOpAtomicAnd: case TOperator::EOpAtomicOr: case TOperator::EOpAtomicXor: case TOperator::EOpAtomicExchange: case TOperator::EOpAtomicCompSwap: case TOperator::EOpEmitVertex: case TOperator::EOpEndPrimitive: case TOperator::EOpFtransform: case TOperator::EOpPackDouble2x32: case TOperator::EOpUnpackDouble2x32: case TOperator::EOpArrayLength: UNIMPLEMENTED(); return "TOperator_TODO"; case TOperator::EOpNull: case TOperator::EOpConstruct: case TOperator::EOpCallFunctionInAST: case TOperator::EOpCallInternalRawFunction: case TOperator::EOpIndexDirect: case TOperator::EOpIndexIndirect: case TOperator::EOpIndexDirectStruct: case TOperator::EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: UNREACHABLE(); return nullptr; default: // Any other built-in function. return nullptr; } } static bool IsSymbolicOperator(TOperator op, const TType &resultType, const TType *argType0, const TType *argType1 = nullptr) { const char *operatorString = GetOperatorString(op, resultType, argType0, argType1); if (operatorString == nullptr) { return false; } return !std::isalnum(operatorString[0]); } static TIntermBinary *AsSpecificBinaryNode(TIntermNode &node, TOperator op) { TIntermBinary *binaryNode = node.getAsBinaryNode(); if (binaryNode) { return binaryNode->getOp() == op ? binaryNode : nullptr; } return nullptr; } static bool Parenthesize(TIntermNode &node) { if (node.getAsSymbolNode()) { return false; } if (node.getAsConstantUnion()) { return false; } if (node.getAsAggregate()) { return false; } if (node.getAsSwizzleNode()) { return false; } if (TIntermUnary *unaryNode = node.getAsUnaryNode()) { // TODO: Use a precedence and associativity rules instead of this ad-hoc impl. const TType &resultType = unaryNode->getType(); const TType &argType = unaryNode->getOperand()->getType(); return IsSymbolicOperator(unaryNode->getOp(), resultType, &argType); } if (TIntermBinary *binaryNode = node.getAsBinaryNode()) { // TODO: Use a precedence and associativity rules instead of this ad-hoc impl. const TOperator op = binaryNode->getOp(); switch (op) { case TOperator::EOpIndexDirectStruct: case TOperator::EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: case TOperator::EOpIndexDirect: case TOperator::EOpIndexIndirect: return Parenthesize(*binaryNode->getLeft()); case TOperator::EOpAssign: case TOperator::EOpInitialize: return AsSpecificBinaryNode(*binaryNode->getRight(), TOperator::EOpComma); default: { const TType &resultType = binaryNode->getType(); const TType &leftType = binaryNode->getLeft()->getType(); const TType &rightType = binaryNode->getRight()->getType(); return IsSymbolicOperator(binaryNode->getOp(), resultType, &leftType, &rightType); } } } return true; } void GenMetalTraverser::groupedTraverse(TIntermNode &node) { const bool emitParens = Parenthesize(node); if (emitParens) { mOut << "("; } node.traverse(this); if (emitParens) { mOut << ")"; } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitPostQualifier(const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig &evdConfig, const VarDecl &decl, const TQualifier qualifier) { switch (qualifier) { case TQualifier::EvqPosition: case TQualifier::EvqFragCoord: mOut << " [[position]]"; break; case TQualifier::EvqPointSize: mOut << " [[point_size]]"; break; case TQualifier::EvqVertexID: if (evdConfig.isMainParameter) { mOut << " [[vertex_id]]"; } break; case TQualifier::EvqPointCoord: if (evdConfig.isMainParameter) { mOut << " [[point_coord]]"; } break; case TQualifier::EvqFrontFacing: if (evdConfig.isMainParameter) { mOut << " [[front_facing]]"; } break; default: break; } const bool isInvariant = (decl.isField() ? mInvariants.contains(decl.field()) : mInvariants.contains(decl.variable())) && (qualifier == TQualifier::EvqPosition || qualifier == TQualifier::EvqFragCoord); if (isInvariant) { mOut << " [[invariant]]"; } } static void EmitName(Sink &out, const Name &name) { #if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_ASSERTS) DebugSink::EscapedSink escapedOut(out.escape()); #else TInfoSinkBase &escapedOut = out; #endif name.emit(escapedOut); } void GenMetalTraverser::emitNameOf(const TField &object) { EmitName(mOut, Name(object)); } void GenMetalTraverser::emitNameOf(const TSymbol &object) { auto it = mRenamedSymbols.find(&object); if (it == mRenamedSymbols.end()) { EmitName(mOut, Name(object)); } else { EmitName(mOut, it->second); } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitNameOf(const VarDecl &object) { if (object.isField()) { emitNameOf(object.field()); } else { emitNameOf(object.variable()); } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitBareTypeName(const TType &type, const EmitTypeConfig &etConfig) { const TBasicType basicType = type.getBasicType(); switch (basicType) { case TBasicType::EbtVoid: case TBasicType::EbtBool: case TBasicType::EbtFloat: case TBasicType::EbtInt: case TBasicType::EbtUInt: { mOut << type.getBasicString(); } break; case TBasicType::EbtStruct: { const TStructure &structure = *type.getStruct(); emitNameOf(structure); } break; case TBasicType::EbtInterfaceBlock: { const TInterfaceBlock &interfaceBlock = *type.getInterfaceBlock(); emitNameOf(interfaceBlock); } break; default: { if (IsSampler(basicType)) { if (etConfig.evdConfig && etConfig.evdConfig->isMainParameter) { EmitName(mOut, GetTextureTypeName(basicType)); } else { const TStructure &env = mSymbolEnv.getTextureEnv(basicType); emitNameOf(env); } } else { UNIMPLEMENTED(); } } } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitType(const TType &type, const EmitTypeConfig &etConfig) { const bool isUBO = etConfig.evdConfig ? etConfig.evdConfig->isUBO : false; if (etConfig.evdConfig) { const auto &evdConfig = *etConfig.evdConfig; if (isUBO) { if (type.isArray()) { mOut << "ANGLE_tensor<"; } } if (evdConfig.isPointer) { mOut << toString(*evdConfig.isPointer); mOut << " "; } else if (evdConfig.isReference) { mOut << toString(*evdConfig.isReference); mOut << " "; } } if (!isUBO) { if (type.isArray()) { mOut << "ANGLE_tensor<"; } } if (type.isVector() || type.isMatrix()) { mOut << "metal::"; } if (etConfig.evdConfig && etConfig.evdConfig->isPacked) { mOut << "packed_"; } emitBareTypeName(type, etConfig); if (type.isVector()) { mOut << type.getNominalSize(); } else if (type.isMatrix()) { mOut << type.getCols() << "x" << type.getRows(); } if (!isUBO) { if (type.isArray()) { for (auto size : type.getArraySizes()) { mOut << ", " << size; } mOut << ">"; } } if (etConfig.evdConfig) { const auto &evdConfig = *etConfig.evdConfig; if (evdConfig.isPointer) { mOut << " *"; } else if (evdConfig.isReference) { mOut << " &"; } if (isUBO) { if (type.isArray()) { for (auto size : type.getArraySizes()) { mOut << ", " << size; } mOut << ">"; } } } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitFieldDeclaration(const TField &field, const TStructure &parent, FieldAnnotationIndices &annotationIndices) { const TType &type = *field.type(); const TBasicType basic = type.getBasicType(); EmitVariableDeclarationConfig evdConfig; evdConfig.emitPostQualifier = true; evdConfig.disableStructSpecifier = true; evdConfig.isPacked = mSymbolEnv.isPacked(field); evdConfig.isUBO = mSymbolEnv.isUBO(field); evdConfig.isPointer = mSymbolEnv.isPointer(field); evdConfig.isReference = mSymbolEnv.isReference(field); emitVariableDeclaration(VarDecl(field), evdConfig); const TQualifier qual = type.getQualifier(); switch (qual) { case TQualifier::EvqFlatIn: if (mPipelineStructs.fragmentIn.external == &parent) { mOut << " [[flat]]"; TranslatorMetalReflection *reflection = ((sh::TranslatorMetalDirect *)&mCompiler)->getTranslatorMetalReflection(); reflection->hasFlatInput = true; } break; case TQualifier::EvqFragmentOut: case TQualifier::EvqFragData: if (mPipelineStructs.fragmentOut.external == &parent) { if ((type.isVector() && (basic == TBasicType::EbtInt || basic == TBasicType::EbtUInt || basic == TBasicType::EbtFloat)) || type.getQualifier() == EvqFragData) { // TODO: // This is not correct in general and needs a reimplementation. // In GLSL 3.0, We can't always assume this is going to be a safe index. // See // https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenGL/specs/es/3.0/GLSL_ES_Specification_3.00.pdf size_t index = annotationIndices.color++; mOut << " [[color(" << index << ")]]"; } } break; case TQualifier::EvqFragDepth: mOut << " [[depth(any)]]"; break; case TQualifier::EvqSampleMask: mOut << " [[sample_mask, function_constant(" << sh::mtl::kCoverageMaskEnabledConstName << ")]]"; break; default: break; } } static std::map BuildExternalAttributeIndexMap( const TCompiler &compiler, const PipelineScoped &structure) { ASSERT(structure.isTotallyFull()); const auto &shaderVars = compiler.getAttributes(); const size_t shaderVarSize = shaderVars.size(); size_t shaderVarIndex = 0; const auto &externalFields = structure.external->fields(); const size_t externalSize = externalFields.size(); size_t externalIndex = 0; const auto &internalFields = structure.internal->fields(); const size_t internalSize = internalFields.size(); size_t internalIndex = 0; // Internal fields are never split. External fields are sometimes split. ASSERT(externalSize >= internalSize); // Structures do not contain any inactive fields. ASSERT(shaderVarSize >= internalSize); std::map externalNameToAttributeIndex; size_t attributeIndex = 0; while (internalIndex < internalSize) { const TField &internalField = *internalFields[internalIndex]; const Name internalName = Name(internalField); const TType &internalType = *internalField.type(); while (internalName.rawName() != shaderVars[shaderVarIndex].name && internalName.rawName() != shaderVars[shaderVarIndex].mappedName) { // This case represents an inactive field. ++shaderVarIndex; ASSERT(shaderVarIndex < shaderVarSize); ++attributeIndex; // TODO: Might need to increment more if shader var type is a matrix. } const size_t cols = internalType.isMatrix() ? internalType.getCols() : 1; for (size_t c = 0; c < cols; ++c) { const TField &externalField = *externalFields[externalIndex]; const Name externalName = Name(externalField); ASSERT(!externalField.type()->isMatrix()); externalNameToAttributeIndex[externalName] = attributeIndex; ++externalIndex; ++attributeIndex; } ++shaderVarIndex; ++internalIndex; } ASSERT(shaderVarIndex <= shaderVarSize); ASSERT(externalIndex <= externalSize); // less than if padding was introduced ASSERT(internalIndex == internalSize); return externalNameToAttributeIndex; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitAttributeDeclaration(const TField &field, FieldAnnotationIndices &annotationIndices) { EmitVariableDeclarationConfig evdConfig; evdConfig.disableStructSpecifier = true; emitVariableDeclaration(VarDecl(field), evdConfig); mOut << sh::kUnassignedAttributeString; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitUniformBufferDeclaration(const TField &field, FieldAnnotationIndices &annotationIndices) { EmitVariableDeclarationConfig evdConfig; evdConfig.disableStructSpecifier = true; evdConfig.isUBO = mSymbolEnv.isUBO(field); evdConfig.isPointer = mSymbolEnv.isPointer(field); emitVariableDeclaration(VarDecl(field), evdConfig); mOut << "[[id(" << annotationIndices.attribute << ")]]"; const TType &type = *field.type(); const int arraySize = type.isArray() ? type.getArraySizeProduct() : 1; TranslatorMetalReflection *reflection = ((sh::TranslatorMetalDirect *)&mCompiler)->getTranslatorMetalReflection(); ASSERT(type.getBasicType() == TBasicType::EbtStruct); const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); const std::string originalName = reflection->getOriginalName(structure->uniqueId().get()); reflection->addUniformBufferBinding( originalName, {.bindIndex = annotationIndices.attribute, .arraySize = static_cast(arraySize)}); annotationIndices.attribute += arraySize; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitStructDeclaration(const TType &type) { ASSERT(type.getBasicType() == TBasicType::EbtStruct); ASSERT(type.isStructSpecifier()); mOut << "struct "; emitBareTypeName(type, {}); mOut << "\n"; emitOpenBrace(); const TStructure &structure = *type.getStruct(); std::map fieldToAttributeIndex; const bool hasAttributeIndices = mPipelineStructs.vertexIn.external == &structure; const bool hasUniformBufferIndicies = mPipelineStructs.uniformBuffers.external == &structure; const bool reclaimUnusedAttributeIndices = mCompiler.getShaderVersion() < 300; if (hasAttributeIndices) { fieldToAttributeIndex = BuildExternalAttributeIndexMap(mCompiler, mPipelineStructs.vertexIn); } FieldAnnotationIndices annotationIndices; for (const TField *field : structure.fields()) { emitIndentation(); if (hasAttributeIndices) { const auto it = fieldToAttributeIndex.find(Name(*field)); if (it == fieldToAttributeIndex.end()) { ASSERT(field->symbolType() == SymbolType::AngleInternal); ASSERT(field->name().beginsWith("_")); ASSERT(angle::EndsWith(field->name().data(), "_pad")); emitFieldDeclaration(*field, structure, annotationIndices); } else { ASSERT(field->symbolType() != SymbolType::AngleInternal || !field->name().beginsWith("_") || !angle::EndsWith(field->name().data(), "_pad")); if (!reclaimUnusedAttributeIndices) { annotationIndices.attribute = it->second; } emitAttributeDeclaration(*field, annotationIndices); } } else if (hasUniformBufferIndicies) { emitUniformBufferDeclaration(*field, annotationIndices); } else { emitFieldDeclaration(*field, structure, annotationIndices); } mOut << ";\n"; } if (!mPipelineStructs.matches(structure, true, true)) { MetalLayoutOfConfig layoutConfig; layoutConfig.treatSamplersAsTextureEnv = true; Layout layout = MetalLayoutOf(type, layoutConfig); size_t pad = (kDefaultStructAlignmentSize - layout.sizeOf) % kDefaultStructAlignmentSize; if (pad != 0) { emitIndentation(); mOut << "char "; EmitName(mOut, mIdGen.createNewName("pad")); mOut << "[" << pad << "];\n"; } } emitCloseBrace(); } void GenMetalTraverser::emitOrdinaryVariableDeclaration( const VarDecl &decl, const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig &evdConfig) { EmitTypeConfig etConfig; etConfig.evdConfig = &evdConfig; const TType &type = decl.type(); emitType(type, etConfig); if (decl.symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty) { mOut << " "; emitNameOf(decl); } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitVariableDeclaration(const VarDecl &decl, const EmitVariableDeclarationConfig &evdConfig) { const SymbolType symbolType = decl.symbolType(); const TType &type = decl.type(); const TBasicType basicType = type.getBasicType(); switch (basicType) { case TBasicType::EbtStruct: { if (type.isStructSpecifier() && !evdConfig.disableStructSpecifier) { ASSERT(!evdConfig.isParameter); emitStructDeclaration(type); if (symbolType != SymbolType::Empty) { mOut << " "; emitNameOf(decl); } } else { emitOrdinaryVariableDeclaration(decl, evdConfig); } } break; default: { ASSERT(symbolType != SymbolType::Empty || evdConfig.isParameter); emitOrdinaryVariableDeclaration(decl, evdConfig); } } if (evdConfig.emitPostQualifier) { emitPostQualifier(evdConfig, decl, type.getQualifier()); } } void GenMetalTraverser::visitSymbol(TIntermSymbol *symbolNode) { const TVariable &var = symbolNode->variable(); const TType &type = var.getType(); ASSERT(var.symbolType() != SymbolType::Empty); if (type.getBasicType() == TBasicType::EbtVoid) { mOut << "/*"; emitNameOf(var); mOut << "*/"; } else { emitNameOf(var); } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitSingleConstant(const TConstantUnion *const constUnion) { switch (constUnion->getType()) { case TBasicType::EbtBool: { mOut << (constUnion->getBConst() ? "true" : "false"); } break; case TBasicType::EbtFloat: { mOut << constUnion->getFConst() << "f"; } break; case TBasicType::EbtInt: { mOut << constUnion->getIConst(); } break; case TBasicType::EbtUInt: { mOut << constUnion->getUConst() << "u"; } break; default: { UNIMPLEMENTED(); } } } const TConstantUnion *GenMetalTraverser::emitConstantUnionArray( const TConstantUnion *const constUnion, const size_t size) { const TConstantUnion *constUnionIterated = constUnion; for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++, constUnionIterated++) { emitSingleConstant(constUnionIterated); if (i != size - 1) { mOut << ", "; } } return constUnionIterated; } const TConstantUnion *GenMetalTraverser::emitConstantUnion(const TType &type, const TConstantUnion *constUnionBegin) { const TConstantUnion *constUnionCurr = constUnionBegin; const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); if (structure) { EmitTypeConfig config = EmitTypeConfig{nullptr}; emitType(type, config); mOut << "{"; const TFieldList &fields = structure->fields(); for (size_t i = 0; i < fields.size(); ++i) { const TType *fieldType = fields[i]->type(); constUnionCurr = emitConstantUnion(*fieldType, constUnionCurr); if (i != fields.size() - 1) { mOut << ", "; } } mOut << "}"; } else { size_t size = type.getObjectSize(); bool writeType = size > 1; if (writeType) { EmitTypeConfig config = EmitTypeConfig{nullptr}; emitType(type, config); mOut << "("; } constUnionCurr = emitConstantUnionArray(constUnionCurr, size); if (writeType) { mOut << ")"; } } return constUnionCurr; } void GenMetalTraverser::visitConstantUnion(TIntermConstantUnion *constValueNode) { emitConstantUnion(constValueNode->getType(), constValueNode->getConstantValue()); } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitSwizzle(Visit, TIntermSwizzle *swizzleNode) { groupedTraverse(*swizzleNode->getOperand()); mOut << "."; { #if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_ASSERTS) DebugSink::EscapedSink escapedOut(mOut.escape()); TInfoSinkBase &out = escapedOut.get(); #else TInfoSinkBase &out = mOut; #endif swizzleNode->writeOffsetsAsXYZW(&out); } return false; } const TField &GenMetalTraverser::getDirectField(const TFieldListCollection &fieldListCollection, const TConstantUnion &index) { ASSERT(index.getType() == TBasicType::EbtInt); const TFieldList &fieldList = fieldListCollection.fields(); const int indexVal = index.getIConst(); const TField &field = *fieldList[indexVal]; return field; } const TField &GenMetalTraverser::getDirectField(const TIntermTyped &fieldsNode, TIntermTyped &indexNode) { const TType &fieldsType = fieldsNode.getType(); const TFieldListCollection *fieldListCollection = fieldsType.getStruct(); if (fieldListCollection == nullptr) { fieldListCollection = fieldsType.getInterfaceBlock(); } ASSERT(fieldListCollection); const TIntermConstantUnion *indexNode_ = indexNode.getAsConstantUnion(); ASSERT(indexNode_); const TConstantUnion &index = *indexNode_->getConstantValue(); return getDirectField(*fieldListCollection, index); } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitBinary(Visit, TIntermBinary *binaryNode) { const TOperator op = binaryNode->getOp(); TIntermTyped &leftNode = *binaryNode->getLeft(); TIntermTyped &rightNode = *binaryNode->getRight(); switch (op) { case TOperator::EOpIndexDirectStruct: case TOperator::EOpIndexDirectInterfaceBlock: { const TField &field = getDirectField(leftNode, rightNode); if (mSymbolEnv.isPointer(field) && mSymbolEnv.isUBO(field)) { emitOpeningPointerParen(); } groupedTraverse(leftNode); if (!mSymbolEnv.isPointer(field)) { emitClosingPointerParen(); } mOut << "."; emitNameOf(field); } break; case TOperator::EOpIndexDirect: case TOperator::EOpIndexIndirect: { TType leftType = leftNode.getType(); groupedTraverse(leftNode); mOut << "["; { mOut << "ANGLE_int_clamp("; groupedTraverse(rightNode); mOut << ", 0, "; if (leftType.isUnsizedArray()) { groupedTraverse(leftNode); mOut << ".size()"; } else { int maxSize; if (leftType.isArray()) { maxSize = static_cast(leftType.getOutermostArraySize()) - 1; } else { maxSize = leftType.getNominalSize() - 1; } mOut << maxSize; } mOut << ")"; } mOut << "]"; } break; default: { const TType &resultType = binaryNode->getType(); const TType &leftType = leftNode.getType(); const TType &rightType = rightNode.getType(); if (IsSymbolicOperator(op, resultType, &leftType, &rightType)) { groupedTraverse(leftNode); if (op != TOperator::EOpComma) { mOut << " "; } else { emitClosingPointerParen(); } mOut << GetOperatorString(op, resultType, &leftType, &rightType) << " "; groupedTraverse(rightNode); } else { emitClosingPointerParen(); mOut << GetOperatorString(op, resultType, &leftType, &rightType) << "("; leftNode.traverse(this); mOut << ", "; rightNode.traverse(this); mOut << ")"; } } } return false; } static bool IsPostfix(TOperator op) { switch (op) { case TOperator::EOpPostIncrement: case TOperator::EOpPostDecrement: return true; default: return false; } } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitUnary(Visit, TIntermUnary *unaryNode) { const TOperator op = unaryNode->getOp(); const TType &resultType = unaryNode->getType(); TIntermTyped &arg = *unaryNode->getOperand(); const TType &argType = arg.getType(); const char *name = GetOperatorString(op, resultType, &argType); if (IsSymbolicOperator(op, resultType, &argType)) { const bool postfix = IsPostfix(op); if (!postfix) { mOut << name; } groupedTraverse(arg); if (postfix) { mOut << name; } } else { mOut << name << "("; arg.traverse(this); mOut << ")"; } return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitTernary(Visit, TIntermTernary *conditionalNode) { groupedTraverse(*conditionalNode->getCondition()); mOut << " ? "; groupedTraverse(*conditionalNode->getTrueExpression()); mOut << " : "; groupedTraverse(*conditionalNode->getFalseExpression()); return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitIfElse(Visit, TIntermIfElse *ifThenElseNode) { TIntermTyped &condNode = *ifThenElseNode->getCondition(); TIntermBlock *thenNode = ifThenElseNode->getTrueBlock(); TIntermBlock *elseNode = ifThenElseNode->getFalseBlock(); emitIndentation(); mOut << "if ("; condNode.traverse(this); mOut << ")"; if (thenNode) { mOut << "\n"; thenNode->traverse(this); } else { mOut << " {}"; } if (elseNode) { mOut << "\n"; emitIndentation(); mOut << "else\n"; elseNode->traverse(this); } else { // Always emit "else" even when empty block to avoid nested if-stmt issues. mOut << " else {}"; } return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitSwitch(Visit, TIntermSwitch *switchNode) { emitIndentation(); mOut << "switch ("; switchNode->getInit()->traverse(this); mOut << ")\n"; ASSERT(!mParentIsSwitch); mParentIsSwitch = true; switchNode->getStatementList()->traverse(this); mParentIsSwitch = false; return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitCase(Visit, TIntermCase *caseNode) { emitIndentation(); if (caseNode->hasCondition()) { TIntermTyped *condExpr = caseNode->getCondition(); mOut << "case "; condExpr->traverse(this); mOut << ":"; } else { mOut << "default:\n"; } return false; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitFunctionSignature(const TFunction &func) { const bool isMain = func.isMain(); emitFunctionReturn(func); mOut << " "; emitNameOf(func); if (isMain) { mOut << "0"; } mOut << "("; bool emitComma = false; const size_t paramCount = func.getParamCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < paramCount; ++i) { if (emitComma) { mOut << ", "; } emitComma = true; const TVariable ¶m = *func.getParam(i); emitFunctionParameter(func, param); } // TODO(anglebug.com/5505): reimplement transform feedback support. // if (isTraversingVertexMain) // { // mOut << " @@XFB-Bindings@@ "; // } mOut << ")"; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitFunctionReturn(const TFunction &func) { const bool isMain = func.isMain(); bool isVertexMain = false; const TType &returnType = func.getReturnType(); if (isMain) { const TStructure *structure = returnType.getStruct(); ASSERT(structure != nullptr); if (mPipelineStructs.fragmentOut.matches(*structure)) { mOut << "fragment "; } else if (mPipelineStructs.vertexOut.matches(*structure)) { mOut << "vertex __VERTEX_OUT("; isVertexMain = true; } else { UNIMPLEMENTED(); } } emitType(returnType, EmitTypeConfig()); if (isVertexMain) mOut << ") "; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitFunctionParameter(const TFunction &func, const TVariable ¶m) { const bool isMain = func.isMain(); const TType &type = param.getType(); const TStructure *structure = type.getStruct(); EmitVariableDeclarationConfig evdConfig; evdConfig.isParameter = true; evdConfig.isMainParameter = isMain; evdConfig.emitPostQualifier = isMain; evdConfig.isUBO = mSymbolEnv.isUBO(param); evdConfig.isPointer = mSymbolEnv.isPointer(param); evdConfig.isReference = mSymbolEnv.isReference(param); emitVariableDeclaration(VarDecl(param), evdConfig); if (isMain) { TranslatorMetalReflection *reflection = ((sh::TranslatorMetalDirect *)&mCompiler)->getTranslatorMetalReflection(); if (structure) { if (mPipelineStructs.fragmentIn.matches(*structure) || mPipelineStructs.vertexIn.matches(*structure)) { mOut << " [[stage_in]]"; } else if (mPipelineStructs.angleUniforms.matches(*structure)) { mOut << " [[buffer(" << mDriverUniformsBindingIndex << ")]]"; } else if (mPipelineStructs.uniformBuffers.matches(*structure)) { mOut << " [[buffer(" << mUBOArgumentBufferBindingIndex << ")]]"; reflection->hasUBOs = true; } else if (mPipelineStructs.userUniforms.matches(*structure)) { mOut << " [[buffer(" << mMainUniformBufferIndex << ")]]"; reflection->addUserUniformBufferBinding(param.name().data(), mMainUniformBufferIndex); mMainUniformBufferIndex += type.getArraySizeProduct(); } else if (structure->name() == "metal::sampler") { mOut << " [[sampler(" << (mMainSamplerIndex) << ")]]"; const std::string originalName = reflection->getOriginalName(param.uniqueId().get()); reflection->addSamplerBinding(originalName, mMainSamplerIndex); mMainSamplerIndex += type.getArraySizeProduct(); } } else if (IsSampler(type.getBasicType())) { mOut << " [[texture(" << (mMainTextureIndex) << ")]]"; const std::string originalName = reflection->getOriginalName(param.uniqueId().get()); reflection->addTextureBinding(originalName, mMainSamplerIndex); mMainTextureIndex += type.getArraySizeProduct(); } else if (Name(param) == Pipeline{Pipeline::Type::InstanceId, nullptr}.getStructInstanceName( Pipeline::Variant::Modified)) { mOut << " [[instance_id]]"; } } } void GenMetalTraverser::visitFunctionPrototype(TIntermFunctionPrototype *funcProtoNode) { const TFunction &func = *funcProtoNode->getFunction(); emitIndentation(); emitFunctionSignature(func); } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitFunctionDefinition(Visit, TIntermFunctionDefinition *funcDefNode) { const TFunction &func = *funcDefNode->getFunction(); TIntermBlock &body = *funcDefNode->getBody(); if (func.isMain()) { const TType &returnType = func.getReturnType(); const TStructure *structure = returnType.getStruct(); isTraversingVertexMain = (mPipelineStructs.vertexOut.matches(*structure)); } emitIndentation(); emitFunctionSignature(func); mOut << "\n"; body.traverse(this); if (isTraversingVertexMain) { isTraversingVertexMain = false; } return false; } GenMetalTraverser::FuncToName GenMetalTraverser::BuildFuncToName() { FuncToName map; auto putAngle = [&](const char *nameStr) { const ImmutableString name(nameStr); ASSERT(map.find(name) == map.end()); map[name] = Name(nameStr, SymbolType::AngleInternal); }; putAngle("texelFetch"); putAngle("texelFetchOffset"); putAngle("texture"); putAngle("texture1D"); putAngle("texture1DLod"); putAngle("texture1DProjLod"); putAngle("texture2D"); putAngle("texture2DLod"); putAngle("texture2DProj"); putAngle("texture2DRect"); putAngle("texture2DProjLod"); putAngle("texture2DRectProj"); putAngle("texture3D"); putAngle("texture3DLod"); putAngle("texture3DProjLod"); putAngle("textureCube"); putAngle("textureCubeLod"); putAngle("textureCubeProjLod"); putAngle("textureGrad"); putAngle("textureGradOffset"); putAngle("textureLod"); putAngle("textureLodOffset"); putAngle("textureOffset"); putAngle("textureProj"); putAngle("textureProjGrad"); putAngle("textureProjGradOffset"); putAngle("textureProjLod"); putAngle("textureProjLodOffset"); putAngle("textureProjOffset"); putAngle("textureSize"); return map; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitAggregate(Visit, TIntermAggregate *aggregateNode) { const TIntermSequence &args = *aggregateNode->getSequence(); auto emitArgList = [&](const char *open, const char *close) { mOut << open; bool emitComma = false; for (TIntermNode *arg : args) { if (emitComma) { emitClosingPointerParen(); mOut << ", "; } emitComma = true; arg->traverse(this); } mOut << close; }; const TType &retType = aggregateNode->getType(); if (aggregateNode->isConstructor()) { const bool isStandalone = getParentNode()->getAsBlock(); if (isStandalone) { // Prevent constructor from being interpreted as a declaration by wrapping in parens. // This can happen if given something like: // int(symbol); // <- This will be treated like `int symbol;`... don't want that. // So instead emit: // (int(symbol)); mOut << "("; } const EmitTypeConfig etConfig; if (retType.isArray()) { emitType(retType, etConfig); emitArgList("{", "}"); } else if (retType.getStruct()) { emitType(retType, etConfig); emitArgList("{", "}"); } else { emitType(retType, etConfig); emitArgList("(", ")"); } if (isStandalone) { mOut << ")"; } return false; } else { const TOperator op = aggregateNode->getOp(); switch (op) { case TOperator::EOpCallFunctionInAST: case TOperator::EOpCallInternalRawFunction: { const TFunction &func = *aggregateNode->getFunction(); emitNameOf(func); //'@' symbol in name specifices a macro substitution marker. if (!func.name().contains("@")) { emitArgList("(", ")"); } else { mTemporarilyDisableSemicolon = true; // Disable semicolon for macro substitution. } return false; } default: { auto getArgType = [&](size_t index) -> const TType * { if (index < args.size()) { TIntermTyped *arg = args[index]->getAsTyped(); ASSERT(arg); return &arg->getType(); } return nullptr; }; ASSERT(!args.empty()); const TType *argType0 = getArgType(0); const TType *argType1 = getArgType(1); ASSERT(argType0); const char *opName = GetOperatorString(op, retType, argType0, argType1); if (IsSymbolicOperator(op, retType, argType0, argType1)) { switch (args.size()) { case 1: { TIntermNode &operandNode = *aggregateNode->getChildNode(0); if (IsPostfix(op)) { mOut << opName; groupedTraverse(operandNode); return false; } else { groupedTraverse(operandNode); mOut << opName; return false; } } break; case 2: { TIntermNode &leftNode = *aggregateNode->getChildNode(0); TIntermNode &rightNode = *aggregateNode->getChildNode(1); groupedTraverse(leftNode); mOut << " " << opName << " "; groupedTraverse(rightNode); return false; } break; default: UNREACHABLE(); return false; } } else if (opName == nullptr) { const TFunction &func = *aggregateNode->getFunction(); auto it = mFuncToName.find(func.name()); ASSERT(it != mFuncToName.end()); EmitName(mOut, it->second); emitArgList("(", ")"); return false; } else { mOut << opName; emitArgList("(", ")"); return false; } } } } } void GenMetalTraverser::emitOpenBrace() { ASSERT(mIndentLevel >= 0); emitIndentation(); mOut << "{\n"; ++mIndentLevel; } void GenMetalTraverser::emitCloseBrace() { ASSERT(mIndentLevel >= 1); --mIndentLevel; emitIndentation(); mOut << "}"; } static bool RequiresSemicolonTerminator(TIntermNode &node) { if (node.getAsBlock()) { return false; } if (node.getAsLoopNode()) { return false; } if (node.getAsSwitchNode()) { return false; } if (node.getAsIfElseNode()) { return false; } if (node.getAsFunctionDefinition()) { return false; } if (node.getAsCaseNode()) { return false; } return true; } static bool NewlinePad(TIntermNode &node) { if (node.getAsFunctionDefinition()) { return true; } if (TIntermDeclaration *declNode = node.getAsDeclarationNode()) { ASSERT(declNode->getChildCount() == 1); TIntermNode &childNode = *declNode->getChildNode(0); if (TIntermSymbol *symbolNode = childNode.getAsSymbolNode()) { const TVariable &var = symbolNode->variable(); return var.getType().isStructSpecifier(); } return false; } return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitBlock(Visit, TIntermBlock *blockNode) { ASSERT(mIndentLevel >= -1); const bool isGlobalScope = mIndentLevel == -1; const bool parentIsSwitch = mParentIsSwitch; mParentIsSwitch = false; if (isGlobalScope) { ++mIndentLevel; } else { emitOpenBrace(); if (parentIsSwitch) { ++mIndentLevel; } } TIntermNode *prevStmtNode = nullptr; const size_t stmtCount = blockNode->getChildCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < stmtCount; ++i) { TIntermNode &stmtNode = *blockNode->getChildNode(i); if (isGlobalScope && prevStmtNode && (NewlinePad(*prevStmtNode) || NewlinePad(stmtNode))) { mOut << "\n"; } const bool isCase = stmtNode.getAsCaseNode(); mIndentLevel -= isCase; emitIndentation(); mIndentLevel += isCase; stmtNode.traverse(this); if (RequiresSemicolonTerminator(stmtNode) && !mTemporarilyDisableSemicolon) { mOut << ";"; } mTemporarilyDisableSemicolon = false; mOut << "\n"; prevStmtNode = &stmtNode; } if (isGlobalScope) { ASSERT(mIndentLevel == 0); --mIndentLevel; } else { if (parentIsSwitch) { ASSERT(mIndentLevel >= 1); --mIndentLevel; } emitCloseBrace(); mParentIsSwitch = parentIsSwitch; } return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitGlobalQualifierDeclaration(Visit, TIntermGlobalQualifierDeclaration *) { UNREACHABLE(); // RewriteGlobalQualifierDecls should have been called before this. return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitDeclaration(Visit, TIntermDeclaration *declNode) { ASSERT(declNode->getChildCount() == 1); TIntermNode &node = *declNode->getChildNode(0); EmitVariableDeclarationConfig evdConfig; if (TIntermSymbol *symbolNode = node.getAsSymbolNode()) { const TVariable &var = symbolNode->variable(); emitVariableDeclaration(VarDecl(var), evdConfig); } else if (TIntermBinary *initNode = node.getAsBinaryNode()) { ASSERT(initNode->getOp() == TOperator::EOpInitialize); TIntermSymbol *leftSymbolNode = initNode->getLeft()->getAsSymbolNode(); TIntermTyped *valueNode = initNode->getRight()->getAsTyped(); ASSERT(leftSymbolNode && valueNode); if (getRootNode() == getParentBlock()) { // DeferGlobalInitializers should have turned non-const global initializers into // deferred initializers. Note that variables marked as EvqGlobal can be treated as // EvqConst in some ANGLE code but not actually have their qualifier actually changed to // EvqConst. Thus just assume all EvqGlobal are actually EvqConst for all code run after // DeferGlobalInitializers. mOut << "constant "; } const TVariable &var = leftSymbolNode->variable(); const Name varName(var); if (ExpressionContainsName(varName, *valueNode)) { mRenamedSymbols[&var] = mIdGen.createNewName(varName); } emitVariableDeclaration(VarDecl(var), evdConfig); mOut << " = "; groupedTraverse(*valueNode); } else { UNREACHABLE(); } return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitLoop(Visit, TIntermLoop *loopNode) { const TLoopType loopType = loopNode->getType(); switch (loopType) { case TLoopType::ELoopFor: return visitForLoop(loopNode); case TLoopType::ELoopWhile: return visitWhileLoop(loopNode); case TLoopType::ELoopDoWhile: return visitDoWhileLoop(loopNode); } } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitForLoop(TIntermLoop *loopNode) { ASSERT(loopNode->getType() == TLoopType::ELoopFor); TIntermNode *initNode = loopNode->getInit(); TIntermTyped *condNode = loopNode->getCondition(); TIntermTyped *exprNode = loopNode->getExpression(); TIntermBlock *bodyNode = loopNode->getBody(); ASSERT(bodyNode); mOut << "for ("; if (initNode) { initNode->traverse(this); } else { mOut << " "; } mOut << "; "; if (condNode) { condNode->traverse(this); } mOut << "; "; if (exprNode) { exprNode->traverse(this); } mOut << ")\n"; bodyNode->traverse(this); return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitWhileLoop(TIntermLoop *loopNode) { ASSERT(loopNode->getType() == TLoopType::ELoopWhile); TIntermNode *initNode = loopNode->getInit(); TIntermTyped *condNode = loopNode->getCondition(); TIntermTyped *exprNode = loopNode->getExpression(); TIntermBlock *bodyNode = loopNode->getBody(); ASSERT(condNode && bodyNode); ASSERT(!initNode && !exprNode); emitIndentation(); mOut << "while ("; condNode->traverse(this); mOut << ")\n"; bodyNode->traverse(this); return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitDoWhileLoop(TIntermLoop *loopNode) { ASSERT(loopNode->getType() == TLoopType::ELoopDoWhile); TIntermNode *initNode = loopNode->getInit(); TIntermTyped *condNode = loopNode->getCondition(); TIntermTyped *exprNode = loopNode->getExpression(); TIntermBlock *bodyNode = loopNode->getBody(); ASSERT(condNode && bodyNode); ASSERT(!initNode && !exprNode); emitIndentation(); mOut << "do\n"; bodyNode->traverse(this); mOut << "\n"; emitIndentation(); mOut << "while ("; condNode->traverse(this); mOut << ");"; return false; } bool GenMetalTraverser::visitBranch(Visit, TIntermBranch *branchNode) { const TOperator flowOp = branchNode->getFlowOp(); TIntermTyped *exprNode = branchNode->getExpression(); emitIndentation(); switch (flowOp) { case TOperator::EOpKill: { ASSERT(exprNode == nullptr); mOut << "metal::discard_fragment()"; } break; case TOperator::EOpReturn: { if (isTraversingVertexMain) { mOut << "#if TRANSFORM_FEEDBACK_ENABLED\n"; emitIndentation(); mOut << "return;\n"; emitIndentation(); mOut << "#else\n"; emitIndentation(); } mOut << "return"; if (exprNode) { mOut << " "; exprNode->traverse(this); mOut << ";"; } if (isTraversingVertexMain) { mOut << "\n"; emitIndentation(); mOut << "#endif\n"; mTemporarilyDisableSemicolon = true; } } break; case TOperator::EOpBreak: { ASSERT(exprNode == nullptr); mOut << "break"; } break; case TOperator::EOpContinue: { ASSERT(exprNode == nullptr); mOut << "continue"; } break; default: { UNREACHABLE(); } } return false; } static size_t emitMetalCallCount = 0; bool sh::EmitMetal(TCompiler &compiler, TIntermBlock &root, IdGen &idGen, const PipelineStructs &pipelineStructs, const Invariants &invariants, SymbolEnv &symbolEnv, const ProgramPreludeConfig &ppc, TSymbolTable *symbolTable) { TInfoSinkBase &out = compiler.getInfoSink().obj; { ++emitMetalCallCount; std::string filenameProto = angle::GetEnvironmentVar("GMD_FIXED_EMIT"); if (!filenameProto.empty()) { if (filenameProto != "/dev/null") { auto tryOpen = [&](char const *ext) { auto filename = filenameProto; filename += std::to_string(emitMetalCallCount); filename += "."; filename += ext; return fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb"); }; FILE *file = tryOpen("metal"); if (!file) { file = tryOpen("cpp"); } ASSERT(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); size_t fileSize = ftell(file); fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET); std::vector buff; buff.resize(fileSize + 1); fread(buff.data(), fileSize, 1, file); buff.back() = '\0'; fclose(file); out << buff.data(); } return true; } } out << "\n\n"; if (!EmitProgramPrelude(root, out, ppc)) { return false; } { #if defined(ANGLE_ENABLE_ASSERTS) DebugSink outWrapper(out, angle::GetBoolEnvironmentVar("GMD_STDOUT")); outWrapper.watch(angle::GetEnvironmentVar("GMD_WATCH_STRING")); #else TInfoSinkBase &outWrapper = out; #endif GenMetalTraverser gen(compiler, outWrapper, idGen, pipelineStructs, invariants, symbolEnv, symbolTable); root.traverse(&gen); } out << "\n"; return true; }