/* Copyright 2011,2012 Bas van den Berg * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef CTEST_H #define CTEST_H #ifndef UNUSED_PARAM /** * \def UNUSED_PARAM(p); * * A macro for quelling compiler warnings about unused variables. */ # define UNUSED_PARAM(p) ((void)&(p)) #endif /* UNUSED_PARM */ typedef void (*SetupFunc)(void*); typedef void (*TearDownFunc)(void*); struct ctest { const char* ssname; // suite name const char* ttname; // test name void (*run)(); int skip; void* data; SetupFunc setup; TearDownFunc teardown; unsigned int magic; }; #define __FNAME(sname, tname) __ctest_##sname##_##tname##_run #define __TNAME(sname, tname) __ctest_##sname##_##tname #define __CTEST_MAGIC (0xdeadbeef) #ifdef __APPLE__ #define __Test_Section __attribute__ ((unused,section ("__DATA, .ctest"))) #else #define __Test_Section __attribute__ ((unused,section (".ctest"))) #endif #define __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, __data, __setup, __teardown) \ struct ctest __TNAME(sname, tname) __Test_Section = { \ .ssname=#sname, \ .ttname=#tname, \ .run = __FNAME(sname, tname), \ .skip = _skip, \ .data = __data, \ .setup = (SetupFunc)__setup, \ .teardown = (TearDownFunc)__teardown, \ .magic = __CTEST_MAGIC }; #define CTEST_DATA(sname) struct sname##_data #define CTEST_SETUP(sname) \ void __attribute__ ((weak)) sname##_setup(struct sname##_data* data) #define CTEST_TEARDOWN(sname) \ void __attribute__ ((weak)) sname##_teardown(struct sname##_data* data) #define __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, _skip) \ void __FNAME(sname, tname)(); \ __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, NULL, NULL, NULL) \ void __FNAME(sname, tname)() #ifdef __APPLE__ #define SETUP_FNAME(sname) NULL #define TEARDOWN_FNAME(sname) NULL #else #define SETUP_FNAME(sname) sname##_setup #define TEARDOWN_FNAME(sname) sname##_teardown #endif #define __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, _skip) \ static struct sname##_data __ctest_##sname##_data; \ CTEST_SETUP(sname); \ CTEST_TEARDOWN(sname); \ void __FNAME(sname, tname)(struct sname##_data* data); \ __CTEST_STRUCT(sname, tname, _skip, &__ctest_##sname##_data, SETUP_FNAME(sname), TEARDOWN_FNAME(sname)) \ void __FNAME(sname, tname)(struct sname##_data* data) void CTEST_LOG(char *fmt, ...); void CTEST_ERR(char *fmt, ...); // doesn't return #define CTEST(sname, tname) __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 0) #define CTEST_SKIP(sname, tname) __CTEST_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 1) #define CTEST2(sname, tname) __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 0) #define CTEST2_SKIP(sname, tname) __CTEST2_INTERNAL(sname, tname, 1) void assert_str(const char* exp, const char* real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_STR(exp, real) assert_str(exp, real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_data(const unsigned char* exp, int expsize, const unsigned char* real, int realsize, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_DATA(exp, expsize, real, realsize) \ assert_data(exp, expsize, real, realsize, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_EQUAL(exp, real) assert_equal(exp, real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_not_equal(long exp, long real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL(exp, real) assert_not_equal(exp, real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_null(void* real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_NULL(real) assert_null((void*)real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_not_null(const void* real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_NOT_NULL(real) assert_not_null(real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_true(int real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_TRUE(real) assert_true(real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_false(int real, const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_FALSE(real) assert_false(real, __FILE__, __LINE__) void assert_fail(const char* caller, int line); #define ASSERT_FAIL() assert_fail(__FILE__, __LINE__) #ifdef CTEST_MAIN #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #endif //#define COLOR_OK static size_t ctest_errorsize; static char* ctest_errormsg; #define MSG_SIZE 4096 static char ctest_errorbuffer[MSG_SIZE]; static jmp_buf ctest_err; static int color_output = 1; static const char* suite_name; typedef int (*filter_func)(struct ctest*); #define ANSI_BLACK "\033[0;30m" #define ANSI_RED "\033[0;31m" #define ANSI_GREEN "\033[0;32m" #define ANSI_YELLOW "\033[0;33m" #define ANSI_BLUE "\033[0;34m" #define ANSI_MAGENTA "\033[0;35m" #define ANSI_CYAN "\033[0;36m" #define ANSI_GREY "\033[0;37m" #define ANSI_DARKGREY "\033[01;30m" #define ANSI_BRED "\033[01;31m" #define ANSI_BGREEN "\033[01;32m" #define ANSI_BYELLOW "\033[01;33m" #define ANSI_BBLUE "\033[01;34m" #define ANSI_BMAGENTA "\033[01;35m" #define ANSI_BCYAN "\033[01;36m" #define ANSI_WHITE "\033[01;37m" #define ANSI_NORMAL "\033[0m" static CTEST(suite, test) { } static void msg_start(const char* color, const char* title) { int size; if (color_output) { size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "%s", color); ctest_errorsize -= size; ctest_errormsg += size; } size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, " %s: ", title); ctest_errorsize -= size; ctest_errormsg += size; } static void msg_end() { int size; if (color_output) { size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, ANSI_NORMAL); ctest_errorsize -= size; ctest_errormsg += size; } size = snprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, "\n"); ctest_errorsize -= size; ctest_errormsg += size; } void CTEST_LOG(char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; msg_start(ANSI_BLUE, "LOG"); va_start(argp, fmt); int size = vsnprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, fmt, argp); ctest_errorsize -= size; ctest_errormsg += size; va_end(argp); msg_end(); } void CTEST_ERR(char *fmt, ...) { va_list argp; msg_start(ANSI_YELLOW, "ERR"); va_start(argp, fmt); int size = vsnprintf(ctest_errormsg, ctest_errorsize, fmt, argp); ctest_errorsize -= size; ctest_errormsg += size; va_end(argp); msg_end(); longjmp(ctest_err, 1); } void assert_str(const char* exp, const char* real, const char* caller, int line) { if ((exp == NULL && real != NULL) || (exp != NULL && real == NULL) || (exp && real && strcmp(exp, real) != 0)) { CTEST_ERR("%s:%d expected '%s', got '%s'", caller, line, exp, real); } } void assert_data(const unsigned char* exp, int expsize, const unsigned char* real, int realsize, const char* caller, int line) { int i; if (expsize != realsize) { CTEST_ERR("%s:%d expected %d bytes, got %d", caller, line, expsize, realsize); } for (i=0; issname, strlen(suite_name)) == 0; } static uint64_t getCurrentTime() { struct timeval now; gettimeofday(&now, NULL); uint64_t now64 = now.tv_sec; now64 *= 1000000; now64 += (now.tv_usec); return now64; } static void color_print(const char* color, const char* text) { if (color_output) printf("%s%s"ANSI_NORMAL"\n", color, text); else printf("%s\n", text); } #ifdef __APPLE__ static void *find_symbol(struct ctest *test, const char *fname) { size_t len = strlen(test->ssname) + 1 + strlen(fname); char *symbol_name = (char *) malloc(len + 1); memset(symbol_name, 0, len + 1); snprintf(symbol_name, len + 1, "%s_%s", test->ssname, fname); //fprintf(stderr, ">>>> dlsym: loading %s\n", symbol_name); void *symbol = dlsym(RTLD_DEFAULT, symbol_name); if (!symbol) { //fprintf(stderr, ">>>> ERROR: %s\n", dlerror()); } // returns NULL on error free(symbol_name); return symbol; } #endif #ifdef CTEST_SEGFAULT #include static void sighandler(int signum) { char msg[128]; sprintf(msg, "[SIGNAL %d: %s]", signum, sys_siglist[signum]); color_print(ANSI_BRED, msg); fflush(stdout); /* "Unregister" the signal handler and send the signal back to the process * so it can terminate as expected */ signal(signum, SIG_DFL); kill(getpid(), signum); } #endif int ctest_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { static int total = 0; static int num_ok = 0; static int num_fail = 0; static int num_skip = 0; static int index = 1; static filter_func filter = suite_all; #ifdef CTEST_SEGFAULT signal(SIGSEGV, sighandler); #endif if (argc == 2) { suite_name = argv[1]; filter = suite_filter; } color_output = isatty(1); uint64_t t1 = getCurrentTime(); struct ctest* ctest_begin = &__TNAME(suite, test); struct ctest* ctest_end = &__TNAME(suite, test); // find begin and end of section by comparing magics while (1) { struct ctest* t = ctest_begin-1; if (t->magic != __CTEST_MAGIC) break; ctest_begin--; } while (1) { struct ctest* t = ctest_end+1; if (t->magic != __CTEST_MAGIC) break; ctest_end++; } ctest_end++; // end after last one static struct ctest* test; for (test = ctest_begin; test != ctest_end; test++) { if (test == &__ctest_suite_test) continue; if (filter(test)) total++; } for (test = ctest_begin; test != ctest_end; test++) { if (test == &__ctest_suite_test) continue; if (filter(test)) { ctest_errorbuffer[0] = 0; ctest_errorsize = MSG_SIZE-1; ctest_errormsg = ctest_errorbuffer; printf("TEST %d/%d %s:%s ", index, total, test->ssname, test->ttname); fflush(stdout); if (test->skip) { color_print(ANSI_BYELLOW, "[SKIPPED]"); num_skip++; } else { int result = setjmp(ctest_err); if (result == 0) { #ifdef __APPLE__ if (!test->setup) { test->setup = (SetupFunc)find_symbol(test, "setup"); } if (!test->teardown) { test->teardown = (SetupFunc)find_symbol(test, "teardown"); } #endif if (test->setup) test->setup(test->data); if (test->data) test->run(test->data); else test->run(); if (test->teardown) test->teardown(test->data); // if we got here it's ok #ifdef COLOR_OK color_print(ANSI_BGREEN, "[OK]"); #else printf("[OK]\n"); #endif num_ok++; } else { color_print(ANSI_BRED, "[FAIL]"); num_fail++; } if (ctest_errorsize != MSG_SIZE-1) printf("%s", ctest_errorbuffer); } index++; } } uint64_t t2 = getCurrentTime(); const char* color = (num_fail) ? ANSI_BRED : ANSI_GREEN; char results[80]; sprintf(results, "RESULTS: %d tests (%d ok, %d failed, %d skipped) ran in %"PRIu64" ms", total, num_ok, num_fail, num_skip, (t2 - t1)/1000); color_print(color, results); return num_fail; } #endif #endif