// RUN: %check_clang_tidy %s abseil-string-find-startswith %t -- \ // RUN: -config="{CheckOptions: [{key: 'abseil-string-find-startswith.StringLikeClasses', value: '::std::basic_string;::basic_string'}]}" namespace std { template class allocator {}; template class char_traits {}; template , typename A = std::allocator> struct basic_string { basic_string(); basic_string(const basic_string &); basic_string(const C *, const A &a = A()); ~basic_string(); int find(basic_string s, int pos = 0); int find(const char *s, int pos = 0); }; typedef basic_string string; typedef basic_string wstring; struct cxx_string { int find(const char *s, int pos = 0); }; } // namespace std struct basic_string : public std::cxx_string { basic_string(); }; typedef basic_string global_string; std::string foo(std::string); std::string bar(); #define A_MACRO(x, y) ((x) == (y)) void tests(std::string s, global_string s2) { s.find("a") == 0; // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use absl::StartsWith instead of find() == 0 [abseil-string-find-startswith] // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}absl::StartsWith(s, "a");{{$}} s.find(s) == 0; // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use absl::StartsWith // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}absl::StartsWith(s, s);{{$}} s.find("aaa") != 0; // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use !absl::StartsWith // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}!absl::StartsWith(s, "aaa");{{$}} s.find(foo(foo(bar()))) != 0; // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use !absl::StartsWith // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}!absl::StartsWith(s, foo(foo(bar())));{{$}} if (s.find("....") == 0) { /* do something */ } // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:7: warning: use absl::StartsWith // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}if (absl::StartsWith(s, "....")) { /* do something */ }{{$}} 0 != s.find("a"); // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use !absl::StartsWith // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}!absl::StartsWith(s, "a");{{$}} s2.find("a") == 0; // CHECK-MESSAGES: :[[@LINE-1]]:3: warning: use absl::StartsWith // CHECK-FIXES: {{^[[:space:]]*}}absl::StartsWith(s2, "a");{{$}} // expressions that don't trigger the check are here. A_MACRO(s.find("a"), 0); s.find("a", 1) == 0; s.find("a", 1) == 1; s.find("a") == 1; }