// RUN: mlir-opt -allow-unregistered-dialect -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics %s | FileCheck %s //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.AccessChain //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @access_chain_struct() -> () { %0 = spv.constant 1: i32 %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr)>, Function> // CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}, {{.*}}] : !spv.ptr)>, Function> %2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr)>, Function>, i32, i32 return } func @access_chain_1D_array(%arg0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr, Function> // CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}] : !spv.ptr, Function> %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr, Function>, i32 return } func @access_chain_2D_array_1(%arg0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}, {{.*}}] : !spv.ptr>, Function> %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0, %arg0] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32, i32 %2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : f32 return } func @access_chain_2D_array_2(%arg0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}] : !spv.ptr>, Function> %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32 %2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : !spv.array<4xf32> return } func @access_chain_rtarray(%arg0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr, Function> // CHECK: spv.AccessChain {{.*}}[{{.*}}] : !spv.ptr, Function> %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%arg0] : !spv.ptr, Function>, i32 %2 = spv.Load "Function" %1 ["Volatile"] : f32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_non_composite() -> () { %0 = spv.constant 1: i32 %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{cannot extract from non-composite type 'f32' with index 0}} %2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0] : !spv.ptr, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_no_indices(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{expected at least one index}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_missing_comma(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{expected ','}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0] : !spv.ptr>, Function> i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_invalid_indices_types_count(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{'spv.AccessChain' op indices types' count must be equal to indices info count}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_missing_indices_type(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{'spv.AccessChain' op indices types' count must be equal to indices info count}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_invalid_type(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile"] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>> // expected-error @+1 {{expected a pointer to composite type, but provided '!spv.array<4 x !spv.array<4 x f32>>'}} %2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%index0] : !spv.array<4x!spv.array<4xf32>>, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_invalid_index_1(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{expected SSA operand}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index, 4] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_invalid_index_2(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr)>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{index must be an integer spv.constant to access element of spv.struct}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr)>, Function>, i32, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_invalid_constant_type_1() -> () { %0 = std.constant 1: i32 %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr)>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{index must be an integer spv.constant to access element of spv.struct, but provided std.constant}} %2 = spv.AccessChain %1[%0, %0] : !spv.ptr)>, Function>, i32, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_out_of_bounds() -> () { %index0 = "spv.constant"() { value = 12: i32} : () -> i32 %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr)>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{'spv.AccessChain' op index 12 out of bounds for '!spv.struct<(f32, !spv.array<4 x f32>)>'}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr)>, Function>, i32, i32 return } // ----- func @access_chain_invalid_accessing_type(%index0 : i32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr>, Function> // expected-error @+1 {{cannot extract from non-composite type 'f32' with index 0}} %1 = spv.AccessChain %0[%index, %index0, %index0] : !spv.ptr>, Function>, i32, i32, i32 return // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.Bitcast //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @cast1(%arg0 : f32) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.Bitcast {{%.*}} : f32 to i32 %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : f32 to i32 return } func @cast2(%arg0 : vector<2xf32>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.Bitcast {{%.*}} : vector<2xf32> to vector<2xi32> %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : vector<2xf32> to vector<2xi32> return } func @cast3(%arg0 : vector<2xf32>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.Bitcast {{%.*}} : vector<2xf32> to i64 %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : vector<2xf32> to i64 return } func @cast4(%arg0 : !spv.ptr) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.Bitcast {{%.*}} : !spv.ptr to !spv.ptr %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : !spv.ptr to !spv.ptr return } func @cast5(%arg0 : !spv.ptr) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.Bitcast {{%.*}} : !spv.ptr to !spv.ptr, Function> %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : !spv.ptr to !spv.ptr, Function> return } func @cast6(%arg0 : vector<4xf32>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.Bitcast {{%.*}} : vector<4xf32> to vector<2xi64> %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : vector<4xf32> to vector<2xi64> return } // ----- func @cast1(%arg0 : f32) { // expected-error @+1 {{result type must be different from operand type}} %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : f32 to f32 return } // ----- func @cast1(%arg0 : f32) { // expected-error @+1 {{mismatch in result type bitwidth 64 and operand type bitwidth 32}} %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : f32 to i64 return } // ----- func @cast1(%arg0 : vector<2xf32>) { // expected-error @+1 {{mismatch in result type bitwidth 96 and operand type bitwidth 64}} %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : vector<2xf32> to vector<3xf32> return } // ----- func @cast3(%arg0 : !spv.ptr) { // expected-error @+1 {{unhandled bit cast conversion from pointer type to non-pointer type}} %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : !spv.ptr to i64 return } // ----- func @cast3(%arg0 : i64) { // expected-error @+1 {{unhandled bit cast conversion from non-pointer type to pointer type}} %0 = spv.Bitcast %arg0 : i64 to !spv.ptr return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.BitCount //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @bitcount(%arg: i32) -> i32 { // CHECK: spv.BitCount {{%.*}} : i32 %0 = spv.BitCount %arg : i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.BitFieldInsert //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @bit_field_insert_vec(%base: vector<3xi32>, %insert: vector<3xi32>, %offset: i32, %count: i16) -> vector<3xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.BitFieldInsert {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<3xi32>, i32, i16 %0 = spv.BitFieldInsert %base, %insert, %offset, %count : vector<3xi32>, i32, i16 spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xi32> } // ----- func @bit_field_insert_invalid_insert_type(%base: vector<3xi32>, %insert: vector<2xi32>, %offset: i32, %count: i16) -> vector<3xi32> { // expected-error @+1 {{all of {base, insert, result} have same type}} %0 = "spv.BitFieldInsert" (%base, %insert, %offset, %count) : (vector<3xi32>, vector<2xi32>, i32, i16) -> vector<3xi32> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xi32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.BitFieldSExtract //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @bit_field_s_extract_vec(%base: vector<3xi32>, %offset: i8, %count: i8) -> vector<3xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.BitFieldSExtract {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<3xi32>, i8, i8 %0 = spv.BitFieldSExtract %base, %offset, %count : vector<3xi32>, i8, i8 spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xi32> } //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.BitFieldUExtract //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @bit_field_u_extract_vec(%base: vector<3xi32>, %offset: i8, %count: i8) -> vector<3xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.BitFieldUExtract {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<3xi32>, i8, i8 %0 = spv.BitFieldUExtract %base, %offset, %count : vector<3xi32>, i8, i8 spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xi32> } // ----- func @bit_field_u_extract_invalid_result_type(%base: vector<3xi32>, %offset: i32, %count: i16) -> vector<4xi32> { // expected-error @+1 {{failed to verify that all of {base, result} have same type}} %0 = "spv.BitFieldUExtract" (%base, %offset, %count) : (vector<3xi32>, i32, i16) -> vector<4xi32> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<4xi32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.BitReverse //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @bitreverse(%arg: i32) -> i32 { // CHECK: spv.BitReverse {{%.*}} : i32 %0 = spv.BitReverse %arg : i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ControlBarrier //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @control_barrier_0() -> () { // CHECK: spv.ControlBarrier "Workgroup", "Device", "Acquire|UniformMemory" spv.ControlBarrier "Workgroup", "Device", "Acquire|UniformMemory" return } // ----- func @control_barrier_1() -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{invalid execution_scope attribute specification: "Something"}} spv.ControlBarrier "Something", "Device", "Acquire|UniformMemory" return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ConvertFToS //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @convert_f_to_s_scalar(%arg0 : f32) -> i32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToS {{%.*}} : f32 to i32 %0 = spv.ConvertFToS %arg0 : f32 to i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- func @convert_f64_to_s32_scalar(%arg0 : f64) -> i32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToS {{%.*}} : f64 to i32 %0 = spv.ConvertFToS %arg0 : f64 to i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- func @convert_f_to_s_vector(%arg0 : vector<3xf32>) -> vector<3xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToS {{%.*}} : vector<3xf32> to vector<3xi32> %0 = spv.ConvertFToS %arg0 : vector<3xf32> to vector<3xi32> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xi32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ConvertFToU //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @convert_f_to_u_scalar(%arg0 : f32) -> i32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToU {{%.*}} : f32 to i32 %0 = spv.ConvertFToU %arg0 : f32 to i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- func @convert_f64_to_u32_scalar(%arg0 : f64) -> i32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToU {{%.*}} : f64 to i32 %0 = spv.ConvertFToU %arg0 : f64 to i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- func @convert_f_to_u_vector(%arg0 : vector<3xf32>) -> vector<3xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToU {{%.*}} : vector<3xf32> to vector<3xi32> %0 = spv.ConvertFToU %arg0 : vector<3xf32> to vector<3xi32> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xi32> } // ----- func @convert_f_to_u_coopmatrix(%arg0 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertFToU {{%.*}} : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup> to !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup> %0 = spv.ConvertFToU %arg0 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup> to !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xi32, Subgroup> spv.Return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ConvertSToF //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @convert_s_to_f_scalar(%arg0 : i32) -> f32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertSToF {{%.*}} : i32 to f32 %0 = spv.ConvertSToF %arg0 : i32 to f32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : f32 } // ----- func @convert_s64_to_f32_scalar(%arg0 : i64) -> f32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertSToF {{%.*}} : i64 to f32 %0 = spv.ConvertSToF %arg0 : i64 to f32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : f32 } // ----- func @convert_s_to_f_vector(%arg0 : vector<3xi32>) -> vector<3xf32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertSToF {{%.*}} : vector<3xi32> to vector<3xf32> %0 = spv.ConvertSToF %arg0 : vector<3xi32> to vector<3xf32> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xf32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ConvertUToF //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @convert_u_to_f_scalar(%arg0 : i32) -> f32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertUToF {{%.*}} : i32 to f32 %0 = spv.ConvertUToF %arg0 : i32 to f32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : f32 } // ----- func @convert_u64_to_f32_scalar(%arg0 : i64) -> f32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertUToF {{%.*}} : i64 to f32 %0 = spv.ConvertUToF %arg0 : i64 to f32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : f32 } // ----- func @convert_u_to_f_vector(%arg0 : vector<3xi32>) -> vector<3xf32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ConvertUToF {{%.*}} : vector<3xi32> to vector<3xf32> %0 = spv.ConvertUToF %arg0 : vector<3xi32> to vector<3xf32> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xf32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.FConvert //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @f_convert_scalar(%arg0 : f32) -> f64 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.FConvert {{%.*}} : f32 to f64 %0 = spv.FConvert %arg0 : f32 to f64 spv.ReturnValue %0 : f64 } // ----- func @f_convert_vector(%arg0 : vector<3xf32>) -> vector<3xf64> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.FConvert {{%.*}} : vector<3xf32> to vector<3xf64> %0 = spv.FConvert %arg0 : vector<3xf32> to vector<3xf64> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<3xf64> } // ----- func @f_convert_coop_matrix(%arg0 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.FConvert {{%.*}} : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup> to !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf64, Subgroup> %0 = spv.FConvert %arg0 : !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf32, Subgroup> to !spv.coopmatrix<8x16xf64, Subgroup> spv.Return } // ----- func @f_convert_vector(%arg0 : f32) -> f32 { // expected-error @+1 {{expected the different bit widths for operand type and result type, but provided 'f32' and 'f32'}} %0 = spv.FConvert %arg0 : f32 to f32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : f32 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.SConvert //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @s_convert_scalar(%arg0 : i32) -> i64 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.SConvert {{%.*}} : i32 to i64 %0 = spv.SConvert %arg0 : i32 to i64 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i64 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.UConvert //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @u_convert_scalar(%arg0 : i32) -> i64 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.UConvert {{%.*}} : i32 to i64 %0 = spv.UConvert %arg0 : i32 to i64 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i64 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ExecutionMode //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.func @do_nothing() -> () "None" { spv.Return } spv.EntryPoint "GLCompute" @do_nothing // CHECK: spv.ExecutionMode {{@.*}} "ContractionOff" spv.ExecutionMode @do_nothing "ContractionOff" } spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.func @do_nothing() -> () "None" { spv.Return } spv.EntryPoint "GLCompute" @do_nothing // CHECK: spv.ExecutionMode {{@.*}} "LocalSizeHint", 3, 4, 5 spv.ExecutionMode @do_nothing "LocalSizeHint", 3, 4, 5 } // ----- spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.func @do_nothing() -> () "None" { spv.Return } spv.EntryPoint "GLCompute" @do_nothing // expected-error @+1 {{custom op 'spv.ExecutionMode' invalid execution_mode attribute specification: "GLCompute"}} spv.ExecutionMode @do_nothing "GLCompute", 3, 4, 5 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.LoadOp //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // CHECK-LABEL: @simple_load func @simple_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load "Function" %{{.*}} : f32 %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 : f32 return } // CHECK-LABEL: @load_none_access func @load_none_access() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load "Function" %{{.*}} ["None"] : f32 %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["None"] : f32 return } // CHECK-LABEL: @volatile_load func @volatile_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load "Function" %{{.*}} ["Volatile"] : f32 %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile"] : f32 return } // CHECK-LABEL: @aligned_load func @aligned_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load "Function" %{{.*}} ["Aligned", 4] : f32 %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Aligned", 4] : f32 return } // CHECK-LABEL: @volatile_aligned_load func @volatile_aligned_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load "Function" %{{.*}} ["Volatile|Aligned", 4] : f32 %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile|Aligned", 4] : f32 return } // ----- // CHECK-LABEL: load_none_access func @load_none_access() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load // CHECK-SAME: ["None"] %1 = "spv.Load"(%0) {memory_access = 0 : i32} : (!spv.ptr) -> (f32) return } // CHECK-LABEL: volatile_load func @volatile_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load // CHECK-SAME: ["Volatile"] %1 = "spv.Load"(%0) {memory_access = 1 : i32} : (!spv.ptr) -> (f32) return } // CHECK-LABEL: aligned_load func @aligned_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load // CHECK-SAME: ["Aligned", 4] %1 = "spv.Load"(%0) {memory_access = 2 : i32, alignment = 4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr) -> (f32) return } // CHECK-LABEL: volatile_aligned_load func @volatile_aligned_load() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Load // CHECK-SAME: ["Volatile|Aligned", 4] %1 = "spv.Load"(%0) {memory_access = 3 : i32, alignment = 4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr) -> (f32) return } // ----- func @simple_load_missing_storageclass() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}} %1 = spv.Load %0 : f32 return } // ----- func @simple_load_missing_operand() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected SSA operand}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" : f32 return } // ----- func @simple_load_missing_rettype() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+2 {{expected ':'}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 return } // ----- func @volatile_load_missing_lbrace() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ':'}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 "Volatile"] : f32 return } // ----- func @volatile_load_missing_rbrace() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ']'}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile"} : f32 return } // ----- func @aligned_load_missing_alignment() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ','}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Aligned"] : f32 return } // ----- func @aligned_load_missing_comma() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ','}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Aligned" 4] : f32 return } // ----- func @load_incorrect_attributes() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ']'}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile", 4] : f32 return } // ----- func @load_unknown_memory_access() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{custom op 'spv.Load' invalid memory_access attribute specification: "Something"}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Something"] : f32 return } // ----- func @load_unknown_memory_access() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{custom op 'spv.Load' invalid memory_access attribute specification: "Volatile|Something"}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Volatile|Something"] : f32 return } // ----- func @load_unknown_memory_access() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{failed to satisfy constraint: valid SPIR-V MemoryAccess}} %1 = "spv.Load"(%0) {memory_access = 0x80000000 : i32} : (!spv.ptr) -> (f32) return } // ----- func @aligned_load_incorrect_attributes() -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ']'}} %1 = spv.Load "Function" %0 ["Aligned", 4, 23] : f32 return } // ----- spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.globalVariable @var0 : !spv.ptr // CHECK_LABEL: @simple_load spv.func @simple_load() -> () "None" { // CHECK: spv.Load "Input" {{%.*}} : f32 %0 = spv.mlir.addressof @var0 : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Load "Input" %0 : f32 spv.Return } } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.LogicalAnd //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @logicalBinary(%arg0 : i1, %arg1 : i1, %arg2 : i1) { // CHECK: [[TMP:%.*]] = spv.LogicalAnd {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i1 %0 = spv.LogicalAnd %arg0, %arg1 : i1 // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.LogicalAnd [[TMP]], {{%.*}} : i1 %1 = spv.LogicalAnd %0, %arg2 : i1 return } func @logicalBinary2(%arg0 : vector<4xi1>, %arg1 : vector<4xi1>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.LogicalAnd {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<4xi1> %0 = spv.LogicalAnd %arg0, %arg1 : vector<4xi1> return } // ----- func @logicalBinary(%arg0 : i1, %arg1 : i1) { // expected-error @+2 {{expected ':'}} %0 = spv.LogicalAnd %arg0, %arg1 return } // ----- func @logicalBinary(%arg0 : i1, %arg1 : i1) { // expected-error @+2 {{expected non-function type}} %0 = spv.LogicalAnd %arg0, %arg1 : return } // ----- func @logicalBinary(%arg0 : i1, %arg1 : i1) { // expected-error @+1 {{custom op 'spv.LogicalAnd' expected 2 operands}} %0 = spv.LogicalAnd %arg0 : i1 return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.LogicalNot //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @logicalUnary(%arg0 : i1, %arg1 : i1) { // CHECK: [[TMP:%.*]] = spv.LogicalNot {{%.*}} : i1 %0 = spv.LogicalNot %arg0 : i1 // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.LogicalNot [[TMP]] : i1 %1 = spv.LogicalNot %0 : i1 return } func @logicalUnary2(%arg0 : vector<4xi1>) { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.LogicalNot {{%.*}} : vector<4xi1> %0 = spv.LogicalNot %arg0 : vector<4xi1> return } // ----- func @logicalUnary(%arg0 : i1) { // expected-error @+2 {{expected ':'}} %0 = spv.LogicalNot %arg0 return } // ----- func @logicalUnary(%arg0 : i1) { // expected-error @+2 {{expected non-function type}} %0 = spv.LogicalNot %arg0 : return } // ----- func @logicalUnary(%arg0 : i1) { // expected-error @+1 {{expected SSA operand}} %0 = spv.LogicalNot : i1 return } // ----- func @logicalUnary(%arg0 : i32) { // expected-error @+1 {{operand #0 must be bool or vector of bool values of length 2/3/4/8/16, but got 'i32'}} %0 = spv.LogicalNot %arg0 : i32 return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.MemoryBarrier //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @memory_barrier_0() -> () { // CHECK: spv.MemoryBarrier "Device", "Acquire|UniformMemory" spv.MemoryBarrier "Device", "Acquire|UniformMemory" return } // ----- func @memory_barrier_1() -> () { // CHECK: spv.MemoryBarrier "Workgroup", "Acquire" spv.MemoryBarrier "Workgroup", "Acquire" return } // ----- func @memory_barrier_2() -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{expected at most one of these four memory constraints to be set: `Acquire`, `Release`,`AcquireRelease` or `SequentiallyConsistent`}} spv.MemoryBarrier "Device", "Acquire|Release" return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.Not //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @not(%arg: i32) -> i32 { // CHECK: spv.Not {{%.*}} : i32 %0 = spv.Not %arg : i32 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.SelectOp //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @select_op_bool(%arg0: i1) -> () { %0 = spv.constant true %1 = spv.constant false // CHECK : spv.Select {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i1, i1 %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : i1, i1 return } func @select_op_int(%arg0: i1) -> () { %0 = spv.constant 2 : i32 %1 = spv.constant 3 : i32 // CHECK : spv.Select {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i1, i32 %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : i1, i32 return } func @select_op_float(%arg0: i1) -> () { %0 = spv.constant 2.0 : f32 %1 = spv.constant 3.0 : f32 // CHECK : spv.Select {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i1, f32 %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : i1, f32 return } func @select_op_ptr(%arg0: i1) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK : spv.Select {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i1, !spv.ptr %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : i1, !spv.ptr return } func @select_op_vec(%arg0: i1) -> () { %0 = spv.constant dense<[2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : vector<3xf32> %1 = spv.constant dense<[5.0, 6.0, 7.0]> : vector<3xf32> // CHECK : spv.Select {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i1, vector<3xf32> %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : i1, vector<3xf32> return } func @select_op_vec_condn_vec(%arg0: vector<3xi1>) -> () { %0 = spv.constant dense<[2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : vector<3xf32> %1 = spv.constant dense<[5.0, 6.0, 7.0]> : vector<3xf32> // CHECK : spv.Select {{%.*}}, {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<3xi1>, vector<3xf32> %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : vector<3xi1>, vector<3xf32> return } // ----- func @select_op(%arg0: i1) -> () { %0 = spv.constant 2 : i32 %1 = spv.constant 3 : i32 // expected-error @+2 {{expected ','}} %2 = spv.Select %arg0, %0, %1 : i1 return } // ----- func @select_op(%arg1: vector<3xi1>) -> () { %0 = spv.constant 2 : i32 %1 = spv.constant 3 : i32 // expected-error @+1 {{result expected to be of vector type when condition is of vector type}} %2 = spv.Select %arg1, %0, %1 : vector<3xi1>, i32 return } // ----- func @select_op(%arg1: vector<4xi1>) -> () { %0 = spv.constant dense<[2, 3, 4]> : vector<3xi32> %1 = spv.constant dense<[5, 6, 7]> : vector<3xi32> // expected-error @+1 {{result should have the same number of elements as the condition when condition is of vector type}} %2 = spv.Select %arg1, %0, %1 : vector<4xi1>, vector<3xi32> return } // ----- func @select_op(%arg1: vector<4xi1>) -> () { %0 = spv.constant dense<[2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : vector<3xf32> %1 = spv.constant dense<[5, 6, 7]> : vector<3xi32> // expected-error @+1 {{all of {true_value, false_value, result} have same type}} %2 = "spv.Select"(%arg1, %0, %1) : (vector<4xi1>, vector<3xf32>, vector<3xi32>) -> vector<3xi32> return } // ----- func @select_op(%arg1: vector<4xi1>) -> () { %0 = spv.constant dense<[2.0, 3.0, 4.0]> : vector<3xf32> %1 = spv.constant dense<[5, 6, 7]> : vector<3xi32> // expected-error @+1 {{all of {true_value, false_value, result} have same type}} %2 = "spv.Select"(%arg1, %1, %0) : (vector<4xi1>, vector<3xi32>, vector<3xf32>) -> vector<3xi32> return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ShiftLeftLogical //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @shift_left_logical(%arg0: i32, %arg1 : i16) -> i32 { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ShiftLeftLogical {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : i32, i16 %0 = spv.ShiftLeftLogical %arg0, %arg1: i32, i16 spv.ReturnValue %0 : i32 } // ----- func @shift_left_logical_invalid_result_type(%arg0: i32, %arg1 : i16) -> i16 { // expected-error @+1 {{expected the same type for the first operand and result, but provided 'i32' and 'i16'}} %0 = "spv.ShiftLeftLogical" (%arg0, %arg1) : (i32, i16) -> (i16) spv.ReturnValue %0 : i16 } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ShiftRightArithmetic //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @shift_right_arithmetic(%arg0: vector<4xi32>, %arg1 : vector<4xi8>) -> vector<4xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ShiftRightArithmetic {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<4xi32>, vector<4xi8> %0 = spv.ShiftRightArithmetic %arg0, %arg1: vector<4xi32>, vector<4xi8> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<4xi32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.ShiftRightLogical //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @shift_right_logical(%arg0: vector<2xi32>, %arg1 : vector<2xi8>) -> vector<2xi32> { // CHECK: {{%.*}} = spv.ShiftRightLogical {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : vector<2xi32>, vector<2xi8> %0 = spv.ShiftRightLogical %arg0, %arg1: vector<2xi32>, vector<2xi8> spv.ReturnValue %0 : vector<2xi32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.StoreOp //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @simple_store(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 : f32 spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 : f32 return } // CHECK_LABEL: @volatile_store func @volatile_store(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Volatile"] : f32 spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Volatile"] : f32 return } // CHECK_LABEL: @aligned_store func @aligned_store(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Aligned", 4] : f32 spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Aligned", 4] : f32 return } // ----- func @simple_store_missing_ptr_type(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected non-function type}} spv.Store %0, %arg0 : f32 return } // ----- func @simple_store_missing_operand(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{custom op 'spv.Store' invalid operand}} : f32 spv.Store "Function" , %arg0 : f32 return } // ----- func @simple_store_missing_operand(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{custom op 'spv.Store' expected 2 operands}} : f32 spv.Store "Function" %0 : f32 return } // ----- func @volatile_store_missing_lbrace(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ':'}} spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 "Volatile"] : f32 return } // ----- func @volatile_store_missing_rbrace(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ']'}} spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Volatile"} : f32 return } // ----- func @aligned_store_missing_alignment(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ','}} spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Aligned"] : f32 return } // ----- func @aligned_store_missing_comma(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ','}} spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Aligned" 4] : f32 return } // ----- func @load_incorrect_attributes(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ']'}} spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Volatile", 4] : f32 return } // ----- func @aligned_store_incorrect_attributes(%arg0 : f32) -> () { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{expected ']'}} spv.Store "Function" %0, %arg0 ["Aligned", 4, 23] : f32 return } // ----- spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.globalVariable @var0 : !spv.ptr spv.func @simple_store(%arg0 : f32) -> () "None" { %0 = spv.mlir.addressof @var0 : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Store "Input" {{%.*}}, {{%.*}} : f32 spv.Store "Input" %0, %arg0 : f32 spv.Return } } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.SubgroupBallotKHR //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @subgroup_ballot(%predicate: i1) -> vector<4xi32> { %0 = spv.SubgroupBallotKHR %predicate: vector<4xi32> return %0: vector<4xi32> } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.undef //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @undef() -> () { %0 = spv.undef : f32 %1 = spv.undef : vector<4xf32> spv.Return } // ----- func @undef() -> () { // expected-error @+2{{expected non-function type}} %0 = spv.undef : spv.Return } // ----- func @undef() -> () { // expected-error @+2{{expected ':'}} %0 = spv.undef spv.Return } // ----- //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// // spv.Variable //===----------------------------------------------------------------------===// func @variable(%arg0: f32) -> () { // CHECK: spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr return } // ----- func @variable_init_normal_constant() -> () { %0 = spv.constant 4.0 : f32 // CHECK: spv.Variable init(%0) : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable init(%0) : !spv.ptr return } // ----- spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.globalVariable @global : !spv.ptr spv.func @variable_init_global_variable() -> () "None" { %0 = spv.mlir.addressof @global : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.Variable init({{.*}}) : !spv.ptr, Function> %1 = spv.Variable init(%0) : !spv.ptr, Function> spv.Return } } // ----- spv.module Logical GLSL450 { spv.specConstant @sc = 42 : i32 // CHECK-LABEL: @variable_init_spec_constant spv.func @variable_init_spec_constant() -> () "None" { %0 = spv.mlir.referenceof @sc : i32 // CHECK: spv.Variable init(%0) : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable init(%0) : !spv.ptr spv.Return } } // ----- func @variable_bind() -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{cannot have 'descriptor_set' attribute (only allowed in spv.globalVariable)}} %0 = spv.Variable bind(1, 2) : !spv.ptr return } // ----- func @variable_init_bind() -> () { %0 = spv.constant 4.0 : f32 // expected-error @+1 {{cannot have 'binding' attribute (only allowed in spv.globalVariable)}} %1 = spv.Variable init(%0) {binding = 5 : i32} : !spv.ptr return } // ----- func @variable_builtin() -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{cannot have 'built_in' attribute (only allowed in spv.globalVariable)}} %1 = spv.Variable built_in("GlobalInvocationID") : !spv.ptr, Function> return } // ----- func @expect_ptr_result_type(%arg0: f32) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{expected spv.ptr type}} %0 = spv.Variable : f32 return } // ----- func @variable_init(%arg0: f32) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{op initializer must be the result of a constant or spv.globalVariable op}} %0 = spv.Variable init(%arg0) : !spv.ptr return } // ----- func @cannot_be_generic_storage_class(%arg0: f32) -> () { // expected-error @+1 {{op can only be used to model function-level variables. Use spv.globalVariable for module-level variables}} %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr return } // ----- func @copy_memory_incompatible_ptrs() { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{both operands must be pointers to the same type}} "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () spv.Return } // ----- func @copy_memory_invalid_maa() { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{missing alignment value}} "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {memory_access=0x0002 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () spv.Return } // ----- func @copy_memory_invalid_source_maa() { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{invalid alignment specification with non-aligned memory access specification}} "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {source_memory_access=0x0001 : i32, memory_access=0x0002 : i32, source_alignment=8 : i32, alignment=4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () spv.Return } // ----- func @copy_memory_invalid_source_maa2() { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // expected-error @+1 {{missing alignment value}} "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {source_memory_access=0x0002 : i32, memory_access=0x0002 : i32, alignment=4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () spv.Return } // ----- func @copy_memory_print_maa() { %0 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr %1 = spv.Variable : !spv.ptr // CHECK: spv.CopyMemory "Function" %{{.*}}, "Function" %{{.*}} ["Volatile"] : f32 "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {memory_access=0x0001 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () // CHECK: spv.CopyMemory "Function" %{{.*}}, "Function" %{{.*}} ["Aligned", 4] : f32 "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {memory_access=0x0002 : i32, alignment=4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () // CHECK: spv.CopyMemory "Function" %{{.*}}, "Function" %{{.*}} ["Aligned", 4], ["Volatile"] : f32 "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {source_memory_access=0x0001 : i32, memory_access=0x0002 : i32, alignment=4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () // CHECK: spv.CopyMemory "Function" %{{.*}}, "Function" %{{.*}} ["Aligned", 4], ["Aligned", 8] : f32 "spv.CopyMemory"(%0, %1) {source_memory_access=0x0002 : i32, memory_access=0x0002 : i32, source_alignment=8 : i32, alignment=4 : i32} : (!spv.ptr, !spv.ptr) -> () spv.Return }