The available LLVM passes
Polly consists of a set of LLVM passes.
Front End
- polly-canonicalize Prepare code for Polly
- polly-detect Detect SCoPs in functions
- polly-scops Create polyhedral description of SCoPs
Middle End
- polly-dependences Calculate the dependences in a SCoPs
- polly-opt-isl Optimize the SCoP using isl
- Import/Export
- polly-export-jscop Export SCoPs as JSON (Writes a .jscop file for each SCoP)
- polly-import-jscop Import SCoPs from JSON (Reads a .jscop file for each SCoP)
- Graphviz
- dot-scops Print SCoPs of function
- dot-scops-only Print SCoPs of function (without function bodies)
- view-scops View SCoPs of function
- view-scops-only View SCoPs of function (without function bodies)
Back End
- polly-ast Execute isl code generation
- polly-codegen Create LLVM-IR from the polyhedral information