// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef CORE_FPDFAPI_EDIT_CPDF_PAGECONTENTGENERATOR_H_ #define CORE_FPDFAPI_EDIT_CPDF_PAGECONTENTGENERATOR_H_ #include #include #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #include "core/fxcrt/unowned_ptr.h" class CPDF_ContentMarks; class CPDF_Document; class CPDF_ImageObject; class CPDF_Object; class CPDF_PageObject; class CPDF_PageObjectHolder; class CPDF_PathObject; class CPDF_TextObject; class CPDF_PageContentGenerator { public: explicit CPDF_PageContentGenerator(CPDF_PageObjectHolder* pObjHolder); ~CPDF_PageContentGenerator(); void GenerateContent(); bool ProcessPageObjects(std::ostringstream* buf); private: friend class CPDF_PageContentGeneratorTest; void ProcessPageObject(std::ostringstream* buf, CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj); void ProcessPath(std::ostringstream* buf, CPDF_PathObject* pPathObj); void ProcessImage(std::ostringstream* buf, CPDF_ImageObject* pImageObj); void ProcessGraphics(std::ostringstream* buf, CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj); void ProcessDefaultGraphics(std::ostringstream* buf); void ProcessText(std::ostringstream* buf, CPDF_TextObject* pTextObj); ByteString GetOrCreateDefaultGraphics() const; ByteString RealizeResource(const CPDF_Object* pResource, const ByteString& bsType) const; const CPDF_ContentMarks* ProcessContentMarks(std::ostringstream* buf, const CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj, const CPDF_ContentMarks* pPrev); void FinishMarks(std::ostringstream* buf, const CPDF_ContentMarks* pContentMarks); // Returns a map from content stream index to new stream data. Unmodified // streams are not touched. std::map> GenerateModifiedStreams(); // Add buffer as a stream in page's 'Contents' void UpdateContentStreams( std::map>* new_stream_data); // Set the stream index of all page objects with stream index == // |CPDF_PageObject::kNoContentStream|. These are new objects that had not // been parsed from or written to any content stream yet. void UpdateStreamlessPageObjects(int new_content_stream_index); UnownedPtr const m_pObjHolder; UnownedPtr const m_pDocument; std::vector> m_pageObjects; }; #endif // CORE_FPDFAPI_EDIT_CPDF_PAGECONTENTGENERATOR_H_