// Copyright 2015 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_GrdProc.h" #include #include #include #include "core/fxcodec/fax/faxmodule.h" #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_ArithDecoder.h" #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_BitStream.h" #include "core/fxcodec/jbig2/JBig2_Image.h" #include "core/fxcrt/pauseindicator_iface.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" namespace { // TODO(npm): Name this constants better or merge some together. constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant1[] = {0x9b25, 0x0795, 0x00e5}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant2[] = {0x0006, 0x0004, 0x0001}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant3[] = {0xf800, 0x1e00, 0x0380}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant4[] = {0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant5[] = {0x07f0, 0x01f8, 0x007c}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant6[] = {0x7bf7, 0x0efb, 0x01bd}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant7[] = {0x0800, 0x0200, 0x0080}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant8[] = {0x0010, 0x0008, 0x0004}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant9[] = {0x000c, 0x0009, 0x0007}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant10[] = {0x0007, 0x000f, 0x0007}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant11[] = {0x001f, 0x001f, 0x000f}; constexpr uint16_t kOptConstant12[] = {0x000f, 0x0007, 0x0003}; } // namespace CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveArithDecodeState::ProgressiveArithDecodeState() = default; CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveArithDecodeState::~ProgressiveArithDecodeState() = default; CJBig2_GRDProc::CJBig2_GRDProc() = default; CJBig2_GRDProc::~CJBig2_GRDProc() = default; bool CJBig2_GRDProc::UseTemplate0Opt3() const { return (GBAT[0] == 3) && (GBAT[1] == -1) && (GBAT[2] == -3) && (GBAT[3] == -1) && (GBAT[4] == 2) && (GBAT[5] == -2) && (GBAT[6] == -2) && (GBAT[7] == -2); } bool CJBig2_GRDProc::UseTemplate1Opt3() const { return (GBAT[0] == 3) && (GBAT[1] == -1); } bool CJBig2_GRDProc::UseTemplate23Opt3() const { return (GBAT[0] == 2) && (GBAT[1] == -1); } std::unique_ptr CJBig2_GRDProc::DecodeArith( CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext) { if (!CJBig2_Image::IsValidImageSize(GBW, GBH)) return pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); switch (GBTEMPLATE) { case 0: return UseTemplate0Opt3() ? DecodeArithOpt3(pArithDecoder, gbContext, 0) : DecodeArithTemplateUnopt(pArithDecoder, gbContext, 0); case 1: return UseTemplate1Opt3() ? DecodeArithOpt3(pArithDecoder, gbContext, 1) : DecodeArithTemplateUnopt(pArithDecoder, gbContext, 1); case 2: return UseTemplate23Opt3() ? DecodeArithOpt3(pArithDecoder, gbContext, 2) : DecodeArithTemplateUnopt(pArithDecoder, gbContext, 2); default: return UseTemplate23Opt3() ? DecodeArithTemplate3Opt3(pArithDecoder, gbContext) : DecodeArithTemplate3Unopt(pArithDecoder, gbContext); } } std::unique_ptr CJBig2_GRDProc::DecodeArithOpt3( CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext, int OPT) { auto GBREG = pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); if (!GBREG->data()) return nullptr; int LTP = 0; uint8_t* pLine = GBREG->data(); int32_t nStride = GBREG->stride(); int32_t nStride2 = nStride << 1; int32_t nLineBytes = ((GBW + 7) >> 3) - 1; int32_t nBitsLeft = GBW - (nLineBytes << 3); // TODO(npm): Why is the height only trimmed when OPT is 0? uint32_t height = OPT == 0 ? GBH & 0x7fffffff : GBH; for (uint32_t h = 0; h < height; ++h) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; LTP = LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[kOptConstant1[OPT]]); } if (LTP) { GBREG->CopyLine(h, h - 1); } else { if (h > 1) { uint8_t* pLine1 = pLine - nStride2; uint8_t* pLine2 = pLine - nStride; uint32_t line1 = (*pLine1++) << kOptConstant2[OPT]; uint32_t line2 = *pLine2++; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line1 & kOptConstant3[OPT]) | ((line2 >> kOptConstant4[OPT]) & kOptConstant5[OPT]); for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; ++cc) { line1 = (line1 << 8) | ((*pLine1++) << kOptConstant2[OPT]); line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; --k) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & kOptConstant6[OPT]) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> k) & kOptConstant7[OPT]) | ((line2 >> (k + kOptConstant4[OPT])) & kOptConstant8[OPT])); } pLine[cc] = cVal; } line1 <<= 8; line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; ++k) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & kOptConstant6[OPT]) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (7 - k)) & kOptConstant7[OPT]) | ((line2 >> (7 + kOptConstant4[OPT] - k)) & kOptConstant8[OPT])); } pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } else { uint8_t* pLine2 = pLine - nStride; uint32_t line2 = (h & 1) ? (*pLine2++) : 0; uint32_t CONTEXT = ((line2 >> kOptConstant4[OPT]) & kOptConstant5[OPT]); for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; ++cc) { if (h & 1) { line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); } uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; --k) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & kOptConstant6[OPT]) << 1) | bVal | ((line2 >> (k + kOptConstant4[OPT])) & kOptConstant8[OPT])); } pLine[cc] = cVal; } line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; ++k) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & kOptConstant6[OPT]) << 1) | bVal | (((line2 >> (7 + kOptConstant4[OPT] - k))) & kOptConstant8[OPT])); } pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } } pLine += nStride; } return GBREG; } std::unique_ptr CJBig2_GRDProc::DecodeArithTemplateUnopt( CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext, int UNOPT) { auto GBREG = pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); if (!GBREG->data()) return nullptr; GBREG->Fill(0); int LTP = 0; uint8_t MOD2 = UNOPT % 2; uint8_t DIV2 = UNOPT / 2; uint8_t SHIFT = 4 - UNOPT; for (uint32_t h = 0; h < GBH; h++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; LTP = LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[kOptConstant1[UNOPT]]); } if (LTP) { GBREG->CopyLine(h, h - 1); continue; } uint32_t line1 = GBREG->GetPixel(1 + MOD2, h - 2); line1 |= GBREG->GetPixel(MOD2, h - 2) << 1; if (UNOPT == 1) line1 |= GBREG->GetPixel(0, h - 2) << 2; uint32_t line2 = GBREG->GetPixel(2 - DIV2, h - 1); line2 |= GBREG->GetPixel(1 - DIV2, h - 1) << 1; if (UNOPT < 2) line2 |= GBREG->GetPixel(0, h - 1) << 2; uint32_t line3 = 0; for (uint32_t w = 0; w < GBW; w++) { int bVal = 0; if (!USESKIP || !SKIP->GetPixel(w, h)) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; uint32_t CONTEXT = line3; CONTEXT |= GBREG->GetPixel(w + GBAT[0], h + GBAT[1]) << SHIFT; CONTEXT |= line2 << (SHIFT + 1); CONTEXT |= line1 << kOptConstant9[UNOPT]; if (UNOPT == 0) { CONTEXT |= GBREG->GetPixel(w + GBAT[2], h + GBAT[3]) << 10; CONTEXT |= GBREG->GetPixel(w + GBAT[4], h + GBAT[5]) << 11; CONTEXT |= GBREG->GetPixel(w + GBAT[6], h + GBAT[7]) << 15; } bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); if (bVal) GBREG->SetPixel(w, h, bVal); } line1 = ((line1 << 1) | GBREG->GetPixel(w + 2 + MOD2, h - 2)) & kOptConstant10[UNOPT]; line2 = ((line2 << 1) | GBREG->GetPixel(w + 3 - DIV2, h - 1)) & kOptConstant11[UNOPT]; line3 = ((line3 << 1) | bVal) & kOptConstant12[UNOPT]; } } return GBREG; } std::unique_ptr CJBig2_GRDProc::DecodeArithTemplate3Opt3( CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext) { auto GBREG = pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); if (!GBREG->data()) return nullptr; int LTP = 0; uint8_t* pLine = GBREG->data(); int32_t nStride = GBREG->stride(); int32_t nLineBytes = ((GBW + 7) >> 3) - 1; int32_t nBitsLeft = GBW - (nLineBytes << 3); for (uint32_t h = 0; h < GBH; h++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; LTP = LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x0195]); } if (LTP) { GBREG->CopyLine(h, h - 1); } else { if (h > 0) { uint8_t* pLine1 = pLine - nStride; uint32_t line1 = *pLine1++; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line1 >> 1) & 0x03f0; for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { line1 = (line1 << 8) | (*pLine1++); uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (k + 1)) & 0x0010); } pLine[cc] = cVal; } line1 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (8 - k)) & 0x0010); } pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = 0; for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal; } pLine[cc] = cVal; } uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal; } pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } } pLine += nStride; } return GBREG; } std::unique_ptr CJBig2_GRDProc::DecodeArithTemplate3Unopt( CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder, JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext) { auto GBREG = pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); if (!GBREG->data()) return nullptr; GBREG->Fill(0); int LTP = 0; for (uint32_t h = 0; h < GBH; h++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; LTP = LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x0195]); } if (LTP == 1) { GBREG->CopyLine(h, h - 1); } else { uint32_t line1 = GBREG->GetPixel(1, h - 1); line1 |= GBREG->GetPixel(0, h - 1) << 1; uint32_t line2 = 0; for (uint32_t w = 0; w < GBW; w++) { int bVal; if (USESKIP && SKIP->GetPixel(w, h)) { bVal = 0; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = line2; CONTEXT |= GBREG->GetPixel(w + GBAT[0], h + GBAT[1]) << 4; CONTEXT |= line1 << 5; if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return nullptr; bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); } if (bVal) { GBREG->SetPixel(w, h, bVal); } line1 = ((line1 << 1) | GBREG->GetPixel(w + 2, h - 1)) & 0x1f; line2 = ((line2 << 1) | bVal) & 0x0f; } } } return GBREG; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::StartDecodeArith( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { if (!CJBig2_Image::IsValidImageSize(GBW, GBH)) { m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_READY; std::unique_ptr* pImage = pState->pImage; if (!*pImage) *pImage = pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); if (!(*pImage)->data()) { *pImage = nullptr; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; } pImage->get()->Fill(0); m_DecodeType = 1; m_LTP = 0; m_pLine = nullptr; m_loopIndex = 0; return ProgressiveDecodeArith(pState); } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArith( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { int iline = m_loopIndex; using DecodeFunction = std::function; DecodeFunction func; switch (GBTEMPLATE) { case 0: func = UseTemplate0Opt3() ? &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate0Opt3 : &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate0Unopt; break; case 1: func = UseTemplate1Opt3() ? &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate1Opt3 : &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate1Unopt; break; case 2: func = UseTemplate23Opt3() ? &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate2Opt3 : &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate2Unopt; break; default: func = UseTemplate23Opt3() ? &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate3Opt3 : &CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate3Unopt; break; } CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); m_ProssiveStatus = func(*this, pState); m_ReplaceRect.left = 0; m_ReplaceRect.right = pImage->width(); m_ReplaceRect.top = iline; m_ReplaceRect.bottom = m_loopIndex; if (m_ProssiveStatus == FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH) m_loopIndex = 0; return m_ProssiveStatus; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::StartDecodeMMR( std::unique_ptr* pImage, CJBig2_BitStream* pStream) { auto image = pdfium::MakeUnique(GBW, GBH); if (!image->data()) { *pImage = nullptr; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; return m_ProssiveStatus; } int bitpos = static_cast(pStream->getBitPos()); bitpos = FaxModule::FaxG4Decode(pStream->getBuf(), pStream->getLength(), bitpos, GBW, GBH, image->stride(), image->data()); pStream->setBitPos(bitpos); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < image->stride() * GBH; ++i) image->data()[i] = ~image->data()[i]; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; *pImage = std::move(image); return m_ProssiveStatus; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ContinueDecode( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { if (m_ProssiveStatus != FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE) return m_ProssiveStatus; if (m_DecodeType != 1) { m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; return m_ProssiveStatus; } return ProgressiveDecodeArith(pState); } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate0Opt3( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); if (!m_pLine) m_pLine = pImage->data(); int32_t nStride = pImage->stride(); int32_t nStride2 = nStride << 1; int32_t nLineBytes = ((GBW + 7) >> 3) - 1; int32_t nBitsLeft = GBW - (nLineBytes << 3); uint32_t height = GBH & 0x7fffffff; for (; m_loopIndex < height; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x9b25]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { if (m_loopIndex > 1) { uint8_t* pLine1 = m_pLine - nStride2; uint8_t* pLine2 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line1 = (*pLine1++) << 6; uint32_t line2 = *pLine2++; uint32_t CONTEXT = ((line1 & 0xf800) | (line2 & 0x07f0)); for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { line1 = (line1 << 8) | ((*pLine1++) << 6); line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & 0x7bf7) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> k) & 0x0800) | ((line2 >> k) & 0x0010)); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line1 <<= 8; line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & 0x7bf7) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (7 - k)) & 0x0800) | ((line2 >> (7 - k)) & 0x0010)); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } else { uint8_t* pLine2 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line2 = (m_loopIndex & 1) ? (*pLine2++) : 0; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line2 & 0x07f0); for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { if (m_loopIndex & 1) { line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); } uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & 0x7bf7) << 1) | bVal | ((line2 >> k) & 0x0010)); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = (((CONTEXT & 0x7bf7) << 1) | bVal | ((line2 >> (7 - k)) & 0x0010)); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } } m_pLine += nStride; if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate0Unopt( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); for (; m_loopIndex < GBH; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x9b25]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { uint32_t line1 = pImage->GetPixel(1, m_loopIndex - 2); line1 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, m_loopIndex - 2) << 1; uint32_t line2 = pImage->GetPixel(2, m_loopIndex - 1); line2 |= pImage->GetPixel(1, m_loopIndex - 1) << 1; line2 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, m_loopIndex - 1) << 2; uint32_t line3 = 0; for (uint32_t w = 0; w < GBW; w++) { int bVal; if (USESKIP && SKIP->GetPixel(w, m_loopIndex)) { bVal = 0; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = line3; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[0], m_loopIndex + GBAT[1]) << 4; CONTEXT |= line2 << 5; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[2], m_loopIndex + GBAT[3]) << 10; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[4], m_loopIndex + GBAT[5]) << 11; CONTEXT |= line1 << 12; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[6], m_loopIndex + GBAT[7]) << 15; if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); } if (bVal) { pImage->SetPixel(w, m_loopIndex, bVal); } line1 = ((line1 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 2, m_loopIndex - 2)) & 0x07; line2 = ((line2 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 3, m_loopIndex - 1)) & 0x1f; line3 = ((line3 << 1) | bVal) & 0x0f; } } if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate1Opt3( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); if (!m_pLine) m_pLine = pImage->data(); int32_t nStride = pImage->stride(); int32_t nStride2 = nStride << 1; int32_t nLineBytes = ((GBW + 7) >> 3) - 1; int32_t nBitsLeft = GBW - (nLineBytes << 3); for (; m_loopIndex < GBH; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x0795]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { if (m_loopIndex > 1) { uint8_t* pLine1 = m_pLine - nStride2; uint8_t* pLine2 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line1 = (*pLine1++) << 4; uint32_t line2 = *pLine2++; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line1 & 0x1e00) | ((line2 >> 1) & 0x01f8); for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { line1 = (line1 << 8) | ((*pLine1++) << 4); line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x0efb) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> k) & 0x0200) | ((line2 >> (k + 1)) & 0x0008); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line1 <<= 8; line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x0efb) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (7 - k)) & 0x0200) | ((line2 >> (8 - k)) & 0x0008); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } else { uint8_t* pLine2 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line2 = (m_loopIndex & 1) ? (*pLine2++) : 0; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line2 >> 1) & 0x01f8; for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { if (m_loopIndex & 1) { line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); } uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x0efb) << 1) | bVal | ((line2 >> (k + 1)) & 0x0008); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x0efb) << 1) | bVal | ((line2 >> (8 - k)) & 0x0008); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } } m_pLine += nStride; if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate1Unopt( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); for (uint32_t h = 0; h < GBH; h++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x0795]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(h, h - 1); } else { uint32_t line1 = pImage->GetPixel(2, h - 2); line1 |= pImage->GetPixel(1, h - 2) << 1; line1 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, h - 2) << 2; uint32_t line2 = pImage->GetPixel(2, h - 1); line2 |= pImage->GetPixel(1, h - 1) << 1; line2 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, h - 1) << 2; uint32_t line3 = 0; for (uint32_t w = 0; w < GBW; w++) { int bVal; if (USESKIP && SKIP->GetPixel(w, h)) { bVal = 0; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = line3; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[0], h + GBAT[1]) << 3; CONTEXT |= line2 << 4; CONTEXT |= line1 << 9; if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); } if (bVal) { pImage->SetPixel(w, h, bVal); } line1 = ((line1 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 3, h - 2)) & 0x0f; line2 = ((line2 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 3, h - 1)) & 0x1f; line3 = ((line3 << 1) | bVal) & 0x07; } } if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate2Opt3( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); if (!m_pLine) m_pLine = pImage->data(); int32_t nStride = pImage->stride(); int32_t nStride2 = nStride << 1; int32_t nLineBytes = ((GBW + 7) >> 3) - 1; int32_t nBitsLeft = GBW - (nLineBytes << 3); for (; m_loopIndex < GBH; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x00e5]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { if (m_loopIndex > 1) { uint8_t* pLine1 = m_pLine - nStride2; uint8_t* pLine2 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line1 = (*pLine1++) << 1; uint32_t line2 = *pLine2++; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line1 & 0x0380) | ((line2 >> 3) & 0x007c); for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { line1 = (line1 << 8) | ((*pLine1++) << 1); line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01bd) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> k) & 0x0080) | ((line2 >> (k + 3)) & 0x0004); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line1 <<= 8; line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01bd) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (7 - k)) & 0x0080) | ((line2 >> (10 - k)) & 0x0004); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } else { uint8_t* pLine2 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line2 = (m_loopIndex & 1) ? (*pLine2++) : 0; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line2 >> 3) & 0x007c; for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { if (m_loopIndex & 1) { line2 = (line2 << 8) | (*pLine2++); } uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01bd) << 1) | bVal | ((line2 >> (k + 3)) & 0x0004); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line2 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01bd) << 1) | bVal | (((line2 >> (10 - k))) & 0x0004); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } } m_pLine += nStride; if (pState->pPause && m_loopIndex % 50 == 0 && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate2Unopt( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); for (; m_loopIndex < GBH; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x00e5]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { uint32_t line1 = pImage->GetPixel(1, m_loopIndex - 2); line1 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, m_loopIndex - 2) << 1; uint32_t line2 = pImage->GetPixel(1, m_loopIndex - 1); line2 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, m_loopIndex - 1) << 1; uint32_t line3 = 0; for (uint32_t w = 0; w < GBW; w++) { int bVal; if (USESKIP && SKIP->GetPixel(w, m_loopIndex)) { bVal = 0; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = line3; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[0], m_loopIndex + GBAT[1]) << 2; CONTEXT |= line2 << 3; CONTEXT |= line1 << 7; if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); } if (bVal) { pImage->SetPixel(w, m_loopIndex, bVal); } line1 = ((line1 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 2, m_loopIndex - 2)) & 0x07; line2 = ((line2 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 2, m_loopIndex - 1)) & 0x0f; line3 = ((line3 << 1) | bVal) & 0x03; } } if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate3Opt3( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); if (!m_pLine) m_pLine = pImage->data(); int32_t nStride = pImage->stride(); int32_t nLineBytes = ((GBW + 7) >> 3) - 1; int32_t nBitsLeft = GBW - (nLineBytes << 3); for (; m_loopIndex < GBH; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x0195]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { if (m_loopIndex > 0) { uint8_t* pLine1 = m_pLine - nStride; uint32_t line1 = *pLine1++; uint32_t CONTEXT = (line1 >> 1) & 0x03f0; for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { line1 = (line1 << 8) | (*pLine1++); uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (k + 1)) & 0x0010); } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } line1 <<= 8; uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal | ((line1 >> (8 - k)) & 0x0010); } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = 0; for (int32_t cc = 0; cc < nLineBytes; cc++) { uint8_t cVal = 0; for (int32_t k = 7; k >= 0; k--) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal |= bVal << k; CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal; } m_pLine[cc] = cVal; } uint8_t cVal1 = 0; for (int32_t k = 0; k < nBitsLeft; k++) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; int bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); cVal1 |= bVal << (7 - k); CONTEXT = ((CONTEXT & 0x01f7) << 1) | bVal; } m_pLine[nLineBytes] = cVal1; } } m_pLine += nStride; if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; } FXCODEC_STATUS CJBig2_GRDProc::ProgressiveDecodeArithTemplate3Unopt( ProgressiveArithDecodeState* pState) { CJBig2_Image* pImage = pState->pImage->get(); JBig2ArithCtx* gbContext = pState->gbContext.Get(); CJBig2_ArithDecoder* pArithDecoder = pState->pArithDecoder.Get(); for (; m_loopIndex < GBH; m_loopIndex++) { if (TPGDON) { if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; m_LTP = m_LTP ^ pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[0x0195]); } if (m_LTP) { pImage->CopyLine(m_loopIndex, m_loopIndex - 1); } else { uint32_t line1 = pImage->GetPixel(1, m_loopIndex - 1); line1 |= pImage->GetPixel(0, m_loopIndex - 1) << 1; uint32_t line2 = 0; for (uint32_t w = 0; w < GBW; w++) { int bVal; if (USESKIP && SKIP->GetPixel(w, m_loopIndex)) { bVal = 0; } else { uint32_t CONTEXT = line2; CONTEXT |= pImage->GetPixel(w + GBAT[0], m_loopIndex + GBAT[1]) << 4; CONTEXT |= line1 << 5; if (pArithDecoder->IsComplete()) return FXCODEC_STATUS_ERROR; bVal = pArithDecoder->Decode(&gbContext[CONTEXT]); } if (bVal) { pImage->SetPixel(w, m_loopIndex, bVal); } line1 = ((line1 << 1) | pImage->GetPixel(w + 2, m_loopIndex - 1)) & 0x1f; line2 = ((line2 << 1) | bVal) & 0x0f; } } if (pState->pPause && pState->pPause->NeedToPauseNow()) { m_loopIndex++; m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_TOBECONTINUE; } } m_ProssiveStatus = FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; return FXCODEC_STATUS_DECODE_FINISH; }