// Copyright 2017 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlelement.h" #include #include "core/fxcrt/cfx_widetextbuf.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmlchardata.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmldocument.h" #include "core/fxcrt/xml/cfx_xmltext.h" CFX_XMLElement::CFX_XMLElement(const WideString& wsTag) : name_(wsTag) { ASSERT(!name_.IsEmpty()); } CFX_XMLElement::~CFX_XMLElement() = default; CFX_XMLNode::Type CFX_XMLElement::GetType() const { return Type::kElement; } CFX_XMLNode* CFX_XMLElement::Clone(CFX_XMLDocument* doc) { auto* node = doc->CreateNode(name_); node->attrs_ = attrs_; // TODO(dsinclair): This clone is wrong. It doesn't clone all child nodes just // text nodes? for (CFX_XMLNode* pChild = GetFirstChild(); pChild; pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling()) { if (pChild->GetType() == Type::kText) node->AppendLastChild(pChild->Clone(doc)); } return node; } WideString CFX_XMLElement::GetLocalTagName() const { auto pos = name_.Find(L':'); return pos.has_value() ? name_.Last(name_.GetLength() - pos.value() - 1) : name_; } WideString CFX_XMLElement::GetNamespacePrefix() const { auto pos = name_.Find(L':'); return pos.has_value() ? name_.First(pos.value()) : WideString(); } WideString CFX_XMLElement::GetNamespaceURI() const { WideString attr(L"xmlns"); WideString wsPrefix = GetNamespacePrefix(); if (!wsPrefix.IsEmpty()) { attr += L":"; attr += wsPrefix; } const CFX_XMLNode* pNode = this; while (pNode && pNode->GetType() == Type::kElement) { auto* pElement = static_cast(pNode); if (!pElement->HasAttribute(attr)) { pNode = pNode->GetParent(); continue; } return pElement->GetAttribute(attr); } return WideString(); } WideString CFX_XMLElement::GetTextData() const { CFX_WideTextBuf buffer; for (CFX_XMLNode* pChild = GetFirstChild(); pChild; pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling()) { CFX_XMLText* pText = ToXMLText(pChild); if (pText) buffer << pText->GetText(); } return buffer.MakeString(); } void CFX_XMLElement::Save( const RetainPtr& pXMLStream) { ByteString bsNameEncoded = name_.ToUTF8(); pXMLStream->WriteString("<"); pXMLStream->WriteString(bsNameEncoded.AsStringView()); for (auto it : attrs_) { // Note, the space between attributes is added by AttributeToString which // writes a blank as the first character. pXMLStream->WriteString( AttributeToString(it.first, it.second).ToUTF8().AsStringView()); } if (!GetFirstChild()) { pXMLStream->WriteString(" />\n"); return; } pXMLStream->WriteString(">\n"); for (CFX_XMLNode* pChild = GetFirstChild(); pChild; pChild = pChild->GetNextSibling()) { pChild->Save(pXMLStream); } pXMLStream->WriteString("WriteString(bsNameEncoded.AsStringView()); pXMLStream->WriteString(">\n"); } CFX_XMLElement* CFX_XMLElement::GetFirstChildNamed(WideStringView name) const { return GetNthChildNamed(name, 0); } CFX_XMLElement* CFX_XMLElement::GetNthChildNamed(WideStringView name, size_t idx) const { for (auto* child = GetFirstChild(); child; child = child->GetNextSibling()) { CFX_XMLElement* elem = ToXMLElement(child); if (!elem || elem->name_ != name) continue; if (idx == 0) return elem; --idx; } return nullptr; } bool CFX_XMLElement::HasAttribute(const WideString& name) const { return attrs_.find(name) != attrs_.end(); } WideString CFX_XMLElement::GetAttribute(const WideString& name) const { auto it = attrs_.find(name); return it != attrs_.end() ? it->second : WideString(); } void CFX_XMLElement::SetAttribute(const WideString& name, const WideString& value) { attrs_[name] = value; } void CFX_XMLElement::RemoveAttribute(const WideString& name) { attrs_.erase(name); } WideString CFX_XMLElement::AttributeToString(const WideString& name, const WideString& value) { WideString ret = L" "; ret += name; ret += L"=\""; ret += EncodeEntities(value); ret += L"\""; return ret; }