// Copyright 2016 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "core/fxge/android/cfpf_skiafontmgr.h" #include #include #include "core/fxcrt/fx_codepage.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_extension.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_memory.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_stream.h" #include "core/fxcrt/fx_system.h" #include "core/fxge/android/cfpf_skiafont.h" #include "core/fxge/android/cfpf_skiapathfont.h" #include "core/fxge/fx_font.h" #include "core/fxge/fx_freetype.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" namespace { constexpr int FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_NAME1 = 62; constexpr int FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_NAME2 = 60; constexpr int FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_1 = 16; constexpr int FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_2 = 8; struct FPF_SKIAFONTMAP { uint32_t dwFamily; uint32_t dwSubSt; }; const FPF_SKIAFONTMAP g_SkiaFontmap[] = { {0x58c5083, 0xc8d2e345}, {0x5dfade2, 0xe1633081}, {0x684317d, 0xe1633081}, {0x14ee2d13, 0xc8d2e345}, {0x3918fe2d, 0xbbeeec72}, {0x3b98b31c, 0xe1633081}, {0x3d49f40e, 0xe1633081}, {0x432c41c5, 0xe1633081}, {0x491b6ad0, 0xe1633081}, {0x5612cab1, 0x59b9f8f1}, {0x779ce19d, 0xc8d2e345}, {0x7cc9510b, 0x59b9f8f1}, {0x83746053, 0xbbeeec72}, {0xaaa60c03, 0xbbeeec72}, {0xbf85ff26, 0xe1633081}, {0xc04fe601, 0xbbeeec72}, {0xca3812d5, 0x59b9f8f1}, {0xca383e15, 0x59b9f8f1}, {0xcad5eaf6, 0x59b9f8f1}, {0xcb7a04c8, 0xc8d2e345}, {0xfb4ce0de, 0xe1633081}, }; const FPF_SKIAFONTMAP g_SkiaSansFontMap[] = { {0x58c5083, 0xd5b8d10f}, {0x14ee2d13, 0xd5b8d10f}, {0x779ce19d, 0xd5b8d10f}, {0xcb7a04c8, 0xd5b8d10f}, {0xfb4ce0de, 0xd5b8d10f}, }; uint32_t FPF_SkiaGetSubstFont(uint32_t dwHash, const FPF_SKIAFONTMAP* skFontMap, size_t length) { const FPF_SKIAFONTMAP* pEnd = skFontMap + length; const FPF_SKIAFONTMAP* pFontMap = std::lower_bound( skFontMap, pEnd, dwHash, [](const FPF_SKIAFONTMAP& item, uint32_t hash) { return item.dwFamily < hash; }); if (pFontMap < pEnd && pFontMap->dwFamily == dwHash) return pFontMap->dwSubSt; return 0; } uint32_t FPF_GetHashCode_StringA(const char* pStr, int32_t iLength) { if (!pStr) return 0; if (iLength < 0) iLength = strlen(pStr); const char* pStrEnd = pStr + iLength; uint32_t uHashCode = 0; while (pStr < pStrEnd) uHashCode = 31 * uHashCode + tolower(*pStr++); return uHashCode; } enum FPF_SKIACHARSET { FPF_SKIACHARSET_Ansi = 1 << 0, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Default = 1 << 1, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Symbol = 1 << 2, FPF_SKIACHARSET_ShiftJIS = 1 << 3, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Korean = 1 << 4, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Johab = 1 << 5, FPF_SKIACHARSET_GB2312 = 1 << 6, FPF_SKIACHARSET_BIG5 = 1 << 7, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Greek = 1 << 8, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Turkish = 1 << 9, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Vietnamese = 1 << 10, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Hebrew = 1 << 11, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Arabic = 1 << 12, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Baltic = 1 << 13, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Cyrillic = 1 << 14, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Thai = 1 << 15, FPF_SKIACHARSET_EeasternEuropean = 1 << 16, FPF_SKIACHARSET_PC = 1 << 17, FPF_SKIACHARSET_OEM = 1 << 18, }; uint32_t FPF_SkiaGetCharset(uint8_t uCharset) { switch (uCharset) { case FX_CHARSET_ANSI: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Ansi; case FX_CHARSET_Default: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Default; case FX_CHARSET_Symbol: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Symbol; case FX_CHARSET_ShiftJIS: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_ShiftJIS; case FX_CHARSET_Hangul: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Korean; case FX_CHARSET_ChineseSimplified: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_GB2312; case FX_CHARSET_ChineseTraditional: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_BIG5; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Greek: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Greek; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Turkish: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Turkish; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Hebrew: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Hebrew; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Arabic: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Arabic; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Baltic: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Baltic; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Cyrillic: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Cyrillic; case FX_CHARSET_Thai: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Thai; case FX_CHARSET_MSWin_EasternEuropean: return FPF_SKIACHARSET_EeasternEuropean; } return FPF_SKIACHARSET_Default; } uint32_t FPF_SKIANormalizeFontName(ByteStringView bsfamily) { uint32_t dwHash = 0; int32_t iLength = bsfamily.GetLength(); const char* pBuffer = bsfamily.unterminated_c_str(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < iLength; i++) { char ch = pBuffer[i]; if (ch == ' ' || ch == '-' || ch == ',') continue; dwHash = 31 * dwHash + tolower(ch); } return dwHash; } uint32_t FPF_SKIAGetFamilyHash(ByteStringView bsFamily, uint32_t dwStyle, uint8_t uCharset) { ByteString bsFont(bsFamily); if (FontStyleIsForceBold(dwStyle)) bsFont += "Bold"; if (FontStyleIsItalic(dwStyle)) bsFont += "Italic"; if (FontStyleIsSerif(dwStyle)) bsFont += "Serif"; bsFont += uCharset; return FPF_GetHashCode_StringA(bsFont.c_str(), bsFont.GetLength()); } bool FPF_SkiaIsCJK(uint8_t uCharset) { return FX_CharSetIsCJK(uCharset); } bool FPF_SkiaMaybeSymbol(ByteStringView bsFacename) { ByteString bsName(bsFacename); bsName.MakeLower(); return bsName.Contains("symbol"); } bool FPF_SkiaMaybeArabic(ByteStringView bsFacename) { ByteString bsName(bsFacename); bsName.MakeLower(); return bsName.Contains("arabic"); } const uint32_t g_FPFSkiaFontCharsets[] = { FPF_SKIACHARSET_Ansi, FPF_SKIACHARSET_EeasternEuropean, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Cyrillic, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Greek, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Turkish, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Hebrew, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Arabic, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Baltic, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Thai, FPF_SKIACHARSET_ShiftJIS, FPF_SKIACHARSET_GB2312, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Korean, FPF_SKIACHARSET_BIG5, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Johab, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, FPF_SKIACHARSET_OEM, FPF_SKIACHARSET_Symbol, }; uint32_t FPF_SkiaGetFaceCharset(TT_OS2* pOS2) { uint32_t dwCharset = 0; if (pOS2) { for (int32_t i = 0; i < 32; i++) { if (pOS2->ulCodePageRange1 & (1 << i)) dwCharset |= g_FPFSkiaFontCharsets[i]; } } dwCharset |= FPF_SKIACHARSET_Default; return dwCharset; } } // namespace CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::CFPF_SkiaFontMgr() = default; CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::~CFPF_SkiaFontMgr() { m_FamilyFonts.clear(); m_FontFaces.clear(); } bool CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::InitFTLibrary() { if (m_FTLibrary) return true; FXFT_LibraryRec* pLibrary = nullptr; FT_Init_FreeType(&pLibrary); if (!pLibrary) return false; m_FTLibrary.reset(pLibrary); return true; } void CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::LoadSystemFonts() { if (m_bLoaded) return; ScanPath("/system/fonts"); m_bLoaded = true; } CFPF_SkiaFont* CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::CreateFont(ByteStringView bsFamilyname, uint8_t uCharset, uint32_t dwStyle) { uint32_t dwHash = FPF_SKIAGetFamilyHash(bsFamilyname, dwStyle, uCharset); auto family_iter = m_FamilyFonts.find(dwHash); if (family_iter != m_FamilyFonts.end()) return family_iter->second.get(); uint32_t dwFaceName = FPF_SKIANormalizeFontName(bsFamilyname); uint32_t dwSubst = FPF_SkiaGetSubstFont(dwFaceName, g_SkiaFontmap, FX_ArraySize(g_SkiaFontmap)); uint32_t dwSubstSans = FPF_SkiaGetSubstFont(dwFaceName, g_SkiaSansFontMap, FX_ArraySize(g_SkiaSansFontMap)); bool bMaybeSymbol = FPF_SkiaMaybeSymbol(bsFamilyname); if (uCharset != FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Arabic && FPF_SkiaMaybeArabic(bsFamilyname)) { uCharset = FX_CHARSET_MSWin_Arabic; } else if (uCharset == FX_CHARSET_ANSI) { uCharset = FX_CHARSET_Default; } int32_t nExpectVal = FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_NAME1 + FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_1 * 3 + FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_2 * 2; const CFPF_SkiaPathFont* pBestFont = nullptr; int32_t nMax = -1; int32_t nGlyphNum = 0; for (auto face_iter = m_FontFaces.rbegin(); face_iter != m_FontFaces.rend(); ++face_iter) { const CFPF_SkiaPathFont* pFont = face_iter->get(); if (!(pFont->charsets() & FPF_SkiaGetCharset(uCharset))) continue; int32_t nFind = 0; uint32_t dwSysFontName = FPF_SKIANormalizeFontName(pFont->family()); if (dwFaceName == dwSysFontName) nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_NAME1; bool bMatchedName = (nFind == FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_NAME1); if (FontStyleIsForceBold(dwStyle) == FontStyleIsForceBold(pFont->style())) nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_1; if (FontStyleIsItalic(dwStyle) == FontStyleIsItalic(pFont->style())) nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_1; if (FontStyleIsFixedPitch(dwStyle) == FontStyleIsFixedPitch(pFont->style())) { nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_2; } if (FontStyleIsSerif(dwStyle) == FontStyleIsSerif(pFont->style())) nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_1; if (FontStyleIsScript(dwStyle) == FontStyleIsScript(pFont->style())) nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_2; if (dwSubst == dwSysFontName || dwSubstSans == dwSysFontName) { nFind += FPF_SKIAMATCHWEIGHT_NAME2; bMatchedName = true; } if (uCharset == FX_CHARSET_Default || bMaybeSymbol) { if (nFind > nMax && bMatchedName) { nMax = nFind; pBestFont = face_iter->get(); } } else if (FPF_SkiaIsCJK(uCharset)) { if (bMatchedName || pFont->glyph_num() > nGlyphNum) { pBestFont = face_iter->get(); nGlyphNum = pFont->glyph_num(); } } else if (nFind > nMax) { nMax = nFind; pBestFont = face_iter->get(); } if (nExpectVal <= nFind) { pBestFont = face_iter->get(); break; } } if (!pBestFont) return nullptr; auto pFont = pdfium::MakeUnique(this, pBestFont, dwStyle, uCharset); if (!pFont->IsValid()) return nullptr; CFPF_SkiaFont* pRet = pFont.get(); m_FamilyFonts[dwHash] = std::move(pFont); return pRet; } RetainPtr CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::GetFontFace(ByteStringView bsFile, int32_t iFaceIndex) { if (bsFile.IsEmpty()) return nullptr; if (iFaceIndex < 0) return nullptr; FT_Open_Args args; args.flags = FT_OPEN_PATHNAME; args.pathname = const_cast(bsFile.unterminated_c_str()); RetainPtr face = CFX_Face::Open(m_FTLibrary.get(), &args, iFaceIndex); if (!face) return nullptr; FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes(face->GetRec(), 0, 64); return face; } void CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::ScanPath(const ByteString& path) { std::unique_ptr handle( FX_OpenFolder(path.c_str())); if (!handle) return; ByteString filename; bool bFolder = false; while (FX_GetNextFile(handle.get(), &filename, &bFolder)) { if (bFolder) { if (filename == "." || filename == "..") continue; } else { ByteString ext = filename.Last(4); ext.MakeLower(); if (ext != ".ttf" && ext != ".ttc" && ext != ".otf") continue; } ByteString fullpath(path); fullpath += "/"; fullpath += filename; if (bFolder) ScanPath(fullpath); else ScanFile(fullpath); } } void CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::ScanFile(const ByteString& file) { RetainPtr face = GetFontFace(file.AsStringView(), 0); if (!face) return; m_FontFaces.push_back(ReportFace(face, file)); } std::unique_ptr CFPF_SkiaFontMgr::ReportFace( RetainPtr face, const ByteString& file) { uint32_t dwStyle = 0; if (FXFT_Is_Face_Bold(face->GetRec())) dwStyle |= FXFONT_FORCE_BOLD; if (FXFT_Is_Face_Italic(face->GetRec())) dwStyle |= FXFONT_ITALIC; if (FT_IS_FIXED_WIDTH(face->GetRec())) dwStyle |= FXFONT_FIXED_PITCH; TT_OS2* pOS2 = static_cast(FT_Get_Sfnt_Table(face->GetRec(), ft_sfnt_os2)); if (pOS2) { if (pOS2->ulCodePageRange1 & (1 << 31)) dwStyle |= FXFONT_SYMBOLIC; if (pOS2->panose[0] == 2) { uint8_t uSerif = pOS2->panose[1]; if ((uSerif > 1 && uSerif < 10) || uSerif > 13) dwStyle |= FXFONT_SERIF; } } if (pOS2 && (pOS2->ulCodePageRange1 & (1 << 31))) dwStyle |= FXFONT_SYMBOLIC; return pdfium::MakeUnique( file, FXFT_Get_Face_Family_Name(face->GetRec()), dwStyle, face->GetRec()->face_index, FPF_SkiaGetFaceCharset(pOS2), face->GetRec()->num_glyphs); }