// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #include "public/fpdf_text.h" #include #include #include #include "build/build_config.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_cidfont.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/font/cpdf_font.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_page.h" #include "core/fpdfapi/page/cpdf_textobject.h" #include "core/fpdfdoc/cpdf_viewerpreferences.h" #include "core/fpdftext/cpdf_linkextract.h" #include "core/fpdftext/cpdf_textpage.h" #include "core/fpdftext/cpdf_textpagefind.h" #include "fpdfsdk/cpdfsdk_helpers.h" #include "third_party/base/numerics/safe_conversions.h" #include "third_party/base/ptr_util.h" #include "third_party/base/stl_util.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) #include #endif namespace { constexpr size_t kBytesPerCharacter = sizeof(unsigned short); CPDF_TextPage* GetTextPageForValidIndex(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { if (!text_page || index < 0) return nullptr; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); return static_cast(index) < textpage->size() ? textpage : nullptr; } } // namespace FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_TEXTPAGE FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_LoadPage(FPDF_PAGE page) { CPDF_Page* pPDFPage = CPDFPageFromFPDFPage(page); if (!pPDFPage) return nullptr; CPDF_ViewerPreferences viewRef(pPDFPage->GetDocument()); auto textpage = pdfium::MakeUnique(pPDFPage, viewRef.IsDirectionR2L()); // Caller takes ownership. return FPDFTextPageFromCPDFTextPage(textpage.release()); } FPDF_EXPORT void FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_ClosePage(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page) { // PDFium takes ownership. std::unique_ptr textpage_deleter( CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page)); } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_CountChars(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page) { if (!text_page) return -1; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); return textpage->CountChars(); } FPDF_EXPORT unsigned int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetUnicode(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return 0; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); return charinfo.m_Unicode; } FPDF_EXPORT double FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetFontSize(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return 0; return textpage->GetCharFontSize(index); } FPDF_EXPORT unsigned long FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetFontInfo(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, void* buffer, unsigned long buflen, int* flags) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return 0; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); if (!charinfo.m_pTextObj) return 0; RetainPtr font = charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont(); if (flags) *flags = font->GetFontFlags(); ByteString basefont = font->GetBaseFontName(); unsigned long length = basefont.GetLength() + 1; if (buffer && buflen >= length) memcpy(buffer, basefont.c_str(), length); return length; } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetFontWeight(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return -1; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); if (!charinfo.m_pTextObj) return -1; return charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont()->GetFontWeight(); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_TEXT_RENDERMODE FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetTextRenderMode(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return FPDF_TEXTRENDERMODE_UNKNOWN; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); if (!charinfo.m_pTextObj) return FPDF_TEXTRENDERMODE_UNKNOWN; return static_cast( charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetTextRenderMode()); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetFillColor(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, unsigned int* R, unsigned int* G, unsigned int* B, unsigned int* A) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage || !R || !G || !B || !A) return false; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); if (!charinfo.m_pTextObj) return false; FX_COLORREF fill_color = charinfo.m_pTextObj->m_ColorState.GetFillColorRef(); *R = FXSYS_GetRValue(fill_color); *G = FXSYS_GetGValue(fill_color); *B = FXSYS_GetBValue(fill_color); *A = FXSYS_GetUnsignedAlpha( charinfo.m_pTextObj->m_GeneralState.GetFillAlpha()); return true; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetStrokeColor(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, unsigned int* R, unsigned int* G, unsigned int* B, unsigned int* A) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage || !R || !G || !B || !A) return false; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); if (!charinfo.m_pTextObj) return false; FX_COLORREF stroke_color = charinfo.m_pTextObj->m_ColorState.GetStrokeColorRef(); *R = FXSYS_GetRValue(stroke_color); *G = FXSYS_GetGValue(stroke_color); *B = FXSYS_GetBValue(stroke_color); *A = FXSYS_GetUnsignedAlpha( charinfo.m_pTextObj->m_GeneralState.GetStrokeAlpha()); return true; } FPDF_EXPORT float FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetCharAngle(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return -1.0f; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); // On the left is our current Matrix and on the right a generic rotation // matrix for our coordinate space. // | a b 0 | | cos(t) -sin(t) 0 | // | c d 0 | | sin(t) cos(t) 0 | // | e f 1 | | 0 0 1 | // Calculate the angle of the vector float angle = atan2f(charinfo.m_Matrix.c, charinfo.m_Matrix.a); if (angle < 0) angle = 2 * FX_PI + angle; return angle; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetCharBox(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, double* left, double* right, double* bottom, double* top) { if (!left || !right || !bottom || !top) return false; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return false; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); *left = charinfo.m_CharBox.left; *right = charinfo.m_CharBox.right; *bottom = charinfo.m_CharBox.bottom; *top = charinfo.m_CharBox.top; return true; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetLooseCharBox(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, FS_RECTF* rect) { if (!rect) return false; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return false; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); float font_size = textpage->GetCharFontSize(index); if (charinfo.m_pTextObj && !IsFloatZero(font_size)) { bool is_vert_writing = charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont()->IsVertWriting(); if (is_vert_writing && charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont()->IsCIDFont()) { CPDF_CIDFont* pCIDFont = charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont()->AsCIDFont(); uint16_t cid = pCIDFont->CIDFromCharCode(charinfo.m_CharCode); short vx; short vy; pCIDFont->GetVertOrigin(cid, vx, vy); double offsetx = (vx - 500) * font_size / 1000.0; double offsety = vy * font_size / 1000.0; short vert_width = pCIDFont->GetVertWidth(cid); double height = vert_width * font_size / 1000.0; rect->left = charinfo.m_Origin.x + offsetx; rect->right = rect->left + font_size; rect->bottom = charinfo.m_Origin.y + offsety; rect->top = rect->bottom + height; return true; } int ascent = charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont()->GetTypeAscent(); int descent = charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetFont()->GetTypeDescent(); if (ascent != descent) { float width = charinfo.m_pTextObj->GetCharWidth(charinfo.m_CharCode); float font_scale = font_size / (ascent - descent); rect->left = charinfo.m_Origin.x; rect->right = charinfo.m_Origin.x + (is_vert_writing ? -width : width); rect->bottom = charinfo.m_Origin.y + descent * font_scale; rect->top = charinfo.m_Origin.y + ascent * font_scale; return true; } } // Fallback to the tight bounds in empty text scenarios, or bad font metrics *rect = FSRectFFromCFXFloatRect(charinfo.m_CharBox); return true; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetMatrix(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, FS_MATRIX* matrix) { if (!matrix) return false; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return false; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); *matrix = FSMatrixFromCFXMatrix(charinfo.m_Matrix); return true; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetCharOrigin(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int index, double* x, double* y) { CPDF_TextPage* textpage = GetTextPageForValidIndex(text_page, index); if (!textpage) return false; const CPDF_TextPage::CharInfo& charinfo = textpage->GetCharInfo(index); *x = charinfo.m_Origin.x; *y = charinfo.m_Origin.y; return true; } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetCharIndexAtPos(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, double x, double y, double xTolerance, double yTolerance) { if (!text_page) return -3; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); return textpage->GetIndexAtPos( CFX_PointF(static_cast(x), static_cast(y)), CFX_SizeF(static_cast(xTolerance), static_cast(yTolerance))); } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetText(FPDF_TEXTPAGE page, int start_index, int char_count, unsigned short* result) { if (!page || start_index < 0 || char_count < 0 || !result) return 0; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(page); int char_available = textpage->CountChars() - start_index; if (char_available <= 0) return 0; char_count = std::min(char_count, char_available); if (char_count == 0) { // Writing out "", which has a character count of 1 due to the NUL. *result = '\0'; return 1; } WideString str = textpage->GetPageText(start_index, char_count); if (str.GetLength() > static_cast(char_count)) str = str.First(static_cast(char_count)); // UFT16LE_Encode doesn't handle surrogate pairs properly, so it is expected // the number of items to stay the same. ByteString byte_str = str.ToUTF16LE(); size_t byte_str_len = byte_str.GetLength(); int ret_count = byte_str_len / kBytesPerCharacter; ASSERT(ret_count <= char_count + 1); // +1 to account for the NUL terminator. memcpy(result, byte_str.c_str(), byte_str_len); return ret_count; } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_CountRects(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int start, int count) { if (!text_page) return 0; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); return textpage->CountRects(start, count); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetRect(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, int rect_index, double* left, double* top, double* right, double* bottom) { if (!text_page) return false; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); CFX_FloatRect rect; bool result = textpage->GetRect(rect_index, &rect); *left = rect.left; *top = rect.top; *right = rect.right; *bottom = rect.bottom; return result; } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetBoundedText(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, double left, double top, double right, double bottom, unsigned short* buffer, int buflen) { if (!text_page) return 0; CPDF_TextPage* textpage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); CFX_FloatRect rect((float)left, (float)bottom, (float)right, (float)top); WideString str = textpage->GetTextByRect(rect); if (buflen <= 0 || !buffer) return str.GetLength(); ByteString cbUTF16Str = str.ToUTF16LE(); int len = cbUTF16Str.GetLength() / sizeof(unsigned short); int size = buflen > len ? len : buflen; memcpy(buffer, cbUTF16Str.c_str(), size * sizeof(unsigned short)); cbUTF16Str.ReleaseBuffer(size * sizeof(unsigned short)); return size; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_SCHHANDLE FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_FindStart(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page, FPDF_WIDESTRING findwhat, unsigned long flags, int start_index) { if (!text_page) return nullptr; CPDF_TextPageFind::Options options; options.bMatchCase = !!(flags & FPDF_MATCHCASE); options.bMatchWholeWord = !!(flags & FPDF_MATCHWHOLEWORD); options.bConsecutive = !!(flags & FPDF_CONSECUTIVE); auto find = CPDF_TextPageFind::Create( CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page), WideStringFromFPDFWideString(findwhat), options, start_index >= 0 ? Optional(start_index) : pdfium::nullopt); // Caller takes ownership. return FPDFSchHandleFromCPDFTextPageFind(find.release()); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_FindNext(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return false; CPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = CPDFTextPageFindFromFPDFSchHandle(handle); return textpageFind->FindNext(); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_FindPrev(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return false; CPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = CPDFTextPageFindFromFPDFSchHandle(handle); return textpageFind->FindPrev(); } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetSchResultIndex(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return 0; CPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = CPDFTextPageFindFromFPDFSchHandle(handle); return textpageFind->GetCurOrder(); } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_GetSchCount(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return 0; CPDF_TextPageFind* textpageFind = CPDFTextPageFindFromFPDFSchHandle(handle); return textpageFind->GetMatchedCount(); } FPDF_EXPORT void FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFText_FindClose(FPDF_SCHHANDLE handle) { if (!handle) return; // Take ownership back from caller and destroy. std::unique_ptr textpageFind( CPDFTextPageFindFromFPDFSchHandle(handle)); } // web link FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_PAGELINK FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_LoadWebLinks(FPDF_TEXTPAGE text_page) { if (!text_page) return nullptr; CPDF_TextPage* pPage = CPDFTextPageFromFPDFTextPage(text_page); auto pageLink = pdfium::MakeUnique(pPage); pageLink->ExtractLinks(); // Caller takes ownership. return FPDFPageLinkFromCPDFLinkExtract(pageLink.release()); } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_CountWebLinks(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page) { if (!link_page) return 0; CPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(link_page); return pdfium::base::checked_cast(pageLink->CountLinks()); } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_GetURL(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index, unsigned short* buffer, int buflen) { WideString wsUrl(L""); if (link_page && link_index >= 0) { CPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(link_page); wsUrl = pageLink->GetURL(link_index); } ByteString cbUTF16URL = wsUrl.ToUTF16LE(); int required = cbUTF16URL.GetLength() / sizeof(unsigned short); if (!buffer || buflen <= 0) return required; int size = std::min(required, buflen); if (size > 0) { int buf_size = size * sizeof(unsigned short); memcpy(buffer, cbUTF16URL.c_str(), buf_size); } return size; } FPDF_EXPORT int FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_CountRects(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index) { if (!link_page || link_index < 0) return 0; CPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(link_page); return pdfium::CollectionSize(pageLink->GetRects(link_index)); } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_GetRect(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index, int rect_index, double* left, double* top, double* right, double* bottom) { if (!link_page || link_index < 0 || rect_index < 0) return false; CPDF_LinkExtract* pageLink = CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(link_page); std::vector rectArray = pageLink->GetRects(link_index); if (rect_index >= pdfium::CollectionSize(rectArray)) return false; *left = rectArray[rect_index].left; *right = rectArray[rect_index].right; *top = rectArray[rect_index].top; *bottom = rectArray[rect_index].bottom; return true; } FPDF_EXPORT FPDF_BOOL FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_GetTextRange(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page, int link_index, int* start_char_index, int* char_count) { if (!link_page || link_index < 0) return false; CPDF_LinkExtract* page_link = CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(link_page); return page_link->GetTextRange(link_index, start_char_index, char_count); } FPDF_EXPORT void FPDF_CALLCONV FPDFLink_CloseWebLinks(FPDF_PAGELINK link_page) { delete CPDFLinkExtractFromFPDFPageLink(link_page); }