// Copyright 2014 PDFium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // Original code copyright 2014 Foxit Software Inc. http://www.foxitsoftware.com #ifndef XFA_FXFA_FM2JS_CXFA_FMLEXER_H_ #define XFA_FXFA_FM2JS_CXFA_FMLEXER_H_ #include "core/fxcrt/fx_string.h" enum XFA_FM_TOKEN { TOKand, TOKlparen, TOKrparen, TOKmul, TOKplus, TOKcomma, TOKminus, TOKdot, TOKdiv, TOKlt, TOKassign, TOKgt, TOKlbracket, TOKrbracket, TOKor, TOKdotscream, TOKdotstar, TOKdotdot, TOKle, TOKne, TOKeq, TOKge, TOKdo, TOKkseq, TOKksge, TOKksgt, TOKif, TOKin, TOKksle, TOKkslt, TOKksne, TOKksor, TOKnull, TOKbreak, TOKksand, TOKend, TOKeof, TOKfor, TOKnan, TOKksnot, TOKvar, TOKthen, TOKelse, TOKexit, TOKdownto, TOKreturn, TOKinfinity, TOKendwhile, TOKforeach, TOKendfunc, TOKelseif, TOKwhile, TOKendfor, TOKthrow, TOKstep, TOKupto, TOKcontinue, TOKfunc, TOKendif, TOKstar, TOKidentifier, TOKunderscore, TOKdollar, TOKexclamation, TOKcall, TOKstring, TOKnumber, TOKreserver }; struct XFA_FMKeyword { XFA_FM_TOKEN m_type; const char* m_keyword; // Raw, POD struct. }; class CXFA_FMToken { public: CXFA_FMToken(); explicit CXFA_FMToken(XFA_FM_TOKEN token); CXFA_FMToken(const CXFA_FMToken&); ~CXFA_FMToken(); #ifndef NDEBUG WideString ToDebugString() const; #endif // NDEBUG WideStringView m_string; XFA_FM_TOKEN m_type; }; class CXFA_FMLexer { public: explicit CXFA_FMLexer(WideStringView wsFormcalc); ~CXFA_FMLexer(); CXFA_FMToken NextToken(); bool IsComplete() const { return m_nCursor >= m_spInput.size(); } private: CXFA_FMToken AdvanceForNumber(); CXFA_FMToken AdvanceForString(); CXFA_FMToken AdvanceForIdentifier(); void AdvanceForComment(); void RaiseError() { m_bLexerError = true; } pdfium::span m_spInput; size_t m_nCursor = 0; bool m_bLexerError = false; }; #endif // XFA_FXFA_FM2JS_CXFA_FMLEXER_H_