// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import * as m from 'mithril'; import {TraceUrlSource} from '../common/state'; import {saveTrace} from '../common/upload_utils'; import {globals} from './globals'; import {showModal} from './modal'; import {isShareable} from './trace_attrs'; // Never show more than one dialog per minute. const MIN_REPORT_PERIOD_MS = 60000; let timeLastReport = 0; // Keeps the last ERR_QUEUE_MAX_LEN errors while the dialog is throttled. const queuedErrors = new Array(); const ERR_QUEUE_MAX_LEN = 10; export function maybeShowErrorDialog(errLog: string) { globals.logging.logError(errLog); const now = performance.now(); // Here we rely on the exception message from onCannotGrowMemory function if (errLog.includes('Cannot enlarge memory')) { showOutOfMemoryDialog(); // Refresh timeLastReport to prevent a different error showing a dialog timeLastReport = now; return; } if (errLog.includes('Unable to claim interface.') || errLog.includes('A transfer error has occurred')) { showWebUSBError(); timeLastReport = now; } if (errLog.includes('(ERR:fmt)')) { showUnknownFileError(); return; } if (timeLastReport > 0 && now - timeLastReport <= MIN_REPORT_PERIOD_MS) { queuedErrors.unshift(errLog); if (queuedErrors.length > ERR_QUEUE_MAX_LEN) queuedErrors.pop(); console.log('Suppressing crash dialog, last error notified too soon.'); return; } timeLastReport = now; // Append queued errors. while (queuedErrors.length > 0) { const queuedErr = queuedErrors.shift(); errLog += `\n\n---------------------------------------\n${queuedErr}`; } const errTitle = errLog.split('\n', 1)[0].substr(0, 80); const userDescription = ''; let checked = false; const engine = Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]; const shareTraceSection: m.Vnode[] = []; if (isShareable() && !urlExists()) { shareTraceSection.push( m(`input[type=checkbox]`, { checked, oninput: (ev: InputEvent) => { checked = (ev.target as HTMLInputElement).checked; if (checked && engine.source.type === 'FILE') { saveTrace(engine.source.file).then(url => { const errMessage = createErrorMessage(errLog, checked, url); renderModal( errTitle, errMessage, userDescription, shareTraceSection); return; }); } const errMessage = createErrorMessage(errLog, checked); renderModal( errTitle, errMessage, userDescription, shareTraceSection); }, }), m('span', `Check this box to share the current trace for debugging purposes.`), m('div.modal-small', `This will create a permalink to this trace, you may leave it unchecked and attach the trace manually to the bug if preferred.`)); } renderModal( errTitle, createErrorMessage(errLog, checked), userDescription, shareTraceSection); } function renderModal( errTitle: string, errMessage: string, userDescription: string, shareTraceSection: m.Vnode[]) { showModal({ title: 'Oops, something went wrong. Please file a bug.', content: m('div', m('.modal-logs', errMessage), m('span', `Please provide any additional details describing how the crash occurred:`), m('textarea.modal-textarea', { rows: 3, maxlength: 1000, oninput: (ev: InputEvent) => { userDescription = (ev.target as HTMLTextAreaElement).value; }, onkeydown: (e: Event) => { e.stopPropagation(); }, onkeyup: (e: Event) => { e.stopPropagation(); }, }), shareTraceSection), buttons: [ { text: 'File a bug (Googlers only)', primary: true, id: 'file_bug', action: () => { window.open( createLink(errTitle, errMessage, userDescription), '_blank'); } }, ] }); } // If there is a trace URL to share, we don't have to show the upload checkbox. function urlExists() { const engine = Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]; return engine !== undefined && (engine.source.type === 'ARRAY_BUFFER' || engine.source.type === 'URL') && engine.source.url !== undefined; } function createErrorMessage(errLog: string, checked: boolean, url?: string) { let errMessage = ''; const engine = Object.values(globals.state.engines)[0]; if (checked && url !== undefined) { errMessage += `Trace: ${url}`; } else if (urlExists()) { errMessage += `Trace: ${(engine.source as TraceUrlSource).url}`; } else { errMessage += 'To assist with debugging please attach or link to the ' + 'trace you were viewing.'; } return errMessage + '\n\n' + 'Viewed on: ' + self.location.origin + '\n\n' + errLog; } function createLink( errTitle: string, errMessage: string, userDescription: string): string { let link = 'https://goto.google.com/perfetto-ui-bug'; link += '?title=' + encodeURIComponent(`UI Error: ${errTitle}`); link += '&description='; if (userDescription !== '') { link += encodeURIComponent('User description:\n' + userDescription + '\n\n'); } link += encodeURIComponent(errMessage); // 8kb is common limit on request size so restrict links to that long: return link.substr(0, 8000); } function showOutOfMemoryDialog() { const url = 'https://perfetto.dev/docs/quickstart/trace-analysis#get-trace-processor'; const tpCmd = 'curl -LO https://get.perfetto.dev/trace_processor\n' + 'chmod +x ./trace_processor\n' + 'trace_processor --httpd /path/to/trace.pftrace\n' + '# Reload the UI, it will prompt to use the HTTP+RPC interface'; showModal({ title: 'Oops! Your WASM trace processor ran out of memory', content: m( 'div', m('span', 'The in-memory representation of the trace is too big ' + 'for the browser memory limits (typically 2GB per tab).'), m('br'), m('span', 'You can work around this problem by using the trace_processor ' + 'native binary as an accelerator for the UI as follows:'), m('br'), m('br'), m('.modal-bash', tpCmd), m('br'), m('span', 'For details see '), m('a', {href: url, target: '_blank'}, url), ), buttons: [] }); } function showUnknownFileError() { showModal({ title: 'Cannot open this file', content: m( 'div', m('p', 'The file opened doesn\'t look like a Perfetto trace or any ' + 'other format recognized by the Perfetto TraceProcessor.'), m('p', 'Formats supported:'), m( 'ul', m('li', 'Perfetto protobuf trace'), m('li', 'chrome://tracing JSON'), m('li', 'Android systrace'), m('li', 'Fuchsia trace'), m('li', 'Ninja build log'), ), ), buttons: [] }); } function showWebUSBError() { showModal({ title: 'A WebUSB error occurred', content: m( 'div', m('span', `Is adb already running on the host? Run this command and try again.`), m('br'), m('.modal-bash', '> adb kill-server'), m('br'), m('span', 'For details see '), m('a', {href: 'http://b/159048331', target: '_blank'}, 'b/159048331'), ), buttons: [] }); }