// Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use size file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. import * as m from 'mithril'; import {Actions} from '../common/actions'; import {randomColor} from '../common/colorizer'; import {AreaNote, Note} from '../common/state'; import {timeToString} from '../common/time'; import {TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH} from './css_constants'; import {PerfettoMouseEvent} from './events'; import {globals} from './globals'; import {gridlines} from './gridline_helper'; import {Panel, PanelSize} from './panel'; const FLAG_WIDTH = 16; const AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH = 10; const MOVIE_WIDTH = 16; const FLAG = `\uE153`; const MOVIE = '\uE8DA'; function toSummary(s: string) { const newlineIndex = s.indexOf('\n') > 0 ? s.indexOf('\n') : s.length; return s.slice(0, Math.min(newlineIndex, s.length, 16)); } function getStartTimestamp(note: Note|AreaNote) { if (note.noteType === 'AREA') { return globals.state.areas[note.areaId].startSec; } else { return note.timestamp; } } export class NotesPanel extends Panel { hoveredX: null|number = null; oncreate({dom}: m.CVnodeDOM) { dom.addEventListener('mousemove', (e: Event) => { this.hoveredX = (e as PerfettoMouseEvent).layerX - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH; if (globals.state.scrubbingEnabled) { const timescale = globals.frontendLocalState.timeScale; const timestamp = timescale.pxToTime(this.hoveredX); globals.frontendLocalState.setVidTimestamp(timestamp); } globals.rafScheduler.scheduleRedraw(); }, {passive: true}); dom.addEventListener('mouseenter', (e: Event) => { this.hoveredX = (e as PerfettoMouseEvent).layerX - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH; globals.rafScheduler.scheduleRedraw(); }); dom.addEventListener('mouseout', () => { this.hoveredX = null; globals.frontendLocalState.setHoveredNoteTimestamp(-1); globals.rafScheduler.scheduleRedraw(); }, {passive: true}); } view() { return m('.notes-panel', { onclick: (e: PerfettoMouseEvent) => { const isMovie = globals.state.flagPauseEnabled; this.onClick(e.layerX - TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH, e.layerY, isMovie); e.stopPropagation(); }, }); } renderCanvas(ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, size: PanelSize) { const timeScale = globals.frontendLocalState.timeScale; const range = globals.frontendLocalState.visibleWindowTime; let aNoteIsHovered = false; ctx.fillStyle = '#999'; ctx.fillRect(TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH - 2, 0, 2, size.height); for (const xAndTime of gridlines(size.width, range, timeScale)) { ctx.fillRect(xAndTime[0], 0, 1, size.height); } ctx.textBaseline = 'bottom'; ctx.font = '10px Helvetica'; for (const note of Object.values(globals.state.notes)) { const timestamp = getStartTimestamp(note); // TODO(hjd): We should still render area selection marks in viewport is // *within* the area (e.g. both lhs and rhs are out of bounds). if ((note.noteType !== 'AREA' && !timeScale.timeInBounds(timestamp)) || (note.noteType === 'AREA' && !timeScale.timeInBounds(globals.state.areas[note.areaId].endSec) && !timeScale.timeInBounds( globals.state.areas[note.areaId].startSec))) { continue; } const currentIsHovered = this.hoveredX && this.mouseOverNote(this.hoveredX, note); if (currentIsHovered) aNoteIsHovered = true; const selection = globals.state.currentSelection; const isSelected = selection !== null && ((selection.kind === 'NOTE' && selection.id === note.id) || (selection.kind === 'AREA' && selection.noteId === note.id)); const x = timeScale.timeToPx(timestamp); const left = Math.floor(x + TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH); // Draw flag or marker. if (note.noteType === 'AREA') { const area = globals.state.areas[note.areaId]; this.drawAreaMarker( ctx, left, Math.floor(timeScale.timeToPx(area.endSec) + TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH), note.color, isSelected); } else { this.drawFlag( ctx, left, size.height, note.color, note.noteType, isSelected); } if (note.text) { const summary = toSummary(note.text); const measured = ctx.measureText(summary); // Add a white semi-transparent background for the text. ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)'; ctx.fillRect( left + FLAG_WIDTH + 2, size.height + 2, measured.width + 2, -12); ctx.fillStyle = '#3c4b5d'; ctx.fillText(summary, left + FLAG_WIDTH + 3, size.height + 1); } } // A real note is hovered so we don't need to see the preview line. // TODO(hjd): Change cursor to pointer here. if (aNoteIsHovered) globals.frontendLocalState.setHoveredNoteTimestamp(-1); // View preview note flag when hovering on notes panel. if (!aNoteIsHovered && this.hoveredX !== null) { const timestamp = timeScale.pxToTime(this.hoveredX); if (timeScale.timeInBounds(timestamp)) { globals.frontendLocalState.setHoveredNoteTimestamp(timestamp); const x = timeScale.timeToPx(timestamp); const left = Math.floor(x + TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH); this.drawFlag( ctx, left, size.height, '#aaa', 'DEFAULT', /* fill */ true); } } } private drawAreaMarker( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, x: number, xEnd: number, color: string, fill: boolean) { ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; const topOffset = 10; // Don't draw in the track shell section. if (x >= globals.frontendLocalState.timeScale.startPx + TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH) { // Draw left triangle. ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, topOffset); ctx.lineTo(x, topOffset + AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH); ctx.lineTo(x + AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH, topOffset); ctx.lineTo(x, topOffset); if (fill) ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); } // Draw right triangle. ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(xEnd, topOffset); ctx.lineTo(xEnd, topOffset + AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH); ctx.lineTo(xEnd - AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH, topOffset); ctx.lineTo(xEnd, topOffset); if (fill) ctx.fill(); ctx.stroke(); // Start line after track shell section, join triangles. const startDraw = Math.max( x, globals.frontendLocalState.timeScale.startPx + TRACK_SHELL_WIDTH); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(startDraw, topOffset); ctx.lineTo(xEnd, topOffset); ctx.stroke(); } private drawFlag( ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, x: number, height: number, color: string, noteType: 'DEFAULT'|'AREA'|'MOVIE', fill?: boolean) { const prevFont = ctx.font; const prevBaseline = ctx.textBaseline; ctx.textBaseline = 'alphabetic'; // Adjust height for icon font. ctx.font = '24px Material Icons'; ctx.fillStyle = color; ctx.strokeStyle = color; // The ligatures have padding included that means the icon is not drawn // exactly at the x value. This adjusts for that. const iconPadding = 6; if (fill) { ctx.fillText( noteType === 'MOVIE' ? MOVIE : FLAG, x - iconPadding, height + 2); } else { ctx.strokeText( noteType === 'MOVIE' ? MOVIE : FLAG, x - iconPadding, height + 2.5); } ctx.font = prevFont; ctx.textBaseline = prevBaseline; } private onClick(x: number, _: number, isMovie: boolean) { if (x < 0) return; const timeScale = globals.frontendLocalState.timeScale; const timestamp = timeScale.pxToTime(x); for (const note of Object.values(globals.state.notes)) { if (this.hoveredX && this.mouseOverNote(this.hoveredX, note)) { if (note.noteType === 'MOVIE') { globals.frontendLocalState.setVidTimestamp(note.timestamp); } if (note.noteType === 'AREA') { globals.makeSelection( Actions.reSelectArea({areaId: note.areaId, noteId: note.id})); } else { globals.makeSelection(Actions.selectNote({id: note.id})); } return; } } if (isMovie) { globals.frontendLocalState.setVidTimestamp(timestamp); } const color = randomColor(); globals.makeSelection(Actions.addNote({timestamp, color, isMovie})); } private mouseOverNote(x: number, note: AreaNote|Note): boolean { const timeScale = globals.frontendLocalState.timeScale; const noteX = timeScale.timeToPx(getStartTimestamp(note)); if (note.noteType === 'AREA') { const noteArea = globals.state.areas[note.areaId]; return (noteX <= x && x < noteX + AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH) || (timeScale.timeToPx(noteArea.endSec) > x && x > timeScale.timeToPx(noteArea.endSec) - AREA_TRIANGLE_WIDTH); } else { const width = (note.noteType === 'MOVIE') ? MOVIE_WIDTH : FLAG_WIDTH; return noteX <= x && x < noteX + width; } } } interface NotesEditorPanelAttrs { id: string; } export class NotesEditorPanel extends Panel { view({attrs}: m.CVnode) { const note = globals.state.notes[attrs.id]; const startTime = getStartTimestamp(note) - globals.state.traceTime.startSec; return m( '.notes-editor-panel', m('.notes-editor-panel-heading-bar', m('.notes-editor-panel-heading', `Annotation at ${timeToString(startTime)}`), m('input[type=text]', { onkeydown: (e: Event) => { e.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, value: note.text, onchange: (e: InputEvent) => { const newText = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).value; globals.dispatch(Actions.changeNoteText({ id: attrs.id, newText, })); }, }), m('span.color-change', `Change color: `, m('input[type=color]', { value: note.color, onchange: (e: Event) => { const newColor = (e.target as HTMLInputElement).value; globals.dispatch(Actions.changeNoteColor({ id: attrs.id, newColor, })); }, })), m('button', { onclick: () => { globals.dispatch(Actions.removeNote({id: attrs.id})); globals.frontendLocalState.currentTab = undefined; globals.rafScheduler.scheduleFullRedraw(); } }, 'Remove')), ); } renderCanvas(_ctx: CanvasRenderingContext2D, _size: PanelSize) {} }