import httplib2 import pytest def test_from_std66(): cases = ( ("", ("http", "", "", None, None)), ("", ("https", "", "", None, None)), ("", ("https", "", "", None, None)), ("", ("http", "", "/", None, None)), ("", ("http", "", "/path", None, None)), ( "", ("http", "", "/path", "a=1&b=2", None), ), ( "", ("http", "", "/path", "a=1&b=2", "fred"), ), ( "", ("http", "", "/path", "a=1&b=2", "fred"), ), ) for a, b in cases: assert httplib2.parse_uri(a) == b def test_norm(): cases = ( ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("", ""), ("http://localhost:80", "http://localhost:80/"), ) for a, b in cases: assert httplib2.urlnorm(a)[-1] == b assert httplib2.urlnorm("http://localhost:80/") == httplib2.urlnorm( "HTTP://LOCALHOST:80" ) try: httplib2.urlnorm("/") assert False, "Non-absolute URIs should raise an exception" except httplib2.RelativeURIError: pass @pytest.mark.parametrize( "data", ( ("", ",d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e"), ( "", "example.orgfreda=b,58489f63a7a83c3b7794a6a398ee8b1f", ), ( "", "example.orgfreda=b,8c5946d56fec453071f43329ff0be46b", ), ( "", "www.example.orgfreda=b,499c44b8d844a011b67ea2c015116968", ), ( "", "www.example.orgfreda=b,692e843a333484ce0095b070497ab45d", ), ( httplib2.urlnorm("http://WWW")[-1], httplib2.safename(httplib2.urlnorm("http://www")[-1]), ), ( u"http://\", ".orgfreda=b,ecaf0f97756c0716de76f593bd60a35e", ), ( "normal-resource-name.js", "normal-resource-name.js,8ff7c46fd6e61bf4e91a0a1606954a54", ), ( "foo://dom/path/brath/carapath", "dompathbrathcarapath,83db942781ed975c7a5b7c24039f8ca3", ), ("with/slash", "withslash,17cc656656bb8ce2411bd41ead56d176"), ( "thisistoomuch" * 42, ("thisistoomuch" * 6) + "thisistoomuc,c4553439dd179422c6acf6a8ac093eb6", ), (u"\u043f\u0440", ",9f18c0db74a9734e9d18461e16345083"), (u"\u043f\u0440".encode("utf-8"), ",9f18c0db74a9734e9d18461e16345083"), ( b"column\tvalues/", ",b9740dcd0553e11b526450ceb8f76683", ), ), ids=str, ) def test_safename(data): result = httplib2.safename(data[0]) assert result == data[1] def test_safename2(): assert httplib2.safename("http://www") != httplib2.safename("https://www") # Test the max length limits uri = "http://" + ("w" * 200) + ".org" uri2 = "http://" + ("w" * 201) + ".org" assert httplib2.safename(uri) != httplib2.safename(uri2) # Max length should be 90 + 1 (',') + 32 = 123 assert len(httplib2.safename(uri2)) == 123 assert len(httplib2.safename(uri)) == 123