package org.robolectric.testing; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements; import org.robolectric.annotation.internal.Instrument; @Instrument public class Pony { public Pony() { } public String ride(String where) { return "Whinny! You're on my " + where + "!"; } public static String prance(String where) { return "I'm prancing to " + where + "!"; } public String saunter(String where) { return "Off I saunter to " + where + "!"; } @Implements(Pony.class) public static class ShadowPony { @Implementation public String ride(String where) { return "Fake whinny! You're on my " + where + "!"; } @Implementation protected static String prance(String where) { return "I'm shadily prancing to " + where + "!"; } } }