/*! The SVG image drawing backend */ use plotters_backend::{ text_anchor::{HPos, VPos}, BackendColor, BackendCoord, BackendStyle, BackendTextStyle, DrawingBackend, DrawingErrorKind, FontStyle, FontTransform, }; use std::fs::File; #[allow(unused_imports)] use std::io::Cursor; use std::io::{BufWriter, Error, Write}; use std::path::Path; fn make_svg_color(color: BackendColor) -> String { let (r, g, b) = color.rgb; return format!("#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}", r, g, b); } fn make_svg_opacity(color: BackendColor) -> String { return format!("{}", color.alpha); } enum Target<'a> { File(String, &'a Path), Buffer(&'a mut String), // TODO: At this point we won't make the breaking change // so the u8 buffer is still supported. But in 0.3, we definitely // should get rid of this. #[cfg(feature = "deprecated_items")] U8Buffer(String, &'a mut Vec), } impl Target<'_> { fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut String { match self { Target::File(ref mut buf, _) => buf, Target::Buffer(buf) => buf, #[cfg(feature = "deprecated_items")] Target::U8Buffer(ref mut buf, _) => buf, } } } enum SVGTag { SVG, Circle, Line, Polygon, Polyline, Rectangle, Text, #[allow(dead_code)] Image, } impl SVGTag { fn to_tag_name(&self) -> &'static str { match self { SVGTag::SVG => "svg", SVGTag::Circle => "circle", SVGTag::Line => "line", SVGTag::Polyline => "polyline", SVGTag::Rectangle => "rect", SVGTag::Text => "text", SVGTag::Image => "image", SVGTag::Polygon => "polygon", } } } /// The SVG image drawing backend pub struct SVGBackend<'a> { target: Target<'a>, size: (u32, u32), tag_stack: Vec, saved: bool, } impl<'a> SVGBackend<'a> { fn escape_and_push(buf: &mut String, value: &str) { value.chars().for_each(|c| match c { '<' => buf.push_str("<"), '>' => buf.push_str(">"), '&' => buf.push_str("&"), '"' => buf.push_str("""), '\'' => buf.push_str("'"), other => buf.push(other), }); } fn open_tag(&mut self, tag: SVGTag, attr: &[(&str, &str)], close: bool) { let buf = self.target.get_mut(); buf.push_str("<"); buf.push_str(tag.to_tag_name()); for (key, value) in attr { buf.push_str(" "); buf.push_str(key); buf.push_str("=\""); Self::escape_and_push(buf, value); buf.push_str("\""); } if close { buf.push_str("/>\n"); } else { self.tag_stack.push(tag); buf.push_str(">\n"); } } fn close_tag(&mut self) -> bool { if let Some(tag) = self.tag_stack.pop() { let buf = self.target.get_mut(); buf.push_str("\n"); return true; } false } fn init_svg_file(&mut self, size: (u32, u32)) { self.open_tag( SVGTag::SVG, &[ ("width", &format!("{}", size.0)), ("height", &format!("{}", size.1)), ("viewBox", &format!("0 0 {} {}", size.0, size.1)), ("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"), ], false, ); } /// Create a new SVG drawing backend pub fn new + ?Sized>(path: &'a T, size: (u32, u32)) -> Self { let mut ret = Self { target: Target::File(String::default(), path.as_ref()), size, tag_stack: vec![], saved: false, }; ret.init_svg_file(size); ret } /// Create a new SVG drawing backend and store the document into a u8 vector #[cfg(feature = "deprecated_items")] #[deprecated( note = "This will be replaced by `with_string`, consider use `with_string` to avoid breaking change in the future" )] pub fn with_buffer(buf: &'a mut Vec, size: (u32, u32)) -> Self { let mut ret = Self { target: Target::U8Buffer(String::default(), buf), size, tag_stack: vec![], saved: false, }; ret.init_svg_file(size); ret } /// Create a new SVG drawing backend and store the document into a String buffer pub fn with_string(buf: &'a mut String, size: (u32, u32)) -> Self { let mut ret = Self { target: Target::Buffer(buf), size, tag_stack: vec![], saved: false, }; ret.init_svg_file(size); ret } } impl<'a> DrawingBackend for SVGBackend<'a> { type ErrorType = Error; fn get_size(&self) -> (u32, u32) { self.size } fn ensure_prepared(&mut self) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { Ok(()) } fn present(&mut self) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if !self.saved { while self.close_tag() {} match self.target { Target::File(ref buf, path) => { let outfile = File::create(path).map_err(DrawingErrorKind::DrawingError)?; let mut outfile = BufWriter::new(outfile); outfile .write_all(buf.as_ref()) .map_err(DrawingErrorKind::DrawingError)?; } Target::Buffer(_) => {} #[cfg(feature = "deprecated_items")] Target::U8Buffer(ref actual, ref mut target) => { target.clear(); target.extend_from_slice(actual.as_bytes()); } } self.saved = true; } Ok(()) } fn draw_pixel( &mut self, point: BackendCoord, color: BackendColor, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if color.alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } self.open_tag( SVGTag::Rectangle, &[ ("x", &format!("{}", point.0)), ("y", &format!("{}", point.1)), ("width", "1"), ("height", "1"), ("stroke", "none"), ("opacity", &make_svg_opacity(color)), ("fill", &make_svg_color(color)), ], true, ); Ok(()) } fn draw_line( &mut self, from: BackendCoord, to: BackendCoord, style: &S, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if style.color().alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } self.open_tag( SVGTag::Line, &[ ("opacity", &make_svg_opacity(style.color())), ("stroke", &make_svg_color(style.color())), ("stroke-width", &format!("{}", style.stroke_width())), ("x1", &format!("{}", from.0)), ("y1", &format!("{}", from.1)), ("x2", &format!("{}", to.0)), ("y2", &format!("{}", to.1)), ], true, ); Ok(()) } fn draw_rect( &mut self, upper_left: BackendCoord, bottom_right: BackendCoord, style: &S, fill: bool, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if style.color().alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } let (fill, stroke) = if !fill { ("none".to_string(), make_svg_color(style.color())) } else { (make_svg_color(style.color()), "none".to_string()) }; self.open_tag( SVGTag::Rectangle, &[ ("x", &format!("{}", upper_left.0)), ("y", &format!("{}", upper_left.1)), ("width", &format!("{}", bottom_right.0 - upper_left.0)), ("height", &format!("{}", bottom_right.1 - upper_left.1)), ("opacity", &make_svg_opacity(style.color())), ("fill", &fill), ("stroke", &stroke), ], true, ); Ok(()) } fn draw_path>( &mut self, path: I, style: &S, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if style.color().alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } self.open_tag( SVGTag::Polyline, &[ ("fill", "none"), ("opacity", &make_svg_opacity(style.color())), ("stroke", &make_svg_color(style.color())), ("stroke-width", &format!("{}", style.stroke_width())), ( "points", &path.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut s, (x, y)| { s.push_str(&format!("{},{} ", x, y)); s }), ), ], true, ); Ok(()) } fn fill_polygon>( &mut self, path: I, style: &S, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if style.color().alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } self.open_tag( SVGTag::Polygon, &[ ("opacity", &make_svg_opacity(style.color())), ("fill", &make_svg_color(style.color())), ( "points", &path.into_iter().fold(String::new(), |mut s, (x, y)| { s.push_str(&format!("{},{} ", x, y)); s }), ), ], true, ); Ok(()) } fn draw_circle( &mut self, center: BackendCoord, radius: u32, style: &S, fill: bool, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { if style.color().alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } let (stroke, fill) = if !fill { (make_svg_color(style.color()), "none".to_string()) } else { ("none".to_string(), make_svg_color(style.color())) }; self.open_tag( SVGTag::Circle, &[ ("cx", &format!("{}", center.0)), ("cy", &format!("{}", center.1)), ("r", &format!("{}", radius)), ("opacity", &make_svg_opacity(style.color())), ("fill", &fill), ("stroke", &stroke), ("stroke-width", &format!("{}", style.stroke_width())), ], true, ); Ok(()) } fn draw_text( &mut self, text: &str, style: &S, pos: BackendCoord, ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { let color = style.color(); if color.alpha == 0.0 { return Ok(()); } let (x0, y0) = pos; let text_anchor = match style.anchor().h_pos { HPos::Left => "start", HPos::Right => "end", HPos::Center => "middle", }; let dy = match style.anchor().v_pos { VPos::Top => "0.76em", VPos::Center => "0.5ex", VPos::Bottom => "-0.5ex", }; #[cfg(feature = "debug")] { let ((fx0, fy0), (fx1, fy1)) = font.layout_box(text).map_err(DrawingErrorKind::FontError)?; let x0 = match style.anchor().h_pos { HPos::Left => x0, HPos::Center => x0 - fx1 / 2 + fx0 / 2, HPos::Right => x0 - fx1 + fx0, }; let y0 = match style.anchor().v_pos { VPos::Top => y0, VPos::Center => y0 - fy1 / 2 + fy0 / 2, VPos::Bottom => y0 - fy1 + fy0, }; self.draw_rect( (x0, y0), (x0 + fx1 - fx0, y0 + fy1 - fy0), &crate::prelude::RED, false, ) .unwrap(); self.draw_circle((x0, y0), 2, &crate::prelude::RED, false) .unwrap(); } let mut attrs = vec![ ("x", format!("{}", x0)), ("y", format!("{}", y0)), ("dy", dy.to_owned()), ("text-anchor", text_anchor.to_string()), ("font-family", style.family().as_str().to_string()), ("font-size", format!("{}", style.size() / 1.24)), ("opacity", make_svg_opacity(color)), ("fill", make_svg_color(color)), ]; match style.style() { FontStyle::Normal => {} FontStyle::Bold => attrs.push(("font-weight", "bold".to_string())), other_style => attrs.push(("font-style", other_style.as_str().to_string())), }; let trans = style.transform(); match trans { FontTransform::Rotate90 => { attrs.push(("transform", format!("rotate(90, {}, {})", x0, y0))) } FontTransform::Rotate180 => { attrs.push(("transform", format!("rotate(180, {}, {})", x0, y0))); } FontTransform::Rotate270 => { attrs.push(("transform", format!("rotate(270, {}, {})", x0, y0))); } _ => {} } self.open_tag( SVGTag::Text, attrs .iter() .map(|(a, b)| (*a, b.as_ref())) .collect::>() .as_ref(), false, ); Self::escape_and_push(self.target.get_mut(), text); self.target.get_mut().push_str("\n"); self.close_tag(); Ok(()) } #[cfg(all(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), feature = "image"))] fn blit_bitmap<'b>( &mut self, pos: BackendCoord, (w, h): (u32, u32), src: &'b [u8], ) -> Result<(), DrawingErrorKind> { use image::png::PNGEncoder; let mut data = vec![0; 0]; { let cursor = Cursor::new(&mut data); let encoder = PNGEncoder::new(cursor); let color = image::ColorType::RGB(8); encoder.encode(src, w, h, color).map_err(|e| { DrawingErrorKind::DrawingError(Error::new( std::io::ErrorKind::Other, format!("Image error: {}", e), )) })?; } let padding = (3 - data.len() % 3) % 3; for _ in 0..padding { data.push(0); } let mut rem_bits = 0; let mut rem_num = 0; fn cvt_base64(from: u8) -> char { (if from < 26 { b'A' + from } else if from < 52 { b'a' + from - 26 } else if from < 62 { b'0' + from - 52 } else if from == 62 { b'+' } else { b'/' }) .into() } let mut buf = String::new(); buf.push_str("data:png;base64,"); for byte in data { let value = (rem_bits << (6 - rem_num)) | (byte >> (rem_num + 2)); rem_bits = byte & ((1 << (2 + rem_num)) - 1); rem_num += 2; buf.push(cvt_base64(value)); if rem_num == 6 { buf.push(cvt_base64(rem_bits)); rem_bits = 0; rem_num = 0; } } for _ in 0..padding { buf.pop(); buf.push('='); } self.open_tag( SVGTag::Image, &[ ("x", &format!("{}", pos.0)), ("y", &format!("{}", pos.1)), ("width", &format!("{}", w)), ("height", &format!("{}", h)), ("href", buf.as_str()), ], true, ); Ok(()) } } impl Drop for SVGBackend<'_> { fn drop(&mut self) { if !self.saved { // drop should not panic, so we ignore a failed present let _ = self.present(); } } } #[cfg(test)] mod test { use super::*; use plotters::element::Circle; use plotters::prelude::*; use plotters::style::text_anchor::{HPos, Pos, VPos}; use std::fs; use std::path::Path; static DST_DIR: &str = "target/test/svg"; fn checked_save_file(name: &str, content: &str) { /* Please use the SVG file to manually verify the results. */ assert!(!content.is_empty()); fs::create_dir_all(DST_DIR).unwrap(); let file_name = format!("{}.svg", name); let file_path = Path::new(DST_DIR).join(file_name); println!("{:?} created", file_path); fs::write(file_path, &content).unwrap(); } fn draw_mesh_with_custom_ticks(tick_size: i32, test_name: &str) { let mut content: String = Default::default(); { let root = SVGBackend::with_string(&mut content, (500, 500)).into_drawing_area(); let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption("This is a test", ("sans-serif", 20)) .set_all_label_area_size(40) .build_ranged(0..10, 0..10) .unwrap(); chart .configure_mesh() .set_all_tick_mark_size(tick_size) .draw() .unwrap(); } checked_save_file(test_name, &content); assert!(content.contains("This is a test")); } #[test] fn test_draw_mesh_no_ticks() { draw_mesh_with_custom_ticks(0, "test_draw_mesh_no_ticks"); } #[test] fn test_draw_mesh_negative_ticks() { draw_mesh_with_custom_ticks(-10, "test_draw_mesh_negative_ticks"); } #[test] fn test_text_alignments() { let mut content: String = Default::default(); { let mut root = SVGBackend::with_string(&mut content, (500, 500)); let style = TextStyle::from(("sans-serif", 20).into_font()) .pos(Pos::new(HPos::Right, VPos::Top)); root.draw_text("right-align", &style, (150, 50)).unwrap(); let style = style.pos(Pos::new(HPos::Center, VPos::Top)); root.draw_text("center-align", &style, (150, 150)).unwrap(); let style = style.pos(Pos::new(HPos::Left, VPos::Top)); root.draw_text("left-align", &style, (150, 200)).unwrap(); } checked_save_file("test_text_alignments", &content); for svg_line in content.split("") { if let Some(anchor_and_rest) = svg_line.split("text-anchor=\"").nth(1) { if anchor_and_rest.starts_with("end") { assert!(anchor_and_rest.contains("right-align")) } if anchor_and_rest.starts_with("middle") { assert!(anchor_and_rest.contains("center-align")) } if anchor_and_rest.starts_with("start") { assert!(anchor_and_rest.contains("left-align")) } } } } #[test] fn test_text_draw() { let mut content: String = Default::default(); { let root = SVGBackend::with_string(&mut content, (1500, 800)).into_drawing_area(); let root = root .titled("Image Title", ("sans-serif", 60).into_font()) .unwrap(); let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption("All anchor point positions", ("sans-serif", 20)) .set_all_label_area_size(40) .build_ranged(0..100, 0..50) .unwrap(); chart .configure_mesh() .disable_x_mesh() .disable_y_mesh() .x_desc("X Axis") .y_desc("Y Axis") .draw() .unwrap(); let ((x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)) = ((-30, 30), (0, -30), (30, 30)); for (dy, trans) in [ FontTransform::None, FontTransform::Rotate90, FontTransform::Rotate180, FontTransform::Rotate270, ] .iter() .enumerate() { for (dx1, h_pos) in [HPos::Left, HPos::Right, HPos::Center].iter().enumerate() { for (dx2, v_pos) in [VPos::Top, VPos::Center, VPos::Bottom].iter().enumerate() { let x = 150_i32 + (dx1 as i32 * 3 + dx2 as i32) * 150; let y = 120 + dy as i32 * 150; let draw = |x, y, text| { root.draw(&Circle::new((x, y), 3, &BLACK.mix(0.5))).unwrap(); let style = TextStyle::from(("sans-serif", 20).into_font()) .pos(Pos::new(*h_pos, *v_pos)) .transform(trans.clone()); root.draw_text(text, &style, (x, y)).unwrap(); }; draw(x + x1, y + y1, "dood"); draw(x + x2, y + y2, "dog"); draw(x + x3, y + y3, "goog"); } } } } checked_save_file("test_text_draw", &content); assert_eq!(content.matches("dog").count(), 36); assert_eq!(content.matches("dood").count(), 36); assert_eq!(content.matches("goog").count(), 36); } #[test] fn test_text_clipping() { let mut content: String = Default::default(); { let (width, height) = (500_i32, 500_i32); let root = SVGBackend::with_string(&mut content, (width as u32, height as u32)) .into_drawing_area(); let style = TextStyle::from(("sans-serif", 20).into_font()) .pos(Pos::new(HPos::Center, VPos::Center)); root.draw_text("TOP LEFT", &style, (0, 0)).unwrap(); root.draw_text("TOP CENTER", &style, (width / 2, 0)) .unwrap(); root.draw_text("TOP RIGHT", &style, (width, 0)).unwrap(); root.draw_text("MIDDLE LEFT", &style, (0, height / 2)) .unwrap(); root.draw_text("MIDDLE RIGHT", &style, (width, height / 2)) .unwrap(); root.draw_text("BOTTOM LEFT", &style, (0, height)).unwrap(); root.draw_text("BOTTOM CENTER", &style, (width / 2, height)) .unwrap(); root.draw_text("BOTTOM RIGHT", &style, (width, height)) .unwrap(); } checked_save_file("test_text_clipping", &content); } #[test] fn test_series_labels() { let mut content = String::default(); { let (width, height) = (500, 500); let root = SVGBackend::with_string(&mut content, (width, height)).into_drawing_area(); let mut chart = ChartBuilder::on(&root) .caption("All series label positions", ("sans-serif", 20)) .set_all_label_area_size(40) .build_ranged(0..50, 0..50) .unwrap(); chart .configure_mesh() .disable_x_mesh() .disable_y_mesh() .draw() .unwrap(); chart .draw_series(std::iter::once(Circle::new((5, 15), 5, &RED))) .expect("Drawing error") .label("Series 1") .legend(|(x, y)| Circle::new((x, y), 3, RED.filled())); chart .draw_series(std::iter::once(Circle::new((5, 15), 10, &BLUE))) .expect("Drawing error") .label("Series 2") .legend(|(x, y)| Circle::new((x, y), 3, BLUE.filled())); for pos in vec![ SeriesLabelPosition::UpperLeft, SeriesLabelPosition::MiddleLeft, SeriesLabelPosition::LowerLeft, SeriesLabelPosition::UpperMiddle, SeriesLabelPosition::MiddleMiddle, SeriesLabelPosition::LowerMiddle, SeriesLabelPosition::UpperRight, SeriesLabelPosition::MiddleRight, SeriesLabelPosition::LowerRight, SeriesLabelPosition::Coordinate(70, 70), ] .into_iter() { chart .configure_series_labels() .border_style(&BLACK.mix(0.5)) .position(pos) .draw() .expect("Drawing error"); } } checked_save_file("test_series_labels", &content); } #[test] fn test_draw_pixel_alphas() { let mut content = String::default(); { let (width, height) = (100_i32, 100_i32); let root = SVGBackend::with_string(&mut content, (width as u32, height as u32)) .into_drawing_area(); root.fill(&WHITE).unwrap(); for i in -20..20 { let alpha = i as f64 * 0.1; root.draw_pixel((50 + i, 50 + i), &BLACK.mix(alpha)) .unwrap(); } } checked_save_file("test_draw_pixel_alphas", &content); } }