uniform half4 colorRed, colorGreen; bool test() { const half4 colorWhite = half4(1); const half2 point = half2(40, 60); bool ok = true; // Comparisons on swizzled constants should fold ok = ok && (point.x >= 0 && point.x <= 100 && point.y >= 0 && point.y <= 100); // Arithmetic on swizzled constants should fold ok = ok && (colorWhite.x == 1); ok = ok && (colorWhite.x + colorWhite.y == 2); ok = ok && (colorWhite.x + colorWhite.y + colorWhite.z == 3); ok = ok && (colorWhite.x + colorWhite.y + colorWhite.z + colorWhite.w == 4); // No-op arithmetic using swizzled constants should fold away ok = ok && ((colorGreen * colorWhite.x) != (colorRed * colorWhite.y)); // Folding on swizzles with more than one component should be optimized. const half2 pointOffset = point.yx + colorWhite.xz; ok = ok && (pointOffset == half2(61, 41)); return ok; } half4 main(float2 coords) { return test() ? colorGreen : colorRed; }