/* * Copyright 2011 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "GrGLTexture.h" #include "GrGLGpu.h" #include "GrSemaphore.h" #include "GrShaderCaps.h" #include "GrTexturePriv.h" #include "SkTraceMemoryDump.h" #define GPUGL static_cast(this->getGpu()) #define GL_CALL(X) GR_GL_CALL(GPUGL->glInterface(), X) GrTextureType GrGLTexture::TextureTypeFromTarget(GrGLenum target) { switch (target) { case GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D: return GrTextureType::k2D; case GR_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE: return GrTextureType::kRectangle; case GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL: return GrTextureType::kExternal; } SK_ABORT("Unexpected texture target"); return GrTextureType::k2D; } static inline GrGLenum target_from_texture_type(GrTextureType type) { switch (type) { case GrTextureType::k2D: return GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D; case GrTextureType::kRectangle: return GR_GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE; case GrTextureType::kExternal: return GR_GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL; } SK_ABORT("Unexpected texture type"); return GR_GL_TEXTURE_2D; } // Because this class is virtually derived from GrSurface we must explicitly call its constructor. GrGLTexture::GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu* gpu, SkBudgeted budgeted, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, const IDDesc& idDesc, GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus) : GrSurface(gpu, desc) , INHERITED(gpu, desc, TextureTypeFromTarget(idDesc.fInfo.fTarget), mipMapsStatus) { this->init(desc, idDesc); this->registerWithCache(budgeted); if (GrPixelConfigIsCompressed(desc.fConfig)) { this->setReadOnly(); } } GrGLTexture::GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu* gpu, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus, const IDDesc& idDesc, GrWrapCacheable cacheable, GrIOType ioType) : GrSurface(gpu, desc) , INHERITED(gpu, desc, TextureTypeFromTarget(idDesc.fInfo.fTarget), mipMapsStatus) { this->init(desc, idDesc); this->registerWithCacheWrapped(cacheable); if (ioType == kRead_GrIOType) { this->setReadOnly(); } } GrGLTexture::GrGLTexture(GrGLGpu* gpu, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, const IDDesc& idDesc, GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus) : GrSurface(gpu, desc) , INHERITED(gpu, desc, TextureTypeFromTarget(idDesc.fInfo.fTarget), mipMapsStatus) { this->init(desc, idDesc); } void GrGLTexture::init(const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, const IDDesc& idDesc) { SkASSERT(0 != idDesc.fInfo.fID); SkASSERT(0 != idDesc.fInfo.fFormat); fParamsTimestamp = GrGpu::kExpiredTimestamp; fID = idDesc.fInfo.fID; fFormat = idDesc.fInfo.fFormat; fTextureIDOwnership = idDesc.fOwnership; } GrGLenum GrGLTexture::target() const { return target_from_texture_type(this->texturePriv().textureType()); } void GrGLTexture::onRelease() { if (fID) { if (GrBackendObjectOwnership::kBorrowed != fTextureIDOwnership) { GL_CALL(DeleteTextures(1, &fID)); } fID = 0; } this->invokeReleaseProc(); INHERITED::onRelease(); } void GrGLTexture::onAbandon() { fID = 0; this->invokeReleaseProc(); INHERITED::onAbandon(); } GrBackendTexture GrGLTexture::getBackendTexture() const { GrGLTextureInfo info; info.fTarget = target_from_texture_type(this->texturePriv().textureType()); info.fID = fID; info.fFormat = fFormat; return GrBackendTexture(this->width(), this->height(), this->texturePriv().mipMapped(), info); } GrBackendFormat GrGLTexture::backendFormat() const { return GrBackendFormat::MakeGL(fFormat, target_from_texture_type(this->texturePriv().textureType())); } sk_sp GrGLTexture::MakeWrapped(GrGLGpu* gpu, const GrSurfaceDesc& desc, GrMipMapsStatus mipMapsStatus, const IDDesc& idDesc, GrWrapCacheable cacheable, GrIOType ioType) { return sk_sp(new GrGLTexture(gpu, desc, mipMapsStatus, idDesc, cacheable, ioType)); } bool GrGLTexture::onStealBackendTexture(GrBackendTexture* backendTexture, SkImage::BackendTextureReleaseProc* releaseProc) { *backendTexture = this->getBackendTexture(); // Set the release proc to a no-op function. GL doesn't require any special cleanup. *releaseProc = [](GrBackendTexture){}; // It's important that we only abandon this texture's objects, not subclass objects such as // those held by GrGLTextureRenderTarget. Those objects are not being stolen and need to be // cleaned up by us. this->GrGLTexture::onAbandon(); return true; } void GrGLTexture::dumpMemoryStatistics(SkTraceMemoryDump* traceMemoryDump) const { // Don't check this->fRefsWrappedObjects, as we might be the base of a GrGLTextureRenderTarget // which is multiply inherited from both ourselves and a texture. In these cases, one part // (texture, rt) may be wrapped, while the other is owned by Skia. bool refsWrappedTextureObjects = this->fTextureIDOwnership == GrBackendObjectOwnership::kBorrowed; if (refsWrappedTextureObjects && !traceMemoryDump->shouldDumpWrappedObjects()) { return; } // Dump as skia/gpu_resources/resource_#/texture, to avoid conflicts in the // GrGLTextureRenderTarget case, where multiple things may dump to the same resource. This // has no downside in the normal case. SkString resourceName = this->getResourceName(); resourceName.append("/texture"); // As we are only dumping our texture memory (not any additional memory tracked by classes // which may inherit from us), specifically call GrGLTexture::gpuMemorySize to avoid // hitting an override. this->dumpMemoryStatisticsPriv(traceMemoryDump, resourceName, "Texture", GrGLTexture::gpuMemorySize()); SkString texture_id; texture_id.appendU32(this->textureID()); traceMemoryDump->setMemoryBacking(resourceName.c_str(), "gl_texture", texture_id.c_str()); }