/* * Copyright 2017 Google Inc. * * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be * found in the LICENSE file. */ #include "bmhParser.h" #include "includeParser.h" #include "mdOut.h" #include "SkOSFile.h" #include "SkOSPath.h" class SubtopicKeys { public: static constexpr const char* kClasses = "Classes"; static constexpr const char* kConstants = "Constants"; static constexpr const char* kConstructors = "Constructors"; static constexpr const char* kDefines = "Defines"; static constexpr const char* kMemberFunctions = "Member_Functions"; static constexpr const char* kMembers = "Members"; static constexpr const char* kOperators = "Operators"; static constexpr const char* kOverview = "Overview"; static constexpr const char* kRelatedFunctions = "Related_Functions"; static constexpr const char* kStructs = "Structs"; static constexpr const char* kTypedefs = "Typedefs"; static const char* kGeneratedSubtopics[]; }; const char* SubtopicKeys::kGeneratedSubtopics[] = { kConstants, kDefines, kTypedefs, kMembers, kClasses, kStructs, kConstructors, kOperators, kMemberFunctions, kRelatedFunctions }; const char* kConstTableStyle = "" "\n"; const char* kTableDeclaration = ""; #define kTD_Base "border: 2px solid #dddddd; padding: 8px; " #define kTH_Left ""; const char* kAllConstTableHeader = " " kTH_Left "Const" "\n" kTH_Center "Value" "\n" kTH_Left "Description" ""; const char* kSubConstTableHeader = " " kTH_Left "Const" "\n" kTH_Center "Value" "\n" kTH_Left "Details" "\n" kTH_Left "Description" ""; const char* kAllMemberTableHeader = " " kTH_Left "Type" "\n" kTH_Left "Member" "\n" kTH_Left "Description" ""; const char* kSubMemberTableHeader = " " kTH_Left "Type" "\n" kTH_Left "Member" "\n" kTH_Left "Details" "\n" kTH_Left "Description" ""; const char* kTopicsTableHeader = " " kTH_Left "Topic" "\n" kTH_Left "Description" ""; string MdOut::anchorDef(string str, string name) { if (fValidate) { string htmlName = ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(fFileName); vector& allDefs = fAllAnchorDefs[htmlName]; if (!std::any_of(allDefs.begin(), allDefs.end(), [str](AnchorDef compare) { return compare.fDef == str; } )) { MarkType markType = fLastDef->fMarkType; if (MarkType::kMethod == markType && fLastDef->fClone) { SkASSERT(0); // incomplete } allDefs.push_back( { str, markType } ); } } return "" + name + ""; } string MdOut::anchorRef(string ref, string name) { if (fValidate) { string htmlName; size_t hashIndex = ref.find('#'); if (string::npos != hashIndex && "https://" != ref.substr(0, 8)) { if (0 == hashIndex) { htmlName = ParserCommon::HtmlFileName(fFileName); } else { htmlName = ref.substr(0, hashIndex); } vector& allRefs = fAllAnchorRefs[htmlName]; string refPart = ref.substr(hashIndex + 1); if (allRefs.end() == std::find(allRefs.begin(), allRefs.end(), refPart)) { allRefs.push_back(refPart); } } } SkASSERT(string::npos != ref.find('#') || string::npos != ref.find("https://")); return "" + name + ""; } string MdOut::anchorLocalRef(string ref, string name) { return this->anchorRef("#" + ref, name); } string MdOut::tableDataCodeRef(string ref, string name) { return kTD_Left + this->anchorRef(ref, "" + name + "") + ""; } string MdOut::tableDataCodeLocalRef(string ref, string name) { return this->tableDataCodeRef("#" + ref, name); } string MdOut::tableDataCodeLocalRef(string name) { return this->tableDataCodeLocalRef(name, name); } string MdOut::tableDataCodeRef(const Definition* ref) { return this->tableDataCodeLocalRef(ref->fFiddle, ref->fName); } string MdOut::tableDataCodeDef(string def, string name) { return kTD_Left + this->anchorDef(def, "" + name + "") + ""; } string MdOut::tableDataCodeDef(const Definition* def) { return this->tableDataCodeDef(def->fFiddle, def->fName); } static string table_data_const(const Definition* def, const char** textStartPtr) { TextParser parser(def); SkAssertResult(parser.skipToEndBracket('\n')); string constant = string(def->fContentStart, (int) (parser.fChar - def->fContentStart)); if (textStartPtr) { *textStartPtr = parser.fChar; } return kTD_Center + constant + ""; } static string out_table_data_description_start() { return kTD_Left; } static string out_table_data_description(string str) { return kTD_Left + str + ""; } static string out_table_data_description(const Definition* def) { return out_table_data_description(string(def->fContentStart, (int) (def->fContentEnd - def->fContentStart))); } static string out_table_data_details(string details) { return kTD_Left + details + ""; } #undef kConstTDBase #undef kTH_Center static string preformat(string orig) { string result; for (auto c : orig) { if ('<' == c) { result += "<"; } else if ('>' == c) { result += ">"; } else { result += c; } } return result; } // from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3418231/replace-part-of-a-string-with-another-string void replace_all(string& str, const string& from, const string& to) { SkASSERT(!from.empty()); size_t start_pos = 0; while ((start_pos = str.find(from, start_pos)) != std::string::npos) { str.replace(start_pos, from.length(), to); start_pos += to.length(); // In case 'to' contains 'from', like replacing 'x' with 'yx' } } // detail strings are preceded by an example comment to check readability void MdOut::addPopulators() { auto populator = [this](string key, string singular, string plural, string oneLiner, string details) -> void { fPopulators[key].fSingular = singular; fPopulators[key].fPlural = plural; fPopulators[key].fOneLiner = oneLiner; fPopulators[key].fDetails = details; }; populator(SubtopicKeys::kClasses, "Class", "Class Declarations", "embedded class members", /* SkImageInfo */ "uses class to declare the public data structures" " and interfaces."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kConstants, "Constant", "Constants", "enum and enum class, and their const values", /* SkImageInfo */ "defines related constants are using enum," " enum class, #define," " const, and constexpr."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kConstructors, "Constructor", "Constructors", "functions that construct", /* SkImageInfo */ "can be constructed or initialized by these functions," " including class constructors."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kDefines, "Define", "Defines", "preprocessor definitions of functions, values", /* SkImageInfo */ "uses preprocessor definitions to inline code and constants," " and to abstract platform-specific functionality."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kMemberFunctions, "Member Function", "Member Functions", "static and local functions", /* SkImageInfo */ "uses member functions to read and modify structure properties."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kMembers, "Member", "Members", "member values", /* SkImageInfo */ "contains members that may be read and written directly without using" " a member function."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kOperators, "Operator", "Operators", "operator overloading functions", /* SkImageInfo */ "defines member functions with arithmetic equivalents."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kRelatedFunctions, "Related Function", "Related Functions", "similar functions grouped together", /* SkImageInfo */ "defines related functions that share a topic."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kStructs, "Struct", "Struct Declarations", "embedded struct members", /* SkImageInfo */ "uses struct to declare the public data" " structures and interfaces."); populator(SubtopicKeys::kTypedefs, "Typedef", "Typedef Declarations", "types defined in terms of other types", /* SkImageInfo */ "uses typedef to define a data type."); } Definition* MdOut::checkParentsForMatch(Definition* test, string ref) const { bool isSubtopic = MarkType::kSubtopic == test->fMarkType || MarkType::kTopic == test->fMarkType; do { if (!test->isRoot()) { continue; } bool localTopic = MarkType::kSubtopic == test->fMarkType || MarkType::kTopic == test->fMarkType; if (localTopic != isSubtopic) { continue; } string prefix(isSubtopic ? "_" : "::"); RootDefinition* root = test->asRoot(); string prefixed = root->fName + prefix + ref; if (Definition* def = root->find(prefixed, RootDefinition::AllowParens::kYes)) { return def; } } while ((test = test->fParent)); return nullptr; } struct BraceState { BraceState(RootDefinition* root, string name, const char* ch, KeyWord last, KeyWord keyWord, int count) : fRoot(root) , fName(name) , fChar(ch) , fLastKey(last) , fKeyWord(keyWord) , fBraceCount(count) { } RootDefinition* fRoot; string fName; const char* fChar; KeyWord fLastKey; KeyWord fKeyWord; int fBraceCount; }; bool MdOut::DefinedState::hasWordSpace(string wordSpace) const { if (!fNames->fRefMap.size()) { return false; } for (const NameMap* names = fNames; names; names = names->fParent) { if (names->fRefMap.end() != names->fRefMap.find(wordSpace)) { return true; } } return false; } bool MdOut::DefinedState::phraseContinues(string phrase, string* priorWord, string* priorLink) const { for (const NameMap* names = fNames; names; names = names->fParent) { if (names->fRefMap.end() != names->fRefMap.find(phrase + ' ')) { *priorWord = phrase; return true; } if (names->fRefMap.end() != names->fRefMap.find(phrase)) { *priorWord = phrase; auto linkIter = names->fLinkMap.find(phrase); *priorLink = names->fLinkMap.end() == linkIter ? "" : linkIter->second; return true; } } return false; } void MdOut::DefinedState::setLink() { fLink = ""; fPriorDef = nullptr; // TODO: operators have complicated parsing possibilities; handle the easiest for now // TODO: constructors also have complicated parsing possibilities; handle the easiest bool isOperator = "operator" == fPriorWord; if (((fRoot && fRoot->isStructOrClass() && fRoot->fName == fPriorWord) || isOperator) && '(' == fSeparator.back()) { SkASSERT(fSubtopic); TextParser parser(fSubtopic->fFileName, fSeparatorStart, fRefEnd, fSubtopic->fLineCount); parser.skipToEndBracket('('); const char* parenStart = parser.fChar; parser.skipToBalancedEndBracket('(', ')'); (void) parser.skipExact(" const"); string methodName = fPriorWord + fSeparator + string(parenStart + 1, parser.fChar - parenStart - 1); string testLink; if (this->findLink(methodName, &testLink, false)) { // consume only if we find it if (isOperator) { fPriorWord += fSeparator.substr(0, fSeparator.length() - 1); // strip paren fPriorSeparator = "("; } fWord = ""; fPriorLink = testLink; fEnd = parenStart + 1; return; } } // look to see if text following ref is method qualifier else if ((Resolvable::kYes == fResolvable || Resolvable::kClone == fResolvable) && "(" == fSeparator && "" != fPriorLink) { TextParser parser(fLastDef->fFileName, fSeparatorStart, fRefEnd, fLastDef->fLineCount); parser.skipToBalancedEndBracket('(', ')'); string fullMethod = fPriorWord + string(parser.fStart, parser.fChar - parser.fStart); string trimmed = trim_inline_spaces(fullMethod); string testLink; if (findLink(trimmed, &testLink, false)) { fMethodName = fullMethod; fWord = trimmed; fLink = testLink; fEnd = parser.fChar; this->backup(); return; } } if ("." == fSeparator || "->" == fSeparator || "()." == fSeparator || "()->" == fSeparator) { bool foundField = fWord.length() >= 2 && (('f' == fWord[0] && isupper(fWord[1])) || "()" == fWord.substr(fWord.length() - 2) || (fEnd + 2 <= fRefEnd && "()" == string(fEnd, 2))); if (foundField) { if (fMethod && fNames->fRefMap.end() != fNames->fRefMap.find(fPriorWord)) { // find prior fWord's type in fMethod TextParser parser(fMethod); SkAssertResult(parser.containsWord(fPriorWord.c_str(), parser.fEnd, &parser.fChar)); // look up class or struct; trival lookup only class/struct [& * const] while (parser.back(" ") || parser.back("&") || parser.back("*") || parser.back("const")) ; const char* structEnd = parser.fChar; parser.backupWord(); if (structEnd != parser.fChar) { string structName(parser.fChar, structEnd - parser.fChar); if ("SkVector" == structName) { // TODO: populate global refmap with typedefs as well as structs structName = "SkPoint"; } else if ("SkIVector" == structName) { structName = "SkIPoint"; } structName += "::" + fWord; // look for fWord as member of class or struct auto defIter = fGlobals->fRefMap.find(structName); if (fGlobals->fRefMap.end() == defIter) { structName += "()"; defIter = fGlobals->fRefMap.find(structName); } if (fGlobals->fRefMap.end() != defIter) { // example: dstInfo.width() auto structIter = fGlobals->fLinkMap.find(structName); SkASSERT(fGlobals->fLinkMap.end() != structIter); fLink = structIter->second; fPriorDef = defIter->second; return; } else { SkDebugf("probably missing struct or class member in bmh: "); SkDebugf("%s\n", structName.c_str()); } } } auto& parentRefMap = fNames->fParent->fRefMap; auto priorIter = parentRefMap.find(fPriorWord); if (parentRefMap.end() == priorIter) { priorIter = parentRefMap.find(fPriorWord + "()"); } if (parentRefMap.end() != priorIter) { Definition* priorDef = priorIter->second; if (priorDef) { TextParser parser(priorDef->fFileName, priorDef->fStart, priorDef->fContentStart, priorDef->fLineCount); parser.skipExact("#Method "); parser.skipSpace(); parser.skipExact("const "); // optional parser.skipSpace(); const char* start = parser.fChar; parser.skipToNonAlphaNum(); string structName(start, parser.fChar - start); structName += "::" + fWord; auto defIter = fGlobals->fRefMap.find(structName); if (fGlobals->fRefMap.end() != defIter) { // example: imageInfo().width() auto globalIter = fGlobals->fLinkMap.find(structName); SkASSERT(fGlobals->fLinkMap.end() != globalIter); fLink = globalIter->second; fPriorDef = defIter->second; return; } } } } else { string fullRef = fPriorWord + fSeparator + fWord; if (this->findLink(fullRef, &fLink, false)) { return; } if (Resolvable::kCode != fResolvable) { SkDebugf("probably missing () after function:"); const char* debugStart = fEnd - 20 < fRefStart ? fRefStart : fEnd - 20; const char* debugEnd = fEnd + 10 > fRefEnd ? fRefEnd : fEnd + 10; SkDebugf("%.*s\n", debugEnd - debugStart, debugStart); SkDebugf(""); // convenient place to set a breakpoint } } } // example: SkCanvas::restoreToCount if ("::" == fSeparator) { string fullRef = fPriorWord + "::" + fWord; if (this->findLink(fullRef, &fLink, fAddParens)) { return; } } // look in parent fNames and above for match if (fNames) { if (this->findLink(fWord, &fLink, (Resolvable::kClone == fResolvable && fAddParens) || (Resolvable::kCode == fResolvable && '(' == fEnd[0]))) { return; } } // example : sqrt as in "sqrt(x * x + y * y)" // example : erase in seeAlso if (Resolvable::kClone == fResolvable || (fEnd + 1 < fRefEnd && '(' == fEnd[0])) { if ((fAddParens || '~' == fWord.front()) && this->findLink(fWord + "()", &fLink, false)) { return; } } // example: Color_Type if (this->findLink(fWord, &fLink, fBmhParser->fAliasMap)) { return; } if (Resolvable::kInclude != fResolvable && string::npos != fWord.find('_')) { // example: Blend_Mode if (this->findLink(fWord, &fLink, fBmhParser->fTopicMap)) { return; } if (fSubtopic) { // example: Fake_Bold if (fSubtopic->fName == fWord) { fLink = '#' + fSubtopic->fFiddle; fPriorDef = fSubtopic; return; } const Definition* rootTopic = fSubtopic->subtopicParent(); if (rootTopic) { if (rootTopic->fFiddle == fWord) { fLink = '#' + rootTopic->fFiddle; fPriorDef = rootTopic; return; } string globName = rootTopic->fFiddle + '_' + fWord; if (this->findLink(globName, &fLink, fBmhParser->fTopicMap)) { return; } } } if (fRoot) { string test = fRoot->fName + "::" + fWord; auto rootIter = fRoot->fLeaves.find(test); // example: restoreToCount in subtopic State_Stack if (fRoot->fLeaves.end() != rootIter) { fLink = '#' + rootIter->second.fFiddle; fPriorDef = &rootIter->second; return; } } } if (isupper(fWord[0]) && string::npos != fWord.find('_')) { const Definition* topical = fSubtopic; do { string subtopic = topical->fName + '_' + fWord; // example: Stroke_Width if (this->findLink(subtopic, &fLink, fBmhParser->fTopicMap)) { return; } } while ((topical = topical->topicParent())); } // treat hex constants as known words if (fSeparator.size() > 0 && '0' == fSeparator.back() && 'x' == fWord[0]) { bool allHex = true; for (size_t index = 1; index < fWord.size(); ++index) { char c = fWord[index]; if (('0' > c || '9' < c) && ('A' > c || 'F' < c)) { allHex = false; break; } } if (allHex) { return; } } // treat floating constants as known words if ("e" == fWord) { if (std::all_of(fSeparator.begin(), fSeparator.end(), [](char c) { return isdigit(c) || '.' == c || '-' == c || ' ' >= c; })) { return; } } // stop short of parsing example; just look to see if it contains fWord in description if (fLastDef && MarkType::kDescription == fLastDef->fMarkType) { Definition* example = fLastDef->fParent; if (MarkType::kExample == example->fMarkType) { // example text is blocked by last child before std out, if it exists const char* exStart = example->fChildren.back()->fContentEnd; const char* exEnd = example->fContentEnd; if (MarkType::kStdOut == example->fChildren.back()->fMarkType) { exStart = example->fChildren[example->fChildren.size() - 2]->fContentEnd; exEnd = example->fChildren.back()->fContentStart; } // maybe need a general function that searches block text excluding children TextParser exParse(example->fFileName, exStart, exEnd, example->fLineCount); if (exParse.containsWord(fWord.c_str(), exParse.fEnd, nullptr)) { return; } } } // example: (x1, y1) after arcTo(SkScalar x1, ... if (Resolvable::kYes == fResolvable && "" != fSeparator && ('(' == fSeparator.back() || ',' == fSeparator[0]) && string::npos != fMethodName.find(fWord)) { return; } // example: (skip html) if (Resolvable::kYes == fResolvable && fEnd + 1 < fRefEnd && '>' == fEnd[0] && "" != fSeparator && ('<' == fSeparator.back() || (fSeparator.size() >= 2 && " 0 ? Dc / Da : 0 ##; if (!fInProgress && Resolvable::kSimple != fResolvable && !paramName && Resolvable::kFormula != fResolvable) { // example: Coons as in "Coons patch" bool withSpace = fEnd + 1 < fRefEnd && ' ' == fEnd[0] && fGlobals->fRefMap.end() != fGlobals->fRefMap.find(fWord + ' '); if (!withSpace && (Resolvable::kInclude == fResolvable ? !fInMatrix : '"' != fPriorSeparator.back() || '"' != fSeparator.back())) { SkDebugf("word %s not found\n", fWord.c_str()); fBmhParser->fGlobalNames.fRefMap[fWord] = nullptr; } } } string MdOut::addReferences(const char* refStart, const char* refEnd, Resolvable resolvable) { DefinedState s(*this, refStart, refEnd, resolvable); string result; const char* start = refStart; do { s.fSeparatorStart = start; start = s.skipWhiteSpace(); s.skipParens(); string separator = s.nextSeparator(start); if (fDebugWriteCodeBlock) { SkDebugf("%s", separator.c_str()); } result += separator; if (s.findEnd(start)) { break; } s.fWord = string(start, s.fEnd - start); if ("TODO" == s.fWord) { while('\n' != *s.fEnd++) ; start = s.fEnd; continue; } s.setLower(); if (s.setPriorSpaceWord(&start)) { continue; } s.setLink(); string link = "" == s.fPriorLink ? s.fPriorWord : this->anchorRef(s.fPriorLink, s.fPriorWord); if (fDebugWriteCodeBlock) { SkDebugf("%s", link.c_str()); } result += link; start = s.nextWord(); } while (true); string finalLink = "" == s.fPriorLink ? s.fPriorWord : this->anchorRef(s.fPriorLink, s.fPriorWord); if (fDebugWriteCodeBlock) { SkDebugf("%s", finalLink.c_str()); } result += finalLink; if (fDebugWriteCodeBlock) { SkDebugf("%s", s.fPriorSeparator.c_str()); } result += s.fPriorSeparator; return result; } bool MdOut::buildReferences(const char* docDir, const char* mdFileOrPath) { if (!sk_isdir(mdFileOrPath)) { SkDebugf("must pass directory %s\n", mdFileOrPath); SkDebugf("pass -i SkXXX.h to build references for a single include\n"); return false; } fInProgress = true; SkOSFile::Iter it(docDir, ".bmh"); for (SkString file; it.next(&file); ) { if (!fIncludeParser.references(file)) { continue; } SkString p = SkOSPath::Join(docDir, file.c_str()); if (!this->buildRefFromFile(p.c_str(), mdFileOrPath)) { SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", p.c_str()); return false; } } return true; } bool MdOut::buildStatus(const char* statusFile, const char* outDir) { StatusIter iter(statusFile, ".bmh", StatusFilter::kInProgress); StatusFilter filter; for (string file; iter.next(&file, &filter); ) { SkString p = SkOSPath::Join(iter.baseDir().c_str(), file.c_str()); const char* hunk = p.c_str(); fInProgress = StatusFilter::kInProgress == filter; if (!this->buildRefFromFile(hunk, outDir)) { SkDebugf("failed to parse %s\n", hunk); return false; } } return true; } bool MdOut::buildRefFromFile(const char* name, const char* outDir) { if (!SkStrEndsWith(name, ".bmh")) { return true; } if (SkStrEndsWith(name, "markup.bmh")) { // don't look inside this for now return true; } if (SkStrEndsWith(name, "illustrations.bmh")) { // don't look inside this for now return true; } if (SkStrEndsWith(name, "undocumented.bmh")) { // don't look inside this for now return true; } fFileName = string(name); string filename(name); if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 4) == ".bmh") { filename = filename.substr(0, filename.length() - 4); } size_t start = filename.length(); while (start > 0 && (isalnum(filename[start - 1]) || '_' == filename[start - 1])) { --start; } string match = filename.substr(start); string header = match; filename = match + ".md"; match += ".bmh"; fOut = nullptr; string fullName; vector keys; keys.reserve(fBmhParser.fTopicMap.size()); for (const auto& it : fBmhParser.fTopicMap) { keys.push_back(it.first); } std::sort(keys.begin(), keys.end()); for (auto key : keys) { string s(key); auto topicDef = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.at(s); if (topicDef->fParent) { continue; } if (string::npos == topicDef->fFileName.rfind(match)) { continue; } if (!fOut) { fullName = outDir; if ('/' != fullName.back()) { fullName += '/'; } fullName += filename; fOut = fopen(filename.c_str(), "wb"); if (!fOut) { SkDebugf("could not open output file %s\n", fullName.c_str()); return false; } if (false) { // try inlining the style FPRINTF("%s", kConstTableStyle); } size_t underscorePos = header.find('_'); if (string::npos != underscorePos) { header.replace(underscorePos, 1, " "); } SkASSERT(string::npos == header.find('_')); this->writeString(header); this->lfAlways(1); this->writeString("==="); this->lfAlways(1); } const Definition* prior = nullptr; this->markTypeOut(topicDef, &prior); } if (fOut) { this->writePending(); fclose(fOut); fflush(fOut); if (ParserCommon::WrittenFileDiffers(fullName, filename)) { ParserCommon::CopyToFile(fullName, filename); SkDebugf("wrote %s\n", fullName.c_str()); } else { remove(filename.c_str()); } fOut = nullptr; } return !fAddRefFailed; } static bool contains_referenced_child(const Definition* found, const vector& refs) { for (auto child : found->fChildren) { if (refs.end() != std::find_if(refs.begin(), refs.end(), [child](string def) { return child->fName == def; } )) { return true; } if (contains_referenced_child(child, refs)) { return true; } } return false; } void MdOut::checkAnchors() { int missing = 0; for (auto bmhFile : fAllAnchorRefs) { auto defIter = fAllAnchorDefs.find(bmhFile.first); SkASSERT(fAllAnchorDefs.end() != defIter); vector& allDefs = defIter->second; std::sort(allDefs.begin(), allDefs.end(), [](const AnchorDef& a, const AnchorDef& b) { return a.fDef < b.fDef; } ); std::sort(bmhFile.second.begin(), bmhFile.second.end()); auto allDefsIter = allDefs.begin(); auto allRefsIter = bmhFile.second.begin(); for (;;) { bool allDefsEnded = allDefsIter == allDefs.end(); bool allRefsEnded = allRefsIter == bmhFile.second.end(); if (allDefsEnded && allRefsEnded) { break; } if (allRefsEnded || (!allDefsEnded && allDefsIter->fDef < *allRefsIter)) { if (MarkType::kParam != allDefsIter->fMarkType) { // If undocumented but parent or child is referred to: good enough for now bool goodEnough = false; if ("undocumented" == defIter->first) { auto iter = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(allDefsIter->fDef); if (fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end() != iter) { const Definition* found = iter->second; if (string::npos != found->fFileName.find("undocumented")) { const Definition* parent = found; while ((parent = parent->fParent)) { if (bmhFile.second.end() != std::find_if(bmhFile.second.begin(), bmhFile.second.end(), [parent](string def) { return parent->fName == def; } )) { goodEnough = true; break; } } if (!goodEnough) { goodEnough = contains_referenced_child(found, bmhFile.second); } } } } if (!goodEnough) { SkDebugf("missing ref %s %s\n", defIter->first.c_str(), allDefsIter->fDef.c_str()); missing++; } } allDefsIter++; } else if (allDefsEnded || (!allRefsEnded && allDefsIter->fDef > *allRefsIter)) { if (fBmhParser.fExternals.end() == std::find_if(fBmhParser.fExternals.begin(), fBmhParser.fExternals.end(), [allRefsIter](const RootDefinition& root) { return *allRefsIter != root.fName; } )) { SkDebugf("missing def %s %s\n", bmhFile.first.c_str(), allRefsIter->c_str()); missing++; } allRefsIter++; } else { SkASSERT(!allDefsEnded); SkASSERT(!allRefsEnded); SkASSERT(allDefsIter->fDef == *allRefsIter); allDefsIter++; allRefsIter++; } if (missing >= 10) { missing = 0; } } } } bool MdOut::checkParamReturnBody(const Definition* def) { TextParser paramBody(def); const char* descriptionStart = paramBody.fChar; if (!islower(descriptionStart[0]) && !isdigit(descriptionStart[0])) { paramBody.skipToNonName(); string ref = string(descriptionStart, paramBody.fChar - descriptionStart); if (!std::all_of(ref.begin(), ref.end(), [](char c) { return isupper(c); }) && !this->isDefined(paramBody, Resolvable::kYes)) { string errorStr = MarkType::kReturn == def->fMarkType ? "return" : "param"; errorStr += " description must start with lower case"; paramBody.reportError(errorStr.c_str()); fAddRefFailed = true; return false; } } if ('.' == paramBody.fEnd[-1]) { paramBody.reportError("make param description a phrase; should not end with period"); fAddRefFailed = true; return false; } return true; } void MdOut::childrenOut(Definition* def, const char* start) { const char* end; fLineCount = def->fLineCount; if (MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType) { fEnumClass = def; } Resolvable resolvable = this->resolvable(def); const Definition* prior = nullptr; for (auto& child : def->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kPhraseParam == child->fMarkType) { continue; } end = child->fStart; if (Resolvable::kNo != resolvable) { if (def->isStructOrClass() || MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType) { fNames = &def->asRoot()->fNames; } this->resolveOut(start, end, resolvable); } this->markTypeOut(child, &prior); start = child->fTerminator; } if (Resolvable::kNo != resolvable) { end = def->fContentEnd; if (MarkType::kFormula == def->fMarkType && ' ' == start[0]) { this->writeSpace(); } this->resolveOut(start, end, resolvable); } if (MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType) { fEnumClass = nullptr; } } // output header for subtopic for all consts: name, value, short descriptions (#Line) // output link to in context #Const with moderate description void MdOut::summaryOut(const Definition* def, MarkType markType, string name) { this->writePending(); SkASSERT(TableState::kNone == fTableState); this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("%s", name.c_str()); this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("%s", kTableDeclaration); //
" #define kTH_Center "" string kTD_Left = " "; string kTD_Center = " "; string kTR_Dark = "
with style info this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", MarkType::kConst == markType ? kAllConstTableHeader : kAllMemberTableHeader); this->lfAlways(1); bool odd = true; for (auto child : def->fChildren) { if (markType != child->fMarkType) { continue; } auto oneLiner = std::find_if(child->fChildren.begin(), child->fChildren.end(), [](const Definition* test){ return MarkType::kLine == test->fMarkType; } ); if (child->fChildren.end() == oneLiner) { child->reportError("missing #Line"); continue; } FPRINTF("%s", odd ? kTR_Dark.c_str() : " "); this->lfAlways(1); if (MarkType::kConst == markType) { FPRINTF("%s", tableDataCodeRef(child).c_str()); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", table_data_const(child, nullptr).c_str()); } else { string memberType; string memberName = this->getMemberTypeName(child, &memberType); SkASSERT(MarkType::kMember == markType); FPRINTF("%s", out_table_data_description(memberType).c_str()); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", tableDataCodeLocalRef(memberName).c_str()); } this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", out_table_data_description(*oneLiner).c_str()); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", " "); this->lfAlways(1); odd = !odd; } FPRINTF("
"); this->lfAlways(1); } Definition* MdOut::csParent() { if (!fRoot) { return nullptr; } Definition* csParent = fRoot->csParent(); if (!csParent) { const Definition* topic = fRoot; while (topic && MarkType::kTopic != topic->fMarkType) { topic = topic->fParent; } for (auto child : topic->fChildren) { if (child->isStructOrClass() || MarkType::kTypedef == child->fMarkType) { csParent = child; break; } } SkASSERT(csParent || string::npos == fRoot->fFileName.find("Sk") || string::npos != fRoot->fFileName.find("SkBlendMode_Reference.bmh")); } return csParent; } bool MdOut::DefinedState::findLink(string word, string* linkPtr, bool addParens) { const NameMap* names = fNames; do { auto localIter = names->fRefMap.find(word); if (names->fRefMap.end() != localIter) { if ((fPriorDef = localIter->second)) { auto linkIter = names->fLinkMap.find(word); SkAssertResult(names->fLinkMap.end() != linkIter); *linkPtr = linkIter->second; } return true; } if (!names->fParent && isupper(word[0])) { SkASSERT(names == &fBmhParser->fGlobalNames); string lower = (char) tolower(word[0]) + word.substr(1); auto globalIter = names->fRefMap.find(lower); if (names->fRefMap.end() != globalIter) { if ((fPriorDef = globalIter->second)) { auto lowerIter = names->fLinkMap.find(lower); SkAssertResult(names->fLinkMap.end() != lowerIter); *linkPtr = lowerIter->second; } return true; } } if (addParens) { string parenWord = word + "()"; auto paramIter = names->fRefMap.find(parenWord); if (names->fRefMap.end() != paramIter) { if ((fPriorDef = paramIter->second)) { auto parenIter = names->fLinkMap.find(parenWord); SkAssertResult(names->fLinkMap.end() != parenIter); *linkPtr = parenIter->second; } return true; } } } while ((names = names->fParent)); return false; } bool MdOut::DefinedState::findLink(string word, string* linkPtr, unordered_map& map) { auto mapIter = map.find(word); if (map.end() != mapIter) { if ((fPriorDef = mapIter->second)) { *linkPtr = '#' + mapIter->second->fFiddle; } return true; } return false; } const Definition* MdOut::findParamType() { SkASSERT(fMethod); TextParser parser(fMethod->fFileName, fMethod->fStart, fMethod->fContentStart, fMethod->fLineCount); string lastFull; do { parser.skipToAlpha(); if (parser.eof()) { return nullptr; } const char* word = parser.fChar; parser.skipFullName(); SkASSERT(!parser.eof()); string name = string(word, parser.fChar - word); if (fLastParam->fName == name) { const Definition* paramType = this->isDefined(parser, Resolvable::kOut); return paramType; } if (isupper(name[0])) { lastFull = name; } } while (true); return nullptr; } string MdOut::getMemberTypeName(const Definition* def, string* memberType) { TextParser parser(def->fFileName, def->fStart, def->fContentStart, def->fLineCount); parser.skipExact("#Member"); parser.skipWhiteSpace(); const char* typeStart = parser.fChar; const char* typeEnd = nullptr; const char* nameStart = nullptr; const char* nameEnd = nullptr; do { parser.skipToWhiteSpace(); if (nameStart) { nameEnd = parser.fChar; } if (parser.eof()) { break; } const char* spaceLoc = parser.fChar; if (parser.skipWhiteSpace()) { typeEnd = spaceLoc; nameStart = parser.fChar; } } while (!parser.eof()); SkASSERT(typeEnd); *memberType = string(typeStart, (int) (typeEnd - typeStart)); replace_all(*memberType, " ", " "); SkASSERT(nameStart); SkASSERT(nameEnd); return string(nameStart, (int) (nameEnd - nameStart)); } bool MdOut::HasDetails(const Definition* def) { for (auto child : def->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kDetails == child->fMarkType) { return true; } if (MdOut::HasDetails(child)) { return true; } } return false; } void MdOut::htmlOut(string s) { SkASSERT(string::npos != s.find('<')); FPRINTF("%s", s.c_str()); } const Definition* MdOut::isDefined(const TextParser& parser, Resolvable resolvable) { DefinedState s(*this, parser.fStart, parser.fEnd, resolvable); const char* start = parser.fStart; do { s.fSeparatorStart = start; start = s.skipWhiteSpace(); s.skipParens(); (void) s.nextSeparator(start); if (s.findEnd(start)) { return nullptr; } s.fWord = string(start, s.fEnd - start); s.setLower(); } while (s.setPriorSpaceWord(&start)); s.setLink(); return s.fPriorDef; } string MdOut::linkName(const Definition* ref) const { string result = ref->fName; size_t under = result.find('_'); if (string::npos != under) { string classPart = result.substr(0, under); string namePart = result.substr(under + 1, result.length()); if (fRoot && (fRoot->fName == classPart || (fRoot->fParent && fRoot->fParent->fName == classPart))) { result = namePart; } } replace_all(result, "::", "_"); return result; } static bool writeTableEnd(MarkType markType, Definition* def, const Definition** prior) { return markType != def->fMarkType && *prior && markType == (*prior)->fMarkType; } // Recursively build string with declarative code. Skip structs, classes, that // have been built directly. void MdOut::addCodeBlock(const Definition* def, string& result) const { const Definition* last = nullptr; bool wroteFunction = false; for (auto member : def->fChildren) { const Definition* prior = last; const char* priorTerminator = nullptr; if (prior) { priorTerminator = prior->fTerminator ? prior->fTerminator : prior->fContentEnd; } last = member; if (KeyWord::kIfndef == member->fKeyWord) { this->addCodeBlock(member, result); continue; } if (KeyWord::kClass == member->fKeyWord || KeyWord::kStruct == member->fKeyWord || KeyWord::kTemplate == member->fKeyWord) { if (!member->fChildren.size()) { continue; } // todo: Make sure this was written non-elided somewhere else // todo: provide indent value? string block = fIncludeParser.elidedCodeBlock(*member); // add italic link for elided body size_t brace = block.find('{'); if (string::npos != brace) { string name = member->fName; if ("" == name) { for (auto child : member->fChildren) { if ("" != (name = child->fName)) { break; } } } SkASSERT("" != name); string body = "\n // " + name + " interface"; block = block.substr(0, brace + 1) + body + block.substr(brace + 1); } this->stringAppend(result, block); continue; } if (KeyWord::kEnum == member->fKeyWord) { if (member->fChildren.empty()) { continue; } auto tokenIter = member->fTokens.begin(); if (KeyWord::kEnum == member->fKeyWord && KeyWord::kClass == tokenIter->fKeyWord) { tokenIter = tokenIter->fTokens.begin(); } while (Definition::Type::kWord != tokenIter->fType) { std::advance(tokenIter, 1); } const auto& token = *tokenIter; string name = string(token.fContentStart, token.length()); SkASSERT(name.length() > 0); MarkType markType = KeyWord::kClass == member->fKeyWord || KeyWord::kStruct == member->fKeyWord ? MarkType::kClass : MarkType::kEnum; // find bmh def or just find name of class / struct / enum ? (what if enum is nameless?) if (wroteFunction) { this->stringAppend(result, '\n'); wroteFunction = false; } this->stringAppend(result, fIncludeParser.codeBlock(markType, name, fInProgress)); this->stringAppend(result, '\n'); continue; } // Global function declarations are not preparsed very well; // make do by using the prior position to find the start if (Bracket::kParen == member->fBracket && prior) { TextParser function(member->fFileName, priorTerminator, member->fTerminator + 1, member->fLineCount); this->stringAppend(result, fIncludeParser.writeCodeBlock(function, MarkType::kFunction, 0)); this->stringAppend(result, ";\n"); wroteFunction = true; continue; } if (KeyWord::kTypedef == member->fKeyWord) { this->stringAppend(result, member); this->stringAppend(result, ";\n"); continue; } if (KeyWord::kDefine == member->fKeyWord) { string body(member->fContentStart, member->length()); if (string::npos != body.find('(')) { this->stringAppend(result, body); this->stringAppend(result, '\n'); } continue; } if (KeyWord::kConstExpr == member->fKeyWord) { this->stringAppend(result, member); auto nextMember = def->fTokens.begin(); unsigned tokenPos = member->fParentIndex + 1; SkASSERT(tokenPos < def->fTokens.size()); std::advance(nextMember, tokenPos); while (member->fContentEnd >= nextMember->fContentStart) { std::advance(nextMember, 1); SkASSERT(++tokenPos < def->fTokens.size()); } while (Punctuation::kSemicolon != nextMember->fPunctuation) { std::advance(nextMember, 1); SkASSERT(++tokenPos < def->fTokens.size()); } TextParser between(member->fFileName, member->fContentEnd, nextMember->fContentStart, member->fLineCount); between.skipWhiteSpace(); if ('=' == between.peek()) { this->stringAppend(result, ' '); string middle(between.fChar, nextMember->fContentStart); this->stringAppend(result, middle); last = nullptr; } else { SkAssertResult(';' == between.peek()); } this->stringAppend(result, ';'); this->stringAppend(result, '\n'); continue; } } } void MdOut::markTypeOut(Definition* def, const Definition** prior) { string printable = def->printableName(); const char* textStart = def->fContentStart; bool lookForOneLiner = false; // #Param and #Const don't have markers to say when the last is seen, so detect that by looking // for a change in type. if (writeTableEnd(MarkType::kParam, def, prior) || writeTableEnd(MarkType::kConst, def, prior) || writeTableEnd(MarkType::kMember, def, prior)) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; } fLastDef = def; NameMap paramMap; switch (def->fMarkType) { case MarkType::kAlias: break; case MarkType::kAnchor: { if (fColumn > 0) { this->writeSpace(); } this->writePending(); TextParser parser(def); const char* start = parser.fChar; parser.skipToEndBracket((string(" ") + def->fMC + " ").c_str()); string anchorText(start, parser.fChar - start); parser.skipExact((string(" ") + def->fMC + " ").c_str()); string anchorLink(parser.fChar, parser.fEnd - parser.fChar); this->htmlOut(anchorRef(anchorLink, anchorText)); } break; case MarkType::kBug: break; case MarkType::kClass: case MarkType::kStruct: fRoot = def->asRoot(); this->lfAlways(2); if (MarkType::kStruct == def->fMarkType) { this->htmlOut(anchorDef(def->fFiddle, "")); } else { this->htmlOut(anchorDef(this->linkName(def), "")); } this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("---"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kCode: this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("
            fResolveAndIndent = true;
        case MarkType::kColumn:
            if (fInList) {
                FPRINTF("    ");
            } else {
                FPRINTF("| ");
        case MarkType::kComment:
        case MarkType::kMember:
        case MarkType::kConst: {
            bool isConst = MarkType::kConst == def->fMarkType;
            lookForOneLiner = false;
            fWroteSomething = false;
        // output consts for one parent with moderate descriptions
        // optional link to subtopic with longer descriptions, examples
            if (TableState::kNone == fTableState) {
                SkASSERT(!*prior || (isConst && MarkType::kConst != (*prior)->fMarkType)
                        || (!isConst && MarkType::kMember != (*prior)->fMarkType));
                if (isConst) {
                FPRINTF("%s", kTableDeclaration);
                fTableState = TableState::kRow;
                fOddRow = true;
                // look ahead to see if the details column has data or not
                fHasDetails = MdOut::HasDetails(def->fParent);
                FPRINTF("%s", fHasDetails ? \
                        (isConst ? kSubConstTableHeader : kSubMemberTableHeader) : \
                        (isConst ? kAllConstTableHeader : kAllMemberTableHeader));
            if (TableState::kRow == fTableState) {
                FPRINTF("%s", fOddRow ? kTR_Dark.c_str() : "  ");
                fOddRow = !fOddRow;
                fTableState = TableState::kColumn;
            if (isConst) {
                // TODO: if fHasDetails is true, could defer def and issue a ref instead
                // unclear if this is a good idea or not
                FPRINTF("%s", this->tableDataCodeDef(def).c_str());
                FPRINTF("%s", table_data_const(def, &textStart).c_str());
            } else {
                string memberType;
                string memberName = this->getMemberTypeName(def, &memberType);
                FPRINTF("%s", out_table_data_description(memberType).c_str());
                FPRINTF("%s", tableDataCodeDef(def->fFiddle, memberName).c_str());
            if (fHasDetails) {
                string details;
                auto subtopic = std::find_if(def->fChildren.begin(), def->fChildren.end(),
                        [](const Definition* test){
                        return MarkType::kDetails == test->fMarkType; } );
                if (def->fChildren.end() != subtopic) {
                    string subtopicName = string((*subtopic)->fContentStart,
                            (int) ((*subtopic)->fContentEnd - (*subtopic)->fContentStart));
                    const Definition* parentSubtopic = def->subtopicParent();
                    string fullName = parentSubtopic->fFiddle + '_' + subtopicName;
                    if (fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end() == fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(fullName)) {
                        (*subtopic)->reportError("missing #Details subtopic");
             //       subtopicName = parentSubtopic->fName + '_' + subtopicName;
                    string noUnderscores = subtopicName;
                    replace_all(noUnderscores, "_", " ");
                    details = this->anchorLocalRef(subtopicName, noUnderscores) + " ";
                FPRINTF("%s", out_table_data_details(details).c_str());
            lookForOneLiner = true;  // if description is empty, use oneLiner data
            FPRINTF("%s", out_table_data_description_start().c_str()); // start of Description
        } break;
        case MarkType::kDescription:
            fInDescription = true;
            FPRINTF("%s", "
"); break; case MarkType::kDetails: break; case MarkType::kDuration: break; case MarkType::kDefine: case MarkType::kEnum: case MarkType::kEnumClass: this->lfAlways(2); this->htmlOut(anchorDef(def->fFiddle, "")); this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("---"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kExample: { this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("%s", "Example\n" "\n"); fHasFiddle = true; bool showGpu = false; bool gpuAndCpu = false; const Definition* platform = def->hasChild(MarkType::kPlatform); if (platform) { TextParser platParse(platform); fHasFiddle = !platParse.strnstr("!fiddle", platParse.fEnd); showGpu = platParse.strnstr("gpu", platParse.fEnd); if (showGpu) { gpuAndCpu = platParse.strnstr("cpu", platParse.fEnd); } } if (fHasFiddle) { SkASSERT(def->fHash.length() > 0); FPRINTF("
fHash.c_str()); if (showGpu) { FPRINTF("%s", " gpu=\"true\""); if (gpuAndCpu) { FPRINTF("%s", " cpu=\"true\""); } } FPRINTF("%s", ">"); } else { SkASSERT(def->fHash.length() == 0); FPRINTF("%s", "
                if (def->fWrapper.length() > 0) {
                    FPRINTF("%s", def->fWrapper.c_str());
                fLiteralAndIndent = true;
            } break;
        case MarkType::kExternal:
        case MarkType::kFile:
        case MarkType::kFilter:
        case MarkType::kFormula:
        case MarkType::kFunction:
        case MarkType::kHeight:
        case MarkType::kIllustration: {
            string illustName = "Illustrations_" + def->fParent->fFiddle;
            string number = string(def->fContentStart, def->length());
            if (number.length() && "1" != number) {
                illustName += "_" + number;
            auto illustIter = fBmhParser.fTopicMap.find(illustName);
            SkASSERT(fBmhParser.fTopicMap.end() != illustIter);
            Definition* illustDef = illustIter->second;
            SkASSERT(MarkType::kSubtopic == illustDef->fMarkType);
            SkASSERT(1 == illustDef->fChildren.size());
            Definition* illustExample = illustDef->fChildren[0];
            SkASSERT(MarkType::kExample == illustExample->fMarkType);
            string hash = illustExample->fHash;
            SkASSERT("" != hash);
            string title;
            FPRINTF("![%s](https://fiddle.skia.org/i/%s_raster.png \"%s\")",
                    def->fName.c_str(), hash.c_str(), title.c_str());
        } break;
        case MarkType::kImage:
        case MarkType::kIn:
        case MarkType::kLegend:
        case MarkType::kLine:
        case MarkType::kLink:
        case MarkType::kList:
            fInList = true;
            fTableState = TableState::kRow;
            FPRINTF("%s", "");
        case MarkType::kLiteral:
        case MarkType::kMarkChar:
            fBmhParser.fMC = def->fContentStart[0];
        case MarkType::kMethod: {
			if (false && !def->isClone()) {
                string method_name = def->methodName();
                this->mdHeaderOutLF(2, 1);
                this->htmlOut(this->anchorDef(def->fFiddle, method_name));
			} else {
                this->htmlOut(this->anchorDef(def->fFiddle, ""));

            // TODO: put in css spec that we can define somewhere else (if markup supports that)
            // TODO: 50em below should match limit = 80 in formatFunction()
            string formattedStr = def->formatFunction(Definition::Format::kIncludeReturn);
            string preformattedStr = preformat(formattedStr);
            string references = this->addReferences(&preformattedStr.front(),
                    &preformattedStr.back() + 1, Resolvable::kSimple);
            preformattedStr = references;
\n" + preformattedStr + "\n" + "
"); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; fMethod = def; Definition* iMethod = fIncludeParser.findMethod(*def); if (iMethod) { fMethod = iMethod; paramMap.fParent = &fBmhParser.fGlobalNames; paramMap.setParams(def, iMethod); fNames = ¶mMap; } } break; case MarkType::kNoExample: break; case MarkType::kNoJustify: break; case MarkType::kOutdent: break; case MarkType::kParam: { TextParser paramParser(def->fFileName, def->fStart, def->fContentStart, def->fLineCount); paramParser.skipWhiteSpace(); SkASSERT(paramParser.startsWith("#Param")); paramParser.next(); // skip hash paramParser.skipToNonName(); // skip Param this->parameterHeaderOut(paramParser, prior, def); } break; case MarkType::kPhraseDef: // skip text and children *prior = def; return; case MarkType::kPhraseParam: SkDebugf(""); // convenient place to set a breakpoint break; case MarkType::kPhraseRef: if (fPhraseParams.end() != fPhraseParams.find(def->fName)) { if (fColumn > 0) { this->writeSpace(); } this->writeString(fPhraseParams[def->fName]); if (isspace(def->fContentStart[0])) { this->writeSpace(); } } else if (fBmhParser.fPhraseMap.end() == fBmhParser.fPhraseMap.find(def->fName)) { def->reportError("missing phrase definition"); fAddRefFailed = true; } else { if (fColumn) { SkASSERT(' ' >= def->fStart[0]); this->writeSpace(); } Definition* phraseRef = fBmhParser.fPhraseMap.find(def->fName)->second; // def->fChildren are parameters to substitute phraseRef->fChildren, // phraseRef->fChildren has both param defines and references // def->fChildren must have the same number of entries as phaseRef->fChildren // which are kPhraseParam, and substitute one for one // Then, each kPhraseRef in phaseRef looks up the key and value fPhraseParams.clear(); auto refKidsIter = phraseRef->fChildren.begin(); for (auto child : def->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kPhraseParam != child->fMarkType) { // more work to do to support other types this->reportError("phrase ref child must be param"); } do { if (refKidsIter == phraseRef->fChildren.end()) { this->reportError("phrase def missing param"); break; } if (MarkType::kPhraseRef == (*refKidsIter)->fMarkType) { continue; } if (MarkType::kPhraseParam != (*refKidsIter)->fMarkType) { this->reportError("unexpected type in phrase def children"); break; } fPhraseParams[(*refKidsIter)->fName] = child->fName; break; } while (true); } this->childrenOut(phraseRef, phraseRef->fContentStart); fPhraseParams.clear(); if (' ' >= def->fContentStart[0] && !fPendingLF) { this->writeSpace(); } } break; case MarkType::kPlatform: break; case MarkType::kPopulate: { Definition* parent = def->fParent; SkASSERT(parent); if (MarkType::kCode == parent->fMarkType) { auto inDef = std::find_if(parent->fChildren.begin(), parent->fChildren.end(), [](const Definition* child) { return MarkType::kIn == child->fMarkType; }); if (parent->fChildren.end() != inDef) { auto filterDef = std::find_if(parent->fChildren.begin(), parent->fChildren.end(), [](const Definition* child) { return MarkType::kFilter == child->fMarkType; }); SkASSERT(parent->fChildren.end() != filterDef); string codeBlock = fIncludeParser.filteredBlock( string((*inDef)->fContentStart, (*inDef)->length()), string((*filterDef)->fContentStart, (*filterDef)->length())); this->resolveOut(codeBlock.c_str(), codeBlock.c_str() + codeBlock.length(), this->resolvable(parent)); break; } // find include matching code parent Definition* grand = parent->fParent; SkASSERT(grand); if (MarkType::kClass == grand->fMarkType || MarkType::kStruct == grand->fMarkType || MarkType::kEnum == grand->fMarkType || MarkType::kEnumClass == grand->fMarkType || MarkType::kTypedef == grand->fMarkType || MarkType::kDefine == grand->fMarkType) { string codeBlock = fIncludeParser.codeBlock(*grand, fInProgress); this->resolveOut(codeBlock.c_str(), codeBlock.c_str() + codeBlock.length(), this->resolvable(parent)); } else if (MarkType::kTopic == grand->fMarkType) { // use bmh file name to find include file name size_t start = grand->fFileName.rfind("Sk"); SkASSERT(start != string::npos); size_t end = grand->fFileName.rfind("_Reference"); SkASSERT(end != string::npos && end > start); string incName(grand->fFileName.substr(start, end - start)); const Definition* includeDef = fIncludeParser.include(incName + ".h"); SkASSERT(includeDef); string codeBlock; this->addCodeBlock(includeDef, codeBlock); this->resolveOut(codeBlock.c_str(), codeBlock.c_str() + codeBlock.length(), this->resolvable(parent)); } else { SkASSERT(MarkType::kSubtopic == grand->fMarkType); auto inTag = std::find_if(grand->fChildren.begin(), grand->fChildren.end(), [](Definition* child){return MarkType::kIn == child->fMarkType;}); SkASSERT(grand->fChildren.end() != inTag); auto filterTag = std::find_if(grand->fChildren.begin(), grand->fChildren.end(), [](Definition* child){return MarkType::kFilter == child->fMarkType;}); SkASSERT(grand->fChildren.end() != filterTag); string inContents((*inTag)->fContentStart, (*inTag)->length()); string filterContents((*filterTag)->fContentStart, (*filterTag)->length()); string filteredBlock = fIncludeParser.filteredBlock(inContents, filterContents); this->resolveOut(filteredBlock.c_str(), filteredBlock.c_str() + filteredBlock.length(), this->resolvable(parent)); } } else { SkASSERT(MarkType::kMethod == parent->fMarkType); // retrieve parameters, return, description from include Definition* iMethod = fIncludeParser.findMethod(*parent); if (!iMethod) { // deprecated or 'in progress' functions should not include populate SkDebugf("#Populate found in deprecated or missing method %s\n", def->fName.c_str()); def->fParent->reportError("Remove #Method"); } bool wroteParam = false; SkASSERT(fMethod == iMethod); for (auto& entry : iMethod->fTokens) { if (MarkType::kComment != entry.fMarkType) { continue; } TextParser parser(&entry); if (parser.skipExact("@param ")) { // write parameters, if any this->parameterHeaderOut(parser, prior, def); this->resolveOut(parser.fChar, parser.fEnd, Resolvable::kInclude); this->parameterTrailerOut(); wroteParam = true; continue; } if (wroteParam) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF("
"); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; wroteParam = false; } if (parser.skipExact("@return ")) { // write return, if any this->returnHeaderOut(prior, def); this->resolveOut(parser.fChar, parser.fEnd, Resolvable::kInclude); this->lf(2); continue; } if (1 == entry.length() && '/' == entry.fContentStart[0]) { continue; } if ("/!< " == string(entry.fContentStart, entry.length()).substr(0, 4)) { continue; } const char* backwards = entry.fContentStart; while (' ' == *--backwards) ; if ('\n' == backwards[0] && '\n' == backwards[-1]) { this->lf(2); } this->resolveOut(entry.fContentStart, entry.fContentEnd, Resolvable::kInclude); // write description this->lf(1); } } } break; case MarkType::kReturn: this->returnHeaderOut(prior, def); break; case MarkType::kRow: if (fInList) { FPRINTF(" "); this->lf(1); } break; case MarkType::kSeeAlso: this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("See Also"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kSet: break; case MarkType::kStdOut: { TextParser code(def); this->mdHeaderOut(4); FPRINTF( "Example Output\n" "\n" "~~~~"); this->lfAlways(1); code.skipSpace(); while (!code.eof()) { const char* end = code.trimmedLineEnd(); FPRINTF("%.*s\n", (int) (end - code.fChar), code.fChar); code.skipToLineStart(); } FPRINTF("~~~~"); this->lf(2); } break; case MarkType::kSubstitute: break; case MarkType::kSubtopic: fSubtopic = def->asRoot(); if (false && SubtopicKeys::kOverview == def->fName) { this->writeString(def->fName); } else { this->lfAlways(2); this->htmlOut(anchorDef(def->fName, "")); } if (std::any_of(def->fChildren.begin(), def->fChildren.end(), [](Definition* child) { return MarkType::kSeeAlso == child->fMarkType || MarkType::kExample == child->fMarkType || MarkType::kNoExample == child->fMarkType; })) { this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("---"); } this->lf(2); #if 0 // if a subtopic child is const, generate short table of const name, value, line desc if (std::any_of(def->fChildren.begin(), def->fChildren.end(), [](Definition* child){return MarkType::kConst == child->fMarkType;})) { this->summaryOut(def, MarkType::kConst, fPopulators[SubtopicKeys::kConstants].fPlural); } #endif // if a subtopic child is member, generate short table of const name, value, line desc if (std::any_of(def->fChildren.begin(), def->fChildren.end(), [](Definition* child){return MarkType::kMember == child->fMarkType;})) { this->summaryOut(def, MarkType::kMember, fPopulators[SubtopicKeys::kMembers].fPlural); } break; case MarkType::kTable: this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kTemplate: break; case MarkType::kText: if (def->fParent && MarkType::kFormula == def->fParent->fMarkType) { if (fColumn > 0) { this->writeSpace(); } this->writePending(); this->htmlOut(""); this->resolveOut(def->fContentStart, def->fContentEnd, Resolvable::kFormula); this->htmlOut(""); } break; case MarkType::kToDo: break; case MarkType::kTopic: { auto found = std::find_if(def->fChildren.begin(), def->fChildren.end(), [](Definition* test) { return test->isStructOrClass(); } ); bool hasClassOrStruct = def->fChildren.end() != found; fRoot = hasClassOrStruct ? (*found)->asRoot() : def->asRoot(); fSubtopic = def->asRoot(); bool isUndocumented = string::npos != def->fFileName.find("undocumented"); if (!isUndocumented) { this->populateTables(def, fRoot); } // this->mdHeaderOut(1); // this->htmlOut(anchorDef(this->linkName(def), printable)); // this->lf(1); } break; case MarkType::kTypedef: this->lfAlways(2); this->htmlOut(anchorDef(def->fFiddle, "")); this->lfAlways(2); FPRINTF("---"); this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kUnion: break; case MarkType::kVolatile: break; case MarkType::kWidth: break; default: SkDebugf("fatal error: MarkType::k%s unhandled in %s()\n", BmhParser::kMarkProps[(int) def->fMarkType].fName, __func__); SkASSERT(0); // handle everything break; } this->childrenOut(def, textStart); switch (def->fMarkType) { // post child work, at least for tables case MarkType::kAnchor: if (fColumn > 0) { this->writeSpace(); } break; case MarkType::kClass: case MarkType::kStruct: if (TableState::kNone != fTableState) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; } if (def->csParent()) { fRoot = def->csParent()->asRoot(); } break; case MarkType::kCode: fIndent = 0; this->lf(1); this->writePending(); FPRINTF("
"); this->lf(2); fResolveAndIndent = false; break; case MarkType::kColumn: if (fInList) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lfAlways(1); } else { FPRINTF(" "); } break; case MarkType::kDescription: this->writePending(); FPRINTF("
"); fInDescription = false; break; case MarkType::kEnum: case MarkType::kEnumClass: if (TableState::kNone != fTableState) { this->writePending(); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; } break; case MarkType::kExample: this->writePending(); if (fHasFiddle) { FPRINTF("
"); } else { this->lfAlways(1); if (def->fWrapper.length() > 0) { FPRINTF("}"); this->lfAlways(1); } FPRINTF("
"); } this->lf(2); fLiteralAndIndent = false; break; case MarkType::kLink: this->writeString(""); this->writeSpace(); break; case MarkType::kList: fInList = false; this->writePending(); SkASSERT(TableState::kNone != fTableState); FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); fTableState = TableState::kNone; break; case MarkType::kLegend: { SkASSERT(def->fChildren.size() == 1); const Definition* row = def->fChildren[0]; SkASSERT(MarkType::kRow == row->fMarkType); size_t columnCount = row->fChildren.size(); SkASSERT(columnCount > 0); this->writePending(); for (size_t index = 0; index < columnCount; ++index) { FPRINTF("| --- "); } FPRINTF(" |"); this->lf(1); } break; case MarkType::kMethod: fMethod = nullptr; fNames = fNames->fParent; break; case MarkType::kConst: case MarkType::kMember: if (lookForOneLiner && !fWroteSomething) { auto oneLiner = std::find_if(def->fChildren.begin(), def->fChildren.end(), [](const Definition* test){ return MarkType::kLine == test->fMarkType; } ); if (def->fChildren.end() != oneLiner) { TextParser parser(*oneLiner); parser.skipWhiteSpace(); parser.trimEnd(); FPRINTF("%.*s", (int) (parser.fEnd - parser.fChar), parser.fChar); } lookForOneLiner = false; } case MarkType::kParam: this->parameterTrailerOut(); break; case MarkType::kReturn: case MarkType::kSeeAlso: this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kRow: if (fInList) { FPRINTF(" "); } else { FPRINTF("|"); } this->lf(1); break; case MarkType::kTable: this->lf(2); break; case MarkType::kPhraseDef: break; case MarkType::kSubtopic: SkASSERT(def); do { def = def->fParent; } while (def && MarkType::kTopic != def->fMarkType && MarkType::kSubtopic != def->fMarkType); SkASSERT(def); fSubtopic = def->asRoot(); break; case MarkType::kTopic: fSubtopic = nullptr; break; default: break; } *prior = def; } void MdOut::mdHeaderOutLF(int depth, int lf) { this->lfAlways(lf); for (int index = 0; index < depth; ++index) { FPRINTF("#"); } FPRINTF(" "); } void MdOut::parameterHeaderOut(TextParser& paramParser, const Definition** prior, Definition* def) { if (TableState::kNone == fTableState) { SkASSERT(!*prior || MarkType::kParam != (*prior)->fMarkType); this->mdHeaderOut(3); this->htmlOut( "Parameters\n" "\n" "" ); this->lf(1); fTableState = TableState::kRow; } if (TableState::kRow == fTableState) { FPRINTF(" "); this->lf(1); fTableState = TableState::kColumn; } paramParser.skipSpace(); const char* paramName = paramParser.fChar; paramParser.skipToSpace(); string paramNameStr(paramName, (int) (paramParser.fChar - paramName)); if (MarkType::kPopulate != def->fMarkType && !this->checkParamReturnBody(def)) { *prior = def; return; } string refNameStr = def->fParent->fFiddle + "_" + paramNameStr; this->htmlOut(" "); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF(" "); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF(" "); this->lfAlways(1); } void MdOut::populateOne(Definition* def, unordered_map& populator) { if (MarkType::kConst == def->fMarkType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kConstants].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } if (MarkType::kEnum == def->fMarkType || MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kConstants].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } if (MarkType::kDefine == def->fMarkType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kDefines].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } if (MarkType::kMember == def->fMarkType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kMembers].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } if (MarkType::kTypedef == def->fMarkType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kTypedefs].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } if (MarkType::kMethod != def->fMarkType) { return; } if (def->fClone) { return; } if (Definition::MethodType::kConstructor == def->fMethodType || Definition::MethodType::kDestructor == def->fMethodType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kConstructors].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } if (Definition::MethodType::kOperator == def->fMethodType) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kOperators].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } populator[SubtopicKeys::kMemberFunctions].fMembers.push_back(def); const Definition* csParent = this->csParent(); if (csParent) { if (0 == def->fName.find(csParent->fName + "::Make") || 0 == def->fName.find(csParent->fName + "::make")) { populator[SubtopicKeys::kConstructors].fMembers.push_back(def); return; } } for (auto item : def->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kIn == item->fMarkType) { string name(item->fContentStart, item->fContentEnd - item->fContentStart); populator[name].fMembers.push_back(def); populator[name].fShowClones = true; break; } } } void MdOut::populateTables(const Definition* def, RootDefinition* root) { for (auto child : def->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kSubtopic == child->fMarkType) { string name = child->fName; bool builtInTopic = name == SubtopicKeys::kOverview; for (auto item : SubtopicKeys::kGeneratedSubtopics) { builtInTopic |= name == item; } if (!builtInTopic) { string subname; const Definition* subtopic = child->subtopicParent(); if (subtopic) { subname = subtopic->fName + '_'; } builtInTopic = name == subname + SubtopicKeys::kOverview; for (auto item : SubtopicKeys::kGeneratedSubtopics) { builtInTopic |= name == subname + item; } if (!builtInTopic) { root->populator(SubtopicKeys::kRelatedFunctions).fMembers.push_back(child); } } this->populateTables(child, root); continue; } if (child->isStructOrClass()) { if (fClassStack.size() > 0) { root->populator(MarkType::kStruct != child->fMarkType ? SubtopicKeys::kClasses : SubtopicKeys::kStructs).fMembers.push_back(child); } fClassStack.push_back(child); this->populateTables(child, child->asRoot()); fClassStack.pop_back(); continue; } if (MarkType::kEnum == child->fMarkType || MarkType::kEnumClass == child->fMarkType) { this->populateTables(child, root); } this->populateOne(child, root->fPopulators); } } void MdOut::resolveOut(const char* start, const char* end, Resolvable resolvable) { if ((Resolvable::kLiteral == resolvable || fLiteralAndIndent || fResolveAndIndent) && end > start) { int linefeeds = 0; while ('\n' == *start) { ++linefeeds; ++start; } if (fResolveAndIndent && linefeeds) { this->lf(linefeeds); } const char* spaceStart = start; while (' ' == *start) { ++start; } if (start > spaceStart) { fIndent = start - spaceStart; } } if (Resolvable::kLiteral == resolvable || fLiteralAndIndent) { this->writeBlockTrim(end - start, start); if ('\n' == end[-1]) { this->lf(1); } fIndent = 0; return; } // FIXME: this needs the markdown character present when the def was defined, // not the last markdown character the parser would have seen... while (fBmhParser.fMC == end[-1]) { --end; } if (start >= end) { return; } string resolved = this->addReferences(start, end, resolvable); trim_end_spaces(resolved); if (resolved.length()) { TextParser paragraph(fFileName, &*resolved.begin(), &*resolved.end(), fLineCount); while (!paragraph.eof()) { while ('\n' == paragraph.peek()) { paragraph.next(); if (paragraph.eof()) { return; } } const char* lineStart = paragraph.fChar; paragraph.skipWhiteSpace(); const char* contentStart = paragraph.fChar; if (fResolveAndIndent && contentStart > lineStart) { this->writePending(); this->indentToColumn(contentStart - lineStart); } paragraph.skipToEndBracket('\n'); ptrdiff_t lineLength = paragraph.fChar - contentStart; if (lineLength) { while (lineLength && contentStart[lineLength - 1] <= ' ') { --lineLength; } string str(contentStart, lineLength); this->writeString(str.c_str()); fWroteSomething = !!lineLength; } if (paragraph.eof()) { break; } if ('\n' == paragraph.next()) { int linefeeds = 1; if (!paragraph.eof() && '\n' == paragraph.peek()) { linefeeds = 2; } this->lf(linefeeds); } } } } void MdOut::returnHeaderOut(const Definition** prior, Definition* def) { this->mdHeaderOut(3); FPRINTF("Return Value"); if (MarkType::kPopulate != def->fMarkType && !this->checkParamReturnBody(def)) { *prior = def; return; } this->lf(2); } void MdOut::rowOut(string col1, const Definition* col2) { FPRINTF("%s", fOddRow ? kTR_Dark.c_str() : " "); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", kTD_Left.c_str()); if ("" != col1) { this->writeString(col1); } FPRINTF(""); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", kTD_Left.c_str()); TextParser parser(col2->fFileName, col2->fStart, col2->fContentStart, col2->fLineCount); parser.skipExact("#Method"); parser.skipSpace(); parser.trimEnd(); string methodName(parser.fChar, parser.fEnd - parser.fChar); this->htmlOut(this->anchorRef("#" + col2->fFiddle, methodName)); this->htmlOut(""); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF(" "); this->lfAlways(1); fOddRow = !fOddRow; } void MdOut::rowOut(const char* name, string description, bool literalName) { FPRINTF("%s", fOddRow ? kTR_Dark.c_str() : " "); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", kTD_Left.c_str()); if (literalName) { if (strlen(name)) { this->writeString(name); } } else { this->resolveOut(name, name + strlen(name), Resolvable::kYes); } FPRINTF(""); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", kTD_Left.c_str()); this->resolveOut(&description.front(), &description.back() + 1, Resolvable::kYes); FPRINTF(""); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF(" "); this->lfAlways(1); fOddRow = !fOddRow; } void MdOut::subtopicsOut(Definition* def) { Definition* csParent = def->csParent(); const Definition* subtopicParent = def->subtopicParent(); const Definition* topicParent = def->topicParent(); SkASSERT(subtopicParent); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", kTableDeclaration); this->lfAlways(1); FPRINTF("%s", kTopicsTableHeader); this->lfAlways(1); fOddRow = true; for (auto item : SubtopicKeys::kGeneratedSubtopics) { if (SubtopicKeys::kMemberFunctions == item) { continue; } for (auto entry : fRoot->populator(item).fMembers) { if ((csParent && entry->csParent() == csParent) || entry->subtopicParent() == subtopicParent) { if (SubtopicKeys::kRelatedFunctions == item) { (void) subtopicRowOut(entry->fName, entry); // report all errors continue; } auto popItem = fPopulators.find(item); string description = popItem->second.fOneLiner; if (SubtopicKeys::kConstructors == item) { description += " " + fRoot->fName; } string subtopic; if (subtopicParent != topicParent) { subtopic = subtopicParent->fName + '_'; } string link = this->anchorLocalRef(subtopic + item, popItem->second.fPlural); this->rowOut(link.c_str(), description, true); break; } } } FPRINTF("
" + this->anchorDef(refNameStr, "" + paramNameStr + "") + ""); } void MdOut::parameterTrailerOut() { SkASSERT(TableState::kColumn == fTableState); fTableState = TableState::kRow; this->writePending(); FPRINTF("
"); this->lfAlways(1); } void MdOut::subtopicOut(string name) { const Definition* topicParent = fSubtopic ? fSubtopic->topicParent() : nullptr; Definition* csParent = fRoot && fRoot->isStructOrClass() ? fRoot : this->csParent(); if (!csParent) { auto csIter = std::find_if(topicParent->fChildren.begin(), topicParent->fChildren.end(), [](const Definition* def){ return MarkType::kEnum == def->fMarkType || MarkType::kEnumClass == def->fMarkType; } ); SkASSERT(topicParent->fChildren.end() != csIter); csParent = *csIter; } SkASSERT(csParent); this->lfAlways(1); if (fPopulators.end() != fPopulators.find(name)) { const SubtopicDescriptions& tableDescriptions = this->populator(name); this->anchorDef(name, tableDescriptions.fPlural); this->lfAlways(1); if (tableDescriptions.fDetails.length()) { string details = csParent->fName; details += " " + tableDescriptions.fDetails; this->writeString(details); this->lfAlways(1); } } else { this->anchorDef(name, name); this->lfAlways(1); } if (SubtopicKeys::kMembers == name) { return; // members output their own table } const RootDefinition::SubtopicContents& tableContents = fRoot->populator(name.c_str()); if (SubtopicKeys::kTypedefs == name && fSubtopic && MarkType::kTopic == fSubtopic->fMarkType) { topicParent = fSubtopic; } this->subtopicOut(name, tableContents.fMembers, csParent, topicParent, tableContents.fShowClones); } void MdOut::subtopicOut(string key, const vector& data, const Definition* csParent, const Definition* topicParent, bool showClones) { this->writeString(kTableDeclaration); this->lfAlways(1); this->writeSubtopicTableHeader(key); this->lfAlways(1); fOddRow = true; std::map items; for (auto entry : data) { if (!BmhParser::IsExemplary(entry)) { continue; } if (entry->csParent() != csParent && entry->topicParent() != topicParent) { continue; } size_t start = entry->fName.find_last_of("::"); if (MarkType::kConst == entry->fMarkType && entry->fParent && MarkType::kEnumClass == entry->fParent->fMarkType && string::npos != start && start > 1) { start = entry->fName.substr(0, start - 1).rfind("::"); } string entryName = entry->fName.substr(string::npos == start ? 0 : start + 1); items[entryName] = entry; } for (auto entry : items) { if (!this->subtopicRowOut(entry.first, entry.second)) { return; } if (showClones && entry.second->fCloned) { int cloneNo = 2; string builder = entry.second->fName; if ("()" == builder.substr(builder.length() - 2)) { builder = builder.substr(0, builder.length() - 2); } builder += '_'; this->rowOut("overloads", entry.second); do { string match = builder + to_string(cloneNo); auto child = csParent->findClone(match); if (!child) { break; } this->rowOut("", child); } while (++cloneNo); } } FPRINTF(""); this->lf(2); } bool MdOut::subtopicRowOut(string keyName, const Definition* entry) { const Definition* oneLiner = nullptr; for (auto child : entry->fChildren) { if (MarkType::kLine == child->fMarkType) { oneLiner = child; break; } } if (!oneLiner) { TextParser parser(entry->fFileName, entry->fStart, entry->fContentStart, entry->fLineCount); return parser.reportError("missing #Line"); } TextParser dummy(entry); // for reporting errors, which we won't do if (!this->isDefined(dummy, Resolvable::kOut)) { keyName = entry->fName; size_t doubleColon = keyName.find("::"); SkASSERT(string::npos != doubleColon); keyName = keyName.substr(doubleColon + 2); } this->rowOut(keyName.c_str(), string(oneLiner->fContentStart, oneLiner->fContentEnd - oneLiner->fContentStart), false); return true; } void MdOut::writeSubtopicTableHeader(string key) { this->htmlOut(""); this->htmlOut(kTH_Left); if (fPopulators.end() != fPopulators.find(key)) { this->writeString(fPopulators[key].fSingular); } else { this->writeString("Function"); } this->htmlOut(""); this->lf(1); this->htmlOut(kTH_Left); this->writeString("Description"); this->htmlOut(""); this->htmlOut(""); } #undef kTH_Left