// Copyright 2016 The SwiftShader Authors. All Rights Reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // main.cpp: DLL entry point and management of thread-local data. #include "main.h" #include "libGLES_CM.hpp" #include "Framebuffer.h" #include "common/Surface.hpp" #include "Common/Thread.hpp" #include "Common/SharedLibrary.hpp" #include "common/debug.h" #include #if !defined(_MSC_VER) #define CONSTRUCTOR __attribute__((constructor)) #define DESTRUCTOR __attribute__((destructor)) #else #define CONSTRUCTOR #define DESTRUCTOR #endif static void glAttachThread() { TRACE("()"); } static void glDetachThread() { TRACE("()"); } CONSTRUCTOR static void glAttachProcess() { TRACE("()"); glAttachThread(); } DESTRUCTOR static void glDetachProcess() { TRACE("()"); glDetachThread(); } #if defined(_WIN32) extern "C" BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE instance, DWORD reason, LPVOID reserved) { switch(reason) { case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: glAttachProcess(); break; case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH: glAttachThread(); break; case DLL_THREAD_DETACH: glDetachThread(); break; case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: glDetachProcess(); break; default: break; } return TRUE; } #endif namespace es1 { es1::Context *getContext() { egl::Context *context = libEGL->clientGetCurrentContext(); if(context && context->getClientVersion() == 1) { return static_cast(context); } return nullptr; } Device *getDevice() { Context *context = getContext(); return context ? context->getDevice() : nullptr; } // Records an error code void error(GLenum errorCode) { es1::Context *context = es1::getContext(); if(context) { switch(errorCode) { case GL_INVALID_ENUM: context->recordInvalidEnum(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: invalid enum\n"); break; case GL_INVALID_VALUE: context->recordInvalidValue(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: invalid value\n"); break; case GL_INVALID_OPERATION: context->recordInvalidOperation(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: invalid operation\n"); break; case GL_OUT_OF_MEMORY: context->recordOutOfMemory(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: out of memory\n"); break; case GL_INVALID_FRAMEBUFFER_OPERATION_OES: context->recordInvalidFramebufferOperation(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: invalid framebuffer operation\n"); break; case GL_STACK_OVERFLOW: context->recordMatrixStackOverflow(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: matrix stack overflow\n"); break; case GL_STACK_UNDERFLOW: context->recordMatrixStackUnderflow(); TRACE("\t! Error generated: matrix stack underflow\n"); break; default: UNREACHABLE(errorCode); } } } } namespace es1 { void GL_APIENTRY ActiveTexture(GLenum texture); void GL_APIENTRY AlphaFunc(GLenum func, GLclampf ref); void GL_APIENTRY AlphaFuncx(GLenum func, GLclampx ref); void GL_APIENTRY BindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint buffer); void GL_APIENTRY BindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); void GL_APIENTRY BindFramebufferOES(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer); void GL_APIENTRY BindRenderbufferOES(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer); void GL_APIENTRY BindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture); void GL_APIENTRY BlendEquationSeparateOES(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha); void GL_APIENTRY BlendEquationOES(GLenum mode); void GL_APIENTRY BlendEquationSeparateOES(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha); void GL_APIENTRY BlendFuncSeparateOES(GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha); void GL_APIENTRY BlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor); void GL_APIENTRY BlendFuncSeparateOES(GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha); void GL_APIENTRY BufferData(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid* data, GLenum usage); void GL_APIENTRY BufferSubData(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid* data); GLenum GL_APIENTRY CheckFramebufferStatusOES(GLenum target); void GL_APIENTRY Clear(GLbitfield mask); void GL_APIENTRY ClearColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha); void GL_APIENTRY ClearColorx(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha); void GL_APIENTRY ClearDepthf(GLclampf depth); void GL_APIENTRY ClearDepthx(GLclampx depth); void GL_APIENTRY ClearStencil(GLint s); void GL_APIENTRY ClientActiveTexture(GLenum texture); void GL_APIENTRY ClipPlanef(GLenum plane, const GLfloat *equation); void GL_APIENTRY ClipPlanex(GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation); void GL_APIENTRY Color4f(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); void GL_APIENTRY Color4ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha); void GL_APIENTRY Color4x(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); void GL_APIENTRY ColorMask(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha); void GL_APIENTRY ColorPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_APIENTRY CompressedTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid* data); void GL_APIENTRY CompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid* data); void GL_APIENTRY CopyTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border); void GL_APIENTRY CopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_APIENTRY CullFace(GLenum mode); void GL_APIENTRY DeleteBuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers); void GL_APIENTRY DeleteFramebuffersOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers); void GL_APIENTRY DeleteRenderbuffersOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers); void GL_APIENTRY DeleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures); void GL_APIENTRY DepthFunc(GLenum func); void GL_APIENTRY DepthMask(GLboolean flag); void GL_APIENTRY DepthRangex(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar); void GL_APIENTRY DepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar); void GL_APIENTRY Disable(GLenum cap); void GL_APIENTRY DisableClientState(GLenum array); void GL_APIENTRY DrawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count); void GL_APIENTRY DrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid* indices); void GL_APIENTRY Enable(GLenum cap); void GL_APIENTRY EnableClientState(GLenum array); void GL_APIENTRY Finish(void); void GL_APIENTRY Flush(void); void GL_APIENTRY FramebufferRenderbufferOES(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer); void GL_APIENTRY FramebufferTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level); void GL_APIENTRY Fogf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY Fogfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY Fogx(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY Fogxv(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY FrontFace(GLenum mode); void GL_APIENTRY Frustumf(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); void GL_APIENTRY Frustumx(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); void GL_APIENTRY GenerateMipmapOES(GLenum target); void GL_APIENTRY GenBuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers); void GL_APIENTRY GenFramebuffersOES(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers); void GL_APIENTRY GenRenderbuffersOES(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers); void GL_APIENTRY GenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures); void GL_APIENTRY GetRenderbufferParameterivOES(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetBufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetClipPlanef(GLenum pname, GLfloat eqn[4]); void GL_APIENTRY GetClipPlanex(GLenum pname, GLfixed eqn[4]); GLenum GL_APIENTRY GetError(void); void GL_APIENTRY GetFixedv(GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetLightxv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetMaterialxv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetPointerv(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params); const GLubyte* GL_APIENTRY GetString(GLenum name); void GL_APIENTRY GetTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params); void GL_APIENTRY GetTexEnvfv(GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetTexEnviv(GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLint *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetTexEnvxv(GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY GetTexParameterxv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY Hint(GLenum target, GLenum mode); GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsBuffer(GLuint buffer); GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsEnabled(GLenum cap); GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsFramebufferOES(GLuint framebuffer); GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsTexture(GLuint texture); GLboolean GL_APIENTRY IsRenderbufferOES(GLuint renderbuffer); void GL_APIENTRY LightModelf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY LightModelfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY LightModelx(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY LightModelxv(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY Lightf(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY Lightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY Lightx(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY Lightxv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY LineWidth(GLfloat width); void GL_APIENTRY LineWidthx(GLfixed width); void GL_APIENTRY LoadIdentity(void); void GL_APIENTRY LoadMatrixf(const GLfloat *m); void GL_APIENTRY LoadMatrixx(const GLfixed *m); void GL_APIENTRY LogicOp(GLenum opcode); void GL_APIENTRY Materialf(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY Materialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY Materialx(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY Materialxv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY MatrixMode(GLenum mode); void GL_APIENTRY MultMatrixf(const GLfloat *m); void GL_APIENTRY MultMatrixx(const GLfixed *m); void GL_APIENTRY MultiTexCoord4f(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); void GL_APIENTRY MultiTexCoord4x(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q); void GL_APIENTRY Normal3f(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz); void GL_APIENTRY Normal3x(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz); void GL_APIENTRY NormalPointer(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_APIENTRY Orthof(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar); void GL_APIENTRY Orthox(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar); void GL_APIENTRY PixelStorei(GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_APIENTRY PointParameterf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY PointParameterfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY PointParameterx(GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY PointParameterxv(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY PointSize(GLfloat size); void GL_APIENTRY PointSizePointerOES(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_APIENTRY PointSizex(GLfixed size); void GL_APIENTRY PolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units); void GL_APIENTRY PolygonOffsetx(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units); void GL_APIENTRY PopMatrix(void); void GL_APIENTRY PushMatrix(void); void GL_APIENTRY ReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* pixels); void GL_APIENTRY RenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_APIENTRY Rotatef(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_APIENTRY Rotatex(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); void GL_APIENTRY SampleCoverage(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert); void GL_APIENTRY SampleCoveragex(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert); void GL_APIENTRY Scalef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_APIENTRY Scalex(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); void GL_APIENTRY Scissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_APIENTRY ShadeModel(GLenum mode); void GL_APIENTRY StencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask); void GL_APIENTRY StencilMask(GLuint mask); void GL_APIENTRY StencilOp(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass); void GL_APIENTRY TexCoordPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_APIENTRY TexEnvf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY TexEnvfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); void GL_APIENTRY TexEnvi(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_APIENTRY TexEnvx(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY TexEnviv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params); void GL_APIENTRY TexEnvxv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY TexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels); void GL_APIENTRY TexParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); void GL_APIENTRY TexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* params); void GL_APIENTRY TexParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param); void GL_APIENTRY TexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint* params); void GL_APIENTRY TexParameterx(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); void GL_APIENTRY TexParameterxv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); void GL_APIENTRY TexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels); void GL_APIENTRY Translatef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); void GL_APIENTRY Translatex(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); void GL_APIENTRY VertexPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer); void GL_APIENTRY Viewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height); void GL_APIENTRY EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image); void GL_APIENTRY EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexsOES(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexiOES(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexxOES(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexsvOES(const GLshort *coords); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexivOES(const GLint *coords); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexxvOES(const GLfixed *coords); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexfOES(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height); void GL_APIENTRY DrawTexfvOES(const GLfloat *coords); } egl::Context *es1CreateContext(egl::Display *display, const egl::Context *shareContext, const egl::Config *config); extern "C" __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType es1GetProcAddress(const char *procname); egl::Image *createBackBuffer(int width, int height, sw::Format format, int multiSampleDepth); egl::Image *createDepthStencil(int width, int height, sw::Format format, int multiSampleDepth); sw::FrameBuffer *createFrameBuffer(void *nativeDisplay, EGLNativeWindowType window, int width, int height); extern "C" { EGLAPI EGLint EGLAPIENTRY eglGetError(void) { return libEGL->eglGetError(); } EGLAPI EGLDisplay EGLAPIENTRY eglGetDisplay(EGLNativeDisplayType display_id) { return libEGL->eglGetDisplay(display_id); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglInitialize(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint *major, EGLint *minor) { return libEGL->eglInitialize(dpy, major, minor); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglTerminate(EGLDisplay dpy) { return libEGL->eglTerminate(dpy); } EGLAPI const char *EGLAPIENTRY eglQueryString(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint name) { return libEGL->eglQueryString(dpy, name); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglGetConfigs(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config) { return libEGL->eglGetConfigs(dpy, configs, config_size, num_config); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglChooseConfig(EGLDisplay dpy, const EGLint *attrib_list, EGLConfig *configs, EGLint config_size, EGLint *num_config) { return libEGL->eglChooseConfig(dpy, attrib_list, configs, config_size, num_config); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglGetConfigAttrib(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { return libEGL->eglGetConfigAttrib(dpy, config, attribute, value); } EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglCreateWindowSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativeWindowType window, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreateWindowSurface(dpy, config, window, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglCreatePbufferSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreatePbufferSurface(dpy, config, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglCreatePixmapSurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLNativePixmapType pixmap, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreatePixmapSurface(dpy, config, pixmap, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface) { return libEGL->eglDestroySurface(dpy, surface); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglQuerySurface(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { return libEGL->eglQuerySurface(dpy, surface, attribute, value); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglBindAPI(EGLenum api) { return libEGL->eglBindAPI(api); } EGLAPI EGLenum EGLAPIENTRY eglQueryAPI(void) { return libEGL->eglQueryAPI(); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglWaitClient(void) { return libEGL->eglWaitClient(); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglReleaseThread(void) { return libEGL->eglReleaseThread(); } EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum buftype, EGLClientBuffer buffer, EGLConfig config, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreatePbufferFromClientBuffer(dpy, buftype, buffer, config, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglSurfaceAttrib(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint attribute, EGLint value) { return libEGL->eglSurfaceAttrib(dpy, surface, attribute, value); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglBindTexImage(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint buffer) { return libEGL->eglBindTexImage(dpy, surface, buffer); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglReleaseTexImage(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLint buffer) { return libEGL->eglReleaseTexImage(dpy, surface, buffer); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglSwapInterval(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLint interval) { return libEGL->eglSwapInterval(dpy, interval); } EGLAPI EGLContext EGLAPIENTRY eglCreateContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLConfig config, EGLContext share_context, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreateContext(dpy, config, share_context, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroyContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx) { return libEGL->eglDestroyContext(dpy, ctx); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglMakeCurrent(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface draw, EGLSurface read, EGLContext ctx) { return libEGL->eglMakeCurrent(dpy, draw, read, ctx); } EGLAPI EGLContext EGLAPIENTRY eglGetCurrentContext(void) { return libEGL->eglGetCurrentContext(); } EGLAPI EGLSurface EGLAPIENTRY eglGetCurrentSurface(EGLint readdraw) { return libEGL->eglGetCurrentSurface(readdraw); } EGLAPI EGLDisplay EGLAPIENTRY eglGetCurrentDisplay(void) { return libEGL->eglGetCurrentDisplay(); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglQueryContext(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { return libEGL->eglQueryContext(dpy, ctx, attribute, value); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglWaitGL(void) { return libEGL->eglWaitGL(); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglWaitNative(EGLint engine) { return libEGL->eglWaitNative(engine); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglSwapBuffers(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface) { return libEGL->eglSwapBuffers(dpy, surface); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglCopyBuffers(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSurface surface, EGLNativePixmapType target) { return libEGL->eglCopyBuffers(dpy, surface, target); } EGLAPI EGLImageKHR EGLAPIENTRY eglCreateImageKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLContext ctx, EGLenum target, EGLClientBuffer buffer, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreateImageKHR(dpy, ctx, target, buffer, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroyImageKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLImageKHR image) { return libEGL->eglDestroyImageKHR(dpy, image); } EGLAPI __eglMustCastToProperFunctionPointerType EGLAPIENTRY eglGetProcAddress(const char *procname) { return libEGL->eglGetProcAddress(procname); } EGLAPI EGLSyncKHR EGLAPIENTRY eglCreateSyncKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLenum type, const EGLint *attrib_list) { return libEGL->eglCreateSyncKHR(dpy, type, attrib_list); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglDestroySyncKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync) { return libEGL->eglDestroySyncKHR(dpy, sync); } EGLAPI EGLint EGLAPIENTRY eglClientWaitSyncKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync, EGLint flags, EGLTimeKHR timeout) { return libEGL->eglClientWaitSyncKHR(dpy, sync, flags, timeout); } EGLAPI EGLBoolean EGLAPIENTRY eglGetSyncAttribKHR(EGLDisplay dpy, EGLSyncKHR sync, EGLint attribute, EGLint *value) { return libEGL->eglGetSyncAttribKHR(dpy, sync, attribute, value); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glActiveTexture(GLenum texture) { return es1::ActiveTexture(texture); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glAlphaFunc(GLenum func, GLclampf ref) { return es1::AlphaFunc(func, ref); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glAlphaFuncx(GLenum func, GLclampx ref) { return es1::AlphaFuncx(func, ref); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBindBuffer(GLenum target, GLuint buffer) { return es1::BindBuffer(target, buffer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBindFramebuffer(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) { return es1::BindFramebuffer(target, framebuffer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBindFramebufferOES(GLenum target, GLuint framebuffer) { return es1::BindFramebufferOES(target, framebuffer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBindRenderbufferOES(GLenum target, GLuint renderbuffer) { return es1::BindRenderbufferOES(target, renderbuffer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBindTexture(GLenum target, GLuint texture) { return es1::BindTexture(target, texture); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBlendEquationOES(GLenum mode) { return es1::BlendEquationSeparateOES(mode, mode); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBlendEquationSeparateOES(GLenum modeRGB, GLenum modeAlpha) { return es1::BlendEquationSeparateOES(modeRGB, modeAlpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBlendFunc(GLenum sfactor, GLenum dfactor) { return es1::BlendFuncSeparateOES(sfactor, dfactor, sfactor, dfactor); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBlendFuncSeparateOES(GLenum srcRGB, GLenum dstRGB, GLenum srcAlpha, GLenum dstAlpha) { return es1::BlendFuncSeparateOES(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBufferData(GLenum target, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid* data, GLenum usage) { return es1::BufferData(target, size, data, usage); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glBufferSubData(GLenum target, GLintptr offset, GLsizeiptr size, const GLvoid* data) { return es1::BufferSubData(target, offset, size, data); } GL_API GLenum GL_APIENTRY glCheckFramebufferStatusOES(GLenum target) { return es1::CheckFramebufferStatusOES(target); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClear(GLbitfield mask) { return es1::Clear(mask); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClearColor(GLclampf red, GLclampf green, GLclampf blue, GLclampf alpha) { return es1::ClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClearColorx(GLclampx red, GLclampx green, GLclampx blue, GLclampx alpha) { return es1::ClearColorx(red, green, blue, alpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClearDepthf(GLclampf depth) { return es1::ClearDepthf(depth); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClearDepthx(GLclampx depth) { return es1::ClearDepthx(depth); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClearStencil(GLint s) { return es1::ClearStencil(s); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClientActiveTexture(GLenum texture) { return es1::ClientActiveTexture(texture); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClipPlanef(GLenum plane, const GLfloat *equation) { return es1::ClipPlanef(plane, equation); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glClipPlanex(GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation) { return es1::ClipPlanex(plane, equation); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glColor4f(GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha) { return es1::Color4f(red, green, blue, alpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glColor4ub(GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha) { return es1::Color4ub(red, green, blue, alpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glColor4x(GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha) { return es1::Color4x(red, green, blue, alpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glColorMask(GLboolean red, GLboolean green, GLboolean blue, GLboolean alpha) { return es1::ColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glColorPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) { return es1::ColorPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glCompressedTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid* data) { return es1::CompressedTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glCompressedTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLsizei imageSize, const GLvoid* data) { return es1::CompressedTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glCopyTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLenum internalformat, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border) { return es1::CopyTexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, x, y, width, height, border); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glCopyTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { return es1::CopyTexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glCullFace(GLenum mode) { return es1::CullFace(mode); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDeleteBuffers(GLsizei n, const GLuint* buffers) { return es1::DeleteBuffers(n, buffers); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDeleteFramebuffersOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint* framebuffers) { return es1::DeleteFramebuffersOES(n, framebuffers); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDeleteRenderbuffersOES(GLsizei n, const GLuint* renderbuffers) { return es1::DeleteRenderbuffersOES(n, renderbuffers); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDeleteTextures(GLsizei n, const GLuint* textures) { return es1::DeleteTextures(n, textures); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDepthFunc(GLenum func) { return es1::DepthFunc(func); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDepthMask(GLboolean flag) { return es1::DepthMask(flag); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDepthRangex(GLclampx zNear, GLclampx zFar) { return es1::DepthRangex(zNear, zFar); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDepthRangef(GLclampf zNear, GLclampf zFar) { return es1::DepthRangef(zNear, zFar); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDisable(GLenum cap) { return es1::Disable(cap); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDisableClientState(GLenum array) { return es1::DisableClientState(array); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawArrays(GLenum mode, GLint first, GLsizei count) { return es1::DrawArrays(mode, first, count); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawElements(GLenum mode, GLsizei count, GLenum type, const GLvoid* indices) { return es1::DrawElements(mode, count, type, indices); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glEnable(GLenum cap) { return es1::Enable(cap); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glEnableClientState(GLenum array) { return es1::EnableClientState(array); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFinish(void) { return es1::Finish(); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFlush(void) { return es1::Flush(); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFramebufferRenderbufferOES(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum renderbuffertarget, GLuint renderbuffer) { return es1::FramebufferRenderbufferOES(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget, renderbuffer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFramebufferTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum textarget, GLuint texture, GLint level) { return es1::FramebufferTexture2DOES(target, attachment, textarget, texture, level); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFogf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::Fogf(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFogfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { return es1::Fogfv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFogx(GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::Fogx(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFogxv(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::Fogxv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFrontFace(GLenum mode) { return es1::FrontFace(mode); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFrustumf(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) { return es1::Frustumf(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glFrustumx(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar) { return es1::Frustumx(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGenerateMipmapOES(GLenum target) { return es1::GenerateMipmapOES(target); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGenBuffers(GLsizei n, GLuint* buffers) { return es1::GenBuffers(n, buffers); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGenFramebuffersOES(GLsizei n, GLuint* framebuffers) { return es1::GenFramebuffersOES(n, framebuffers); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGenRenderbuffersOES(GLsizei n, GLuint* renderbuffers) { return es1::GenRenderbuffersOES(n, renderbuffers); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGenTextures(GLsizei n, GLuint* textures) { return es1::GenTextures(n, textures); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) { return es1::GetRenderbufferParameterivOES(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetBooleanv(GLenum pname, GLboolean* params) { return es1::GetBooleanv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetBufferParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) { return es1::GetBufferParameteriv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetClipPlanef(GLenum pname, GLfloat eqn[4]) { return es1::GetClipPlanef(pname, eqn); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetClipPlanex(GLenum pname, GLfixed eqn[4]) { return es1::GetClipPlanex(pname, eqn); } GL_API GLenum GL_APIENTRY glGetError(void) { return es1::GetError(); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetFixedv(GLenum pname, GLfixed *params) { return es1::GetFixedv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetFloatv(GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) { return es1::GetFloatv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(GLenum target, GLenum attachment, GLenum pname, GLint* params) { return es1::GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES(target, attachment, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetIntegerv(GLenum pname, GLint* params) { return es1::GetIntegerv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) { return es1::GetLightfv(light, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetLightxv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params) { return es1::GetLightxv(light, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) { return es1::GetMaterialfv(face, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetMaterialxv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params) { return es1::GetMaterialxv(face, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetPointerv(GLenum pname, GLvoid **params) { return es1::GetPointerv(pname, params); } GL_API const GLubyte* GL_APIENTRY glGetString(GLenum name) { return es1::GetString(name); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat* params) { return es1::GetTexParameterfv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint* params) { return es1::GetTexParameteriv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetTexEnvfv(GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLfloat *params) { return es1::GetTexEnvfv(env, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetTexEnviv(GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLint *params) { return es1::GetTexEnviv(env, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetTexEnvxv(GLenum env, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params) { return es1::GetTexEnvxv(env, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glGetTexParameterxv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed *params) { return es1::GetTexParameterxv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glHint(GLenum target, GLenum mode) { return es1::Hint(target, mode); } GL_API GLboolean GL_APIENTRY glIsBuffer(GLuint buffer) { return es1::IsBuffer(buffer); } GL_API GLboolean GL_APIENTRY glIsEnabled(GLenum cap) { return es1::IsEnabled(cap); } GL_API GLboolean GL_APIENTRY glIsFramebufferOES(GLuint framebuffer) { return es1::IsFramebufferOES(framebuffer); } GL_API GLboolean GL_APIENTRY glIsTexture(GLuint texture) { return es1::IsTexture(texture); } GL_API GLboolean GL_APIENTRY glIsRenderbufferOES(GLuint renderbuffer) { return es1::IsRenderbufferOES(renderbuffer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightModelf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::LightModelf(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightModelfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { return es1::LightModelfv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightModelx(GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::LightModelx(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightModelxv(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::LightModelxv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightf(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::Lightf(light, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightfv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { return es1::Lightfv(light, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightx(GLenum light, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::Lightx(light, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLightxv(GLenum light, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::Lightxv(light, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLineWidth(GLfloat width) { return es1::LineWidth(width); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLineWidthx(GLfixed width) { return es1::LineWidthx(width); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLoadIdentity(void) { return es1::LoadIdentity(); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLoadMatrixf(const GLfloat *m) { return es1::LoadMatrixf(m); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLoadMatrixx(const GLfixed *m) { return es1::LoadMatrixx(m); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glLogicOp(GLenum opcode) { return es1::LogicOp(opcode); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMaterialf(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::Materialf(face, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMaterialfv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { return es1::Materialfv(face, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMaterialx(GLenum face, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::Materialx(face, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMaterialxv(GLenum face, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::Materialxv(face, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMatrixMode(GLenum mode) { return es1::MatrixMode(mode); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMultMatrixf(const GLfloat *m) { return es1::MultMatrixf(m); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMultMatrixx(const GLfixed *m) { return es1::MultMatrixx(m); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMultiTexCoord4f(GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q) { return es1::MultiTexCoord4f(target, s, t, r, q); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glMultiTexCoord4x(GLenum target, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q) { return es1::MultiTexCoord4x(target, s, t, r, q); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glNormal3f(GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz) { return es1::Normal3f(nx, ny, nz); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glNormal3x(GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz) { return es1::Normal3x(nx, ny, nz); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glNormalPointer(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) { return es1::NormalPointer(type, stride, pointer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glOrthof(GLfloat left, GLfloat right, GLfloat bottom, GLfloat top, GLfloat zNear, GLfloat zFar) { return es1::Orthof(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glOrthox(GLfixed left, GLfixed right, GLfixed bottom, GLfixed top, GLfixed zNear, GLfixed zFar) { return es1::Orthox(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPixelStorei(GLenum pname, GLint param) { return es1::PixelStorei(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointParameterf(GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::PointParameterf(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointParameterfv(GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { return es1::PointParameterfv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointParameterx(GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::PointParameterx(pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointParameterxv(GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::PointParameterxv(pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointSize(GLfloat size) { return es1::PointSize(size); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointSizePointerOES(GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) { return es1::PointSizePointerOES(type, stride, pointer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPointSizex(GLfixed size) { return es1::PointSizex(size); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPolygonOffset(GLfloat factor, GLfloat units) { return es1::PolygonOffset(factor, units); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPolygonOffsetx(GLfixed factor, GLfixed units) { return es1::PolygonOffsetx(factor, units); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPopMatrix(void) { return es1::PopMatrix(); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glPushMatrix(void) { return es1::PushMatrix(); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glReadPixels(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, GLvoid* pixels) { return es1::ReadPixels(x, y, width, height, format, type, pixels); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glRenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, GLenum internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { return es1::RenderbufferStorageOES(target, internalformat, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glRotatef(GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { return es1::Rotatef(angle, x, y, z); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glRotatex(GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) { return es1::Rotatex(angle, x, y, z); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glSampleCoverage(GLclampf value, GLboolean invert) { return es1::SampleCoverage(value, invert); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glSampleCoveragex(GLclampx value, GLboolean invert) { return es1::SampleCoveragex(value, invert); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glScalef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { return es1::Scalef(x, y, z); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glScalex(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) { return es1::Scalex(x, y, z); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glScissor(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { return es1::Scissor(x, y, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glShadeModel(GLenum mode) { return es1::ShadeModel(mode); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glStencilFunc(GLenum func, GLint ref, GLuint mask) { return es1::StencilFunc(func, ref, mask); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glStencilMask(GLuint mask) { return es1::StencilMask(mask); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glStencilOp(GLenum fail, GLenum zfail, GLenum zpass) { return es1::StencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexCoordPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) { return es1::TexCoordPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexEnvf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::TexEnvf(target, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexEnvfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params) { return es1::TexEnvfv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexEnvi(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) { return es1::TexEnvi(target, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexEnvx(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::TexEnvx(target, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexEnviv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint *params) { return es1::TexEnviv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexEnvxv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::TexEnvxv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint internalformat, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLint border, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels) { return es1::TexImage2D(target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexParameterf(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfloat param) { return es1::TexParameterf(target, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexParameterfv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfloat* params) { return es1::TexParameterfv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexParameteri(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLint param) { return es1::TexParameteri(target, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexParameteriv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLint* params) { return es1::TexParameteriv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexParameterx(GLenum target, GLenum pname, GLfixed param) { return es1::TexParameterx(target, pname, param); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexParameterxv(GLenum target, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params) { return es1::TexParameterxv(target, pname, params); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTexSubImage2D(GLenum target, GLint level, GLint xoffset, GLint yoffset, GLsizei width, GLsizei height, GLenum format, GLenum type, const GLvoid* pixels) { return es1::TexSubImage2D(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTranslatef(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z) { return es1::Translatef(x, y, z); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glTranslatex(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z) { return es1::Translatex(x, y, z); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glVertexPointer(GLint size, GLenum type, GLsizei stride, const GLvoid *pointer) { return es1::VertexPointer(size, type, stride, pointer); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glViewport(GLint x, GLint y, GLsizei width, GLsizei height) { return es1::Viewport(x, y, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image) { return es1::EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES(target, image); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(GLenum target, GLeglImageOES image) { return es1::EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES(target, image); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexsOES(GLshort x, GLshort y, GLshort z, GLshort width, GLshort height) { return es1::DrawTexsOES(x,y, z, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexiOES(GLint x, GLint y, GLint z, GLint width, GLint height) { return es1::DrawTexiOES(x,y, z, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexxOES(GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z, GLfixed width, GLfixed height) { return es1::DrawTexxOES(x,y, z, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexsvOES(const GLshort *coords) { return es1::DrawTexsvOES(coords); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexivOES(const GLint *coords) { return es1::DrawTexivOES(coords); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexxvOES(const GLfixed *coords) { return es1::DrawTexxvOES(coords); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexfOES(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, GLfloat width, GLfloat height) { return es1::DrawTexfOES(x, y, z, width, height); } GL_API void GL_APIENTRY glDrawTexfvOES(const GLfloat *coords) { return es1::DrawTexfvOES(coords); } } LibGLES_CMexports::LibGLES_CMexports() { this->glActiveTexture = es1::ActiveTexture; this->glAlphaFunc = es1::AlphaFunc; this->glAlphaFuncx = es1::AlphaFuncx; this->glBindBuffer = es1::BindBuffer; this->glBindFramebuffer = es1::BindFramebuffer; this->glBindFramebufferOES = es1::BindFramebufferOES; this->glBindRenderbufferOES = es1::BindRenderbufferOES; this->glBindTexture = es1::BindTexture; this->glBlendEquationSeparateOES = es1::BlendEquationSeparateOES; this->glBlendEquationOES = es1::BlendEquationOES; this->glBlendEquationSeparateOES = es1::BlendEquationSeparateOES; this->glBlendFuncSeparateOES = es1::BlendFuncSeparateOES; this->glBlendFunc = es1::BlendFunc; this->glBlendFuncSeparateOES = es1::BlendFuncSeparateOES; this->glBufferData = es1::BufferData; this->glBufferSubData = es1::BufferSubData; this->glCheckFramebufferStatusOES = es1::CheckFramebufferStatusOES; this->glClear = es1::Clear; this->glClearColor = es1::ClearColor; this->glClearColorx = es1::ClearColorx; this->glClearDepthf = es1::ClearDepthf; this->glClearDepthx = es1::ClearDepthx; this->glClearStencil = es1::ClearStencil; this->glClientActiveTexture = es1::ClientActiveTexture; this->glClipPlanef = es1::ClipPlanef; this->glClipPlanex = es1::ClipPlanex; this->glColor4f = es1::Color4f; this->glColor4ub = es1::Color4ub; this->glColor4x = es1::Color4x; this->glColorMask = es1::ColorMask; this->glColorPointer = es1::ColorPointer; this->glCompressedTexImage2D = es1::CompressedTexImage2D; this->glCompressedTexSubImage2D = es1::CompressedTexSubImage2D; this->glCopyTexImage2D = es1::CopyTexImage2D; this->glCopyTexSubImage2D = es1::CopyTexSubImage2D; this->glCullFace = es1::CullFace; this->glDeleteBuffers = es1::DeleteBuffers; this->glDeleteFramebuffersOES = es1::DeleteFramebuffersOES; this->glDeleteRenderbuffersOES = es1::DeleteRenderbuffersOES; this->glDeleteTextures = es1::DeleteTextures; this->glDepthFunc = es1::DepthFunc; this->glDepthMask = es1::DepthMask; this->glDepthRangex = es1::DepthRangex; this->glDepthRangef = es1::DepthRangef; this->glDisable = es1::Disable; this->glDisableClientState = es1::DisableClientState; this->glDrawArrays = es1::DrawArrays; this->glDrawElements = es1::DrawElements; this->glEnable = es1::Enable; this->glEnableClientState = es1::EnableClientState; this->glFinish = es1::Finish; this->glFlush = es1::Flush; this->glFramebufferRenderbufferOES = es1::FramebufferRenderbufferOES; this->glFramebufferTexture2DOES = es1::FramebufferTexture2DOES; this->glFogf = es1::Fogf; this->glFogfv = es1::Fogfv; this->glFogx = es1::Fogx; this->glFogxv = es1::Fogxv; this->glFrontFace = es1::FrontFace; this->glFrustumf = es1::Frustumf; this->glFrustumx = es1::Frustumx; this->glGenerateMipmapOES = es1::GenerateMipmapOES; this->glGenBuffers = es1::GenBuffers; this->glGenFramebuffersOES = es1::GenFramebuffersOES; this->glGenRenderbuffersOES = es1::GenRenderbuffersOES; this->glGenTextures = es1::GenTextures; this->glGetRenderbufferParameterivOES = es1::GetRenderbufferParameterivOES; this->glGetBooleanv = es1::GetBooleanv; this->glGetBufferParameteriv = es1::GetBufferParameteriv; this->glGetClipPlanef = es1::GetClipPlanef; this->glGetClipPlanex = es1::GetClipPlanex; this->glGetError = es1::GetError; this->glGetFixedv = es1::GetFixedv; this->glGetFloatv = es1::GetFloatv; this->glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES = es1::GetFramebufferAttachmentParameterivOES; this->glGetIntegerv = es1::GetIntegerv; this->glGetLightfv = es1::GetLightfv; this->glGetLightxv = es1::GetLightxv; this->glGetMaterialfv = es1::GetMaterialfv; this->glGetMaterialxv = es1::GetMaterialxv; this->glGetPointerv = es1::GetPointerv; this->glGetString = es1::GetString; this->glGetTexParameterfv = es1::GetTexParameterfv; this->glGetTexParameteriv = es1::GetTexParameteriv; this->glGetTexEnvfv = es1::GetTexEnvfv; this->glGetTexEnviv = es1::GetTexEnviv; this->glGetTexEnvxv = es1::GetTexEnvxv; this->glGetTexParameterxv = es1::GetTexParameterxv; this->glHint = es1::Hint; this->glIsBuffer = es1::IsBuffer; this->glIsEnabled = es1::IsEnabled; this->glIsFramebufferOES = es1::IsFramebufferOES; this->glIsTexture = es1::IsTexture; this->glIsRenderbufferOES = es1::IsRenderbufferOES; this->glLightModelf = es1::LightModelf; this->glLightModelfv = es1::LightModelfv; this->glLightModelx = es1::LightModelx; this->glLightModelxv = es1::LightModelxv; this->glLightf = es1::Lightf; this->glLightfv = es1::Lightfv; this->glLightx = es1::Lightx; this->glLightxv = es1::Lightxv; this->glLineWidth = es1::LineWidth; this->glLineWidthx = es1::LineWidthx; this->glLoadIdentity = es1::LoadIdentity; this->glLoadMatrixf = es1::LoadMatrixf; this->glLoadMatrixx = es1::LoadMatrixx; this->glLogicOp = es1::LogicOp; this->glMaterialf = es1::Materialf; this->glMaterialfv = es1::Materialfv; this->glMaterialx = es1::Materialx; this->glMaterialxv = es1::Materialxv; this->glMatrixMode = es1::MatrixMode; this->glMultMatrixf = es1::MultMatrixf; this->glMultMatrixx = es1::MultMatrixx; this->glMultiTexCoord4f = es1::MultiTexCoord4f; this->glMultiTexCoord4x = es1::MultiTexCoord4x; this->glNormal3f = es1::Normal3f; this->glNormal3x = es1::Normal3x; this->glNormalPointer = es1::NormalPointer; this->glOrthof = es1::Orthof; this->glOrthox = es1::Orthox; this->glPixelStorei = es1::PixelStorei; this->glPointParameterf = es1::PointParameterf; this->glPointParameterfv = es1::PointParameterfv; this->glPointParameterx = es1::PointParameterx; this->glPointParameterxv = es1::PointParameterxv; this->glPointSize = es1::PointSize; this->glPointSizePointerOES = es1::PointSizePointerOES; this->glPointSizex = es1::PointSizex; this->glPolygonOffset = es1::PolygonOffset; this->glPolygonOffsetx = es1::PolygonOffsetx; this->glPopMatrix = es1::PopMatrix; this->glPushMatrix = es1::PushMatrix; this->glReadPixels = es1::ReadPixels; this->glRenderbufferStorageOES = es1::RenderbufferStorageOES; this->glRotatef = es1::Rotatef; this->glRotatex = es1::Rotatex; this->glSampleCoverage = es1::SampleCoverage; this->glSampleCoveragex = es1::SampleCoveragex; this->glScalef = es1::Scalef; this->glScalex = es1::Scalex; this->glScissor = es1::Scissor; this->glShadeModel = es1::ShadeModel; this->glStencilFunc = es1::StencilFunc; this->glStencilMask = es1::StencilMask; this->glStencilOp = es1::StencilOp; this->glTexCoordPointer = es1::TexCoordPointer; this->glTexEnvf = es1::TexEnvf; this->glTexEnvfv = es1::TexEnvfv; this->glTexEnvi = es1::TexEnvi; this->glTexEnvx = es1::TexEnvx; this->glTexEnviv = es1::TexEnviv; this->glTexEnvxv = es1::TexEnvxv; this->glTexImage2D = es1::TexImage2D; this->glTexParameterf = es1::TexParameterf; this->glTexParameterfv = es1::TexParameterfv; this->glTexParameteri = es1::TexParameteri; this->glTexParameteriv = es1::TexParameteriv; this->glTexParameterx = es1::TexParameterx; this->glTexParameterxv = es1::TexParameterxv; this->glTexSubImage2D = es1::TexSubImage2D; this->glTranslatef = es1::Translatef; this->glTranslatex = es1::Translatex; this->glVertexPointer = es1::VertexPointer; this->glViewport = es1::Viewport; this->glEGLImageTargetTexture2DOES = es1::EGLImageTargetTexture2DOES; this->glEGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES = es1::EGLImageTargetRenderbufferStorageOES; this->glDrawTexsOES = es1::DrawTexsOES; this->glDrawTexiOES = es1::DrawTexiOES; this->glDrawTexxOES = es1::DrawTexxOES; this->glDrawTexsvOES = es1::DrawTexsvOES; this->glDrawTexivOES = es1::DrawTexivOES; this->glDrawTexxvOES = es1::DrawTexxvOES; this->glDrawTexfOES = es1::DrawTexfOES; this->glDrawTexfvOES = es1::DrawTexfvOES; this->es1CreateContext = ::es1CreateContext; this->es1GetProcAddress = ::es1GetProcAddress; this->createBackBuffer = ::createBackBuffer; this->createDepthStencil = ::createDepthStencil; this->createFrameBuffer = ::createFrameBuffer; } extern "C" GL_API LibGLES_CMexports *libGLES_CM_swiftshader() { static LibGLES_CMexports libGLES_CM; return &libGLES_CM; } LibEGL libEGL;