/* * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define LOG_TAG "APM::AudioInputDescriptor" //#define LOG_NDEBUG 0 #include #include #include #include #include "AudioInputDescriptor.h" #include "AudioPolicyMix.h" #include "HwModule.h" namespace android { AudioInputDescriptor::AudioInputDescriptor(const sp& profile, AudioPolicyClientInterface *clientInterface) : mProfile(profile) , mClientInterface(clientInterface) { if (profile != NULL) { profile->pickAudioProfile(mSamplingRate, mChannelMask, mFormat); if (profile->getGains().size() > 0) { profile->getGains()[0]->getDefaultConfig(&mGain); } } } audio_module_handle_t AudioInputDescriptor::getModuleHandle() const { if (mProfile == 0) { return AUDIO_MODULE_HANDLE_NONE; } return mProfile->getModuleHandle(); } audio_source_t AudioInputDescriptor::source() const { return getHighestPriorityAttributes().source; } status_t AudioInputDescriptor::applyAudioPortConfig(const struct audio_port_config *config, audio_port_config *backupConfig) { struct audio_port_config localBackupConfig = { .config_mask = config->config_mask }; status_t status = NO_ERROR; toAudioPortConfig(&localBackupConfig); if ((status = validationBeforeApplyConfig(config)) == NO_ERROR) { AudioPortConfig::applyAudioPortConfig(config, backupConfig); applyPolicyAudioPortConfig(config); } if (backupConfig != NULL) { *backupConfig = localBackupConfig; } return status; } void AudioInputDescriptor::toAudioPortConfig(struct audio_port_config *dstConfig, const struct audio_port_config *srcConfig) const { ALOG_ASSERT(mProfile != 0, "toAudioPortConfig() called on input with null profile %d", mIoHandle); dstConfig->config_mask = AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_SAMPLE_RATE|AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_CHANNEL_MASK| AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_FORMAT|AUDIO_PORT_CONFIG_GAIN; if (srcConfig != NULL) { dstConfig->config_mask |= srcConfig->config_mask; } AudioPortConfig::toAudioPortConfig(dstConfig, srcConfig); toPolicyAudioPortConfig(dstConfig, srcConfig); dstConfig->role = AUDIO_PORT_ROLE_SINK; dstConfig->type = AUDIO_PORT_TYPE_MIX; dstConfig->ext.mix.hw_module = getModuleHandle(); dstConfig->ext.mix.handle = mIoHandle; dstConfig->ext.mix.usecase.source = source(); } void AudioInputDescriptor::toAudioPort(struct audio_port_v7 *port) const { ALOG_ASSERT(mProfile != 0, "toAudioPort() called on input with null profile %d", mIoHandle); mProfile->toAudioPort(port); port->id = mId; toAudioPortConfig(&port->active_config); port->ext.mix.hw_module = getModuleHandle(); port->ext.mix.handle = mIoHandle; port->ext.mix.latency_class = AUDIO_LATENCY_NORMAL; } void AudioInputDescriptor::setPreemptedSessions(const SortedVector& sessions) { mPreemptedSessions = sessions; } SortedVector AudioInputDescriptor::getPreemptedSessions() const { return mPreemptedSessions; } bool AudioInputDescriptor::hasPreemptedSession(audio_session_t session) const { return (mPreemptedSessions.indexOf(session) >= 0); } void AudioInputDescriptor::clearPreemptedSessions() { mPreemptedSessions.clear(); } bool AudioInputDescriptor::isSourceActive(audio_source_t source) const { for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if (client->active() && ((client->source() == source) || ((source == AUDIO_SOURCE_VOICE_RECOGNITION) && (client->source() == AUDIO_SOURCE_HOTWORD) && client->isSoundTrigger()))) { return true; } } return false; } audio_attributes_t AudioInputDescriptor::getHighestPriorityAttributes() const { audio_attributes_t attributes = { .source = AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT }; sp topClient = getHighestPriorityClient(); return topClient ? topClient->attributes() : attributes; } sp AudioInputDescriptor::getHighestPriorityClient() const { sp topClient; for (bool activeOnly : { true, false }) { int32_t topPriority = -1; app_state_t topState = APP_STATE_IDLE; for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if (activeOnly && !client->active()) { continue; } app_state_t curState = client->appState(); if (curState >= topState) { int32_t curPriority = source_priority(client->source()); if (curPriority >= topPriority) { topClient = client; topPriority = curPriority; } topState = curState; } } if (topClient != nullptr) { break; } } return topClient; } bool AudioInputDescriptor::isSoundTrigger() const { // sound trigger and non sound trigger clients are not mixed on a given input // so check only first client if (getClientCount() == 0) { return false; } return getClientIterable().begin()->isSoundTrigger(); } audio_patch_handle_t AudioInputDescriptor::getPatchHandle() const { return mPatchHandle; } void AudioInputDescriptor::setPatchHandle(audio_patch_handle_t handle) { mPatchHandle = handle; for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if (client->active()) { updateClientRecordingConfiguration( client->isLowLevel() ? RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_START : RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_UPDATE, client); } } } audio_config_base_t AudioInputDescriptor::getConfig() const { const audio_config_base_t config = { .sample_rate = mSamplingRate, .channel_mask = mChannelMask, .format = mFormat }; return config; } status_t AudioInputDescriptor::open(const audio_config_t *config, const sp &device, audio_source_t source, audio_input_flags_t flags, audio_io_handle_t *input) { audio_config_t lConfig; if (config == nullptr) { lConfig = AUDIO_CONFIG_INITIALIZER; lConfig.sample_rate = mSamplingRate; lConfig.channel_mask = mChannelMask; lConfig.format = mFormat; } else { lConfig = *config; } mDevice = device; ALOGV("opening input for device %s profile %p name %s", mDevice->toString().c_str(), mProfile.get(), mProfile->getName().c_str()); audio_devices_t deviceType = mDevice->type(); status_t status = mClientInterface->openInput(mProfile->getModuleHandle(), input, &lConfig, &deviceType, String8(mDevice->address().c_str()), source, flags); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mDevice->type() != deviceType, "%s openInput returned device %08x when given device %08x", __FUNCTION__, mDevice->type(), deviceType); if (status == NO_ERROR) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(*input == AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE, "%s openInput returned input handle %d for device %s", __FUNCTION__, *input, mDevice->toString().c_str()); mSamplingRate = lConfig.sample_rate; mChannelMask = lConfig.channel_mask; mFormat = lConfig.format; mId = PolicyAudioPort::getNextUniqueId(); mIoHandle = *input; mProfile->curOpenCount++; } return status; } status_t AudioInputDescriptor::start() { if (!isActive()) { if (!mProfile->canStartNewIo()) { ALOGI("%s mProfile->curActiveCount %d", __func__, mProfile->curActiveCount); return INVALID_OPERATION; } mProfile->curActiveCount++; } return NO_ERROR; } void AudioInputDescriptor::stop() { if (!isActive()) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mProfile->curActiveCount < 1, "%s invalid profile active count %u", __func__, mProfile->curActiveCount); mProfile->curActiveCount--; } } void AudioInputDescriptor::close() { if (mIoHandle != AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE) { // clean up active clients if any (can happen if close() is called to force // clients to reconnect for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if (client->active()) { ALOGW("%s client with port ID %d still active on input %d", __func__, client->portId(), mId); setClientActive(client, false); stop(); } } mClientInterface->closeInput(mIoHandle); LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mProfile->curOpenCount < 1, "%s profile open count %u", __FUNCTION__, mProfile->curOpenCount); mProfile->curOpenCount--; LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(mProfile->curOpenCount < mProfile->curActiveCount, "%s(%d): mProfile->curOpenCount %d < mProfile->curActiveCount %d.", __func__, mId, mProfile->curOpenCount, mProfile->curActiveCount); mIoHandle = AUDIO_IO_HANDLE_NONE; } } void AudioInputDescriptor::addClient(const sp &client) { ClientMapHandler::addClient(client); for (size_t i = 0; i < mEnabledEffects.size(); i++) { if (mEnabledEffects.valueAt(i)->mSession == client->session()) { client->trackEffectEnabled(mEnabledEffects.valueAt(i), true); } } } void AudioInputDescriptor::setClientActive(const sp& client, bool active) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(getClient(client->portId()) == nullptr, "%s(%d) does not exist on input descriptor", __func__, client->portId()); if (active == client->active()) { return; } // Handle non-client-specific activity ref count int32_t oldGlobalActiveCount = mGlobalActiveCount; if (!active && mGlobalActiveCount < 1) { LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL("%s(%d) invalid deactivation with globalActiveCount %d", __func__, client->portId(), mGlobalActiveCount); // mGlobalActiveCount = 1; } const int delta = active ? 1 : -1; mGlobalActiveCount += delta; sp policyMix = mPolicyMix.promote(); if ((oldGlobalActiveCount == 0) && (mGlobalActiveCount > 0)) { if ((policyMix != NULL) && ((policyMix->mCbFlags & AudioMix::kCbFlagNotifyActivity) != 0)) { mClientInterface->onDynamicPolicyMixStateUpdate(policyMix->mDeviceAddress, MIX_STATE_MIXING); } } else if ((oldGlobalActiveCount > 0) && (mGlobalActiveCount == 0)) { if ((policyMix != NULL) && ((policyMix->mCbFlags & AudioMix::kCbFlagNotifyActivity) != 0)) { mClientInterface->onDynamicPolicyMixStateUpdate(policyMix->mDeviceAddress, MIX_STATE_IDLE); } } client->setActive(active); checkSuspendEffects(); int event = active ? RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_START : RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_STOP; updateClientRecordingConfiguration(event, client); } void AudioInputDescriptor::updateClientRecordingConfiguration( int event, const sp& client) { ALOGV("%s riid %d uid %d port %d session %d event %d", __func__, client->riid(), client->uid(), client->portId(), client->session(), event); // do not send callback if starting and no device is selected yet to avoid // double callbacks from startInput() before and after the device is selected // "start" and "stop" events for "high level" clients (AudioRecord) are sent by the client side if ((event == RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_START && mPatchHandle == AUDIO_PATCH_HANDLE_NONE) || (!client->isLowLevel() && (event == RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_START || event == RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_STOP))) { return; } const audio_config_base_t sessionConfig = client->config(); const record_client_info_t recordClientInfo{client->riid(), client->uid(), client->session(), client->source(), client->portId(), client->isSilenced()}; const audio_config_base_t config = getConfig(); std::vector clientEffects; EffectDescriptorCollection effectsList = client->getEnabledEffects(); for (size_t i = 0; i < effectsList.size(); i++) { clientEffects.push_back(effectsList.valueAt(i)->mDesc); } std::vector effects; effectsList = getEnabledEffects(); for (size_t i = 0; i < effectsList.size(); i++) { effects.push_back(effectsList.valueAt(i)->mDesc); } mClientInterface->onRecordingConfigurationUpdate(event, &recordClientInfo, &sessionConfig, clientEffects, &config, effects, mPatchHandle, source()); } RecordClientVector AudioInputDescriptor::getClientsForSession( audio_session_t session) { RecordClientVector clients; for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if (client->session() == session) { clients.push_back(client); } } return clients; } RecordClientVector AudioInputDescriptor::clientsList(bool activeOnly, audio_source_t source, bool preferredDeviceOnly) const { RecordClientVector clients; for (const auto &client : getClientIterable()) { if ((!activeOnly || client->active()) && (source == AUDIO_SOURCE_DEFAULT || source == client->source()) && (!preferredDeviceOnly || client->hasPreferredDevice())) { clients.push_back(client); } } return clients; } void AudioInputDescriptor::trackEffectEnabled(const sp &effect, bool enabled) { if (enabled) { mEnabledEffects.replaceValueFor(effect->mId, effect); } else { mEnabledEffects.removeItem(effect->mId); // always exit from suspend when disabling an effect as only enabled effects // are managed by checkSuspendEffects() if (effect->mSuspended) { effect->mSuspended = false; mClientInterface->setEffectSuspended(effect->mId, effect->mSession, effect->mSuspended); } } RecordClientVector clients = getClientsForSession((audio_session_t)effect->mSession); RecordClientVector updatedClients; for (const auto& client : clients) { sp clientEffect = client->getEnabledEffects().getEffect(effect->mId); bool changed = (enabled && clientEffect == nullptr) || (!enabled && clientEffect != nullptr); client->trackEffectEnabled(effect, enabled); if (changed && client->active()) { updatedClients.push_back(client); } } checkSuspendEffects(); for (const auto& client : updatedClients) { updateClientRecordingConfiguration(RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_UPDATE, client); } } EffectDescriptorCollection AudioInputDescriptor::getEnabledEffects() const { // report effects for highest priority active source as applied to all clients EffectDescriptorCollection enabledEffects; sp topClient = getHighestPriorityClient(); if (topClient != nullptr) { enabledEffects = topClient->getEnabledEffects(); } return enabledEffects; } void AudioInputDescriptor::setAppState(audio_port_handle_t portId, app_state_t state) { RecordClientVector clients = clientsList(false /*activeOnly*/); RecordClientVector updatedClients; for (const auto& client : clients) { if (portId == client->portId()) { bool wasSilenced = client->isSilenced(); client->setAppState(state); if (client->active() && wasSilenced != client->isSilenced()) { updatedClients.push_back(client); } } } checkSuspendEffects(); for (const auto& client : updatedClients) { updateClientRecordingConfiguration(RECORD_CONFIG_EVENT_UPDATE, client); } } void AudioInputDescriptor::checkSuspendEffects() { sp topClient = getHighestPriorityClient(); if (topClient == nullptr) { return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < mEnabledEffects.size(); i++) { sp effect = mEnabledEffects.valueAt(i); if (effect->mSession == topClient->session()) { if (effect->mSuspended) { effect->mSuspended = false; mClientInterface->setEffectSuspended(effect->mId, effect->mSession, effect->mSuspended); } } else if (!effect->mSuspended) { effect->mSuspended = true; mClientInterface->setEffectSuspended(effect->mId, effect->mSession, effect->mSuspended); } } } void AudioInputDescriptor::dump(String8 *dst) const { dst->appendFormat(" ID: %d\n", getId()); dst->appendFormat(" Sampling rate: %d\n", mSamplingRate); dst->appendFormat(" Format: %d\n", mFormat); dst->appendFormat(" Channels: %08x\n", mChannelMask); dst->appendFormat(" Devices %s\n", mDevice->toString(true /*includeSensitiveInfo*/).c_str()); mEnabledEffects.dump(dst, 1 /*spaces*/, false /*verbose*/); dst->append(" AudioRecord Clients:\n"); ClientMapHandler::dump(dst); dst->append("\n"); } bool AudioInputCollection::isSourceActive(audio_source_t source) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp inputDescriptor = valueAt(i); if (inputDescriptor->isSourceActive(source)) { return true; } } return false; } sp AudioInputCollection::getInputFromId(audio_port_handle_t id) const { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp inputDescriptor = valueAt(i); if (inputDescriptor->getId() == id) { return inputDescriptor; } } return NULL; } uint32_t AudioInputCollection::activeInputsCountOnDevices(const DeviceVector &devices) const { uint32_t count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp inputDescriptor = valueAt(i); if (inputDescriptor->isActive() && (devices.isEmpty() || devices.contains(inputDescriptor->getDevice()))) { count++; } } return count; } Vector > AudioInputCollection::getActiveInputs() { Vector > activeInputs; for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { const sp inputDescriptor = valueAt(i); if (inputDescriptor->isActive()) { activeInputs.add(inputDescriptor); } } return activeInputs; } sp AudioInputCollection::getInputForClient(audio_port_handle_t portId) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp inputDesc = valueAt(i); if (inputDesc->getClient(portId) != nullptr) { return inputDesc; } } return 0; } void AudioInputCollection::trackEffectEnabled(const sp &effect, bool enabled) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp inputDesc = valueAt(i); if (inputDesc->mIoHandle == effect->mIo) { return inputDesc->trackEffectEnabled(effect, enabled); } } } void AudioInputCollection::clearSessionRoutesForDevice( const sp &disconnectedDevice) { for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { sp inputDesc = valueAt(i); for (const auto& client : inputDesc->getClientIterable()) { if (client->preferredDeviceId() == disconnectedDevice->getId()) { client->setPreferredDeviceId(AUDIO_PORT_HANDLE_NONE); } } } } void AudioInputCollection::dump(String8 *dst) const { dst->append("\nInputs dump:\n"); for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); i++) { dst->appendFormat("- Input %d dump:\n", keyAt(i)); valueAt(i)->dump(dst); } } }; //namespace android