/* * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #define DEBUG false #include "Log.h" #include "Section.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "FdBuffer.h" #include "Privacy.h" #include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/backtrace.proto.h" #include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/os/data.proto.h" #include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/util/log.proto.h" #include "frameworks/base/core/proto/android/util/textdump.proto.h" #include "incidentd_util.h" namespace android { namespace os { namespace incidentd { using namespace android::base; using namespace android::util; // special section ids const int FIELD_ID_INCIDENT_METADATA = 2; // incident section parameters const char INCIDENT_HELPER[] = "/system/bin/incident_helper"; const char* GZIP[] = {"/system/bin/gzip", NULL}; static pid_t fork_execute_incident_helper(const int id, Fpipe* p2cPipe, Fpipe* c2pPipe) { const char* ihArgs[]{INCIDENT_HELPER, "-s", String8::format("%d", id).string(), NULL}; return fork_execute_cmd(const_cast(ihArgs), p2cPipe, c2pPipe); } bool section_requires_specific_mention(int sectionId) { switch (sectionId) { case 3025: // restricted_images return true; case 3026: // system_trace return true; default: return false; } } // ================================================================================ Section::Section(int i, int64_t timeoutMs) : id(i), timeoutMs(timeoutMs) { } Section::~Section() {} // ================================================================================ static inline bool isSysfs(const char* filename) { return strncmp(filename, "/sys/", 5) == 0; } FileSection::FileSection(int id, const char* filename, const int64_t timeoutMs) : Section(id, timeoutMs), mFilename(filename) { name = "file "; name += filename; mIsSysfs = isSysfs(filename); } FileSection::~FileSection() {} status_t FileSection::Execute(ReportWriter* writer) const { // read from mFilename first, make sure the file is available // add O_CLOEXEC to make sure it is closed when exec incident helper unique_fd fd(open(mFilename, O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if (fd.get() == -1) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to open file", this->name.string()); // There may be some devices/architectures that won't have the file. // Just return here without an error. return NO_ERROR; } Fpipe p2cPipe; Fpipe c2pPipe; // initiate pipes to pass data to/from incident_helper if (!p2cPipe.init() || !c2pPipe.init()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to setup pipes", this->name.string()); return -errno; } pid_t pid = fork_execute_incident_helper(this->id, &p2cPipe, &c2pPipe); if (pid == -1) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to fork", this->name.string()); return -errno; } // parent process FdBuffer buffer; status_t readStatus = buffer.readProcessedDataInStream(fd.get(), std::move(p2cPipe.writeFd()), std::move(c2pPipe.readFd()), this->timeoutMs, mIsSysfs); writer->setSectionStats(buffer); if (readStatus != NO_ERROR || buffer.timedOut()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to read data from incident helper: %s, timedout: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false"); kill_child(pid); return readStatus; } status_t ihStatus = wait_child(pid); if (ihStatus != NO_ERROR) { ALOGW("[%s] abnormal child process: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-ihStatus)); return OK; // Not a fatal error. } return writer->writeSection(buffer); } // ================================================================================ GZipSection::GZipSection(int id, const char* filename, ...) : Section(id) { va_list args; va_start(args, filename); mFilenames = varargs(filename, args); va_end(args); name = "gzip"; for (int i = 0; mFilenames[i] != NULL; i++) { name += " "; name += mFilenames[i]; } } GZipSection::~GZipSection() { free(mFilenames); } status_t GZipSection::Execute(ReportWriter* writer) const { // Reads the files in order, use the first available one. int index = 0; unique_fd fd; while (mFilenames[index] != NULL) { fd.reset(open(mFilenames[index], O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC)); if (fd.get() != -1) { break; } ALOGW("GZipSection failed to open file %s", mFilenames[index]); index++; // look at the next file. } if (fd.get() == -1) { ALOGW("[%s] can't open all the files", this->name.string()); return NO_ERROR; // e.g. LAST_KMSG will reach here in user build. } FdBuffer buffer; Fpipe p2cPipe; Fpipe c2pPipe; // initiate pipes to pass data to/from gzip if (!p2cPipe.init() || !c2pPipe.init()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to setup pipes", this->name.string()); return -errno; } pid_t pid = fork_execute_cmd((char* const*)GZIP, &p2cPipe, &c2pPipe); if (pid == -1) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to fork", this->name.string()); return -errno; } // parent process // construct Fdbuffer to output GZippedfileProto, the reason to do this instead of using // ProtoOutputStream is to avoid allocation of another buffer inside ProtoOutputStream. sp internalBuffer = buffer.data(); internalBuffer->writeHeader((uint32_t)GZippedFileProto::FILENAME, WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); size_t fileLen = strlen(mFilenames[index]); internalBuffer->writeRawVarint32(fileLen); for (size_t i = 0; i < fileLen; i++) { internalBuffer->writeRawByte(mFilenames[index][i]); } internalBuffer->writeHeader((uint32_t)GZippedFileProto::GZIPPED_DATA, WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); size_t editPos = internalBuffer->wp()->pos(); internalBuffer->wp()->move(8); // reserve 8 bytes for the varint of the data size. size_t dataBeginAt = internalBuffer->wp()->pos(); VLOG("[%s] editPos=%zu, dataBeginAt=%zu", this->name.string(), editPos, dataBeginAt); status_t readStatus = buffer.readProcessedDataInStream( fd.get(), std::move(p2cPipe.writeFd()), std::move(c2pPipe.readFd()), this->timeoutMs, isSysfs(mFilenames[index])); writer->setSectionStats(buffer); if (readStatus != NO_ERROR || buffer.timedOut()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to read data from gzip: %s, timedout: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false"); kill_child(pid); return readStatus; } status_t gzipStatus = wait_child(pid); if (gzipStatus != NO_ERROR) { ALOGW("[%s] abnormal child process: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-gzipStatus)); return gzipStatus; } // Revisit the actual size from gzip result and edit the internal buffer accordingly. size_t dataSize = buffer.size() - dataBeginAt; internalBuffer->wp()->rewind()->move(editPos); internalBuffer->writeRawVarint32(dataSize); internalBuffer->copy(dataBeginAt, dataSize); return writer->writeSection(buffer); } // ================================================================================ struct WorkerThreadData : public virtual RefBase { const WorkerThreadSection* section; Fpipe pipe; // Lock protects these fields std::mutex lock; bool workerDone; status_t workerError; explicit WorkerThreadData(const WorkerThreadSection* section); virtual ~WorkerThreadData(); }; WorkerThreadData::WorkerThreadData(const WorkerThreadSection* sec) : section(sec), workerDone(false), workerError(NO_ERROR) {} WorkerThreadData::~WorkerThreadData() {} // ================================================================================ WorkerThreadSection::WorkerThreadSection(int id, const int64_t timeoutMs) : Section(id, timeoutMs) {} WorkerThreadSection::~WorkerThreadSection() {} void sigpipe_handler(int signum) { if (signum == SIGPIPE) { ALOGE("Wrote to a broken pipe\n"); } else { ALOGE("Received unexpected signal: %d\n", signum); } } status_t WorkerThreadSection::Execute(ReportWriter* writer) const { // Create shared data and pipe. Don't put data on the stack since this thread may exit early. sp data = new WorkerThreadData(this); if (!data->pipe.init()) { return -errno; } data->incStrong(this); std::thread([data, this]() { // Don't crash the service if writing to a closed pipe (may happen if dumping times out) signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handler); status_t err = data->section->BlockingCall(data->pipe.writeFd()); { std::scoped_lock lock(data->lock); data->workerDone = true; data->workerError = err; // unique_fd is not thread safe. If we don't lock it, reset() may pause half way while // the other thread executes to the end, calling ~Fpipe, which is a race condition. data->pipe.writeFd().reset(); } data->decStrong(this); }).detach(); // Loop reading until either the timeout or the worker side is done (i.e. eof). status_t err = NO_ERROR; bool workerDone = false; FdBuffer buffer; err = buffer.read(data->pipe.readFd().get(), this->timeoutMs); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("[%s] reader failed with error '%s'", this->name.string(), strerror(-err)); } // If the worker side is finished, then return its error (which may overwrite // our possible error -- but it's more interesting anyway). If not, then we timed out. { std::scoped_lock lock(data->lock); data->pipe.close(); if (data->workerError != NO_ERROR) { err = data->workerError; ALOGE("[%s] worker failed with error '%s'", this->name.string(), strerror(-err)); } workerDone = data->workerDone; } writer->setSectionStats(buffer); if (err != NO_ERROR) { char errMsg[128]; snprintf(errMsg, 128, "[%s] failed with error '%s'", this->name.string(), strerror(-err)); writer->error(this, err, "WorkerThreadSection failed."); return NO_ERROR; } if (buffer.truncated()) { ALOGW("[%s] too large, truncating", this->name.string()); // Do not write a truncated section. It won't pass through the PrivacyFilter. return NO_ERROR; } if (!workerDone || buffer.timedOut()) { ALOGW("[%s] timed out", this->name.string()); return NO_ERROR; } // Write the data that was collected return writer->writeSection(buffer); } // ================================================================================ CommandSection::CommandSection(int id, const int64_t timeoutMs, const char* command, ...) : Section(id, timeoutMs) { va_list args; va_start(args, command); mCommand = varargs(command, args); va_end(args); name = "cmd"; for (int i = 0; mCommand[i] != NULL; i++) { name += " "; name += mCommand[i]; } } CommandSection::CommandSection(int id, const char* command, ...) : Section(id) { va_list args; va_start(args, command); mCommand = varargs(command, args); va_end(args); name = "cmd"; for (int i = 0; mCommand[i] != NULL; i++) { name += " "; name += mCommand[i]; } } CommandSection::~CommandSection() { free(mCommand); } status_t CommandSection::Execute(ReportWriter* writer) const { Fpipe cmdPipe; Fpipe ihPipe; if (!cmdPipe.init() || !ihPipe.init()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to setup pipes", this->name.string()); return -errno; } pid_t cmdPid = fork_execute_cmd((char* const*)mCommand, NULL, &cmdPipe); if (cmdPid == -1) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to fork", this->name.string()); return -errno; } pid_t ihPid = fork_execute_incident_helper(this->id, &cmdPipe, &ihPipe); if (ihPid == -1) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to fork", this->name.string()); return -errno; } cmdPipe.writeFd().reset(); FdBuffer buffer; status_t readStatus = buffer.read(ihPipe.readFd().get(), this->timeoutMs); writer->setSectionStats(buffer); if (readStatus != NO_ERROR || buffer.timedOut()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to read data from incident helper: %s, timedout: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false"); kill_child(cmdPid); kill_child(ihPid); return readStatus; } // Waiting for command here has one trade-off: the failed status of command won't be detected // until buffer timeout, but it has advatage on starting the data stream earlier. status_t cmdStatus = wait_child(cmdPid); status_t ihStatus = wait_child(ihPid); if (cmdStatus != NO_ERROR || ihStatus != NO_ERROR) { ALOGW("[%s] abnormal child processes, return status: command: %s, incident helper: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-cmdStatus), strerror(-ihStatus)); // Not a fatal error. return NO_ERROR; } return writer->writeSection(buffer); } // ================================================================================ DumpsysSection::DumpsysSection(int id, const char* service, ...) : WorkerThreadSection(id, REMOTE_CALL_TIMEOUT_MS), mService(service) { name = "dumpsys "; name += service; va_list args; va_start(args, service); while (true) { const char* arg = va_arg(args, const char*); if (arg == NULL) { break; } mArgs.add(String16(arg)); name += " "; name += arg; } va_end(args); } DumpsysSection::~DumpsysSection() {} status_t DumpsysSection::BlockingCall(unique_fd& pipeWriteFd) const { // checkService won't wait for the service to show up like getService will. sp service = defaultServiceManager()->checkService(mService); if (service == NULL) { ALOGW("DumpsysSection: Can't lookup service: %s", String8(mService).string()); return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } service->dump(pipeWriteFd.get(), mArgs); return NO_ERROR; } // ================================================================================ TextDumpsysSection::TextDumpsysSection(int id, const char* service, ...) :Section(id), mService(service) { name = "dumpsys "; name += service; va_list args; va_start(args, service); while (true) { const char* arg = va_arg(args, const char*); if (arg == NULL) { break; } mArgs.add(String16(arg)); name += " "; name += arg; } va_end(args); } TextDumpsysSection::~TextDumpsysSection() {} status_t TextDumpsysSection::Execute(ReportWriter* writer) const { // checkService won't wait for the service to show up like getService will. sp service = defaultServiceManager()->checkService(mService); if (service == NULL) { ALOGW("TextDumpsysSection: Can't lookup service: %s", String8(mService).string()); return NAME_NOT_FOUND; } // Create pipe Fpipe dumpPipe; if (!dumpPipe.init()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to setup pipe", this->name.string()); return -errno; } // Run dumping thread const uint64_t start = Nanotime(); std::thread worker([write_fd = std::move(dumpPipe.writeFd()), service = std::move(service), this]() mutable { // Don't crash the service if writing to a closed pipe (may happen if dumping times out) signal(SIGPIPE, sigpipe_handler); status_t err = service->dump(write_fd.get(), this->mArgs); if (err != OK) { ALOGW("[%s] dump thread failed. Error: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-err)); } write_fd.reset(); }); // Collect dump content FdBuffer buffer; ProtoOutputStream proto; proto.write(TextDumpProto::COMMAND, std::string(name.string())); proto.write(TextDumpProto::DUMP_DURATION_NS, int64_t(Nanotime() - start)); buffer.write(proto.data()); sp internalBuffer = buffer.data(); internalBuffer->writeHeader((uint32_t)TextDumpProto::CONTENT, WIRE_TYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED); size_t editPos = internalBuffer->wp()->pos(); internalBuffer->wp()->move(8); // reserve 8 bytes for the varint of the data size size_t dataBeginPos = internalBuffer->wp()->pos(); status_t readStatus = buffer.read(dumpPipe.readFd(), this->timeoutMs); dumpPipe.readFd().reset(); writer->setSectionStats(buffer); if (readStatus != OK || buffer.timedOut()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to read from dumpsys: %s, timedout: %s", this->name.string(), strerror(-readStatus), buffer.timedOut() ? "true" : "false"); worker.detach(); return readStatus; } worker.join(); // wait for worker to finish // Revisit the actual size from dumpsys and edit the internal buffer accordingly. size_t dumpSize = buffer.size() - dataBeginPos; internalBuffer->wp()->rewind()->move(editPos); internalBuffer->writeRawVarint32(dumpSize); internalBuffer->copy(dataBeginPos, dumpSize); return writer->writeSection(buffer); } // ================================================================================ // initialization only once in Section.cpp. map LogSection::gLastLogsRetrieved; LogSection::LogSection(int id, const char* logID, ...) : WorkerThreadSection(id), mLogMode(logModeBase) { name = "logcat -b "; name += logID; va_list args; va_start(args, logID); mLogID = android_name_to_log_id(logID); while(true) { const char* arg = va_arg(args, const char*); if (arg == NULL) { break; } if (!strcmp(arg, "-L")) { // Read from last logcat buffer mLogMode = mLogMode | ANDROID_LOG_PSTORE; } name += " "; name += arg; } va_end(args); switch (mLogID) { case LOG_ID_EVENTS: case LOG_ID_STATS: case LOG_ID_SECURITY: mBinary = true; break; default: mBinary = false; } } LogSection::~LogSection() {} static size_t trimTail(char const* buf, size_t len) { while (len > 0) { char c = buf[len - 1]; if (c == '\0' || c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == ':') { len--; } else { break; } } return len; } static inline int32_t get4LE(uint8_t const* src) { return src[0] | (src[1] << 8) | (src[2] << 16) | (src[3] << 24); } status_t LogSection::BlockingCall(unique_fd& pipeWriteFd) const { // heap profile shows that liblog malloc & free significant amount of memory in this process. // Hence forking a new process to prevent memory fragmentation. pid_t pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to fork", this->name.string()); return errno; } if (pid > 0) { return wait_child(pid, this->timeoutMs); } // Open log buffer and getting logs since last retrieved time if any. unique_ptr loggers( gLastLogsRetrieved.find(mLogID) == gLastLogsRetrieved.end() ? android_logger_list_alloc(mLogMode, 0, 0) : android_logger_list_alloc_time(mLogMode, gLastLogsRetrieved[mLogID], 0), android_logger_list_free); if (android_logger_open(loggers.get(), mLogID) == NULL) { ALOGE("[%s] Can't get logger.", this->name.string()); _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } log_msg msg; log_time lastTimestamp(0); ProtoOutputStream proto; status_t err = OK; while (true) { // keeps reading until logd buffer is fully read. status_t status = android_logger_list_read(loggers.get(), &msg); // status = 0 - no content, unexpected connection drop or EOF. // status = +ive number - size of retrieved data from logger // status = -ive number, OS supplied error _except_ for -EAGAIN // status = -EAGAIN, graceful indication for ANDRODI_LOG_NONBLOCK that this is the end. if (status <= 0) { if (status != -EAGAIN) { ALOGW("[%s] fails to read a log_msg.\n", this->name.string()); err = -status; } break; } if (mBinary) { // remove the first uint32 which is tag's index in event log tags android_log_context context = create_android_log_parser(msg.msg() + sizeof(uint32_t), msg.len() - sizeof(uint32_t)); android_log_list_element elem; lastTimestamp.tv_sec = msg.entry.sec; lastTimestamp.tv_nsec = msg.entry.nsec; // format a BinaryLogEntry uint64_t token = proto.start(LogProto::BINARY_LOGS); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::SEC, (int32_t)msg.entry.sec); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::NANOSEC, (int32_t)msg.entry.nsec); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::UID, (int)msg.entry.uid); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::PID, msg.entry.pid); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::TID, (int32_t)msg.entry.tid); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::TAG_INDEX, get4LE(reinterpret_cast(msg.msg()))); do { elem = android_log_read_next(context); uint64_t elemToken = proto.start(BinaryLogEntry::ELEMS); switch (elem.type) { case EVENT_TYPE_INT: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_INT); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_INT32, (int)elem.data.int32); break; case EVENT_TYPE_LONG: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LONG); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_INT64, (long long)elem.data.int64); break; case EVENT_TYPE_STRING: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_STRING); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_STRING, elem.data.string, elem.len); break; case EVENT_TYPE_FLOAT: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_FLOAT); proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::VAL_FLOAT, elem.data.float32); break; case EVENT_TYPE_LIST: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LIST); break; case EVENT_TYPE_LIST_STOP: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_LIST_STOP); break; case EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN: proto.write(BinaryLogEntry::Elem::TYPE, BinaryLogEntry::Elem::EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN); break; } proto.end(elemToken); } while ((elem.type != EVENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN) && !elem.complete); proto.end(token); if (context) { android_log_destroy(&context); } } else { AndroidLogEntry entry; status = android_log_processLogBuffer(&msg.entry, &entry); if (status != OK) { ALOGW("[%s] fails to process to an entry.\n", this->name.string()); err = status; break; } lastTimestamp.tv_sec = entry.tv_sec; lastTimestamp.tv_nsec = entry.tv_nsec; // format a TextLogEntry uint64_t token = proto.start(LogProto::TEXT_LOGS); proto.write(TextLogEntry::SEC, (long long)entry.tv_sec); proto.write(TextLogEntry::NANOSEC, (long long)entry.tv_nsec); proto.write(TextLogEntry::PRIORITY, (int)entry.priority); proto.write(TextLogEntry::UID, entry.uid); proto.write(TextLogEntry::PID, entry.pid); proto.write(TextLogEntry::TID, entry.tid); proto.write(TextLogEntry::TAG, entry.tag, trimTail(entry.tag, entry.tagLen)); proto.write(TextLogEntry::LOG, entry.message, trimTail(entry.message, entry.messageLen)); proto.end(token); } if (!proto.flush(pipeWriteFd.get())) { if (errno == EPIPE) { ALOGW("[%s] wrote to a broken pipe\n", this->name.string()); } err = errno; break; } proto.clear(); } gLastLogsRetrieved[mLogID] = lastTimestamp; _exit(err); } // ================================================================================ const int LINK_NAME_LEN = 64; const int EXE_NAME_LEN = 1024; TombstoneSection::TombstoneSection(int id, const char* type, const int64_t timeoutMs) : WorkerThreadSection(id, timeoutMs), mType(type) { name = "tombstone "; name += type; } TombstoneSection::~TombstoneSection() {} status_t TombstoneSection::BlockingCall(unique_fd& pipeWriteFd) const { std::unique_ptr proc(opendir("/proc"), closedir); if (proc.get() == nullptr) { ALOGE("opendir /proc failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -errno; } const std::set hal_pids = get_interesting_hal_pids(); auto pooledBuffer = get_buffer_from_pool(); ProtoOutputStream proto(pooledBuffer); // dumpBufferSize should be a multiple of page size (4 KB) to reduce memory fragmentation size_t dumpBufferSize = 64 * 1024; // 64 KB is enough for most tombstone dump char* dumpBuffer = (char*)mmap(NULL, dumpBufferSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); struct dirent* d; char link_name[LINK_NAME_LEN]; char exe_name[EXE_NAME_LEN]; status_t err = NO_ERROR; while ((d = readdir(proc.get()))) { int pid = atoi(d->d_name); if (pid <= 0) { continue; } snprintf(link_name, LINK_NAME_LEN, "/proc/%d/exe", pid); struct stat fileStat; if (stat(link_name, &fileStat) != OK) { continue; } ssize_t exe_name_len = readlink(link_name, exe_name, EXE_NAME_LEN); if (exe_name_len < 0 || exe_name_len >= EXE_NAME_LEN) { ALOGE("[%s] Can't read '%s': %s", name.string(), link_name, strerror(errno)); continue; } // readlink(2) does not put a null terminator at the end exe_name[exe_name_len] = '\0'; bool is_java_process; if (strncmp(exe_name, "/system/bin/app_process32", LINK_NAME_LEN) == 0 || strncmp(exe_name, "/system/bin/app_process64", LINK_NAME_LEN) == 0) { if (mType != "java") continue; // Don't bother dumping backtraces for the zygote. if (IsZygote(pid)) { VLOG("Skipping Zygote"); continue; } is_java_process = true; } else if (should_dump_native_traces(exe_name)) { if (mType != "native") continue; is_java_process = false; } else if (hal_pids.find(pid) != hal_pids.end()) { if (mType != "hal") continue; is_java_process = false; } else { // Probably a native process we don't care about, continue. VLOG("Skipping %d", pid); continue; } Fpipe dumpPipe; if (!dumpPipe.init()) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to setup dump pipe", this->name.string()); err = -errno; break; } const uint64_t start = Nanotime(); pid_t child = fork(); if (child < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to fork child process"); break; } else if (child == 0) { // This is the child process. dumpPipe.readFd().reset(); const int ret = dump_backtrace_to_file_timeout( pid, is_java_process ? kDebuggerdJavaBacktrace : kDebuggerdNativeBacktrace, is_java_process ? 5 : 20, dumpPipe.writeFd().get()); if (ret == -1) { if (errno == 0) { ALOGW("Dumping failed for pid '%d', likely due to a timeout\n", pid); } else { ALOGE("Dumping failed for pid '%d': %s\n", pid, strerror(errno)); } } dumpPipe.writeFd().reset(); _exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } dumpPipe.writeFd().reset(); // Parent process. // Read from the pipe concurrently to avoid blocking the child. FdBuffer buffer; err = buffer.readFully(dumpPipe.readFd().get()); // Wait on the child to avoid it becoming a zombie process. status_t cStatus = wait_child(child); if (err != NO_ERROR) { ALOGW("[%s] failed to read stack dump: %d", this->name.string(), err); dumpPipe.readFd().reset(); break; } if (cStatus != NO_ERROR) { ALOGE("[%s] child had an issue: %s\n", this->name.string(), strerror(-cStatus)); } // Resize dump buffer if (dumpBufferSize < buffer.size()) { munmap(dumpBuffer, dumpBufferSize); while(dumpBufferSize < buffer.size()) dumpBufferSize = dumpBufferSize << 1; dumpBuffer = (char*)mmap(NULL, dumpBufferSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0); } sp reader = buffer.data()->read(); int i = 0; while (reader->hasNext()) { dumpBuffer[i] = reader->next(); i++; } uint64_t token = proto.start(android::os::BackTraceProto::TRACES); proto.write(android::os::BackTraceProto::Stack::PID, pid); proto.write(android::os::BackTraceProto::Stack::DUMP, dumpBuffer, i); proto.write(android::os::BackTraceProto::Stack::DUMP_DURATION_NS, static_cast(Nanotime() - start)); proto.end(token); dumpPipe.readFd().reset(); if (!proto.flush(pipeWriteFd.get())) { if (errno == EPIPE) { ALOGE("[%s] wrote to a broken pipe\n", this->name.string()); } err = errno; break; } proto.clear(); } munmap(dumpBuffer, dumpBufferSize); return_buffer_to_pool(pooledBuffer); return err; } // ================================================================================ BringYourOwnSection::BringYourOwnSection(int id, const char* customName, const uid_t callingUid, const sp& callback) : WorkerThreadSection(id, REMOTE_CALL_TIMEOUT_MS), uid(callingUid), mCallback(callback) { name = "registered "; name += customName; } BringYourOwnSection::~BringYourOwnSection() {} status_t BringYourOwnSection::BlockingCall(unique_fd& pipeWriteFd) const { android::os::ParcelFileDescriptor pfd(std::move(pipeWriteFd)); if(mCallback != nullptr) { mCallback->onDumpSection(pfd); } return NO_ERROR; } } // namespace incidentd } // namespace os } // namespace android